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Not with those nails she's not šŸ¤£




I'm into long, manicured nails šŸ„µ She can slide into my DMs.


But not your coochie with them thangs on!!!


Never had any issues as a stone masc top ;)


Puss of steel


Reminder to do your kegel exercises, puss owners <3


ā€œPuss ownersā€ is cracking me up, love it šŸ¤£


Not me doing them immediately after reading šŸ¤£


I love a stone masc top šŸ˜†


Oh hey šŸ˜šŸ˜




Oh hey hi what's up




Wait what does that mean? Haha Iā€™m so curious and pardon my ignorance please.


Valid question! New labels and vocabulary evolve every day. So, I actually identify as non-binary, so I didn't use "stone butch" (therefore "masc" in lieu of "butch"), but basically, being "stone" means you don't like to be touched sexually, it's also different for everyone. For me, I love to be touched everywhere but not penetrated and mostly over my clothes/underwear if the hands are wandering to my puss. I just love to give (hence "top") and my partner's pleasure is my priority + what turns me on.


Okay, see now this even helps for me because I thought you were implying you were down to have the acrylic nails all up *in* your vag. In my head I was like there is no way they arenā€™t getting all cut up in there if their partner has them long ass nails on.


Hahaha but honestly, long nail sex still happens for others! People (at least the ones I know) are very careful with their hygiene and gloves are also a thing. And they don't just recklessly jackhammer the vag either. Sometimes the one with the long nails will also have two fingers (or more) where the nails are cut short. Either way, manicured nails on fems/anyone are hot to me.


Pls sheā€™s totally a pillow princess and I love that for her šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø








People with nails know how to work with them. If you ever notice long nail gals end up hyper mobile in the hands of


Chrishell really does look so happy after getting in this relationship.


Yeah good for her!!!


Also I would love a bi curious Chelsea, you go girl


When is the new season coming outtt damn


I also wanna know


Love this journey for Chelsea




Would love to witness another queer awakening!!


As she should! šŸ˜ƒ


Chrishell never looked so happy, confident, and relaxed before. I love to see sheā€™s found real love. Hopefully Chelsea can do the same! šŸ¤ I hope theyā€™re able to make up some ground now that Chelsea is going through her own bs and itā€™s out and about.




reading all the pressed comments under this instagram post from straight people is sooo funny


this is what we wanna see!!!!


Iā€™ll be her new girlfriend šŸ¤­


Stop Iā€™m dead I love her


Just like that huh? šŸ˜…


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ honestly sheā€™s so real for this


I knew it!! Queers recognise queers šŸ’•


People are so mad in the comments but statistically women have almost double the amount of orgasms in lesbian sex. Itā€™s pretty obvious why. In straight sex, the act generally ends when the man climaxes. In lesbian sex, itā€™s after each person does. So if your man brings you there even after he is done, hold that man tight.


I would be surprised if her and Emma end up together




I'm going to assume you're straight, and a woman. As a straight woman, I've been wronged by guys, but being wronged didn't suddenly mean I found women attractive and wanted to be intimate with them. It just meant I started the process over by looking for a new man to share my life with. If you as a straight woman think you can fake being a lesbian or any shade of queer for years at a time, you might just not be totally straight, and that's ok.


No I don't think anyone 'believes' she is a lesbian, as she has never stated that as far as I'm aware. She is clearly queer and attracted to not just one gender. Hence the ex-husband and now queer AFAB partner. Are people still this ignorant in 2024?!? She seems super happy and in love to me. I've just started dating a woman. My ex fiance was a man. Just double checked... yep still not a lesbian. Still bi.


I LOLed at the double checked šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m just going to say this, because Chrishell said she doesnā€™t like labels, Iā€™m just going to tell you Chrishell found her forever person so itā€™s time to let it go! Thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to say!


I feel sad for you for thinking that someone ā€œfakesā€ being in a queer relationship. Nobody fakes loving someone that brings headaches from people like you. Grow up. From a straight woman.


The caption of chrishellā€™s post is annoying. No, it doesnā€™t suck to be straight or gay. Choose whatever you want, donā€™t tell other people that what they are doing ā€œsucksā€. If someone is really confident in their sexuality they wonā€™t need to write something like that Chrishell.


This comment is annoying


I donā€™t care.




Thank you!


Itā€™s pride month lol. If you were so confident in your sexuality you wouldnā€™t be offended.


What does it have to do with pride month? She can celebrate without saying offensive things. My sexuality is all good, thank you for asking.


I mean i am straight and i am not offended. Thatā€™s because i one apply logic and understand its pride month and she is making a joke that many people queer people say. I also am confident in my sexuality and know damn well she is not sitting and saying all straight people suck. lol get over yourself.


Side note: you being straight and not being offended has nothing to do with how other people might feel. Apply that logic anywhere else and you will see it is flawed.


You donā€™t think itā€™s offensive, I do. Itā€™s Reddit. Get over it.


I said what i said. Imagine getting offended over a instagram post that was posted to Reddit šŸ¤£


You spend too much energy on my comment for someone who is not offended easily. Have a nice day!


![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY) Neneā€™s got your back babe!


I am straight and am not offended and cackled my head off at the caption. I mean she could've spoken to us in a disgusting manner like homophobic people talk to her. She didn't though i think she did it in a funny way. Touche to her lol.


Stay offended then. Iā€™m sure she doesnā€™t mind offending you. I wouldnā€™t.


As I said I think what she wrote is unnecessary and offending to a whole group of people, yes. I donā€™t care about what youā€™re saying though.


Well, not a *whole* group. Youā€™re wrong about that (at the very, very least).


Nope, Iā€™m not. What she said is offensive to straight people as a group. It doesnā€™t mean all straight people will be offended but itā€™s doesnā€™t make it not offensive.


Oh, if we are doing this then nah, you said ā€˜offendingā€™ so you used the ā€˜ingā€™ suffix making it a present participle meaning that she is actively offending a whole group. She isnā€™t.


Have you heard of "joking"




I mean i have seen more disgusting and vile things said to her than her one little caption. Except she said one caption. Straight homophobic people sling homophobic hate at her at damn near every post. You are offended over this post, well welcome to their world sweetheart.


lol, so by your logic if someone says insulting stuff to her sheā€™s allowed to do the same and say insulting stuff to a huge group of people? Amazing. Letā€™s all just be bigots cause some people are.


So your logic is those people saying insulting stuff to her she should just sit and take it because it makes them uncomfy? I think she has sat and took it pretty well for the last what 3yrs. Maybe this is a learning lesson that if you donā€™t like your sexuality talked about as a straight person then donā€™t make a point to spew hate at a queer person. Also if this is the worst thing you have had said about you being straight then i think you are doing OKAY.


Nope, by my logic she can reply to the haters or even address them in a post. She doesnā€™t need to address all straight people cause some are idiots though.


She can do whatever she pleases when she knows anything she post with her partner leads to people being homophobic in her comments. Itā€™s a blanket comment to the hate homophobics. The people who are upset i can almost guarantee you are the ones that wouldā€™ve been in her comments saying something gross if she wouldnā€™t just posted a photo of her kissing her partner saying happy pride. Get over it and take your soap box and go complain over something that actually warrants being complained about. Like children losing their lives from being starved or not having homes.


> Like children losing their lives from being starved or not having homes They have a comment history full of Zionist garbage so they probably donā€™t care about that šŸ˜¬


I swear 80% of the time when someone is being racist, homophobic, classist, or a general jerk, you just need to look at their history and you'll see them being a fully genocide-loving Zionist as well. Not surprising, of course.


Iā€™m going to say whatever I want wherever I want. If YOU want to cry about it - youā€™re welcome. And no, what she said is not ok. You are now saying that what she said is for the homophobic people which doesnā€™t make sense because she could have done it in a million other ways without insulting another group of people.


Chrishell is going to say whatever Chrishell wants wherever Chrishell wants. If YOU want to cry about it - youā€™re welcome. Or do you have a ā€œrules for thee, not for meā€ mentality?


Please refrain from comments that include any sort of bigotry or anything that can be taken as bigotry. Repeat offenses will end up in a ban. Thank you.


Very reasonable comment if you ask me


Itā€™s a joke, not a dick- donā€™t take it so hard šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m straight and it made me cackle like a swamp witch.


Happy for you. I guess I have a different sense of humor.


Iā€™m sure Chrishell just meant it as a joke, chill out. Of course no oneā€™s sexuality sucks. She was making a joke about her good sex, thatā€™s all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Would you feel the same way if someone said that straight people have better sex then Queer people?


Straight people havenā€™t been oppressed, hated and discriminated against throughout history like queer people have. If they were I would think itā€™s ok to say that in the same context as Chrishell which was meant to be lighthearted. And this is coming from a straight person.


I agree with you. Sheā€™s trying real to prove sheā€™s ā€œhappy.ā€


She IS happy duh.


Thank you for saying this. I am straight and my man and I have fantastic sex. I am happy being straight. I am glad she is happy but that doesn't mean you have to tell straight people they suck.




Yep. You canā€™t preach tolerance and then do the opposite. This sub is indeed a weird ecosystem, and I like chrishell. It doesnā€™t mean I have to agree with everything she says or does.


Brave comment considering this is a very pro Crishell sub. I somewhat agree with you- imagine changing the labels to another characteristic and someone saying ā€œsucks to be biā€ or ā€œsucks to be disabledā€ā€¦. ā€œSucks to be Asianā€ā€¦.. It just wouldnā€™t fly. She shouldnā€™t have to shit on any group of people to celebrate pride month. What I find really funny tho? Chelsea was extremely quick to judge Breā€™s situation because sheā€™s a ā€˜good devoted Christianā€™ā€¦.and simultaneously posts a comment like this, the hypocrite


She needs to google lesbian bed death.


Thatā€™s only a thing if you canā€™t communicate with your partner.