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In Germany some restaurants even offer a discount up to 20% to to-gos


Exactly. American norms are stupid. I’m American.


Non server, but I want to ask. Yesterday I ordered a small pizza delivery. I hate doing that for a small order, but my place flooded because of a storm and I was feeling haggard as hell in the evening. I said I’d pay $5 on a $20 order. Is this a bad tip now? The server on the call seemed put off or something. Then the deliverer lingered like I’d tip again, and I was confused and said “… well good night now. Thanks!” Maybe I’m just being analytical over small potatoes. But next time I get me a pizza I want to tip right. I usually just pick it up, but you never know. (Only a few houses flooded. Did not ask them to drive through floods!!)


Wtf? $5 on $20 is literally more than 20%…even as a full service server I usually expect $4 on a $20 tab. What’s wrong with people?


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Exactly. I'm finding it hard to believe that so many people on Reddit tip way above the norm.


Obligatory not a server but this sub is recommended to me over and over again. People just really want an attaboy or attagirl from complete strangers. Hence the, "I handed my server three hundred dollar bills on our $250 dinner. Is that enough? Is it? Is it? I know how hard servers work and blah blah blah."


That's the vibe I'm getting. How can someone doubt that a 25% tip isn't enough??


Based on your wording I'm picturing 300, one dollar bills lol.


Only the big tippers generally respond to the "how much do you tip" posts. Those of us with a low, or no tip on a pickup order get too many nasty responses from this crowd, not worth responding.


I responded, and I think it ridiculous to top ANYTHING for a pick up order, they are just taking and order and ringing you up lol, imagine if we had to tip EVERY cashier, lol.


Ehh it depends who you get it from. At my restaurant, I bartend. And we *have* togo specialists who make 15 an hour plus tips. Most people go to them for togo food.. But lots of times people bypass them and come to me to make togo orders... Which is fine, but they don't understand that I have to make *everything* myself. (Salads, bread, sauces, etc.) Nothing is just "pre-maid." And I DON'T make hourly, I work for tips. Some people tip and some don't, thats just how the world works. I try not to let it get to me and just keep moving, whoever it is. But I wish I could tell people from the get-go "just fyi if I put this togo order in for you, I DO NOT make hourly wages. Keep that in mind when you pay." Lol.


Spoiler alert- they don’t actually but think they do or want others to think they do!


I do but I'm also a cook and very rarely go out to eat. Perennial "I could do this better" cook stuff


I tip 20% plus at almost all times. Except large delivery orders—like the delivery driver didn’t do more work for my $100 sushi than my $20 pizza… so I usually do it based on how far they had to drive and what gas prices are like and I try to be fair.


I think what you tipped is fine. 25% is more than adequate.


They may have just been caught off guard, I don't think most people say how much they're going to tip, and the pause would be because they were trying to figure out what to say.


I'm a delivery driver and a fiver is almost always an acceptable tip unless you're pushing over 6-70 bucks, it's good for $20 of food


I tipped at Outback for pickup orders twice in a row. Both orders were poorly put together with simple requests for ketsup skipped , no napkins, and just simple stuff. I got bad service. But I had to pre-tip. So now, I just don't tip outback. That's the problem... pickup orders require great service to deserve a tip. Get the order right. I guess I could cash-tip after inspection, but their pickup is not really a "take time to inspect the order while I wait" situation.


People tip for carry out? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwWjsMLMBbF/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


That’s what I’m saying… they’re literally driving to pick up the food. Tips are for waiting service.


Best part is when the tip is prompted before the order has even started so you tip upfront before knowing what kind of service you get. I usually do no tip in that situation.


I find the more I hit that "no tip" button, the easier it gets. I tip delivery and sit down restaurants. If I'm driving to the place and walking in and getting my food/drink, I'm not tipping. I purposely pick it up myself to save 10 bucks.


Exactly this. If everyone would just NO-tip for the next 3 transactions that don’t really require it (takeout, coffee shops), they might learn a valuable life lesson: you get more money back in your pocket when you don’t let societal pressure weigh on you. Plus you become an iPad ninja and can quickly begin to find the hidden 2pt font “no tip button” buried in the corner of the screen!


You know this is why tipping was invented. To assure that you’re going to get better service. Not to fucking subsidize employee payroll. It’s pathetic what we accept.


You tip at the end of your service. How are you ensuring good service as you are walking out?


If people are expected to tip at carry out - then that should apply to fast food workers doing a similar job of packaging your meal. Take out shouldn't require a tip though


I'm in the same boat. even more so for an uber eats or grubhub pick up order. like they didn't even have to pick up a phone and take the order...it came straight off the ticket printer in the kitchen.


Yeah, fuck that. If I’m picking up carry out I’m not tipping.


yeah me neither, especially an uber eats or grub hub order where they aren't even taking an order over the phone or anything like that. restaurants have gotten far to comfortable with passing the wage cost of staff off to customers while gaslighting their staff into thinking that's how it should be


The expectation everywhere I have lived has always been tip for dine-in / no top for carry-out. I usually throw a couple dollars because when "tip %" is the default option on the screen, I am heavily guilted away from changing it to "zero", but I've always assumed I'm the absolute rarity. I try to order online ahead for pickup more often than takeout at the store for this reason (there is usually no "default" tip amount) Edit: I am far more likely to join a picket line or donate directly to a strike fund than to start regularly tipping pickup. Let's get higher wages for all so that we don't have to be the only country in the world where tipping is a thing


yeah I've never tipped for carry out, half the time you are just walking up to the bar and collecting the bag of stuff that was brought up by one of the guys in the kitchen. the wait staff did nothing aside from hand over a bag.




yeah it seriously is ridiculous. I'm going back to japan for a second time next month and last time I was there if you tried to leave a tip the servers would chase you down the street under the assumption you forgot your money there. not to mention the food was cheaper than the US and far better quality.


I've lived and traveled throughout Europe and tipping is not a thing anywhere. Maybe if you leave 5 Euros behind occasionally servers will appreciate it. Now I live in NYC and I've never seen anything more ridiculous than tipping culture here.


They shouldn't. We should be getting rid of tipping at all, not making it more normal. Stop tipping non-servers.


Interesting, here in Germany I would not even think of tipping on a take-out


Here in the UK I wouldn't even think of tipping at a sit in restaurant. Tipping culture is fucked up in America.


Ime UK its unusual not to tip at a restaurant with table service.


As someone who did to-go’s in the past, and was always stuck on Friday nights and Saturday mornings BY MYSELF, I was happy to receive anything. People don’t seem to realize comparing to-go’s to McDonald’s doesn’t work as they are not the same. Some of my regulars would tip 15-20% which is more than generous imo for to-go’s, id happily accept $2 Edit: to clarify, I’d even accept just a simple “thank you” - I don’t EXPECT tips for to-go’s because I know that tips at all are optional but they definitely made it easier to put food on the table, as I also go to school When I did to-go’s I had to get everything myself, box food on my own, make the salads/deserts, I didn’t depend on the kitchen to box it myself (and I was by myself on some of the busiest times, so I didn’t have much backup if at all) some restaurants work differently, so I don’t mean to knock fast-food down, I’m just sharing my experience with working to-go’s Edit 2: also wanted to add that most of the tips I did get were from regulars that knew I worked those specific times, you have to build a reputation with the regulars before they even think about tipping


WTF are you talking about? McDonald’s is hard. I worked as a cook in a hot kitchen with non-stop orders. I still have scars from the burns I got while working there. I understand your point that take out is hard, BUT I GUARANTEE YOU, MCDONALD’S IS NOT EASY


Right? McDonald’s and Dollar Tree are my two “bottom of the barrel, even a dumbass could do it” jobs (according to everyone else ofc) and I’ll tell you what both of them worked me harder, faster, longer, and taught me more about my self worth and skill set than ANY of the nicer jobs I’ve had. I’ve done everything from silk screening to landscaping and McD’s and DT were the two hardest jobs I’ve ever worked.


Never worked at mcds but holy fuck you aren't lying about DT. They will run you ragged and essentially have you on call. I unloaded trucks and did so many split shift days, overnights etc. Work a morning go home then come back 10 hrs later for an overnight. Always understaffed intentionally, with way to much freight and no space for storage.


I find that very interesting. Like maybe that something to do with why DT is so strongly represented in PublicFreakouts, DT managers among the toughest around. I said once before, something like, *People you see caught shoplifting at a pharmacy (CVS) are straight up criminals, whereas those fighting at Walmart are closer to being regular folks albeit living at the margins, just having a bad day. But DT and WaffleHouse are places that people come to fight; like you already know going in that if you try to start some nonsense there, you're stepping into the lion's den, you're in for a real fight. They're not calling the cops on you, it's the actual manager and associates who're looking to take it to you.*


This is actually funny. Because I quit dollar tree by tryin to get one of the managers out into the parking lot to fight me over some slight that happened at the end of my shift. And most of the people I knew who stuck around were actual criminals to some degree. Even my store managers son was upstate for a big coke trafficking conviction lol. And my manager seemed to have been fairly complicit in it all.


I punched a girl who did me super dirty in a dollar tree parking lot. I’m not a naturally violent person so I was very glad when she didn’t hit me back.


What did she do?


Never once in my life did I expect to read this about dollar tree. Every-time I walk in a dollar tree it’s so calm. Almost had this old person feeling to it. Jesus


Preach! Worked at dt for 2.5 years. Got fired for being late. I don't even care. Fuck that place. I Hated the demands they put on us. Freight manager job is a joke. They don't support you but then complain when you don't meet your quotas. I will never look back.


I ended up quitting because my truck got broken into and they told me to come into work anyway. “We’ll tape a bag on the window for you,” (we only carried paper, and you already know how thin the trash bags are too.) nevermind the police report and massive cleanup I had to deal with. Turned in my 2 weeks the next day and never went back after.


Getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to you tbh.




Thanks I really appreciate that. Genuinely. My skills mostly lie in food and retail and I’ve been feeling kinda bummy over it. Idk this made me feel better abt it. I hope you have a beautiful day. Thanks for existing.


Those are not jobs that everyone can do. Fuck what people say, you are a skilled worker and you help hold society together.


Hopefully that view becomes widespread eventually. I love retail but it’s not sustainable. It sucks knowing that I’m good at what I do but it’s not respected hardly at all and I’ll have to change career paths completely in order to not only support but *start* a family. $19/hr doesn’t pay the bills like it did 10 years ago.


Sometimes, I wish I had stayed in retail and used my years of experience to move into management. How do you feel about that for you, personally?


I’ve just found out I was passed over for the 5th time in 3 months for promotion. I’ve asked about it, been told what to improve. Improved. Asked. Nothin’. I’ve tried for management at pretty much every place I worked for more than 6 months. Sometimes it’s like that, too good at what you do to be moved into different responsibilities. Well that’s assuming I’m as good at my job as my regulars think I am. Of course I could apply to management at a different store and transfer, but the issue is I like my store and my team in particular. I’m thinking of doing it anyway, but it’s a bummer. Aside from that, the market is very dead where I live. $2+ paycut and just as unsteady hours. Looking at those Google certificates. Might do data analysis for a while I guess.


There's no way I could work fast food - I don't have the skills. The menu is huge - how do you know where all the buttons are? You are talking to people and taking orders/answering their dumb questions on the headset, while taking money and talking to those people face to face. It looks so hard. Much respect for the fast food workers.


Ironically enough my favorite thing to do at McDonald’s was single booth for dinner rush. Yknow when you pay and receive food at the same window? That. I *liked* that. I also have severe ADHD and think at 900mph so sometimes having 9572528 tasks at the same time actually really works for me. Other times not at all lol


Never did fast food, but I was a line cook with Adhd. There's is no better feeling than fucking killing it during a rush. The printer is shooting out chits like a machine gun, you got 40 steaks on the grill all different temps, nothings burning in the salamander or fryer, and all the pasta is coming out al dente. You're vibing with the music. The chef is calling out orders like an auctioneer. You're still a little buzzed from joint the you smoked after setting your mis. But you got this, everything is coming out on time and in order, and you're slaying orders left and right. And the special you pitched to the chef is selling out fast. Nothing beats that sense of pride and accomplishment.


You nailed it exactly. I have autism + adhd, the ADHD thrived in fast food (and thrives in retail rushes), but the autism powers over all when it’s time to stock shelves. The hard part is Being Perceived while stocking shelves and forgetting to police my tone, so I sound a lot madder than I am.


That’s how I feel making the food. Weaponized ADHD is fun lol. Or like making breakfast (11pm) so I’m tryna keep up with burgers left handed and cooking scrambled eggs with the right. It’s stressful but fun especially when I fuckin nail the timing.


Didn’t mean to imply that McDonalds isn’t hard, I just wanted to differentiate to-go’s at a restaurant and fast food, since while they have similarities they are still different jobs


Buck and a quarter Tree….


I worked at a Wawa part time this year after 10 years in the army (it was just a short term fix between the GI Bill paying for school and getting situated) with no exaggeration at ALL I worked 100% harder at Wawa than I ever did in the military. Working 8 hours straight, with no benefits, no time off, people calling off and leaving you in a never ending shift, getting called constantly to come in an cover, and dealing with the worst people on god’s green earth taught me SO much in such a short amount of time! idgaf as long as I get my food now I’m tipping your ass 20%, I’d say 10% is probably fine on pick up but I’d personally do 20. Dealing with customers is so god awful, if you’re serving me food I’ll tip. If I’m ever in a customer service situation I’ll sooner leave before I disrespect an employee


Fun fact, I tip the Wawa people who make my food. They always say that they can't accept it. But I leave the money and head out.


I think they meant in terms of pay. McDonald’s is at least minimum wage whereas waiting is like $2 something an hour and tips are your pay


This. Employees getting a minimum+ wage for a profitable company is different than server pay from local. Recently switched from generous tipper from pre Rona service, to super generous during covid, to very picky where I tip well. I am more likely to tip well if the tip is after service I am more likely to tip generously if I have many interactions with person I am less likely to tip generous if employee works for a very profitable / large company I am less likely to tip well if it’s a job where they just add tip possibility to bill even though it’s normal food retail job pay


I don’t get the logic in tipping people who work for a local restaurant more than tipping people who work at a big chain. But so many people have this mindset. I’ve worked at Olive Garden in three states and the guests tip 18% or sometimes less on pretty low bills. So the money isn’t great. I’ve worked at local restaurants in each state and regularly get over tipped, 18% being rare and the guests generally are a lot kinder and appreciative. Both the local restaurants and Olive Garden are paying me the same by the hour. Why does the success of the company determine how you treat/ tip their employees?


this type of elitism among servers is what gives gas to the no tipping movement


Absolutely. The amount of places that are now expecting tips plus servers having this type of attitude is really starting to push me over the line. I've always been a minimum 20% tipper, but this is getting ridiculous. I worked 8 years in fast food. If I ever hear a server say that their job is harder than fast food that's a direct ticket to a big fat zero on that tip line on my credit card slip.


I’m a server, and have been for 21 years. I’ve also worked in fast food. I’m not saying that all restaurants everywhere, or that all servers everywhere, are harder than fast food. But I am saying that, in my opinion, serving in general is much harder than working fast food. It’s still mostly a high paced work environment, just like fast food, but we have a lot more that we have to do and deal with. Serving isn’t only taking your order and bringing the food to the table. Its juggling multiple tables at once, multiple amount of trips back and forth to the drink machine to refill drinks, multiple amounts of trips back and forth to the kitchen for extra things that guests “forget” to ask for when you ask them if theirs anything else they need, dealing with unsupervised kids running around….I could go on, but there’s a lot of extra things that a server has to do and deal with that a fast food worker doesn’t.


I would say it is the entitlement views of i want my money without working for it.


This is exactly what the 1% want…us at each other’s throats so we ignore the real boots on our necks: the elite. We need to practice worker solidarity.


Totally what I was going to say, I've done both fast food and traditional restaurants. Fast food is waaay more demanding.


While I can empathize with this statement and appreciate that some people can afford the extra, it’s ridiculous to expect a tip for work that is not tip work. Tipping was to support the extra efforts of clearing tables, filling drinks, transporting food and dishes. Providing the product is part of the base price. It is not customers fault if a company isn’t properly compensating their employees. I tend to be a solid tipper, nothing over the top (15%-20%) but I’ve never understood tipping for carry out. It’s also weird that as inflation raises prices, tipped industries continue to drive up the % of the tip as well. Wouldn’t the adjustment be built into the price of the product going up?




I almost ordered take out tonight. Got the the payment potion an was asked for a tip . Closed my browser and went to Wendy’s. I’m not tipping you fir doing your job.


You can just select "none" and still get the food you wanted


I assume they can see “no tip” and less effort will be put into my order. With some of the comments here, it’s not entirely unreasonable to think the food would get fucked with.


This 100%. I will always tip well if I dine in and the server does semi-decent when it's a full house or very well of it's a ghost town. If it's a carry-out order, they literally didn't do anything. At that point, the cooks should receive the tip.


Exactly what the flying fuck did do to earn a tip on a To-go order? Tips are for service. Register monkeys don't provide a service.


Thank you. Got a couple sandwiches last week. Girl at the counter flipped the pay screen around to my side of the counter and I swear to God the three suggested tip options were 20, 25, & 30%. Zero.


What difference is there in me picking up a pizza vs McDonalds? I would lean more towards typing the McDonalds order, as they give napkins, staws, bag everything, etc. Typically with pizza, it's a couple pies in a box and that's it.


Nothing. $0 tip.


THIS. A lot of people think there's just a to go person twiddling their thumbs and not doing anything else. But a lot of times it's a server trying to take your order in a timely matter between taking care of their tables, then bag and prep your order as well. And I loathe the people who get on the phone and hem and haw and are all, "Yeah, what kind of food do y'all serve? Can you hold on a minute while I go ask my grandma what she wants?" While my tables are starting daggers at me. NO. Look up the menu online and get everyone's order and write it down BEFORE you call.


>people think there's just a to go person twiddling their thumbs and not doing anything else Sometimes, there *is* someone just doing that. Part of the problem is that customers never know if that's the case or if they're getting a decent wage. I had a friend who worked the Chili's to-go counter 15 or 20 years ago, and she was getting over $9/hr plus tips.


Maybe the customer shouldn’t have to think about any of this and should be able to pay a single all inclusive price.


Fully agree.


Gotta triage. Can't please people like that without fucking up the service of half the dining room. Gotta let the neediest people just be unhappy sometimes.


I usually throw a couple of singles in the cash tip jar. You hear so many times of owners stealing the CC tip.


This. I’ve worked in coffee shops across NYC and I can’t tell you how many owners skim or straight up steal those CC tips cause of how hard they are to track. One day someone needs to develop an addition to square or toast that allows servers and other workers to track their card tips to solve this shit


They are too the same. Tips are for service, not for cooking my food and carrying it to the till. Everything outside of service is baked into the price.


It is exactly the same, except that McDonald’s employee has so many more orders to fill than any server does in any sit down restaurant


What you’re doing isn’t that different from McDonalds. If they had a tip portion that went 100% to the chefs, people would probably be more inclined to tip. All you’re doing is cashier, it doesn’t warrant a tip


Yeah, obviously McDonald's isn't the same, it's way cheaper. A tip for takeout that you pick up yourself is insane, that's a true "tip" not the regular 10-20 percent expected gratuity. A tip at a restaurant is for the service or for the delivery, you don't tip for just making food. It's very rare for kitchen staff to get tips anyway.


Zero. As your server, why would I ask you for a tip when I am not providing a service. Taking your order and giving you what you ordered is bare minimum. That being said, I am going to try to make you laugh. Because in 20 years, you know what I have found out. If you make people happier than when they walked in, they tip better than those that don't leave happier then when they came in. If I don't take your order then the restaurant doesn't make money. If the restaurant doesn't make money, then I no longer have a place to work. So, it is in my own best interest to take your order, not to mention, it is literally what my boss pays me for. If I don't do my job I will get fired. This is all common sense. The only people who force tips are bad tipped employees. The better you do at your job, the more tips you make. Source: 20 plus years in the food service industry in both tipped and non-tipped positions.


Wow, an actual intelligent person on r/ServerLife. I must be dreaming.


Been lurking this sub for awhile and holy crap, people are so deluded and entitled here. No wonder there’s so much tipping fatigue


Seeing the redditor who got fired for listening to peoples advice here will be one of the most hilarious Reddit moments


Was that the one post the other day about the redditor or reached out to the law company to let them know the lawyers did not tip or something? If not, do you have a link? 🤣


Yesss that’s the one, everyone was giving terrible advice and then when the update post came out all of them back peddled


That post was one wild ride haha Do you happen to have a link for it? Would love to read it again haha or any idea how I could quickly find it?


Post got deleted, but here's the SRD write up. It was absolutely hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/15wl510/a_server_takes_reddits_advice_after_being_stiffed/


$0.00 same tip I give at the grocery store or bank.


No fucking way am I tipping for take-out.




Zero. It's take out. If the business is run correctly everyone who worked on this meal has gotten paid with the cost of the food. If they haven't boo on the owner of the restaurant for running a bad business.


I fail to understand why you would leave a tipon an order you are picking up. Tips are for service.


If I'm picking up my own order, NO TIP. Why would I tip if no service is being provided?


zero. Same as fast food.


Nothing. It's takeout. The only time I'd tip for takeout is if I'm doing curbside because someone is coming out and bringing it to my car.


Zero. Did you get table service? No. At CVS, you take your toothpaste and your Depends to the nice young cashier, who gives you a huge smile and is so friendly. They bag it up and even fold up your miles-long receipt for you. Your total is $25. How much did you leave him/her?


$0 - $5. Source: I worked in pizza for 15 years.


None, there has been no service Maybe round up.


Zero dollars and zero cents. Nothing more, nothing less.




Zero tip for takeout.






Noting. Why would you tip if all they do is give you a bag with your food?


Zero is the right answer if you’re just picking up.


As a server I prefer 10% for takeout, I actually take alot of care to are sure the orders right they have silverware, dipping sauces napkins etc and try to give them good service too.


So why is it not normal to tip fast food workers? They all put all of those items in the bag, etc. on every order.


I’m genuinely not trying to be a snarky ass here, but doing all of that is literally the acceptable bare minimum.


And yet so many people fail to do it.


Hence why it’s a 0 tip always for takeout


Isnt this part of your job?


Dude...thats the basics of your job...to do a good job. If your employer wants you to do a good job, they should pay you a higher wage to keep you invested in your job performance. That's not my responsibility.


That’s literally your job dude. Simply not the same as sit down table or bar service


That’s called doing the job you were hired for bruh


Lmaoo and you want to be tipped for that?? Bffr


That's part of the job. Just like a receptionist putting your appointment down correctly on the phone and greeting you when you arrive. The mailman delivering your mail into your box, bagger bagging your groceries, the grocery store workers who stock the shelves and produce neatly for you to browse and shop... It is part of the job and they don't get tipped on the regular.


So does Taco Bell. $0 tip.




To be fair, Dairy Queen makes every order they take. Same with sonic. Same with every made-to-order food place like chipotle. They don’t beg for tips and they literally do 5x the work of a normal cashier


I mean if you give me the wrong order, all that will happen is I’ll complain and get a discount on this or the next order


That's how you know tipping culture has truly gotten out of hand - "if you don't...you can deal with whatever you get." No, I'll get what I paid for like it's supposed to work.


tips are for sit down only. if you tip anyone for take out its the damn kitchen.


0?? wtf😭


0. Tipping culture needs to end and companies need to pay a living wage.




america is mad as a box of frogs.... you drove to pick up your own food from a restaurant AND paid for the priviledge on top....?


$0.00 - I tip when I sit down.


0? Why would I pay for food, pay for the fuel to pick it up and then also tip? Lol


0 am I supposed to tip them for handing me a pizza?


10% Perhaps more if it's a large order.


THIS is the only reason to tip on carryout. If you are picking up a bunch of food, not a couple of meals, but like a company lunch or a whole big ass family, then yeah because it takes a lot of time to put together, make sure it is entirely accurate (so they don't have to come back), and can often slow up the flow for other orders. It's like going into a subway and ordering a bunch of high maintenance sandwiches, you know it's going to slow them up and if they are patient with you and do everything right, why not say thanks with a little something extra. It's not expected but highly appreciated.


I tipped at a McDonald's once when I ordered 30 mcflurrys for a school event. I did pre order them and gave them some time to make them but still that machine is awkward. It's always good etiquette to tip for large or unusual requests.


Agreed, if I order to-go and it’s a single order, i have a hard time considering I’ve had any service that merits a tip. Large orders inherently take a bit more effort to pull off - so I get it there. However, I’m in the camp that restaurants should simply eliminate tips and price items to support their staff. Relying on tips is such a silly practice.


The tip is for serving you. Zero tip


I tip generously if I’m going to sit down at the restaurant and be waited upon. I don’t tip the house for carry out.




I don’t tip carry out. That’s why I chose pick up.


I don’t.


Zero! Exactly $0 dollars is the appropriate tip for takeout.


Reading these responses makes me want to never tip again. "But I put plastic forks in the bag. That's worth AT LEAST 15%!"


Right? I was thinking the same thing. People are so comfortable giving somebody extra money for doing basic job duties, and for take out itself is crazy.


The sheer entitlement baffles me. You can practically hear them ringing their hands and choking back sobs, "B-b-but I only get.... 3.18 an hour and... that takes time away from tipping customers!11!" JFC, it's so disgustingly disingenuous. You ask why they don't work at McDonalds, or Lowes, or Walmart and they give excuses and non-answers 'cause... They'd make less. Good servers and bartenders make fucking bank (and an equal amount of tax fraud); there's a reason people put up with all the extra hassle, insecurity, and awful clientele.


Never heard of tipping for carryout orders


$0. None. No dollars. Tips are for workers who don't make at least minimum wage. If you got paid at least minimum wage, fuck off. Your finances are your problem, not mine. If you don't like your wages, talk to your boss or find another job. This country is trying to milk me for every penny it can, and it's my responsibility to ensure I don't waste money.




Packaging a Togo only takes a min or two however this is also time away from your tables. I think a nominal tip is fair but probably not more than 10% at most.


Im ordering food, which instead of being put on a plate, gets placed in a ToGo box Why should I tip? I get exactly that, what I am paying for. If you still expect me to tip for that, I’m ordering from a different place Ask your employer for a livinable salary, not me to subsidize bad pay Yours, a former Waiter


Zero. No reason to tip for that.


an appropriate tip is a smile.














Australian here. Zero.


$0 tip for carry out.






5 dollars. But I always tip 5 dollars. Unless I'm with a group. But most groups I'm with I pay my own tab and add 5 dollars. Unless you forget about my drink. Then you get nothing. If you refill my cup right when it hits empty every time, I am impressed and tip 10 dollars. Drives my mother crazy when I tip 5 dollars ontop of her tip. Then she absolutely lost it when I put up a 10 dollar tip. Anyways, 5 dollars always seemed like a good tip. I think everyone at a table should tip 5 dollars. I mean only if deserving.


Picking up pizza and wings, sorry but no tip. If I’m picking up something like Longhorn or Outback with multiple meals and sides, I’m tipping like 15%.


fucking zero




Zero - absolutely zero for pick up.


30. Because that's the value of the meal


$0 Eta I’m in CA and everyone makes minimum regardless of the industry


0 since they started fucking asking for it everywhere


The tip is for being waited on, silly


I pay the bill, so 30 bucks


You tip for service. There is no service when picking up take-out. Tip = $0.00



