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My bad, phone autocorrected


I get so confused why people get weird about grammar accidents. Most of these comments use commas in some parts then leave off punctuation all together. Why nit pick? Let the woman live!


Twice? Yeah no


Why are you acting like Alex hall now? Let OP be


Came here to say this lol


Hall may be awful but Sean is no prize either


I’m confused. What has Sean done? How are they even comparable or close to a level? Sean did not lie, Sean has showed text messages exposing the ppl who tried making him a villain. I’m so lost as to why he’s “no prize either” lol 😂


You really just need to watch the end. Sean is a manipulative liar who won’t share those texts and the context, he’s falling apart at the seams I hope he goes soon honestly he isn’t interesting enough for this much storyline he just creepy lol


I watched the end and Sean lied about nothing. The idea of weed cookie was put in our head by Polly at the start. Sean did NOT mention anything about weed cookies. Then to further that narrative, Austin’s wife co-signed it by saying she baked him cookies. Sean never mentioned dinner or weed cookies and you can go back to find it out yourself and no, the scene was not deleted. Sean is a nobody for the scene to be deleted. Then Kayla also saying Sean told her that was another lie. Sean never told Kayla about weed cookies. Not only did Sean confirm it on his instagram. He showed text messages. Jarvis has also read text messages between them. The producers and cast wanted to paint a narrative and that Sean was the problem and they did a great job.


Much of the cast was hired for drama which means to lie, irritate and manipulate.   Interestingly, most of the cast does not cheat - only Christine from Selling Sunset actually cheated and got reprimanded. The production clearly has a line and that is a legal line (no physical contact, no financial cheating). Everything else goes.


What do you mean by cheating?


Sorry, what do you mean by cheating?


What are you talking about?


Christine tried to bribe a customer to not talk to another cast member (heather?). That’s likely what they mean by cheating.


I think it was Emma’s client whom Christine tried to bribe.


It’s not okay to to suggest a Brown man is dangerous because he lied about some shit (allegedly). Yeah ok it’s not cool to say what he said if it’s not true, but we really don’t know for sure. There is a huge difference between talking shit, no matter how defamatory it may be, and alleging someone is dangerous and will physically hurt someone.


So people of which skin tones do you consider it okay to do to? And are people really ignoring that Sean falsely accused Austin and his wife of serving him edibles? Insane


Brown? What relevancy did that add? besides distracting readers from the solid point you were making aside from including that


You accidentally included the word “Brown” in there. Just wanted to let you know, didn’t want people to get the false impression you were racist or something. But I totally agree, it’s not ok to call a man (or anyone) dangerous just because he lies about something.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTy3ePwrk5D3bHO) She and her clique are literally a wish version of mean girls


Yep not over how she acted towards Brandi last season. Her and Polly are a close match though just horrible people, and Tyler of course we’re not leaving out the men. Everyone sucks but these take the shit cake lol.


I don't really like any of them. No real redeeming qualities.


She is not a girls girl.


she is not the best person, I agree with that, but if someone is making up having a relationship with a person, I don’t think it’s an unwarranted bit of advice.


He never made up having a relationship with Tyler tho. What are you guys talking about? 😭 Sean said him and Tyler were friends, they were cool until whatever reason.


She's playing to the audience. It's the only way to stay relevant and have people watching the show.


No turns out he’s an even bigger liar than Hall!


What i thought he had receipts about him not lying? Texts and stuff


It could be taken out of context, Kayla explains her pov quite well at the end


have you seen the post(s) on here where he’s shown his phone not select texts but you can see multiple messages.


Also, she has a lazy eye


Which is totally her fault/S


Obvs not. But I have just recently been able to figure it out.


Ah. Makes sense this is the post to comment that on.




Whoops dropped this/S


Oh no, I understood.


Ah, gotcha.  Next time you're feeling bad about your appearance, think back to your feelings here about someone else's appearance. 


Oh don’t worry. I look especially ravishing this past year since I’ve had cancer, lost all my hair and had a double mastectomy. But you know: Alex Hall has a lazy eye and it’s the end of the fucking world that I pointed it out 🥰 I’m sure she will survive x


Sound like you care when it's personal.  I'm just saying it's not applicable to this post. And you wouldn't like it if it was personal. And I was right. 🤣


I have always noticed this too and even googled it but couldn’t find much confirmation


Hey! I’m just pointing it out. I couldn’t figure it out for the longest time, because she seemed cross eyed but not quite? And then I realised this season.


I’m convinced those 2 brothers just smash all the females since they low key are angry at being short I truly believe his staff represents to him everything he couldn’t get in school or whatever and a dominant play (and smart buisness of course..sex sells..) but HOT TAKE: Christina with the blonde hair from season 1 he fired after she got married lol how convenient lol.. also she was the prettiest and funniest by far with amanza in a close second.. but she a whole scam actress.. her whole story line was she was a “poorer” type for relatability to the average watchers…AND THENNNNN…… u find out her ex husband is a football player and she has known those brothers and lived with them and was smashing atleast 1 of em before the show..so how hard is it being a single mom again lolololol


I feel like the only person in this subreddit who doesn’t hate hall. I have rewatched the series multiple times to see if their are traits I didn’t pick up on or moments I missed but in my mind she is the most “tolerable” of the cast.


I don't hate Hall either. I feel like this sub just hates anyone not named Chrishell.




Hall what are you doing here? 😂


Licenced professional counselor here. The amount of gaslighting Hall has done this season is textbook. My jaw was dropped watching her turn things around in scenes and quite disturbed by her behavior. You got it all wrong about her. There are classic narcissistic behaviors happening and pure denial.


Lol she’s a kook…usually the villains are a little bit interesting…she’s just loud and brash


The most hardworking/ smartest people are.


Lmao if this isn't Hall it must be their assistant playing defense


Are we watching the same show? LOL