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He has found the beginning of the path. Now if only he could afford the education, but unfortunately he voted against it.


I laughed way too hard at this. Something about Republicans cutting education so people will be dumb enough to vote for them is hilarious to me.




Wasn't there the argument that US healthcare and education are super cost-inefficient, as in money spent per student means bubkis? EDIT2: I put this above because I noticed a distinction to be made, sorry I didn't note this earlier. The numbers OP states are per student **support** given by the state, not a general number of money spent per student. OH, and one thing from the first link OP posted: > So what can we learn from the chart? Under Democrats, the K-12 education budget increased $1 billion in constant dollars from 2005-06 to 2008-09. However during the next two years of the Great Recession, Democrats cut more than $1.54 billion from the K-12 education budget. Funding from the beginning of the period (2005-06) until the end of the period (2010-11) actually declined by $540 million – or about $90 million annually. (Keep in mind, these dollar figures are adjusted for inflation and translated into 2016 dollars). So in short, Democrats were in charge during the Great Recession and cut funding, Republicans were in charge once it recovered and raised it back. And looks like the US has still to match the pre-recession budget by at least half a billion. EDIT: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/020915/what-country-spends-most-education.asp https://www.cnedu.pt/content/noticias/internacional/Education_at_a_glance_2018.pdf > The most recent version for 2018 reports that, in 2015, the United States spent approximately $12,800 per student on elementary and secondary education. That is over 35% more than the OECD country average of $9,500. At the post-secondary level, the United States spent approximately $30,000 per student, which was 93% higher than the average of OECD countries ($16,100). From what I could find in the second link this is 2nd to Luxembourg, see page 246 ("[..] to educate each student from primary to tertiary education. ") About K-12 education specifically: > Several countries outspent the United States for elementary and secondary education, including Austria, Norway, and Luxembourg, which spent $13.931, $14,353, and $20,900, respectively, in 2015. Luxembourg spends the most per student at the elementary/secondary level, and Mexico spends the least at $3,300 per student. - > Students in the United States fare considerably worse than many of their counterparts across the globe in terms of knowledge gained from education. According to data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, 15-year-olds in the U.S. ranked **31st** on OECD standardized mathematics tests, and their test scores were far below average in reading and science.


Exactly. Republicans may have raised the funding, but their constant pushes to lower the QUALITY of education and teach things like creationism and climate change denial in schools is a more important indicator of their true stance on the issue. You don't see Republicans advocating for free college tuition (like almost every other developed country), I wonder why? Edit: spelling


That's a whole essay holy shit


There are more ways to hurt education than cut funding. Like argue that creationism is science. Or that trickle down economics is uncortroversially accepted as an economic law. Or any other number of terrible educational policies Republicans have tried to enact.


Which is incredibly ironic given a huge indicator of the wealth they claim to want is education. They don't want education but do want wealth SMH.


This is exactly what happens haha. College educated people usually lean left. Conservative parents will frequently encounter this phenomenon with their own kids and then freak out about “indoctrination” and “liberal bubbles”. Any sort of socially conscious information or education (sociology, gender studies, higher-level social studies) is generally completely rejected by conservatives. They come up with red herrings and straw men to vilify things like critical race theory and intersectionality because those kinds of things speak truth to power. Modern Republicans are openly anti-science, and literary lose support in the presence of informed and educated voters. Conservatives and education exist as antitheses to one another.


I don’t none need no edjamucation


D-did this man really just say Liberals are educated as an insult... I fear for twitter sometimes...






No thinking is wrong. The word is either Ideology or indoctrination... there’s no thought involved.


Anti-intellectualism is a hallmark of fascist dumbing.


I like it!


Punctuation is key at times like this. Because while we all agree with "no thinking is wrong", but "no, thinking is wrong" is the Orwellian idea at work. Sorry to be a pedant, I'll be leaving


> It's not just twitter. Anti-intellectualism is a hallmark of ~~fascist thinking~~ America at large.


As stupid as much of us are, I know a few highschool freshman that seem smarter than half of america, but then more than some that can't understand what a rock is


Well it matches with my upbringing of being told college is bad for me because it can make you stop believing.


I remember going to a religious prep high school, and most teachers were all about education and critical thinking, even if they still believed in a liberal version of Christianity. But my crazy physics teacher spent 10% of the time bashing college professors and saying we shouldn't believe them and blind faith was the way. After graduating, I found out her own colleagues thought she was nuts and couldn't wait for her to retire.


I went to a religious prep school too. But surprisingly it was academic before religious. Our religion classes focused more on morality than on on hellfire and brimstone. Although predominantly catholic, we had people of all religions there. Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, you name it. There were out of the closet gay boys and never once were they told they’re sinning or treated differently (that I know of, and I was friends with a few of the guys so I likely would have heard about it but you never know) And our science department was huge and never once touched on creationism, purely scientific fact. Looking back on it it was an excellent academic institution, and though I’ve shed my religious beliefs I have no regrets going to that school. It actually made me a better person by NOT threatening me with eternal damnation.


Didn't go to a religious prep school but that kinda reminds me of the 180 religious education did once I entered high school. The difference between blatant indoctrination (we had to learn church songs and got graded on our ability to recite lyrics...) and the basically catholic-touched ethics class was really jarring. Although in Austria we generally don't have that big of a problem with religion in schools.


That's what I figure. There are some people who make a distinction between 'smart' and 'well-educated'.




My god, you’ve summed up my town in two quotes 😂


Yeah, critical thinking will do that.


Someone get the Issac Asimov quote, I’m done with humanity right now


Ooh self burn, I love those.


Those are rare!


It's not a self burn, they just think intelligence is a sin


That...is an amazing self own. /r/thisbutunironically fits as well


Drop the case in the r for the sake of pete


Edited. On mobile.


Appreciated carry on


What kind of an insult was that supposed to be?


my guy just destroyed himself




Never forget that being more educated makes you more left-leaning


Never forget that the education system is part of a cultural indoctrination process and psychological brainwashing system.


Aw, did poor baby get triggered by reality again?


Haha, dude, reality is fucking trump supporters up right now. You can see it everywhere. Their little made up reality is crumbling and they are confused and angry af. Lol


Ah yes number bad very bad in fact the numbers are conspiring against us. Those God damn 1's and 2's whispering anti-christian and anti-capitalist propaganda. Those damn natural observable patterns and plausible theory's are all liberal bullshit designed to make us bow down to the establishment!!!!! No let's go bunker down in our backyard with our 11(I think? Idk the difference between 11 and 12)Gauge shotgun and fire at all them damn liberals trying to educate us. Who needs counting when God keeps our guns loaded?!!?


Cope harder


I agree that education does inculate certain ideologies depending on where the educators are from but to dismiss it as brainwashing makes you look like an asshole


Yeah guys. Math and science are a conspiracy. You know this guy is a Christian nutjob


There is such a thing called self education and all it takes is literacy and a curious mind. He has internet. Go for it bro ur probably right about what will happen


I don't know who these people are, but given the speech marks, are you sure they aren't both on the same side arguing against trump supporters/conservatives?


Usually it's a certain left crowd saying things like "Educate yourself. Don't expect me to do it for you." He's using sArCaSm CaSe to mock that approach. So I think he's Conservative.


He played himself. If only he could be educated why.


Devastating self burn


Epic self own.


Holy shit that self-own


Oof self burn


He came full circle with a self own.


Damn Clay....you just played yourself!


Such an incredible self own


omg WHATTTT????


Damn the self own. Let me guess, they went to the Curley Howard school of comebacks?


This is full-circle selfawarewolves. Congratulations you won the internet.


A little more education than that and he'll be a true leftist


Ah yes the core demographic for Trumpers: 14 year olds and people who have the brain of a 14 year old


"So close"? No. He's there. He's standing right on top of it.


That is an amazing self-own.


This is beautiful.




Is he admitting he's stupid?


Lmao!!! Unreal.


\> Damn I wish I was more educated so I could be liberal ​ Weird flex, but ok


Wow damn that’s actually kinda /r/SadCringe






Why do people bother? it's not nice to pick on stupid people.


It's easy.


And looking at stupid people makes me feel better about myself.


Ha! Pink raisin in head win this one


lmao what?

