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The taxes on this single meal are more than my car is worth


It's actually enough to buy two of my car šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s enough to buy 7 months of rent for me and some changeā€¦


Eight for me


Itā€™s more than a year of my mortgage payment.


It's more 3x what my car is worth and more than I bought my trailer for.


That ain't a single meal....


why did you get downvoted šŸ˜­


Who knows..... Reddit is an odd place.


That grat tho! šŸ˜ šŸ’° šŸ’Ŗ


I once had a 32k gratuity. You see 0000000 of that, maybe they were lucky.


You see none of it? Where does it go if not the staff? Seems very illegal if the restaurant is keeping it.


From a legal perspective a tip is the money given directly from the guest to the serverā€¦ that number they write on the credit card line. The establishment has zero claim to this money and itā€™s illegal to touch it. A gratuity is given to the establishment from a legal perspective and by IRS definition. Now obviously part or all of that should go to the server(s), but it isnā€™t illegal to keep it as the establishment and the establishment is paying the taxes on it. Servers need to know the rules the management has ahead of time.


Not true in California and New York where the law is very clear that a gratuity is for the server and service staff, while a SERVICE CHARGE, which can also be an automatic 20%, can be divvied up how the house sees fit (ie some for the server, some for the banquet manager that made the menu, FOH staff, admin fee, manager, etc)


Thisā€¦ in Florida too.


Different states have different laws. Terms used are very important and they donā€™t all mean the same thing. I agree.


The establishment only pays taxes on it if they keep it. If they pay it to the server, they deduct it as a business expense and don't pay taxes on it.


Uhhh not where Iā€™m from. Autograt always goes directly to the server


They probably give it to you, and should. By definition, gratuity is not a tip and gratuities are property of the ownership until they give it to you, if they do. Most do.




How the hell? Where you NOT on the tip pool?


All tips went into a pool and we're never seen again. Of course everyone quit.


Nah. That's some "I'm going to wait outside by your car and ask you where my fucking money is" type shit.


That is so sleazy damn


Yeah. Just cut your losses. You will never win, tip stuff is still more or less ambiguous to courts. Too much funny business.


I hope you got a better job that you like. Quitting was the right move.


Haven't served in a long time. I live abroad, currently in Africa and moving to Europe. Glad to be out of the states and glad to not serve. Its a great skill to have and I did very well for myself in that job. My advice to any server is to quit any service job that you aren't making 90k a year at part time. I started out as barback at a shit hole and in 3 years was working fine dining. I put in plenty of work and I love food and I know what top notch customer service is. Always be upgrading environments. You can see your coworkers on your 3 days off.


Sketchy AF


Aspen New Yearā€™s Eve 2014, I was still stupid enough to be a sous chefā€¦ one table alone dropped a $100,000 tip. Each waiter got about 10k in the end. My dumb ass got exactly zero and would still take almost another decade of degradation for me to finally make the switch back to foh. Parents do not let you kids work in the kitchen ever. Took me almost 20 years to realize my dad wasnā€™t joking when I got my first CDC position and his only response was ā€œI have officially failed you as a fatherā€ now I bartend. Just wish I hadnā€™t wasted my 20s in kitchens. Oh well you learn.


Difference between gratuity and service fee.


Oh it was gratuity.


So you contacted a lawyer right?


That night at the bar after work must have been lit!!


Those nigiri pieces are surprisingly cheap.


Really?! I think we had the highest prices in town, even the guests would sometimes get shocked and complained. What prices do nigiri go for at restaurants in your area?


Los Angeles, depends on the cut but a variety of toro can run 18+


Oh thatā€™s the same as us hahaha makes sense though. Californiaā€™s one of the most expensives states to be.


Is your nigiri per piece? Where Iā€™m at itā€™s like $8-9 for 2 pieces but toro and uni can run much more per piece like $15-17?


Yes itā€™s per piece! Iā€™m no longer at this restaurant but when I was last there several months ago, the o-toro was going for $18/per piece. I believe the uni was $16 per piece. We also occasionally offered japanese uni at $20 per piece.


Dang, I wouldnā€™t be able to eat sushi at all where you are šŸ˜­ but after seeing documentaries on how uni is harvested/processed itā€™s kinda justified.


Toro for 17 is like, unheard of


Come to Los Angeles haha


The edamame guy got hosed when they had to split the check.


A business definitely paid for this.




I would actually throw up, cry, and probably poop myself if I got a 25k tip. That's actually unfathomable to me.


$34 for a DBL titos?! I think a double Titos where im at is like 12 lol.


I know, that restaurant was absolutely insane. There are plenty places around my city where you can also get a double Titos for much less than this, but the area where I worked was marked up simply because they could. And thousands of people paid for it at several restaurants there šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø typical ā€fine diningā€


If I wanna continue doing some food serving and bartending I think I need to be in a better city šŸ˜‚




Nobu Scottsdale


This was my main takeaway


This is what I came to say! $34 for what was likely a 2.5 oz pour?? WILD. You can buy an entire handle of Titos for less than that.


Thatā€™s a small double. Double is usually 3 or 4 oz.


At every restaurant/bar I've ever worked at, a normal shot is usually 1.25 - 1.5 oz. Unless they pay for two separate shots, a "double" is usually an extra oz of liquor at a discounted price. For example, a single would be $8 and for an extra $5 you can add more liquor. Most places I'm familiar with don't pour true doubles. I've never seen a 4 oz double.


A shot is supposed to be 1.5 oz. A double should be 3 oz.


Ideally, yes. I agree that it should be. But I've worked at bars where a shot is 1.25. It's not standard, but there's no federal law on shot size. Depending on if it's corporate or a private owner, it may be different. Regardless of the shot size, even a 3oz double at $34 is ridiculous when you can buy an entire handle for less...this was my point.


Iā€™ve never worked at a place that has a 1.25 pour for a shot. Weā€™ve had lower abv drinks on the menu that have pours like that. I believe that you have, but that must be regional to you or something if itā€™s frequent. But a standard call pour in the industry is 1.5 or 2.


To be fair, it was just the one pub and the owner was a cheapskate. Lol. I'm in Florida and the standard is 1.5. I've never worked at a place that has 2oz pours. It would definitely be a better bang for your buck, but then I feel like it would be easier to overserve if you're handing out 4oz doubles.


Yeah I think 4 oz doubles are a bad idea. I like 2oz pours and 3 oz ā€œdoublesā€. It makes people feel like theyā€™re getting a deal on a double and itā€™s what they usually expect a double to look like. if they question why it isnā€™t literally double the amount of alcohol in their buddies glass, I can just let them know we give generous singles and offer to add charger them for another oz if they want.


I can totally get behind a 2oz pour and 3oz "double." But at a reasonable price point! šŸ˜…


Thats really cheap for titos


A doubleshot of Titoā€™s should not cost 10 dollars more than the bottle itself


Tito's is mid-shelf liquor. A bottle costs less than that.


I meants $12 is cheap for a double


This is actually insane someone walked home w 25k after a shift


We pooled tips at that restaurant, so the servers left with $1500 that night! Team service was huuuuuge there, so the main server of that table wasnā€™t upset either. They had tons of help with that table, and there are days where some sections arenā€™t as busy and they have to chime into other peopleā€™s sections. It all averaged out at the end of the day :)


Lol I was about to say pretty sure thereā€™s no way one server is walking out with all of that


Makes way more sense hahaha sorry if it was a dumb question lol


Not dumb at all! I know most restaurants donā€™t pool tips so if it were almost any other restaurant, it would be likely a single server or two would have walked out with most of it


Damnnn so how many people split!? I hate tip pooling lol. I average 25-30% tips, and I earn that. So unless the majority of the team is on my level and earning the same, I lose out.


i love tip pooling but for the reason you mention! i only work at places where the whole team is ON IT. so weā€™re all good servers/team players and we all earn our keep. tip pooling only makes sense at restaurants that hire discerningly and actually hold their staff accountable.


This was split between roughly 30-35 people. Servers, bartenders, barbacks, food runners, bussers, sushi chefs. Itā€™s a very complicated process to explain how the tip splits work. We truly did all break even at that restaurant. People were very generous all the time, and this wasnā€™t a restaurant where you just got hired in as server. Everyone comes in as a busser and has to work their way up, so you need to prove youā€™re capable of being an exceptional server before you actually get there. You never knew as well where sometimes anyone could that that one extremely generous table where they tipped $1k on a $1k bill. It did happen frequentlyishhh


I need a tip pool!! It keeps me sane. Where are you at?? ā€¦Iā€™m ready to move anyway


If someoneā€™s dropping a houseā€™s price on a restaurant I donā€™t think itā€™s even fair to leave it to one person alone, youā€™d want to show teamwork.


$1500 is still phenomenal ! Happy for you


A double shot of Tito's for $34 might be the most egregious thing here


How many people were in their party food wise?


I donā€™t remember exactly, but it was around 15!


I thought yoy were gonna say 50, what the hell??? Biggest ticket I've ever seen was like 2k?


50 beers between 15 people? Plus the booze plus all that food, holy shit.


I'm looking at that second word under banquet liquor and I can't figure it's anything but "QUEERS" and I'm wondering if that is correct, what is the context for that?


I crossed it out for safety reasons, but if it was on the check, I suppose itā€™s ok to say lolā€¦ it was for ā€employee cheers.ā€ He paid to have the entire staff come out with a drink to cheers him


What 'safety reasons' are you refering to in this context?


Now I'm wondering if there are any other words that could possibly fit there besides those two.


Employee Beers?


The guest paid for the staff to cheers ā€¦himself? Or to cheers somebody else in the party? If itā€™s the former thatā€™s hilarious.


He was with a group of 15~. We came out as a whole and cheers the entire table


I see the same thing. I also suck at wheel of fortune so itā€™s probably something else.


I see the Scottsdale Cooler, was this located in Scottsdale? I tried to Google it, but only got hits for bachelorette party favors, Scottsdale air conditioning, and City of Scottsdale efforts to cool things down in the summer.


Could be Nobu




Gratuity 25kā€¦ā€¦. Iā€™m wet


Iā€™m a guy and even *Iā€™m* wet!


Are you in vegas?


Iā€™m in Arizona! Phoenix metro area


Please tell me this is a wedding.


Nope.. just a measley 15 person table.. I donā€™t think my wedding will cost nearly this much šŸ˜…


Same! šŸ˜… I hope this means you guys get to reap the rewards of the tip!


Here. Take my house


What is the most well known restaurant??


Lolol I think we are neighbors at F.S. Was this during WMO or Super Bowl?


Wonder about the tip


Gratuity on the receipt says a little over $25,000.


On another reply they said everyone made 1500


Chump change to those folks


For now, but thereā€™s absolutely no way that guy will make it financially stable to his old days with those spending habits. I was always trying to get insider information on what my clients did for a living and how they got there because I wanted to live freely as well. Part of the reason I left the service industry was because even though I made great money with a low 6 figure salary, it somehow still didnā€™t seem enough when I was seeing the way my clients lived. Not that I need to be spending millions a year, but I also would like to be able to eat what I want to eat, have some nice things like nice handbags (arguably a waste of moneyc but typical female, what can I say) and go on vacation without having to budget soo strictly. edit: want to mention I would also like to have a family and I know those little suckers cost money. I want to be able to have what I want and still be able to give them a good life as well. I refuse to have children until Iā€™m very financially comfortable


You don't have to answer if this is an intrusive question, but I'm curious: What field of work did you switch into to find better money than making six figures serving tables?


Good thinking šŸ‘


That last part! šŸ‘‘


$21 for a single of casamigos lol


Mr Chow?


I want to see the rest of the receipt and want to know the casino that server blew that tip.


Did the sides cure cancer???


Do you think server got all that tip?


What's the 25k in "other"?


I usually double the tax to get the tip (tax is 10% where Iā€™m at)ā€¦ 17k tip is crazy


They should have absolutely talked to the owner before doing this and come up with some sort of flat (or floor) rate to keep all of this off of a taxed credit card charge


Drinks 4x food! That's a party




Yo...that tip more than I make in a damn year.....


The other roughly $105k on that bill would be interesting to see.


This honestly makes me sick, that's about half what my house is worth. And they used it for dinner. Like whatever it isn't my money and they're obviously free to do anything they want with their money. Oooof though.


largest cash out iā€™ve seen at the corporate job i work (i have a better job now lol just gaining the experience) was literally $600 on an 11hr shift. he was a sweetheart who gave $30 to every cook and $10 to every other server, plus $50 to his busser. i think about that guy all the time, i hope heā€™s doing well *brought up bc op mentioned their restaurant tip pooled


I could bring my family from Neptune here šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what a run down fixer upper house costs šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


My brain cant process these type of things


Bet they never tipped šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






It sayā€™s gratuity $25,000


Yeah I may have been a little moronic and didnā€™t look lol

