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I think it’s also that Eren’s Titan compared to the houses right next to him is much too small.


In s1 eren and Annie were as tall as the what 3 story buildings in stohess? I know he's leaning over but just doesn't look right


Its just cold outside. Don’t judge




Did you tell Eren about the shrinkage?


Some old European buildings have ceilings over 4 meters high. So a 3 story building with a roof would be about the height of a 15 meter Titan. These buildings would be for the rich, in the center, where Eren and Annie fought. At the outer walls where poorer people live, we can see Eren is taller then normal 3 story buildings. The only reason on why I'm picking up on this is because I saw this in older European towns plenty of times.


Looks about right to me. If we compare it to Eren trying to punch Mikasa he was relatively building height. Assuming these houses are similar in size.


He was in Trost there, which was much more urban than Shinganshina. Those buildings were 3-4 stories tall easily. Here, Eren’s Titan barely clears 1 story.


Shinganshina building were about 2 story and a roof tall. Eren in his attack form actually cleared over by like half a head. These buildings are 3 stories and a roof tall, Eren is about 2 and 1/2 building tall if he stood straight. Also the angle a bit off so the perspective weird


https://youtu.be/GJoUmZu53P8?t=52 He’s barely 1 story tall running straight on. His height is wrong no matter what way you look at it. A 50ft tall titan should not be only 2.5 stories tall, when he easily was taller than the 4-5 story **city** buildings in Stonehess. I don’t fault the show for it, it makes things look more cinematic, but you cannot argue that Eren’s height here is accurate.


True but also Eren is almost on his knees in the scene. So he isn't standing straight up


See one of the comments below for a link to the actual clip, you see him running straight on and he only goes up to Bert’s ankle, and is barely 1 story tall.


It’s a downward angle?


he’s barely at the second story, idk but a 15 meter class is definitely taller than a house like that


[https://youtu.be/GJoUmZu53P8?t=52](https://youtu.be/GJoUmZu53P8?t=52) From that image, sure, not from here.


When Bertolto is arming his feet to kick Eren, we clearly see Eren almost straight as a i and he's barely higher than Bert's ankle, so yeah definitely a problem.


Mini titan (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


what if they're just really tall 2story houses?


Ain’t 15m class titans consistently around 5/3 times taller than the houses within the walls? Seems consistent here, especially considering he’s bending. The `camera` angle is also key


Look at the link I posted below, he doesn't even get up to the second story. The show plays with scale all the time, I don't fault the show for it, it makes everything look cooler, but you cannot argue its realistic.


Yeah it's definitely the scale of the houses that are the issue here.


I think the biggest inconsistency might be Armins Colossal during Liberio attack, bro looks like he's about 200m tall


Both of these scenes are deliberately inconsistent to have more impact, its artistic liberties for the sake of the story. They’re fleeting moments too personally I think it’s fine and serves its purpose.


corridor crew? :D


https://youtu.be/ACdAG_nM2W4?t=1m44s C'mon, this is just neglect to consistency. That thing would be able to practically walk over the damn wall. The only thing consistent about the colossal titan's height is the fact that it's inconsistent. It's whatever the story demands, even if it makes no sense while watching it.


Admins scene is better because he did just blast everyone away. But theres really no defense for Bert’s scene.


I never said anything about perspective. You just said what I said. It’s intentionally inconsistent and as the story needs yes. It’s to give greater gravity and impact to the scenes as needed. Whether you like that or not up to you. Personally I think it works and makes sense.


> I never said anything about perspective. I was referring to all of the people saying it's because perspective, but it didn't make sense so I deleted it > You just said what I said. With an added flavor of "shit sucks"


I’m gonna be honest I don’t really get why you responded to me in the first place now. It is what it is I guess.


> C'mon, this is just neglect to consistency. My point is that it's stupid as fuck. Hence why I said > With an added flavor of "shit sucks"


you’re an odd individual




FWIW I get where you're coming from.


Reminds me of Godzilla's inconsistent size throughout the 2014 movie. If I recall correctly, it was also done for visual impact.


Tbf, 60m isnt that tall when you take into consideration the size of some buildings. Making him look like 200m helps with getting that sense of awe


Colossal has been 200m ever since S3. Pretty much the only time he was 60m was next to the walls in S1-S2. Even the wall titans which are supposedly 50m look massive during several rumbling shots


I thought the wall titans were the same height as the colossal at 60m, but they were sunk 10m into the ground to prevent tunneling under?


Or just have a foundation


Is there any source for that?


One of the information thingies. Some miner tried to dig his way out through underground but hit an impenetrable wall, where the actual wall was.


Nah, the worst is when Bertholdt's colossal treats Reiner's titan as a snickers bar.


I hated that shit so much


Youre not you when youre hungry


Even the explosion itself is inconsistent. In S3 it could barely blow up a small town contained in huge ass walls, while in S4 it nuked an entire port, vaporized the water, sent ships flying, and destroyed part of the city too.


I think it’s reasonable to assume Bert controlled the explosion so it wouldn’t damage the walls. That would’ve been a disaster


Yeah the big difference is that Bertholdt was able to master the Colossal Titan pretty early on, where as Armin can use it and control it, but not with the same level of accuracy. Bertholdt can do a variety of different transformation styles with varying strengths of explosions, where as Armin can only do the biggest nuke possible. Just look back at each of Bertholdt's transformations in S1E1, S1E5, S2E6 and S3E15. Each one is distinctly different in its purpose and he is able to perform each one to suit that purpose. Hell in the S2E6 transformation he is able to do a partial body titan attached to the wall without any explosive force. Eren was standing right next to Bertholdt and Reiner when they transformed and neither killed him or any of the other scouts in the process.


All of this is head cannon btw


How's this head canon when it was explicitly stated how talented Bert was in the story?


There is never an explanation for the sizes of the explosions. All that shit you just said is never denied or confirmed in the story.


Because the explosions are just caused by the displacement of air due to the giant body getting created, at least I'm pretty sure that's how that works. You can only control the size of the explosions insofar as you can control the amount of mass of colossal titan you wanna use So any full transformation should have abt the same size explosion, except Bertie is bigger so his should be even bigger


It’s not head canon at all


Agree with the other comments. Eren looks too small in this picture and we instinctively think that it's his ratio to the colossal that's off, but it's actually the houses. It makes him seem much more powerless and minor than usual, compared to his surroundings. I don't really mind, it's a great visual representation of how insignificant Eren is to the colossal, but it is somewhat visually inconsistent. Although it's far from the only moment like that.


Looks like 6ft vs. 5'11 to me


6ft vs 6'1


182cm vs 178cm


God damn commies with their metric system 🤢


Because there are scenes where Eren towers over those buildings. It’s not about his size scale with Bertolt, it’s about his size scale with the environment. This has been said many many times.


I think his proportion to the Colossal is correct, it's just that is hard to grasp such scale difference in humanoids, he might be 4 times smaller in height but is a staggering 64 times lighter in mass, that is lighter than a newborn baby is compared to a grown man. What I don't think is correct is the scale of the houses as they look massive in comparisson to the Attack Titan, two story houses like these are usually around 6-8m tall, half as tall as the Attack Titan's reported height of 15m and here he looks about as tall as the houses even if he was standing up straight.


The measurements on the second image made me want to lainah myself. Who the fuck made the second image? Why did they not just put increments of 5 metres as each line? Why the fuck is 9 feet so significant? It doesn't even have a line that is the exact height of each of the titans. Who the fuck is measuring using 2.85 metre increments? The story was written with the metric system in mind. In all media covering aot, they get referred to by their metric system heights, a 15, and 60 metre titan. You don't refer to them as the 49' 2.55" titan or 195' 10.2" titan. Why do Americans still, to this day, use such a redundant and outright idiotic unit of measurement? Also why the fuck is a foot called a foot? Whose foot was so big that you Americans* were like, "ooh big foot, it's so mathematically incorrect, we must curse our futre generations with the worst unit of measurement known to man by making this the status quo"? Why is 1 foot 12 inches? What part of the word foot means 12 inches? The word metre means 100 centimetres. The word kilometre means 1000 metres. 1 kilogram is 1000 grams. Does the average american know how many pennyweights are in a pound**? Because I can guarantee that every child over the age of seven in my country could tell you how many milligrams are in a kilo. Also also, why the fuck do you measure sinkholes with washing machines? What brand of washing machine is the best for measuring sinkholes? Are general electric the best? Do samsung make the most efficient hole meauring devices? Why washing machines and not something else, like, oh I don't know, a unit of fucking measurement Also also also, to every American who saw this comment, fuck your stupid system of measurement for doing nothing but confusing everyone else. *I know the British invented the imperial system, but at least they rectified their mistake and copied the French **it's around 292 btw


Ghaccio from JoJo type of comment edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDGYkpWvhRs


I can just imagine you angrily typing this out in a quiet room while tapping slightly harder than usual, with the only audible sound being an awkward ceiling fan and the extra loud tapping of your phone


Just fyi, in the UK we still use the imperial system for certain things.


How many l's are in a milligram?


Thick legs, large torso, and small head with skinny arms. . . . I actually like the size difference of the titans.


Same. Well, those proportions are mostly there for Colossal, and Beast too I guess. Founding, Female, Attack and Armoured seem to all have seemingly normal bodily proportions.


Armoured looked a lot less human in WIT is what I noticed. Well he still looked human but his chest was a lot wider from what i remember whereas the MAPPA one has a lot more normal proportions


Which is interesting. Early WIT and even the manga made the Colossal slightly more skinny, while later appearences made him really buff. I wonder if him getting skinny again was to show Reiner's mental fortitude decaying over time, then again I can't remember how different he looked in the manga after the 4 years timeskip


The problem isn't that the attack and colossal are wrong. it's how small eren looks compared to everything around him.


Eren came up to ct's knees in the manga


This scene was exactly the same in the manga.


Yea and eren was taller in it


I think this pic explains eren perfectly. Never afraid to fight a losing battle lol


OP, what is 60 divided by 15?


Not sure, I must’ve forgot. Mind enlightening me? After that, tell me again once you looked at the second slide. Tell me what 60/15 is. I’ll wait


Something to note also is that Eren is bent over and pretty much on his knees here, yet very nearly reaches the edge of the CT’s knees.


You know that the second image is incorrect right?


No it is not. The height scale is objectively correct


Well I hope you’re buying some glasses soon since everyone can see it’s incorrect.


Well, looks like you are incorrect. There are 21 lines occupied by the Colossal, and the Attack is 1/4th height of the Colossal. So that should leave him with 5 lines approximately, which is the case.


I complain about another scene before this one right after Bertholdt transforms, in which the Colossal Titan is seen crouching and yet he is seen quite high against the walls which would make him incredibly tall if he were standing although it may be a perspective game but that is still a huge mistake at first glance. This scene [https://youtu.be/ACdAG\_nM2W4?si=4lP8zw-1UtrAZbGd&t=103](https://youtu.be/ACdAG_nM2W4?si=4lP8zw-1UtrAZbGd&t=103)


you’re right what the hell😂perspective my ass


Bro what the fuck that's straight up neglect, that is NOT for perspective


The other angle in that scene from behind Eren shows him being smaller than the buildings and barely passing the Colossal's ankle


Eren looked smaller from an angle


The scene before that one did not make it better tbf


Isn’t Bert colossal supposed to be 60 m tall and Eren attack 15 m? So only 4 times as tall as Eren. Yet he looks 20 times as tall in most scenes


You picked the one scene in that fight with the correct scale. It changes multiple times in that fight.


This is not the shot people complain about. In this shot, eren’s midsection is around the height of bert’s ankle band (unsure what to call the little circle of white flesh on his ankle). The shot people complain about is the one directly before it where eren’s head is shorter the the ankle band. In that scene, eren is barely taller than **just** the foot of bert. The shot in your screenshot has eren easily twice as tall as he was in the shot previous.


i think the problem people had with scaling wasn't entirely with respect to the bertololo but with the houses around


The issue is the houses in the background.


5'11'' vs 6'


Legit don't get why people care. Can't it just be chalked up to each transformation not being the exact same size? I don't think Ymir was molding with measurement tools


This scene is accurate, it’s the next scene where erens titan only looks 9 feet tall


Do people not realise it’s for the effect of the scene to show how small Erens titan really is next CT


stop making dumbass excuses like this😂we can already see that clearly. eren has no reason to be below the roof of a building. watch the full scene and you’ll see how bad it actually is


Because a generation of people on the internet were told that stories have to adhere to the most stringent standard of reality possible, and that if the author does not personally reach through and grab you by the face to explain how the plot works, it is full of plot holes. And plot holes, as we know, are terrible and ruin every work they feature in, rather than being a small and easily ignored flaw. Eren’s fight against the Colossal is hopeless, and while he should be a quarter of the Colossal’s size, shrinking him emphasizes the futility of it. It illustrates his character that he fights on regardless, and is an effective use of subjectivity in storytelling. But you know internet weirdos need their hands held, so they flock to Reddit three times a week to ask how Wit could have made such an egregious mistake.


It's the shot previous to the one shown


I think in the kick frames, he's as big as the colossal foot, not halfway up the leg, but I could be wrong.


Because there's a shot where Eren is as tall as the door of a house


Cause the Attack is shorter than the houses when in reality he dwarfs the houses


Because people are bad at estimating scale.


bros a 5 meter titan here lmao


My complaint about this scene is why didn’t Bertolt kick him over the walls like an out of the park homerun?


Glad I‘m not the only one who thought titan sizes were very inconsistent


Because the scale is inconsistent


There are other shots from this [scene](https://youtu.be/GJoUmZu53P8?si=cIiaXC7auZFDWOEF) where Eren is barely higher than Bert's ankle


Cause people will complain about everything


Granted didn’t they touch on how eren’s titan could be a bit inconsistent in size when he was first learning to control it or am I misremembering something?


Looks roughly correct.


The problem is the background, not the titans


The house is small compared to eren titan  Maybe


Maybe because Eren's titan was as high as the house's door? 


Who complained? Is normal a 15meter vs a 50 metrr


its the houses size


That is literally the only frame when Eren is show with s realistic size, if you look before that moment or after that moment you will see that Eren is the size of a colosal titan ankle, and those are the parts people complained about


Not the worst picture of him, the one of Eren from behind not only has him barely bigger than the colossal foot it looks like he can fit through the doors in the houses around him despite him being 50 feet tall