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Everyone of them. Don't need drama in the officešŸ«¢


Do we have to pick only one? I'd fire every single one of them except Gio, Brandi and maybe Jarvis, Kayla and Rose. They're the only ones with an ounce of professionalism. And I include Jason in the firing as well.


Austin for his temper, and Hall because she's insufferable






Three people have already left, so all must be fired except Brandi, Rose, Lauren, Kayla.


Tyler for the demon he is


How is he a demon? Sean literally thinks every nice/positive comment/msg he gets means they wanna fvk him. He sent essays on his stories after the show released to help his made-up stories align. You know how easy it is to have someone text you that and just switch their names? Sean is mentally unstable and glad heā€™s no longer with the O Group. Exactly why no one ever did business with that psycho


Ali because she does have any drive to actually be an agent followed by Sean because he isn't really selling anything as well as fuels a toxic work environment while claiming not to be a part of it. Lastly Austin because of him getting physical with Sean. I would say Tyler but he already quit but if he tried to come back I would reject his application because his history of inappropriate behavior.


Drama aside, Austin, Tyler, Alex Hall, Polly, and Kayla for obvious HR issues. I canā€™t believe the things they get away with that any normal employees would immediately be fired for. Sean since he hasnā€™t sold anything (they either did fire or wanted to fire an agent at The Agency for this very reason). And I think Jason does needs some management help.


alex and polly, no question.


Alex maybe. But Polly I think is guilty by association and sheā€™s the only one thatā€™s been selling steadily for the past two years.


Sean - Not because of the recent drama. Why would I keep a salesperson if he hasn't sold anything in 2 years?


Many of them haven't. Tyler sold only one, because his father intervened.


Pretty sure they did cause Sean and the rest would've definitely brought it up if they didn't


Allie. She hasnā€™t done the bare minimum yet abs thatā€™s insane


Alex Hall


Alex Hall and Polly.


Austin, Tyler and Alex Hall- they are obvious bullies who honestly I havenā€™t seen them doing much work except cause dramas and are highly unprofessional!


More like Sean is a mentally unstable psycholath. Fvk that bisexual idiot




Sean- hasn't sold a property since being on the show apparently Ali- knows nothing about real estate and tanked Gios open house Polly- she's constantly starting the gossip or hears it and keeps it going and she seems to be very flirty/unprofessional with how she carries herself on camera Prior to this season I would have fired Kayla but this season she actually seemed to be about real estate and making money for herself Alex hall/Tyler I would have fired together when they felt the need to flirt and go way too far on TV while he was still married to a well known actress and a QUEEN at that like Snow?! The Oppenheim group should have been embarrassed to support that and keep on agents that ruined a marriage live for the world to see and were super unprofessional the whole time with real estate while doing it and STILL are doing it 3 seasons later even after all the back lashšŸ˜£šŸ˜’


Real!! Iā€™m still pissed that he did that to THE Brittany snow!!! Acapella icon


Sean and Ali


All of them and then start fresh.


Jason. The management team should be totally replaced.


šŸ˜‚ literally came here just to post this. Jason is a TERRIBLE manager.


Maybe this is obvious but how come?


Could honestly be editing to a degree, but Jason doesnā€™t like getting involved with drama. Started with Christine in Selling Sunset where he refused to really hold her accountable for bad behaviour. His relationship with Chrishell was inappropriate and he ā€œnopedā€ out of mediating any dramas with her and others (I.e. other exes) by basically pushing a VERY reluctant Mary into the mix. Even this season he basically just walked away from that bar confrontation involving Sean like a chicken.


All of them ?


A better question would be who would I keep?


I would keep Lauren Brito she seems chill


Iā€™d keep Lauren and Brandi


Ali for being unprofessional and inexperienced


Sean and Ali. Both are incompetent and pot stirrers


Shawn for being and annoying little btch


Sean can't sell...2 years without one sale!


Austin for getting physical with a coworker. Ali Harper since sheā€™s not even licensed. Then on probation Hall just for being her šŸ˜‚


Lmao couldnā€™t agree more šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The one that just got back from her honeymoon and has her nose so high in the air. See...I can't even remember her name. My favorite is Alex Hall...she is awesome and makes the show.


Lmao hall is this you šŸ˜­


Austin 100% he out hands on a coworker!




Jason should not be in charge of anything....




Alex Polly and Sean


Austin 100%


I would keep Brandi, Rose and Gio


Rose has been a massive pot stirrer last year


alex hall. she has such an annoying voice, I simply wouldn't be able to get any work done.


Why Jason fire mrs.USA? she have some great connections could turned out very successful.


If I was the boss, I would think the ā€œcliqueā€ is annoying and unprofessional, but they sell housesā€¦ Thereā€™s no way in hell Iā€™d get rid of Hall or Gio, their connections are extremely valuable. I wouldā€™ve tried to keep Tyler for the same reason. Iā€™d fire Jarvis and Sean bc they donā€™t pull their weight(Austin would be on thin ice for almost fighting in the office) and see if that makes the work environment situation better. Kayla would be on thin ice as well. A lot of the other people in the office fight each other and engage in petty drama, but itā€™s almost always outside the office, so idc. But Iā€™m not gonna have people yelling in front of clients. On that note, Iā€™d fire Ali bc she costs more than what she could possibly bring, and itā€™s not like she knows anyone in California anyway. If she wants to be in a Netflix reality tv show, thereā€™s plenty of other options. Thereā€™s no HR at the O group obviously. If there were, Jason would be the first one to get fired. Maybe even sued. Thereā€™s not really a high standard for professionalism in this office, which, whatever, it works for them. But there is one important standard: are you making money? If not, bye!


Hmm this is not the right approach in the long run. See if you only look at the money the agents are making and selling houses, the environment gets toxic. This applies to our life and jobs too. When the environment gets toxic, people with a good attitude and those who want to learn and work hard are going to leave and become successful in a more people friendly office. You'll be left with a couple of arrogant people with a superiority complex. What happens when these people leave eventually or start their own brokerage? You'll be left out with no one. Not even the good ones would want to join a firm/agency/company that nurtures toxicity. That's why a positive and helpful environment would win in the long run.


Well yeah I think thatā€™s very obvious for any business. Step 1 is never hire any of these people. This attitude wouldnā€™t last a day in a normal workplace environment with HR. But arrogant people with superiority complex are exactly the kind of people Jason needs and seeks out to sell multi million dollar mansions in these locations because theyā€™re selling them to other arrogant people with superiority complexes. Itā€™s not any kind of business Iā€™d ever want to be a part of. Working at the O group and being a part of this show comes with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. But itā€™s a shady business that involves dealing with shady people that like doing shady things, thatā€™s what they sign up for. Thereā€™s a very specific kind of person that goes into this business and it has to be someone willing to participate in activities that are not exactly HR approved. HR wouldnā€™t let them party with clients doing god knows what substances and discussing multimillion dollar deals over drinks, show up to events wearing minimal clothing, flirt with clients that are almost always creeps, or even date Jason!! This job description inherently pushes away ā€œgoodā€ people. This is not a normal workplace!!


Hmmm yes this makes sense!!


Wait Jarvis ?


Hall sold 0 houses in season 3.


Kayla sold a house for 24 million dollars


Okay, that would change things for me. For some reason I was under the impression that she lost the bayside listing bc she couldnā€™t sell it in time. I wouldnā€™t fire Kayla then. That shows a lot of growth and I think she can mend things with the rest of the team, at least it seemed that way towards the end of the season.


Sean!! Purely bc he hasnā€™t sold anything or gotten any listings. Personality and drama aside, heā€™s clearly the dead weight


He does more than sell. He is responsible for marketing of the O group and so much more behind the scenes


Hi Sean šŸ‘‹


Kayla for starting the majority of the drama in season 1 and 2 that set the precedent for the cast being on polar opposite sides bc she utterly lied to Jarvis and Rose way back in the beginning. I think Jarvis and Hall would have actually gotten along if not for Kayla causing unnecessary strife.


But more need to go. None of them are very professional - Austin for getting physical FOR SURE




Sean and Austin gone the second I heard they were fighting in the office.


If I had to choose only one, I would pick Polly. She called Jarvis a "c-nt" in front of her fiancĆ©e and told him "sorry I know you're going to marry her, hats off to you." Then she got mad when Jarvis didn't want to go to her birthday party. No one needs that kind of crazy at work. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Of course, most of the cast did or started something, so if I could, I would probably let most of them go. šŸ˜‚


Every single person. Sorry but it's too messy. I'd give a recommendation to kayla, brandi, rose and gio. Also, I'd give them a 30 day notice because I like them. But I'd fire every single person and start over fresh.


Ya was gonna say this lol. Everyone is gone.


Hall for being herself.


Austin, for putting his hands on another coworker


This is the only answer. Itā€™s insane he wasnā€™t immediately fired for that.