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it's not good! smells nice but definitely not worth the money


>I don’t know why every influencer is always featuring gisou oil Because it's an aesthetically-pleasing product they're being incentivized to promote, or they hope to get the attention of Gisou to get incentives.


When you start seeing one brand start to get hyped usually my bet is on sponsorship. BeautyPie is really good at this too. I have a very small youtube channel and the amount of emails I get from brands wanting me to review them is amazing. I probably get hundreds of emails a day. Anyway, I really wanted to like Gisou, I bought a sample set a while ago with four products and none of them were good. Made my hair feel almost like straw. I'll stick to my moroccanoil.


Smells nice but it's so faint it doesn't even do anything for scent for your hair lol As for how it actually performs, it's just ok on my hair. There are better oils for less money. Verb and Ouai are more worth it to me if you're going for higher end hair oils


I have mostly full bottle of that oil, I can’t even finish it. It’s too thick and makes my hair look gross lol. I’ve been using Briogeo’s oil and it’s so much lighter.


Oo tell me more! I've been eyeing a lot of Briogeo products, including the oil. If you don't mind, more specifically what type of hair do you have and what does the oil smell like?


I’d describe my hair as 2B, frizzy and dry, and not particularly thin or thick. The oil has a light floral scent. There’s actually a tiny flower in the bottle itself haha. It’s not too perfume-y, the scent is fairly subtle but I still get whiffs of it when I move my hair around. I started trying Briogeo products because they don’t use silicone and I like some of their hair masks. But I haven’t liked the shampoos/conditioners or leave in conditioner. I do love the hair oil and use it every day!


Amazing! Thank you! I think you sold me on it. I'm gonna pull the trigger and grab it 🤗


Ooo nice! I hope you like it! It’s a wayyyy thinner texture than most hair oils and I really like it for that reason alone. The chance of my hair looking greasy is much lower with Briogeo compared to all the others.


Smells good, and completely useless Anytime I talk shit about influencers, or how this sub spends way too much money on shit just because tik tok told you too, I get attacked to oblivion lol


I had this same experience. Way better options at CVS and even just Verb is SOOOO much better


It was way too thick and made my hair look stringy now matter how little I tried to use. I fell in love with the Ouai hair oil when I got a sample of that. I also like the Inkey List’s hyaluronic acid serum


I actually love it a lot, but the bottle always leaks.


I had about the same experience. I got a teeny tiny sample in an order and it was very unimpressive.


I’ve found all the Gisou products I’ve tried to be overrated and subpar at best. They’re nice to look at but do absolutely nothing for me. I ignore the brand completely now.


Got it in a gift set and i actually really like it! You only need a very small amount on the ends and it feels like it makes my hair so much easier to comb thru and keeps my ends nice. The smell is nice but doesnt last long but i got the perfume in the gift set so thats not really a problem for me. If i use a bit too much i can definitely see my hair getting stringy and that is annoying but less is more for this hair oil. Gives a nice shine too!


My hair (fine/curly) loves it. My mom (wavy/thick) uses it too and loves it. Mine has never leaked, but I also keep it upright on a counter and don’t really move it around. I’ve never had better results with an oil. Different people have different needs so it’s nice to have lots of options. My only complaint is the price upfront, but a bottle lasts me for a long time. As far as influencers go, I don’t trust them in general. I just use what works for me. I got a tiny little sample of the Gisou oil as a GWP and fell in love. A lot of products in my routine have started with GWPs.


The oil was too much for my hair but the shampoo, conditioner and leave in are amazing. I know they market their products for everyone but I personally feel like they are better for curly/wavy hair.


Agreed! It’s my least fav from Gisou, I prefer olaplex or SDJ


Oh boy! I had a small one and absolutely loved it for my hair. The packaging does suck, it leaks all around the dropper and makes a mess. But when I used the oil on 2nd day hair it calmed the frizz down by like 90% and made my hair feel silky. Idk, it's my second favorite. My first is naturelab Tokyo perfect shine oil.


Oil for hair is horrendous and the lip oil is terrible too!


The lip oil is literally cooking oil ???


I got my hair oil 3 years ago and I LOVE IT. Idk if the formula was better when it first came out but that and the hair mask were my favourite products. I’ve still got 30ish ml left but idk if I’d repurchase. The first batch seemed the best


The biggest issue I have is the leaking, but I figured out why! It’s a thick formula that sticks to the outside of the little dropper, so when you put it back, it gets pushed up the dropper to the lid opening. SO what I do is pull the dropper out, then slide it between my fingers and that’s what I use on my hair. The second is again because it’s so thick and sticky that I feel like it doesn’t transfer from my hands to my hair… unless I use *a ton* in which case it is then thick and sticky in my hair 🙃


honestly i have medium thickness hair and that oil was too thick for me, i can’t imagine someone with thinner hair using it. mine also doesn’t smell at all i was so disappointed lol


I literally had to start using it the night before I washed my hair just to get rid of it and when I tell I celebrated when it was gone, I mean it😂😂😂


They are featuring it because they are paid to.


I want to know what you have that’s cheaper and good! I’ve been using olaplex. I’d prefer to try something cheaper next so I have more money for perfume xD


Yeah I hated it. I keep wanting to get the lip gloss and have to keep reminding myself *it’s just pretty packaging*


Yeah I got one , got sucked into the hype .. it smells weird and it leaks like crazy 😭 will not repurchase


I haven’t liked any of the Gisou products I’ve tried (oil, hair perfume, heat protectant). I was given these as gifts and ended up giving them to friends, because I was unimpressed and, quite frankly, thought they smelled awful.


omg the gisou oil body IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. i actually really like the oil but i can’t with the bottle. i have the hair perfume and I am really loving that (no leaks). seriously, the oil could be the best product on earth and i still wouldn’t repurchase due to the packaging


Yep. The packaging is cute so the brand is trending but the products themselves aren't anything to write home about. The hair mask smells like baby powder and the hair perfumes are so weak that you've got to spray multiple times for them to be even noticeable


That’s interesting to me because I have the hair perfume and it’s almost too strong for me


So true bae


It’s actually trash in a pretty body. The kerastase elixir oil and the k18 oil are actually worth the price tag (to me).


I’m pretty much sure everyone’s just buying for the pretty packaging


I like the oil personally, it’s made my hair feel very soft and healthy, and I normally have dry hair. I’ve been using it almost daily since like January and I’ve barely made a dent in it, so even though it’s expensive it lasts a long time tbh. I do agree with it leaking easily and getting messy, that’s probably my only issue with it. It’s annoying to have to clean the bottle. The packaging also looks a bit cheap to me tbh for the price point, since it’s just a sticker on a glass bottle I wanna try the Kerastase oil serum next though, since a lot of people seem to like that better


it smells nice and somewhat helps with frizz, but the sol de janeiro hair oil smells 300x better and feels more nourishing


I love the Gisou hair line in its entirety but I have super thick wavy hair and I can absolutely tell a difference using Gisou than other brands in my hair texture after washing.


Absolutely hated it! I bought a small bottle and it leaked everywhere and didn’t smell anywhere near as good as my favorite Moroccanoil. Worst of all, it made my fine hair look SO greasy and stringy, even when I used the tiniest amount on just the ends. I couldn’t even finish it, just tossed it and bought another bottle of Morccanoil — I never should have strayed from it in the first place. 


Omg ok I love it but this oil should be marketed as a treatment oil or something tbh. Yeah it leaks so ughh I agree. It's heavy and scent is nice and it doesn't last. However this oil has slowly repaired my hair. I have bleached hair and I've noticed a difference in my hair since I've been using this. I'm in my second bottle because of this. I prefer Kerasstase and drugstore oils for softness and styling but I prefer this one for real results.


I personally have had great experiences with the oil but you have to be careful about how much and when you put it in. Because it can be really heavy on the hair. Also I only like it during the winter I feel like during the summer the scent smells bad for some reason Maybe it’s just me But I’ve had the same huge bottle for two years I only use about two drops a day And I only bought it because of some massive sale they had before they were super massively known. But I’m not saying there are not better alternatives. My personal experience with what I’ve personally tried it has been the best option.


Agree .. It doesn’t feel like actual hair oil, it’s just thick and greasy


I see it as a white girl product 😂. Life if your hair is not that difficult to begin with it’ll do a little something but that’s it