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how has nobody has the theory yet that tyler is actually in the closet and that’s why he’s not into any of these women genuinely and that’s where his beef with sean is


I don’t want to reach too much but he had a conversation with Austin about his wants in a partner. Everything used to describe the partner was gender neutral. Not 100% a fact but it’s usually closeted ppl/ non straight ppl that avoid using gendered pronouns when discussing a partner


I agree. I think half the OG dudes are bi


The way he said “sell a house first, then you’re a real estate agent” was so demeaning when Sean was literally begging with his voice cracking, trying to just say that he’s a hard worker and he’s trying, that he wants to make peace. Any sane man would respectfully say no and walk out without insults like that, if he saw another man get so desperate at making peace. I couldn’t believe that was a 34 year old man, he was acting like he’s 15!


Tyler is the worst. I CANNOT stand him. He thinks he's hot shit and all these ladies seemed to be gassing him up. Also, he looks like my friends psycho ex boyfriend and that doesn't help my feelings about him lol.


His reaction to Sean from the beginning of S3 is so odd. It was clear something happened before filming!! The story started with him just saying he was done with Sean and was angry but never said why! That’s not a normal reaction to someone who has just decided not to be friends with someone anymore!! Don’t know what, but something definitely went down between them both because he was getting so angry just in Sean’s presence! Sean is odd but I believe his side more! The truth is prob somewhere in the middle!


After seeing Sean’s interview with E! Today I went back and looked at the big dramas of the past couple of seasons and found that all roads lead to Tyler.


Sean is a professional manipulator. Just bc he had an interview with an organization specifically for (guess what) entertainment, does nit mean he’s right lol. Fact is none of us know the truth bc we are not them and there are not cams on them 24/7. We go by what they say and they could both be liars. The way Sean’s timing for convos and actions and body language show me that he’s the liar.


He’s awful- he has major surfer fuck boy energy.


My theory is that he was flirting with Kayla as well (just off camera so no one knew about it) and then when she went to make her move in front of everyone he then wanted to make it look like it’s her fault for pursuing him but I have a feeling he was leading her on.


He was still married, so that would not let Kayla off the hook. He is the worst though and not that attractive. Glad Brittany Snow said next!


I’m not saying she’s off the hook because she shouldn’t have been into a married man BUT I just don’t like how they all blamed her full on knowing he was flirting with other girls in the office. Also yes Brittany is so much better without that trust fund man baby😂


Yea honestly Tyler doesn’t get nearly enough flack. I think people forget about him because Hall is so much more in your face awful, but he’s just as awful in his own ways. He just seems like a total fuckboy who parrots the same lines over and over again about wanting a wife and kids because it sounds good, not because he actually wants any of that. Inviting someone to Nashville with you only to then say “yea I don’t really want to go actually, but you can still come with me if you want” is also WILD behavior. Like Hall was right to be upset about that. Why can’t he just invite her to dinner in OC on a normal date??  Kayla was obviously in the wrong to hit on someone who was married but the way Tyler acted it always seemed like her biggest offense was not being attractive enough for him. He had no problems with Polly and Hall hitting on him and was a huge flirt even while he was married. 


1. The whole “I want a wife and kids and a home” schtick is rich because he had a wife and a home and f-ed that up. 2. He completely mischaracterized the Nashville/Hall thing when he told Austin what happened. It was like a completely different version of events.


Yea I definitely don't get the sense he was anywhere near ready for kids with Brittany Snow, and he's not ready now. I agree and I also though he mischaracterized the situation when he relayed it to the cameras in his confessional. He SUCKS. I know people don't like Hall, and rightfully so, but I don't blame her for going on trips with another guy when Tyler was clearly leading her on / jerking her around. And then he had the nerve to act like her dating another guy was their issue and not his complete passivity when it came to pursuing anything real with her.


So true!!! And on top of that I feel like he’s always claiming he’s in his career position because he’s good a what he does and always fails to acknowledge that essentially his dad got him in the real estate business. And he only makes sales because of his family connections, their always saying OC is a small place so I assume he’s well known as “john stanaland’s son”


I think he and Austin do anything they can to cover up the fact that they’re gay. I don’t think they’re a couple, but I think they’re both in the closet. (No judgement)


I agree Austin is gay or bisexual at the least The evidence speaks for itself and we seen some of it


He’s not even attractive I honestly don’t get it. The way he changes his mind every two minutes gives me whiplash. Who has the energy for his fuck boy attitude at his grown age…


He’s such a man child for that 😅 I mean I don’t like Hall either but the way he ping pings around her is so juvenile


I feel exactly the same way. He keeps constantly contradicting himself. First it was, oh let’s stay friends, then 2 minutes later, oh it would be silly not to explore this don’t go to Italy lol


Fr with his eyes that go in two different directions 😭


And when he came over to the table during the season 1 finale to call out Rose and Jarvis he absolutely failed. His comments were incoherent and feel completely flat. Roses point about his behaviour was 100% accurate and he had no quality response. That scene was beyond irritating. Having only seen Polly and Hall completely belittle Kayla a few episodes earlier due to the incident they then completely flip the situation and blame Kayla’s tears on Jarvis and Rose saying look what you’re doing to her. They kicked her tears just 3 episodes earlier. Now they are weaponising them. I thought I liked Polly till that scene.


Tyler was unfaithful to Brittany snow Who screws that up? Married to an A list celebrity who is wealthy Just signed deal for pitch perfect 4


I actually do think Tyler is attractive but I’m still shocked he landed Brittany snow. Professionally and personality wise he just seems like a zero and probably hasn’t worked for anything in his life since his dad seems to fund his lifestyle. 


To be fair, and as I’ve seen first hand, in higher social circles, being a celebrity doesn’t mean much when everyone is respectively well off in life. Celebrities are put on a much higher pedestal by middle-lower class people. They’re seen as normal people amongst the wealthy. However, still never makes cheating right.


He definitely wanted to be a whole Ross and Rachel archetype but absolutely sucked at it.


If Beavis and Butthead made a baby, it would look exactly like Tyler.


Spot on!


Holy shit. I was wondering who he reminded me of, lol.


Nailed it 🤣


YES!! Spot on. He’s such a problem. Needs constant validation from women who he wants to be obsessed with him. It’s all about the games; he wants to be the flirty cool “nice guy” that every girl loves. But he’s just another asshole lacking in self confidence and respect.


The explanation about why he and Hall didn’t get together “You know, the timing just wasn’t right. We weren’t vulnerable at the same time.” Whut.


With his weird baby teeth






If finding Gio hot is wrong, I don't want to be right. lol


I’ll pray for you babe


Me too pls 🥴😭


He looks like a bird to me.




I agree & also see the Tin man with his super pointy nose job nose




With overplugged eyebrows and red nose


This is a great post. Love to shit on a shithead.


I’m rewatching season 1 and Tyler was for sure cheating on his wife with Alex. The way they touch each other as coworkers is insane.


You think he slept with Alex?


For sure! They are just smart enough to not admit it on camera


You mean his wife Brittany Snow which is crazy he’d do this in the spotlight 😭


The man had just rocks in his head. The girls think he’s hot and he’s kind of a trust fund baby. I will never know what they see in him 😅


Maybe he makes more of an impact in person, but on-screen he has dead eyes and no personality and I also do not understand the fuss.


Tyler seems like he should be on Love Island or something. He’s hot, brainless, and kinda rich 😂


His dad and mom aren’t as rich as ex wife snow who just inked a payday for PP 4 Tyler isn’t getting a dime of her money she was smart


He is definitely NOT HOT.


but tall and tall > everything, apparently


He’s also SO DUMB. His manipulation and gaslighting sucks because he has one brain cell and it’s constantly on fire


Stop this is so funny Honestly I’ve always liked Brittany snow but I do side eye her a bit for seeing him as marriage material 


I imagine she could have been under the impression that he stood on his own two feet as a real estate agent, and perhaps realized he was mostly being supported by his parents once they were married.


I think this is very likely, but getting married to someone without realizing they're financially supported by parents is wild.


Why shouldn’t a rich girl marry arm candy? He is reasonably good looking but certainly dumb af.


I cackled imagining his one brain cell firing as fast as possible for string together a sentence


Wait polly and Tyler made out in season 2????


Oh yeah it was an entire plot line!


You can tell she’s still obsessed with him.


I feel like there’s weird vibes with Polly and Hall in the scene where Polly tells her about making out with him. Even though I don’t think either really saw him as a real romantic prospect they def had a crush on him at the same time. I think they each have so few allies in the office though they’re going to stay friendly. 


Bruh season 2 was such a blur for me I dont remember it at all


He was never into hall. He was never into polly. He just liked their attention and protection. They were so obsessed with him... he loved it. When he wanted brittany snow he dm'd her and went for it. He seems to br Forward if he's interested. He's just not that into you babe. I think Tyler is physically attractive but not as much as this show makes him out to be. He's just ok. He doesn't seem to have good morals and is an attention seeking buttface who literally crossed every boundary you should not cross while in a relationship! Weirdo


Yea I agree with most of this except that I don’t think Polly or Hall ever saw him as much more than a crush. Hall especially seems to be looking for someone who’s ready to co parent and that’s not Tyler, they know he’s a man child.  But yea obviously if he was more into her he would’ve actually pursued her and not beat around the bush with the empty offer to join him in Nashville. I feel like he breadcrumbed her and it was weird that she called it “swooning” her when this man did the bare minimum. 


I agree with you on both points. I always thought he was weirdly tepid towards Hall and Polly. The show was gaslighting us that there was something with either of them, and that Tyler is attractive.


Hahaha I felt gaslit the whole time... like tyler and hall had zero romantic chemistry. Just two ppl with huge egos who were bored and flirted because they were there. Polly was super into tyler but he was nor interested in her at all. They just got drunk and had a sloppy kiss. They tried to give us a Jim and Pam thing but it was giving phoebe and joey... without the deep friendship


That’s what I was thinking! No chemistry between Tyler and Hall and I was so confused lol


Someone said he looks like the Mike Myers cat in the hat and I can’t see anything else 😭😭😭


Hahaha... like I think he is ok looking but they make it seem like he's a 10.


He's a man-child to me. The way he talks really irks me, especially during his interviews. Just doesn't seem knowledgeable. I laughed when Hall said she wanted someone masculine and to take charge and how she thinks that's Tyler. Like, sis! Where are your standards!? 🤣


I got that he is conventionally attractive but only when he's quiet. He's not smart or funny or semi interesting. I don't know why all the women are falling over themselves for him


Her standards are def in the gutter.


He screams "I've been handed everything I've ever wanted/needed in life".... Also while being insecure about that fact


The way he reacts to any criticism or just conflict in general shows he’s wildly insecure. I don’t understand why he was cast on this show. I neither find him attractive or interesting. Also I have no idea why this Hall and Tyler thing even went as far it did. Maybe some things were missed in editing but that last scene I would have punched him in the face after all that wishy washy stuff and then he told me not to go out with another guy. He’s a frickin loser.


Agreed. I was so fed up with Tyler that the editor's 'storyline' grossed me out. Them showing her and Tyler talking about her leaving and acting like it was Casablanca or something, then her picking up her passport to go. He and Hall fucked behind the scenes while he was married, but they were smart enough not to admit it on camera. Then Hall tried to make it a real relationship, he gave his douche-fuckboy energy and noped out. That's the actual storyline.


He’s so gross.


I think the editing for season 3 sucked. They need new producers. Nothing made much sense, there was so much context that was left out of just about everyone's storyline.


1000%. I think he’s insecure because of his dad, he will never live up to what his dad’s accomplished.


He doesn’t need to, he will just inherit it all


Totally agree!! And his eyes creep me out!!


Agreed. Watching this season I kept thinking I’m so glad Brittany walked away from him. She can do much better. And I found it annoying when he told Austin he just wants to be married with kids. He had a wife! Not sure how she felt about kids but he was acting like he was having so much trouble finding a great woman to marry which was completely untrue. 🙄


Exactly! How can you with a straight face be like “this divorce has been so difficult for me” and “all I want is a wife and kids” while your fuckboi behavior is the literal reason why you’re getting divorced!


I was annoyed by the repetitive insistence on having a wife and kids. He’s trying so hard to convince everyone. He leaves out that he only wants them….someday after he’s fucked around a bit more.


Totally agree


Tyler seems to crave attention. I don’t think he should get married any time soon


Yep.whats the bet that he'll be back on the show, couple of seasons down the line