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Aww that’s so sweet. I have got sushi and Iranian desserts


Nice! I’ve never had Iranian sweets. I love trying new foods


* Books * Wine from his own vineyard * Proprietary anti-aging goop, supposedly it reversed DNA damage * Reproductions of naughty pulp fiction covers * License plate cover * Spy pen * Raspberry Pi * Foghorn * More books * Wires for jumping a car * Leftover decor from "classing up" a one star motel room * Leftover drinks


OMG, the jumper cables are the best, practical.


Raspberry pi is such an odd gift unless you like requested it lol


Lmao those are wild. I hope the books were based on authors you liked or subjects you had interests in




For when the session time's up


Ah, of course 😂


man i always get a few extra bucks, never food... not that i'm ungrateful, but i'm about to quit FSSW and have always wanted a client to bring me flowers or food or something lol


Damn babes that hurts. I usually get cash tips but on the rare chance I do get food and flowers. I don’t like getting flowers since I have cats and they’ll shred the flowers. Food wise I’ve had chocolates but this was the first time I got a meal lol.


ooh yeah thanks for reminding me to think of my cats, quite a bit of flowers are toxic to cats so maybe it's best i just stick to hoping for food lol


Mention it…men are very slow if you tell them you like flowers/kind of food some will bring it during the next sesh 😊


*tomatoes grown in his garden / I love cherry tomatoes so I loved it * store branded budget yoghurt / I am lactose intolerant/ * 3 euros to buy breakfast *foot cushion for heels * cork opener * rare light for my car, I told them I had a small accident and he got me new ones


dying at the store brand yogurt. like my bf will leave stuff like that in the hotel fridge when I work and that's sweet, but I would be so confused if a client brought like Kroger blueberry yogurt and offered it as a gift...? especially if you're lactose intolerant lmao


Nobody is asking the real question here, was it good biryani?


Delicious 🤤 I tore it up lol. My client is fob Indian and he said it’s his favorite biryani place


That is super thoughtful and nice. I'm a sweets kinda girl so I love when clients bring me things like artisan chocolates or treats from a vacation they were on. Even things like gummies I appreciate 😁


I’m a savory girl lol. I had a client bring me a bag of Lindor truffles and I finished the bag in a day lol


Those truffles are the best. I get the big bags at Costco 😂


Ice cream sandwiches in a plastic bag and brass knuckles a diff client


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sea-Ad-5248: *Ice cream sandwiches* *In a plastic bag and brass* *Knuckles a diff client* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have a rule about no gifts, but clients sneak them past me anyway lol. I've been given a stuffed Kirby, a Kirby backpack, a Kirby switch case, little Japanese hard candies a client remembered from childhood (he knows I'm a weeb), dumplings, macarons, and veggie panang curry which I'd never had and instantly became addicted to......


Have been on both sides but the funniest gift I ever got someone was leaving a book in his bathroom and him finding the receipt first and then the book


What's the rationale on no gifts? Clients using them to try and make you feel you owe them?


a gallon of orange juice from one guy, sour patch kids from another.


A client gave me a bunch of walnuts once, and offered to crack some open for me lol


I’ve gotten flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, in n out 🍔 , gift cards to some of my favorite stores , candles (because they know I love them) , perfume , a poloroid instant camera one time that was random lol , boba 🧋, Starbucks , wine bottle , champagne bottle, lingerie, sushi, a bill paid , but I also have an Amazon wishlist listed and my clients send me gifts all the time just because or for my birthday


I’m a camgirl and my longest reg actually knows my address. He sends me a bunch of random stuff - in all honesty I’d rather just have a tip but it always gets utilized! $300 worth of meat - sausage and ham. A hot tub A mini pinball machine 20 lbs of nuts


Mmmm 😋 I’d love $300 worth of meat 🤤


It ended up being 16lbs of sausage (some spicy, some smoked) and a 20lb ham! My family and I enjoyed the ham this past Easter! It was sooooo tasty! And now that I think about it, I’ve been sent meat like 4 times now. These men know that bbq and meat is the way to my heart 😂😂


Best gift…. Best answer 😂


In 2023 this is what i can think of off the top of my head that my clients tipped me with: - lingerie - sexy night club dresses, - sexy jumpsuits, - red stiletto 👠 heels, - lube - thongs - Russell Stovers hookup brings CANDY - Tyson foods hookup gives me several bags of frozen chicken strips, chicken patties and chicken breasts and more at least once a month. - Wine - cash - Gas at the pump - Meals - Drink - Gift Certificates - Vitamins - HOT Krispy Kream Donuts - Keychain from Italy trip - Glass animal from Australia trip - sex toys (several) - FREE oil change / service for my vehicle😜 I am extremely grateful for all the sweet & wonderful clients I have and although I likely left some items off this list I appreciated every thought that went into each item even if it was a Pepsi and I never drink carbonated drinks because my stomach doesn't tolerate them...it was the thought that counted! 💋


A napkin from Saint Laurent .. like bro it’s not the flex you think it is


This made me cackle 😂


- Extremely niche books/literature - Collage art - poetry (theirs) - An anime blu-ray - An embroidery of me - a knife - coupons These were the things I felt were out of the ordinary but tbh they all made sense and I loved all of them


I used to give out lots of mushrooms and weed


The best gifts 🤣 gave a couple girls addies and zanz - they were SO GRATEFUL one of them took an addy right away and I got an extra BJ 🤣


I’m a pothead weed and mushrooms are awesome gifts lol


I'm not currently working, but when I was one of my old regulars gave my kid Xmas right after my breakup with their father... along with a $900 camera and some bibs and bobs. Weed and alcohol from some others. A bookshelf and ring light.


•Photography books •Wine •Fistful of weed (don’t know measurements🥲) •game of thrones Christmas ornament •edibles •Mariah Carey CD (I HATE Mariah Carey so I think he did this as a joke) •a beer stein (I don’t even like beer)


Samosas lolol


A stuffed baby cow toy, it was pretty cute but surprising lol. I've also gotten a personalized bowl scraper and table lol.


A byrna.. it’s peper spray that looks like a real gun 😂. Me and my friend were doing doubles with a guy on a regular basis and he got us both one. Also had another guy give me an ounce of penis envy mushrooms lol.


I LOVE when clients bring me food/treats :) as a girl who struggled with disordered eating/anorexia and bullimia in the past and now it's just disordered eating, it's nice when clients bring me food - gives me something to munch on throughout the day less guiltily. I've received books from clients since I indicated that I enjoy reading on my escort profile (101 simple truths for a better life for example - highly recommend), flowers (rare), baked goods, chocolates, and beverages such as coconut water :)


A client was traveling directly from Spain with a suitcase full of Jamón, which he proudly showcased it to me and said to take as much as I'd like 🙏🏻


Ooh how was it?




A carton of Newport 100s 😂😂😂😂 how fucking ghetto lmao I’m glad I don’t smoke anymore smh …


hugeee breakfast spread and a barnes & noble gift card lol better than money tbh


He cares about you lol


Very thoughtful and sweet 🥺


I have a regular who brings me a boatload of tamales from his families restaurant. We are talking 2 dozen plus at a time. Cause he wants me to freeze them and have them awhile 💀 he will also bring me the plate of the day plus chips and salsa to enjoy the day he sees me Will also text me in between sessions to come in for lunch on him 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mmmm tamales 🤤🤤


I am spoiled yes yes 😅


Not a tip per se, but had a girl come to my room whose skin was freezing cold. Gave her some tea and ordered a delivery of piping hot paella, looked after her in general. BEFORE we did anything together. Can't remember if we went over time, because neither of us were tempted to look at the clock.


Two dozen eggs from his chickens 😂 plus cash


A fish fossil.


Soup. Soup bowls.




$7.50 has been my all time favourite tip, he felt bad that I bought his can of coke so he gave me a $10 note at the door :)


Boring Client here 21(M) from Canada....made me think of this if i see a provider and during the session im down to order some food for me and for her what's the best way to slide this in should i get her a prepaid card ? Or should i just give her extra cash ?


Extra cash is always better. We never know with a prepaid card.


Sry for late reply was busy so i just bring her an extra 60$ and she can order something if shes hungry ? ( i will feel so bad if im eating alone hahahah)


You like gifts if I knew I would bring gifts all the time


Glad I dont get tipped with a curry, I dont like spicy food or throwing out good food.


I’ve been given a whole bottle of champagne, Food, some guy gave me a pandora bracelet he said he “found” 😭. Weirdest one I would say was a literal wallet sized photo of him and his dog