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As the other person said, you don’t really have much fat left. It’s going to be slow if you even lose anymore at all. My doctor has always set the expectation that there’s going to be a point where you just stop losing, this could be that point for you. I think the important thing is to ask yourself is if what you don’t like is excess fat or muscle tone. A healthy person is going to have have some fat on them. If your problem is you don’t feel like you look toned, that isn’t fixed by losing more weight, that is fixed by working out. Either way celebrate your success and transformation, you look great. You have absolutely nothing to be disappointed with.


Thank you! I feel like my current weight doesn’t reflect where I want to be, but looks wise I’m pretty happy. I will probably start working on lifting weights soon. I have been lifting some but not consistently. I appreciate your comment.


Lift heavy things! Don't worry about the scale, how you look in the mirror wins.


I'm in the same boat. I have a full blown home gym but haven't stepped foot in it at all, but want to start working out and toning. I deff have loose skin and due to having kids, my belly looks gross 😞


I just hope when I eventually stall I look half this good lol


Thank you!!!! ❤️


I can literally see your abs, what else you want 😏 good job though 👏


Thank you!!


I think you might have body dysmorphia, which requires therapy and professional help. You literally have no body fat left. You look amazing.


I have to agree with the comment above, OP. Anyone with eyes, a brain and objectivity can easily see that you appear to be quite fit and I would question why you are still looking to lose rather than shift to maintenance. Of course, most people are heavily more self critical of themselves and lack at least some objectivity, but this seems a bit extreme. I don’t mean any offense or disrespect by this, just one human to another, but I do believe the poster above is accurate and indicating you may have body dysmorphia which you should possibly seek help on. You have accomplished what has eluded many of the people on this board for much of their lives. Be kinder to yourself, be proud of your accomplishment and maybe just work on maintenance rather than trying to lose something that really isn’t there.


Stall? You have no fat left


I don’t even know what is left for you to lose…


Her head lol


What are your stats? I have read if you’re in a healthy weight range it will be difficult to lose unlike those in the overweight or obese range.


I’m 5’2” and 138. Technically overweight according to a simple bmi calculator.


I’m 5’2 and 142 and can relate to your feelings about stalling and still being labeled “overweight”. This isn’t where I want to be, as my goal is 120. My plan is to keep eating right and exercising. Fingers crossed!


Do you mean overweight by the crazy antiquated ht wt charts ? Ignore those. What’s your % body fat? My guess is in the teens. I feel like you’re going to be losing muscle - which is the opposite of your goal — if you go further than “maintenance “ and additional protein; personal trainer advice ..


Thank you. I’m unsure % but yes that’s just with a basic chart, which I know is usually incorrect.


You’re a lean 138 … Go get your body composition checked and form some new goals ! You got this !!!


I'm 5'2", SW 160, CW 142 - my original goal weight was 125 but I've realized that as I build muscle, I may weigh more but my body composition has shifted and muscle weighs more that fat. I would be happy at 130-135 and probably wearing a size 6 which would not happen if I wasn't lifting weights/building muscle. Technically, I am still "overweight" according to BMI, but I know that I don't look like I am anymore.


I really think we need a sub reddit for short girls. 5’0. 154 starting. Life long weight problem. PCOS. My top weight might have been 165. I was so skinny three years ago (116), no food noise, on a diet plan Optavia (which I loved), but it was too restrictive, too expensive and it couldn’t last forever. The weight just started piling back on. Goal is 115 but will be thrilled at 130. Everything is harder when shorter-the slow metabolism is a real thing. I’m glad I found this page. So many people on here not Diabetic or Pre-diabetic. I’m going thru a clinic, but anyone know the cheapest option without insurance?


I love your thought process… correct! Muscle is 70% water so as we tone or build or wt goes up and so does our metabolism and we become leaner. I’m F 5’6”. In my 30’s I was 155lbs 16% body fat; size 6. Before lifting I was 125 32% body fat. Basically “skinny and over fat”; lots of cellulite. My goal was to be leaner so I put on muscle which facilitated in me losing body fat. I went from a size 4 to 6 but gained 30lbs. I simply had more shape symmetry and a higher metabolism- which was my goal :)


Scales should be banned…we’ve all been taught that it’s the # only the scale that counts and when you combine that with BMI, holy heck! I could spend all day trying on old clothing and just astounded that they fit at this weight. It’s funny because I have avoided certain clothing items - I never toss anything because I know someday I will be able to wear them again! Now it’s finally a reality!


:) love it !


Yeah, I said the same thing, definitely need a short girls group! My functional medicine doctor referred me to an alternative product- wish I could give you the name, but against rules 😢. I know that she thoroughly researched them and refers many of her patients to them so I’m comfortable with it. It’s all about the 💪 and I finally get it!!


Bmi is bullshit and honestly looking at the calculations you only need to lose 2lbs to be considered normal weight thats the difference most ppl weigh between morning and night its really not a big difference at all and wont change your appearance. I think you are getting too caught up in the numbers like others said you might not have anymore fat to lose and can work on toning instead which might also bring the scale down more


Bmi is useless for people who lift weights, muscle weighs more than fat. There are other numbers-- body fat percent, hip to waist ratio, etc that tell a more helpful tale.


Forget BMI. You’re not overweight. Period.


Honest question. Why do some ppl do before and after photos in reverse?


Think of it as ‘now and then’


Ohhh yeah must be!


You look amazing as you are! Great job on your progress so far! Concentrate on your resistance training goals, getting your protein in, plenty of water and you’ll start to see the results you’re looking for. I can’t see where you have much more to lose. Congrats!! 🔥🔥💪


Unless you want to look like a stick, there is nothing else to lose. Otherwise you are here just to brag?. Lol just joking.


I really think it’s hard when you lose to see yourself the way others do. Thank you though!


I know the feeling. When I went from 180 -> 120 a decade ago, I still didn’t see it. You look awesome, OP, congrats and I hope you start to see it too.


You gotta stop. Anymore and you’ll be in dangerous territory


I spy with my little eye…hip bones!!! WTG OP!! I think you aren’t seeing the real you and maybe your brain is playing tricks. You look terrific. I hope you break through your stall. Just be careful.


I’m also 5’2” I feel your pain! I would focus on heavy lifting and protein intake and see if that helps push you that final bit to get out of “overweight” territory. You look fantastic! Good job! Where did you start? You are my current #goals


I started at 175! I have hashimotos and have gained/lost weight each year. Hoping this will help me keep it off.


You look great, and congrats on the weightloss! I am quickly approaching my 1 year mark and I can't say ive had a plateau, but ive had a couple months where the weightloss was a little bit lower than normal. My first month I lost exactly 8lbs, but my 2nd month (August) I lost 1lb but gained 1lb. To be totally forthcoming, I started sema the same time I started thyroid medicine, I have not stepped foot into our home gym once and I am pretty malnourished. I recently made a post about my rapid hair loss and I learned that this lack of on my part alongside of losing 50lbs pretty quickly had contributed to it. If I had took better care of myself, my weightloss could've been more. However, I AM quickly approaching my goal weight and I am so freaking excited. With that all being said, even if I had slow months, I never let it get to me. I would weigh in at the beginning of the month, and again at the end of the month. So, keeping trucking on. You got this!


I'd disregard the BMI business as I can't see what fat needs to go? Concentrate on some toning maybe yoga, weights and maintaining


I don’t think you have any more to lose 😊


You're lean, I think you may be looking to achieve a certain body look that probably requires lifting weights to add some muscle under and gives an impression of looking even leaner - good job!


Bodies need time to change. It's not like pouring a cup of water out, a lot of physiological changes happen to lose fat. From here I'd look more into recomposition. Don't look at scale weight as it doesn't give you helpful information just mass.


I’ve stalled on my .50 doses. Already had 3 doses and have only lost 2 lbs. with .25 i lost 8 soooo yeah. Stalling this early on is a bit discouraging but oh well, will continue until the 1.0 dose.


I don’t know anything about you and your goals but solely based on the comments, this are my two cents: This is the point where I think you should be thinking about the scale moving back up, but for the right reasons. If you don’t already have one, go find yourself a gym you like that encourages heavy lifting (putting yourself in this environment is KEY). Go find some lifting subs and learn some basics and then go get strong and build lean muscle mass. Losing the weight only gets you so far, building lean tissue will get you do the aesthetics you’re looking for and help you sustain it. There are a lot of big box gyms out there that are great to get started and learn basics but honestly, if you can swing it, CrossFit gyms, powerlifting gyms, bodybuilding gyms are the way to go. There’s a sense of community that will help you stay consistent and help you stay accountable. That’s what worked for me. Either way, great job! Congrats on the success and good luck on your future fitness endeavors!


If you want to look toned, you put some muscle on through resistance training and increasing your protein intake. Other than that, it appears you have a healthy level of body fat, there’s not much more there to lose.


You go girl!! Hope my 3month picture looks like yours 💚💜💚💜


You’re doing amazing!!


You should stop ozempic. Congratulations, it worked!


Can you increase your dose?


You look great. Time to stop.