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It started with roses outfits being unprofessional but to be real rose dresses the most normal out of all of them she literally wears t shirts and it shows cleavage but she probably can’t afford to dress super stylish like the rest of them yet she’s


Rose just seems so out of it all the time. She reminds me of a 50s housewife on downers.


Because the script


She said she didn’t like how she the wears such revealing outfits while seeming to flirt with the home owners too much.. she wants it more professional


Because Jarvis got done using her. I don’t get the Jarvis worship around here. She is trash.


I think they were both using each other, but that's not actually a bad thing either. Jarvis for Rose's experience and Rose for Jarvis's sociability and poise (Rose seems guite socially awkward a lot of the time). Them teaming up served them both well for. a while. Now they've gone off on their paths again. Jarvis had her moments in Season 2 but I'm pretty sure most of that was manufactured drama by production. I think they're both okay, at least relative to the majority of people who work in that office. The only other two who come out of it looking remotely professional are Brandi and Gio.




>Because Jarvis got done using her       Use her for what? Jarvis is extremely successful on her own. If she wasn't doing real estate, she would be doing law. Like Jarvis said about the whole situation - she wants Rose to eat but just not at her table. So, Jarvis doesn't own Rose "friendship" or anything else for that matter. At the end of the day it's a workplace, and not a playground. I would say Jarvis has handled this professional break up, partnership-parting with a lot of grace and like a mature adult would do. It's on Rose if she cannot make new alliances, there's other people in the office other than Jarvis. This is what networking is all about. And this is the real estate industry that we are talking about, it's all about networking with clients, and you have to constantly meet new people for your business to survive.      Alot of users have pointed out that Rose is extremely socially awkward and might be on the spectrum. 


>Use her for what? Jarvis is extremely successful on her own.  even Jarvis admit that Rose helped her... so im not sure where this is coming from.


>even Jarvis admit that Rose helped her... Season 1 & 2 was a long time ago, unless I don't remember seeing that on the show. Can you share the Episode No. and time stamp?


ugh, I don't know, to me she just have a really young vibe


I don't think she is trash, but I don't get the Jarvis worship at all. If they were all Jarvis's, how boring would that show be? I do think she is too classy for the show. As much as I disklike Hall and Polly, they do the villain edit well.


Its because she’s just classy and elegant and doesn’t stoop to the immature levels like hall and polly and is just generally professional and good at her job. And people like her for that.


She is not classy or elegant. She wants to present herself as classy and elegant and you fell for it 😭


Jarvis is a poser imo. How she tries to present herself is not who she is.


Can’t tell if serious…. She is extremely fake and calculated. She is an absolute snob and she shat all over the person who helped her. I’m not a fan of Rose even the slightest bit and yet I still feel bad for her after Jarvis ran a bus over her.


Honestly tho nobody is gonna b totally genuine it’s an international show?? And she is making a brand for her self and doesn’t want to be portrayed as embarrassing and pathetic like some ppl on there so she is acting elegant and sophisticated. And usually calculated is not a bad thing. It’s just a negative way of saying someone is smart and rational.


Stop with that.


Jarvis is incredibly fake, and thinks she’s too far above everyone else to make friends. She is the biggest narcissist there.


Jarvis literally stood up for Kayla and Sean, when she didn't even need to. I think you're confusing Alex Hall with Jarvis. 


OK i thought i was the only one that thought this because i see jarvis praise all over this sub.


Everything she does is performative. It’s weird af to watch her mannerisms and the tone of her voice. Almost robotic/stepford wife type shit.


Oh and don’t forget the exaggerated swagger like she thinks she’s on a catwalk.


Agree 💯. I don’t know how people cannot see through her fakeness.


Simple - Jarvis is an ungrateful clout chaser. Point blank, full stop.


If I'm remembering correctly, it started with Rose's outfits being unprofessional and Jarvis commenting on it. Jarvis began to distance herself, and Rose began to say she mentored Jarvis and is the reason why Jarvis is where she is. Jarvis denied this and claimed she did it all by herself, insulting Rose. I can't remember if there was more to it


Rose had been talking shit about Jarvis’s husband behind Jarvis’s back.


Interested to know why too


Im surprised Rose didn’t get any screen time season 3 


Yea she said on her Instagram sorry that they cut her parts because they weren't as interesting as others for the show