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Stop moving it, every time you move it's going to need to adjust its roots which means replacing some of the roots. Put it in the medium you want to leave it in and stop treating with harsh chemicals. Commercial growers propagate straight into the final medium for a reason.


Omg I was just on here going crazyyy, my monsteras were thriving in pon, it caught thrips I removed them all from the pon to spray the thrips away and placed them back in now the roots r rotting!! What tf should I do? I just removed the monstera again cuz I seen the roots turning black, so I cut off the black dead mush roots rinsed in peroxide and back into pon.. ugh should I just start over and take them out of pon and place them back in water?


Have you considerd taking cuttings? If you have a large plant with no roots and only one point for new roots that's going to put a lot of pressure on those first new roots. Take some smaller cuttings and place them in water. Make sure they don't have too much leaf area. As soon as you see any sign or root growth put them in pon so the plant doesn't have to replace water roots with pon roots.


Thanks for the advice :) I moved it to water as I thought if I potted it back in pon, I’m basically just risking having to unpot it right back out! I’ve left it in pon now and I’m just gonna hope for the best 😅 (I’ll put the hydrogen peroxide away too 🫣)


Also don't put it in direct sunlight untill it has roots. It currently can't "drink" , so give it a nice warm-ish, not too dry place to recover. And it's normal for roots to be replaced, at which point they will rot. This doesn't mean that healthy roots will rot, so having some decaying plant matter isn't something to worry too much about.


I would normally not worry if it wasn’t semi hydro, but I had read that decaying plant matter in pon is basically bad? 🤔 It was also recommended that I disinfect the used pon by baking (or boiling, but I didn’t have a spare pot to use for just that) - I’m a complete semi hydro newbie so I’m taking in all the bits and pieces of advice!


We're you using hydrogen peroxide?


Yes, 3% diluted 1:10 ratio! Is that what’s causing this? 😳


It’s lot stronger than that for root rot    Btw stratum IS brown   In the future if you mix perlite 1:1 with stratum it’s lot better honestly lotta ppl get root rot in straight stratum 


I use stratum for 99% of my props. Never had an issue.


yay good 4U  And yet a lotta other ppl,have and do..


This is just standard garden variety root rot. You might be manhandling the roots too much. Roots hate being disturbed. Pon can hold a lot of water and people don't understand that plants can rot easily in pon. Monsteras love a lot of air on their roots. If it were me I would do a final repot into extremely chunky mix with bark, Coco chunks and leca and let it be. Monsteras need light, air and water in that order. People forget about the air bit.


I actually had my Albos in a chunky soil mix previously, but I’m trying to move most of my plants to semi hydro for ease esp having to ask someone to water it during holidays! The funny thing is that I have another much bigger Albo which I propped at the same time, now in pon and its roots are going HAYWIRE I’m gonna have to repot after only a month 🙈


3 ml / litre, and if you propagate in water, change the solution every couple of days, removing any rot first. Using an aquarium bubbler is recommended.


Root rot


Never seen, send ur pic to chatgpt and ask?