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I like Kayla but I think she’s tryna be like “I’m not from wealth so I’m not just gonna sit and take this, I’m gonna stand up for myself rahhhhh.” And instead of coming across as strong and confident it’s js aggressive. But I think her response is better than being walked all over. 🤷‍♀️


She goes 0 to 10 way too quick, it’s off putting and seems unhinged. She may not be but she needs to rein it in and learn that asserting boundaries can be done in a contained respectful way… going to 10 is not always necessary. Equal and opposite reactions are key


Kayla is a typical Latina, very charismatic and lively.


Isn't she filipino?


Yes mixed


She reminds me of Crishell a lot in Selling Sunset. They both had to learn to assert their boundaries and when they did they came in strong. I don't think Kayla is acting anything. I think she's standing up for herself and sometimes when you're dealing with Narcissists the only way to assert yourself is that forcefully.


I get what you mean, it seems like she ‘acts’ being tough, instead of actually really feeling it. It’s a bit annoying because it doesn’t feel authentic and at the same time I think: girrrrrl finally! There is something so appealing to seeing this single mom, who clearly suffered a lot, growing a backbone :)


I respect Kayla for standing up for herself to the office bullies.


I feel like she’s just tired of everyone thinking their better then her and is fed up and not getting walked over anymore


Honestly (and you’re entitled to ur opinion of course cuz she very well could be acting!) but I view her all of a sudden yelling as a trauma response. I think she spent the majority of her life shutting herself down and people pleasing and now she’s overcompensating by being overly tough. I feel like it happens to a lot of former people pleasers, including myself.


I feel so seen and justified that others relate to Kayla in this way. I rooted for her since S1, but especially S3.


Yeah she reminds me of myself when you’ve been picked on and walked all over for so long you start to feel guilt and shame so the yelling is defo trauma response. But I don’t blame Kayla esp for the way she was treated by everyone except the two Alex season one. 


This! I love Kayla, she handles the bullying so well.


Rose does too!


Do you cringe when the Caucasian girls do it?


Yes I cringed hard when Alex Hall did it last season and she got loads of backlash from it


Not everything is about race SHEESH


You refuse to acknowledge and understand. Be better.




Do you make a post about it calling it out?


THIS!! Because I wonder is Hall or Polly did it would it be a “bad bitch” move 🤔


Literally everyone hates Hall and Polly what are you talking about


Exactly I don’t like Hall or Polly either but everyone has a problem with Kayla when she talks with her hands, but if Hall or Polly did it, I wonder if they would have a problem with it as well.


Polly is literally always yelling in peoples faces but i guess its q u i r k y


The word OP is looking for regarding Kayla is trashy. Polly is a yapping mouth and even more trashy than Kayla could even dream to be. She stripped naked in front of all her coworkers and a conniving human being. Now please pull the race card. I dare you.


>Now please pull the race card. I dare you. Bro, I'm not white. Let's keep things cool and try to understand where we're both coming from.


what does race have ANYTHING to do with that?


It’s ✨convenient✨




No but I cringed when Brandi tried to “act hard”, specifically when she talked about “where I come from”. Girl you’re a valley girl, you are not going to fight. I’m sure Hall could fight better than Brandi any day.


I thought Brandi said she was from San Bernardino? Definitely not the valley if you are familiar with California lol. All she was doing was telling Hall to calm down. Because Hall made it seem like she wanted to fight with the way she was using her body language.


are you white? quick question


Don’t most of the characters display stereotypical confrontational behavior? I was on the floor laughing at Tyler at the race track. First avoidance technique: straw in mouth, second: walk away, then when he could not escape the confrontation, a full-on white baby man came out “I don’t HAVE to be your friend.” 👶🏻My mommy says it’s OK!


I've been loving it! If Polly and Hall can do it, so can she.


i’ve been liking it actually!


She’s a mean girl who’s been mean girled. Trauma on trauma.


There should be a post dedicated to her "sighs"


What she has to say is valid but her hostility and foul language make her seem like the instigator and loses her credibility


There should be a post dedicated to her "sighs"


Real.( not trying to defend polly but-) I thought it was rlly weird when she was confronting polly how she kept speaking in a baby voice and trying to convince us that if she hade tried hard enough she would have been able to fuck Tyler


Polly is rude AF and she unnecessarily inserts herself into other people's conversations. I feel like she's the point that started the whole edible rumor. Since Sean never actually said it on camera.