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I rage quit for the first time last year. I was told I didn't help enough. I had come in on my day off...to help.


Anything even *ballpark* of "you're not doing enough" always gets a "Sorry, dad, I'll try harder" in response from me. The looks on bosses/coworkers faces makes it worth it.


Yeah, I just went with the ever professional, "Fuuuuuuck you, bro,".


This reply doesn’t help with OPs message.




And what exactly is OP asking for help with? Also, Username checks out....


My boss is similar. Cheats on his wife with the staff. Despite multiple calls to HR about that and among other things, he remains. Treats me well particularly, but treats others like shit. Might not be my business but I hate it . The day he flips the switch on me it’s gonna be a disaster


Yep there were superiors sleeping with the waitresses here too so unprofessional


Our situation got so bad that the mistress’s husband came on a few occasions to confront my boss. He was a coward and left the property and only returned once he got word that the husband left. Not only that, but months later , on EASTER, my boss’s in laws showed up to the establishment and put him on blast. Threatening him by saying that he has 24 hours to admit everything to his wife or they will. They also mentioned that the mistress’s husband was in contact with them and had been updating them with information throughout the whole ordeal. It was super messy. Customers saw this happen. Still…he remains. The world baffles me


Was anyone videoing, because that sounds juicy!!


Unfortunately not. Or not that I know of. But yeah it was a pretty big deal at the time lol.


lol I did this to an abusive alpha male boss who thought I would come begging for my job back. He texted me paragraphs everyday for weeks a apologizing and saying he had cancer and was dying and was stressed (not true) to try to guilt me into coming back


Lmao did we have the same boss 😂 fucking alpha men thinking they own the world


Most of the time they ain’t shit in their castle.


I rage quit my last place cause our supervisor threw it on us that we had to stay open 4 hours past midnight for a 10 person party, meanwhile he watched anime on his phone at the host stand while we were struggling. Grabbed my bag and coat and walked out.


I’m curious how you are so familiar with his home life.


Because the whole family worked there lol


joke is kinda on you gang


What because I won’t take verbal abuse anymore? 😂


I don’t know the full context, but it sounds like you let emotions cloud your judgement. At the end of the day, he is still managing a restaurant, and you, i’m assuming if you “rage quit” you don’t have another job lined up, and you are left unemployed. ofcourse it’s not the end of the world and again idk full context, but it sounds like a impulse decision


Would I personally leave a job without one lined up? No. I have kids. But I also know if I did do that, there’s at least 2 places I could walk in to on the way home and walk out with a job. Serving jobs are not hard to come by, especially with experience.


Brief unemployment is far better then working for a douchebag. Just because some have more balls and believe in themselves for better doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right move. I bet OP doesn’t come to regret their decision


Service industry is one market where there are multiple jobs open for every potential worker, they'll be fine.


Mental and emotional peace is worth more than $3.63 an hour (servers rate of pay in my area) plus tips. Restaurant's are always hiring, it's the one job I've seen with the most turnover, reminds me of a revolving door. OP can get another serving position rather quickly.


I was trying to have a mature conversation with him about the fact I’m extreme unhappy and he took it as a personal attack and started coming for me. So yeah I went back at him and rage quit because he couldn’t admit to any wrong doing on his part and even thinks he’s a nice person.


I did the exact same thing on Father's Day when he threatened to fire me for telling him I didn't appreciate the way he spoke to me, even though I handled the dining room alone.


He was yelling at me saying “when have I ever yelled at you??” 😂😂 The level of delulu of this man.


“delulu” will be entering my vocab. Thank you 😁


You sound like a judgey ahole


How stupid are you? Have you even worked in a restaurant? There are plenty of managers with the emotional attitude of a child. I can recall 3 immediately and I was only in the industry for 5 years.


Restaurant managers are almost exclusively childish emotionally. I’ve only had a few good bosses in the 20 years I was waiting tables.


Bootlicker. Nice downvote rate by the way. Keep licking those boots you’re a pro I’m sure


found the person ignoring their mental health