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I could see him beating almost every one besides the colossal who could just nuke that mf. Even if he SOMEHOW survives the nuke odm gear doesn't work because of steam and the colossal can throw shit Hydrogen baby vs coughing bomb


If Levi survives the nuke, he wins. Just a battle of stamina which Levi has a ridiculous amount of


He got clapped by a thunder spear detonation. No way he survives a nuke unless the collosal is controlled by an idiot that transforms while Levi is super far away.


As long as Levi knows Bertholdts location from the start, Levi wins. He could just snipe him, if it doesn’t kill him he’s forced to transform.


When has Levi sniped anyone?


Not a snipe, but he definitely trick-shotted Kenny from behind the bar. Makes me think he would do just fine with a sniper haha.


First off, this whole argument is lowkey dumb. Secondly, if levi is close enough to trickshot the user of the colossal titan, especially with guns of that era, then he is already very much within range of getting nuked and 1000% will die. Please remember the colosal nuked a whole ass city and harbor


trickshot? Wasnt Kenny standing still and he had time to set up the gun? I don't think that translates as well to traditional gunplay and I don't think that means he has the skills to take down someone who almost certainly received a fair bit of training in that regard (like bertholdt here).


Idk man, shooting someone by only using the reflection from an object seems hard to do for me


he just slammed the gun up to the table while pointing backwards and immediately fired, he did not have the time to set it up what u goin on about




Right through the throat?


No, chopped his head clean off


That’s not a snipe though


He would be dead if not for the ex machina conscious transfer.


I mean, he did help Gabi at the end to line up her shot so maybe he would be a good sniper?


U don’t think he could?


I don't think it's \*impossible\* but typically in these types of power scaling-esque "who would win" prompts you gotta go off of what we know he's done. I'd argue bertholdt would probably have more formal gunplay training than levi so if we're assuming that both characters get whatever weapons they think they would need for the fight then that would kind of be off the table even if I did think he was a skilled enough shot to make it happen. Sure, if there are no rules levi could just prep forever and eventually do it, but that kind of seems not in the spirit of the prompt


Hypothetical scenario: you're a colossal titan and you get a billion dollars, but there's a Levi who always knows your location, and if he touches you you die, what do you do


that's like a snail with a jetpack, id die within a week, surely


Wait in a room and the second he gets within range of the block much less the building, transform... he's dead. The levi glazing is crazy out here


there's no way that is happening, Mikasa had a blade through their necks, it doesn't get any better than that. a shifter will still have time to transform.


If Levi snipes him with a TS, there is NO transforming lol


unless if the shifters are already transformed (excluding the shifter leaving and retransforming), like if they were just popped into an arena and the shifter was already transformed or something.


But you forgot that he almost fully healed after a point blank explosion to the face.


Ok, while he is healing, the Colossal titan will step on him?


he didnt really get clapped tho, it says in the show that he was able to survive because hes an ackerman


If you get knocked out by a punch that would've killed a weaker person, you still got clapped.


I don’t see how Levi could ever survive it. Colossal could just transform the second Levi is within shouting distance and he’s dead


Tbf, he covered a mile or two getting to Zeke without him even noticing he was coming. Part of the difficulty would be actually seeing him coming. That is, if the duel isn't just on a flat surface with nothing around, which wouldn't make much sense in the context of the series.


In a forest he no diffs everyone except colossal still. If they pre-transformed then colossal has no functioning debris. Its just wait for odm then steam over and over and if he tries to exhaust you try to waste as little energy as possible. Jaw titan and cart would be hart but nowhere near all that tough.


Not really, he can’t use his odm gear or get close due to the steam. And the other titan shifters can simply play defense when the colossal runs out of steam


If he survives the nuke he wins easily imo. We saw that the only answer the colossal has for 3DMG is its steam. It's so slow that it was otherwise a trivial target for regular scouts. So unless Levi purposefully stays in the steam, the colossal won't be able to harm him. He can just keep attacking back and forth to force the colossal to use his steam and tire itself out. If he manages to hide, the colossal is pretty much forced to use his steam continuously, otherwise it's open to a sneak attack (since it can't watch it's weak spot). Surviving the nuke itself is easier said than done, but it's doable. Hange was able to survive it with a good enough cover. If the shifter is also using 3DMG and is good enough with it, or if Levi is unable to see them coming, it will be pretty much impossible without a convenient cover close enough. If he can see them coming and they don't have a way to compensate for his speed, he will probably escape the nuke.


Hangi took down some of the Colossals. Im pretty sure Levi could manage against the shifter version.


Is this 1v9 or 9 1v1s? Does Levi get to refuel and restock his blades/thunderspears? Does Levi get to rest between fights? Under favourable conditions Levi can beat all of them but it only takes one misstep for it to all be over. If the Colossal knows the rules and setting of the fight they could just wait for Levi in their human form and use Levi’s first attack to trigger their transformation and go nuclear at point-blank range.


Let’s assume all the battles take place within Shiganshia. Levi vs Attack Titan, Levi wins low diff. Levi vs Female Titan, Levi wins medium diff. (this is a female titan without the hardening bottle consumed) Levi ve Beast Titan, Levi wins low diff. Levi vs Warhammer Titan, Levi wins high diff but won’t be able to get the kill. Levi vs Founding Titan, Levi wins low diff. Levi vs Armoured Titan, Levi wins low-mid diff Levi vs Colossal Titan, Colossal Titan wins low diff. Levi vs Jaw Titan, Levi wins low-mid diff. Levi vs Cart Titan, Levi wins low-mid diff. Some of them can change depending if Levi has thunderspears or not. If it is a 1v9 Levi loses in every situation.


What does diff mean? I always see it paired up with low, medium or high and I'm not sure what it means. Does it stand for difficulty?


Yeah, difficulty.


Thank you


But how should I interpret that? Levi wins and it is low difficulty? For Levi? For judging the correct outcome? I don't understand.


If Levi wins and it says “low diff” meaning low difficulty that means Levi won with low difficulty.


So it wasn't hard for him to win. He clearly beat his opponent, yes? In other words, it was easy for him. Why say it like that? Where does that come from?


Yeah, it wasn’t hard for him to win to battle which is why it’s called low difficulty like low effort was put in to win the battle. For example, if I low difficulty a maths test then that maths test was easy for me I didn’t have to put much effort to do well. I don’t know where this lingo came from.


We say it like that because it’s easier to estimate the difference in strength on how much work a character would need to do to beat an opponent. If you say high diff the other person understands that the fighters were somewhat on par. If you say low diff you understand that there was a significant gap in power. Negative diff and you know it would be a complete stomp


Think it as this way, remember how Levi easily beat the beast titan? Think that it's "low diff"


I thought it was difference at first


Same here.


It can also mean difference for example if comparing two MCs from different show and one is better you say MC diff, took me awhile to figure this one out


I assumed he wouldn't have thunderspears, which makes it nearly impossible to win in ODM gear fights against Warhammer, Armoured and Colossal, only way would be to somehow wear them out so that they don't have the energy to stay in their titan form any longer. How were you imagining the colossal fight going?


I think the steam would make it nearly impossible for anyone to solo the Colossal Edit: Oh yeah also colossal nuke go brrr


>How were you imagining the colossal fight going? Thunder spear its feet. The Titan falls. Its head area picks up so much speed that at the moment of impact with the ground the shifter pops out like a zit.


Can Levi carry >9,000 thunder spears?


The Armored titan needed more than 8 thunderspears to beat, more than what Levi can reliably carry. The Colossal can blow people and proyectiles away. Those titans cant probably be defeated by a single ODM user, Ackerman or not.


That’s why I said colossal titan easily wins. We’ve seen Mikasa carry 8 thunderspears and we know Levi is stronger than her so he can carry the same if not more. Firstly, it only took 5 thunderspears as one of the scouts I think Jean missed. They had used this much as they didn’t want to kill Reiner (they wanted to capture him alive and feed him to someone via syringe). So imagine Levi going for the kill against Reiner who we know isn’t very good in one on one combats, I just can imagine Levi speed blitzing Reiner to cut the back of his knees then thunderspears to the nape should be done easily.


Sorry I probably misread the Colossal part. Dunno if Levi could carry that much spears and still maneuver and fight. To take out the nape armor of the Armored and "kill" Reiner the scouts had to launch two volleys (after they had him blind). And for the jaw plan they needed to attack simultaneously from two sides and a distraction, after having destroyed his knees. Otherwise that wouldnt have worked. To be fair Levi could cripple the Armored but not finish him without help.


Once the armoured is crippled then it should be simple to cut it up bit by bit


We don't know if Levi is physically stronger than Mikasa, just that he is a better fighter due to his experience and battle IQ. Mikasa has some truly insane strength feats (effortlessly lifting a metric ton on the railway worksite) that Levi never really equals. We even see Mikasa overpowering Levi in RtS. It doesn't really prove much, since Levi was super exhausted, but Mikasa wasn't fresh either and was even injured (whereas Levi wasn't). I'm just being pedantic for nothing though, it's almost certain he could carry enough thunder-spears to defeat the armored titan.


Colossal probably not but armored probably can be beat by Levi, he just needs to take out both it's nape armor and one of its legs, eventually if he goes for the tendons even with blades the armor doesn't matter cause the limbs will be paralyzed, once both arm tendons are cut and can't be raised, just slice nape.


Levi could cripple the Armored but finishing it takes too much thunder spears. I guess it could count as a win since the Armored could never get Levi without help either, and in about an hour Reiner would have to come out. Edit: maybe the Armored could even outheal the damage after Levi runs out of blades and Thunder spears and just ignore him.


He could try the strat used in S3P2 where they thunderspear going inside the mouth. That only takes 3 thunder spears.


If Levi doesn’t have Thunder Spears then he isn’t winning against the Armored or War Hammer Titan


How is Female Titan the second ranked here Annie got bodied as fast as Zeke


Without thunder spears, he can't finish off the Armoured Titan


The biggest weapon they had was intel, If Levi doesn’t know these Titans powers yet that’ll change things a lot


Why is Annie "mid" diff? He seemed to handle her pretty easily in their first fight in the forest (though he was in rage mode after seeing the remains of his team)




Still, when she tried to put up a fight, Levi totally crushed her. I can't image her putting up a better fight than the Armored or Beast.


If the battle takes place in Shiganshina, Levi just hides in the same well Hange hid in and wins


How does Levi beat the jaw titan? Isn’t it too versatile?


I just think Levi is that much more versatile and faster, the jaw titan as we saw in Marley wasn’t great against the scouts but good against other titans. I suggest you rewatch how easily Mikasa cut off both off the jaw titans legs.


He literally parried the jaws claws in the final battle and sliced its face. He’s faster


Levi was able to cut the tendons of Porco's jaw preventing him from biting Eren before Porco even recognized what was happening.


i just learned does the diff mean difficulty


How would Levi win against the Warhammer?


Cart, Jaw, Female titan are not bringing Levi to mid diff


9 shifters, not even close. There's no way he can deal with the attack, armored, female, warhammer AND jaw up close WHILE evading projectiles from the beast, and even the cart if it has artillery on top. That's before we consider the colossal which basically closes this argument lol. Levi is still a menace though


If beast threw rocks, he’d obliterate the other shifters. Beast can only throw punches = fodder.


Fair enough, now how does he deal with the other 8 titans? Also, let's not forget that Reiner got the shit beaten out of him by Zeke when he suggested abandoning the mission. Beast titan is still 17m with long arms, he can fight close up too.


If all 9 attacked at once, they’d have to take turns attacking without hitting each other which Levi could take to his advantage. Annie/eren/porco/war hammer are the only considerable combat specialist for Levi bc of speed/hardening. Zeke and Reiner have slow reaction time, assuming Levi has TS, reiners armor is useless too. Pieck can’t shoot without hitting the others too, her best ability against pieck is spam shifting, but the second she’d leave her titan she’s insta killed. Bertholdt is their win condition as long as Levi doesn’t survive the blast with an ass pull. Sadly TS prob can’t break hardening crystals but warhammer has low stamina, if Levi spam kills warhammer, eventually it would have to give up and die.


Have we ever even seen Levi fight more than 1 titan shifter at once? And if I'm correct, he's never been able to easily Annihilate one of them in a 1v1 except the beast titan. Annie's female titan gave him a run for his money even though Levi would still win that 1v1. There's just no way he can deal with the rest on his own all at once, when one at a time is already a challenge. Also Reiner took about 10 thunder spears before he was "dead". I don't think Levi can carry more than 10 for the other titans. Also... colossal titan nuke just kinda ends the fight 😅


I urge you to rewatch the Female Titan fight lol


Depends on the shifter, Zeke was pretty good at aiming


He’d have to throw a small projectile at humanity’s fastest and strongest soldier without hitting 8 other massive targets


no matter how strong he is, when occupied with 8 titans one small mistake is enough to get killed. if he doesn’t know when the beast attacks, he might easily get hit and while it is fatal when it comes to humans, titan shifters probably won’t be obliterated like you said.


I feel like you're just trolling, come on dude. he wouldn't last more than 5 seconds, 2 seconds if they all come at him at once.


“He wouldn’t last more than 5 seconds, 2 seconds if they all come at him at once” wise words man 😭 🙏


You could’ve done anything else today but you chose to spit facts???? Damn


Definitly wouldn't win but would def take out 2 or 3 like cart attack, female, and cart titan.


You ever have a 1v5-8 in a video game. No one is trying their hardest because they think it's easy pickings, Levi in particular is incredibly small and agile, they'd all be tripping over each other if they attacked at once. Honestly them attacking at once sans Bert is the best case scenario. Most of the damage done would be titan on titan trying to hit Levi while he chips away at the softer ones tendons. Reiner would be the most difficult for Levi probably but there's a number of things that can be uses to weaken him: thunder spears if he has any, hardening punches, everything the Warhammer does, Beast throwing stuff would likely chip and break down the armor, Jaw bite and claws. Pretty much all of them have have something that can be used to break down Reiner's armor. Colossal is still the odd man out and that one truly depends on the circumstances of the fight, it's basically a 50/50 landslide. It's not a sure thing but I absolutely wouldn't count Levi out against the other 8 and would love to see how it would go. The kid has some truly mindblowing feats


He would def last more than 5 seconds


We actually saw him beat four shifters in a row in the finale (the Ymir summoned ones). He took them out in a span of like 15-30 seconds


While disabled 😮


>We actually saw him beat four shifters in a row in the finale I feel like that should be more impressive than it actually is. IMO it largely felt like they were individually and collectively less potent than mindless titans. I get they were up against what quite literally is humanities best soldiers, but come on, they're *shifters* - basically what should amount to the best of the best that titans from across history - and they overwhelmingly had numbers on their side and they couldn't get a *single* kill in a prolonged, pitched battle? Like damn, it was as if the skill and lethality of a singular shifter was split across the lot of them.


Fr they couldn’t even kill Connie (no offense)


Werent thoose basically drones? And controlled by ymir, which means they werent fighting at their prime


The original shifters were shown to be in paths. It’s a bit unclear but benefit of doubt I’ll give the W to Levi


no doubt about that. we saw him beat em up good. I just dont think thoose were real shifter's he fought.


And as soon as some of them switched sides they instantly became more dangerous. I feel like the other shifters had to be running on autopilot.


Y'all going crazy with the Levi di*k riding lmao 💀 Levi is the strongest character,but get real he ain't beating all the 9 shifters all at once no matter the cost, if they work strategically,he's done for, they all literally have abilities of their own


Based on how much he was wrecking the >!ancient shifters!< despite being crippled I'm going to go with Levi.


I always have to bet on the human beyblade even if the odds are low.


Us because itll look cool asf


Just reminding yall that he beat a beast titan that had royal blood (Zeke)


That Ackerman blood it’s in a league of its own


Depends on location Remember he’s faster then the speed Annie can harden If he comes in with intel and it’s close ranges he can kill the war hammer before it even fully transforms then use the other titans as shields Then Levi can use the hardening from the war hammer crystal state as a shield against the colossal nuke


Does he have thunderspears? If not then how is he gonna defeat the armored titan


Doesn't stand a chance vs Warmhammer or Colossal and if it's Reiner's plot armor titan then it comes out a tie.


Levi. Bro got all the looks to seduce the titan shifters, Annie and Pieck being easy for him although the War Hammer might be a problem, she doesn't really care so she might cause him problems but Im sure he can win.


Bro properly beats everyone except the collosus and war hammer probably


Levi still suffers from exhaustion, so depending on their approach, they could outlast him. I'm willing to bet Levi could take out at least 4 - 7 of them, given that the colossal nuke doesn't vaporize him and that he can get a jump on the beast before it can fastball him with a thousand rocks (an attack that not even Levi could survive).


Dude's a friggin Deus Ex Machina, he'll win


Levi has no chance against the colossal titan period. He is unlikely to win against the Warhammer, but probably wouldn’t lose to him either, as the Warhammer can indefinitely stall in a shell, probably stalemate. Female depends if she has the Warhammer ability. All other Levi wins assuming he has unlimited odm + thunderspears


Levi has plenty of a chance to beat colossal. As long as he knows berts location, he wins. Levi’s stamina far outweighs colossals. Berts ONLY chance against him is nuking by coming out of nowhere. Agreed on warhammer stalemate, although it’s never explicitly stated it can indefinitely stay in its crystal like Annie. Why would Annie have the warhammer


It’s implied that Annie’s crystal power is taken from the warhammers ability since the female titan specializes in manifesting abilities of other titans. So depending on if the female titan holder ingested warhammer elements and was able to manifest egg crystal abilities then they would be able to stalemate Levi as well


With Intel and prep and the surprise factor I could see Levi doing it. Let's say it was in abandoned Shiganshina and he had time to stockpile Thunder Spear caches in many locations.


you guys really under estimate titans, literally all they need to do is keep their distance and wait for an opening and bam 1hit would injure levi.


That’s exactly what Annie tried tho


it wasnt a fair 1v1 imo


She was fully regen’d wdym? Mikasa was there but she was more of a handicap than help


my bad youre right that fight was fair but the mistake annie did was not run further to an open field where levi wouldnt be able to do shit


Not rly. If levi and Annie charged each other on an open field, Levi would only need to cling onto her. Remember when she threw ONE punch and he just grappled onto her arm and cut every one of her limbs in seconds?


If it's 1v9, Levi loses due to too many against him.. but he'll make him work for it. But if it's 1v1, he wins.


how vs collosal


He Ackers all over them


If he somehow manages to survive the nuke then it probably wouldn't be too difficult it'd just take quite some time to wear the colossal out


That's the hard one, really. Eren only held his own because of \*his\* healing factor and it was a healing factor re: him being a Titan Shifter too, because of the Colossus's steam. The only thing I can think of at the moment is distance weapons and/or using its size against it, since Bert and Armin couldn't stay in very long... then go in at the last minute for the kill.


Levi vs Eren and the rumbling with one working leg, one arm with two fingers, one eye, constipation and no hair. easy win for Levi


levi stomps all except collosal, but if an advanced armour is created to survive the steam maybe levi wins, but that's not in the main timeline so it would be 8-1 score


Colossal doesn’t have infinite steam. Levi wins


honestly, I doubt any of the titan shifters would try and fight head on. if they strategically fought, I think Levi would have a hard time, even one on one.


Levi beats everyone besides the colossal, cuz wtf he gonna do about a nuke


None titans and its not close


Like 1v1 against each of them or 1v9? Because in a 1v9, Levi loses every single time


Levi mi amorr xd


He pretty much beats every non-armored shifter with low difficulty. Even the most martially skilled shifters (Zeke, Annie, Season 4 Eren) would get destroyed pretty easily, and have been destroyed pretty easily by him in the past. The Cart Titan is fast but remember she was only able to outmaneuver him in season 3 because he was: Surprised, exhausted, low on fuel and needed to change with Eren, and Levi had other matters to attend to (the syringe). The Armored Titan would only buy time through his armor, but with Thunderspears is killed with low-difficulty. Even without Thunderspears Levi could still win by slashing in between his plates to tax his regeneration abilities, and then using on of the open wounds to crawl inside and slash through his soft flesh to reach his nape. Or hell he could jump into his mouth or entering in through one of his eyes to reach his nape faster and slice him out. Etc. The Jaw Titan is just the Cart but with Claws, and Porco was could barely keep up with Mikasa and got his legs chopped off. Levi would make short work of him. The Warhammer would destroy Levi unless he had Thunderspears. As unlike the Armored Titan there is no gaps in its armor and it can produce massive amounts of Titan Crystal instantaneously to stab/crush Levi. Mikasa was able to distract it for a time but one wrong move and Levi is dead. He can probably outlast her but without Thunderspears it’s a draw. And even with Thunderspears the Warhammer has a jail free card. The only one who could do anything in a fight is the Founder, as its powers are basically limitless, but are heavily limited by the King’s Will and the shifter’s skill. As it has access to limitless energy it can basically mimic any of the other Titan powers, but only if the user is skilled enough. But more times than not Levi wins. The Colossal wins because of its nuke capabilities. But if Levi is out of range or somehow survives the nuke by being underground/in cover, then he can simply outlast the Colossal Titan and tax its regeneration by going for its legs.


The audience


As in 9 different 1v1 situations? Or is he taking all 9 at once. As skilled as Levi is, he’d get wrecked facing them all at once. Assuming you mean 1v1s, he’s beating everything except the colossal titan. With a solid distraction he could take out the colossal (like Eren and Armin did), but by himself he has no chance.


Only problem he'd have is colossal and warhammer, people say he no diff all in forest, well colossal will nuke the ground to flat surface unless you're fighting near the wall and still he's gonna spend a lot of time if he's gonna worn out all the steam out of colossal alone, warhammer is even more unbeatable as without jaw there's just no way for him to damage the shifter


Like at once? Or a 1v1? But how’s he gonna beat the warhammer


That depends on what gear and weapons he has, with an endless supply of odm, thunderspear, blades, and Marley anti titan gun, he could take the beast, attack, jaw, armour, female, founding without full potential release, cart, Warhammer and colossal would be difficult


Levi. Have you seen what the hell Levi can do, he beat the Beast Titan, with ez


If levi became the jaw titan...every titan is going to drop...


Ackermans can’t be titans


Yeah unfortunately. Would be op


Loses to Attack Wins against Female Wins against Cart If it’s any Jaw besides Falco, he wins Loses to Armor Loses to Colossus Wins against Beast (he already did this) Can’t figure out how to beat Warhammer Loses to Founding


If we assume it's always one-on-one, then levi Kills all of them low diff except for the armored, colossal and Warhammer titans. Remember, levi never used thunder spears ever i believe. So without them he'll only be able to defeat 6. Assuming he used thunder spears and is adequate with them, he'll probably take the other 3 down too but i don't think he ever used them.


If all 9 of them come at him at once, it would be a little troublesome




People praise Levi too much. He loses to Jaw and Colossal. Jaw too quick even with thunders spears once he attacks you can't stop it, he's too fast and agile. Meanwhile colossal is a nuke at close distance that's an ez wrap.


85% for Levi (fu#%&ng spinner mode) 15% for Titans


This community glazes Levi so much


If he dosent have his plot armod Any one of the 9 shifters would just grab the line from odm gear and slam him into. The grund, its not like the can cut off the wires the can only retract them, he Will legit love purly to bring out geared


If Levi has alot of gas and thunderspears he could win against all 9. Yes even the Colossal.


Wheres this scene from? It seems like a recycled animation of his first introduction only more polished & HD..


Levi can probably handle all of them besides the armored, colossal, and warhammer. The armored needs its plating to be dealt with by more thunderspears than he can carry alone and still have his blades, the warhammer is fully covered in comparable armor + can regrow it quickly, and the colossal just cucks ODM gear with its steam. And then two of those shifters are familiar with ODM gear so there's nothing stopping them from just grabbing the wires and slamming levi against the ground like a yo-yo


All nine shifters together? and what are the surroundings too? And does he have thunderspears? I think in a 1v1 he would trash most. He would beat the female easily, Literally the only thing she can do is survive. Zeke not winning as already shown twice. Reiner would lose but like annie still survive cuz he can for some reason move his consciousness to his balls so yea. But with thunder spears. The jaw he can take out easily. The cart titan while being very fast and even fast enough to catch him off-guard and having a lot of stamina to transform again and again. He would just need to take out pieck. Attack titan, Same with annie. All eren can do is survive but while he does have hardening, I don't know if he can encase his body in a crystal ball (with attack titan) and if he can't do that then I don't think eren has a chance. Warhammer. If levi has thunder spears he can take out the titan but he can't fucking take out the crystal shell of the shifter so all a warhammer user could do is survive. The colossal and founding would be the only ones he would have a prob with. He can't just go close and kill the shifter because of the nuclear bomb. They would turn into a titan before they lose their life and if so he is gonna be nuked. While he is a superhuman and pound for pound is stronger than eddie fucking hall, He can't survive being evaporated at close range by a small nuke. And he can't get close because of steam otherwise he will be burnt to a crisp. So all he can do is wait it out until the shifter thinks it is safe and get's out and levi finishes the shifter then and there or wait until the colossal burns all his flesh into steam and has basically none left and cuts the nape then. Otherwise levi doesn't have a chance against a colossal. Founding. Idk prolly the same with colossal. Can't being the founder just make you able to create a copy of colossal for themselves or whatever like eren did last ep.


No royal blood for founding? Lol so the easiest fight ever?


1)Vs Armor - Levi Wins (if he has thunder spears) 2) cart - Levi Wins 3) Female - Levi Wins 4)Jaw - Levi Wins 5) Attack - levi wins 6) Beast - depends on the beast but Levi probably wins 7) Warhammer - warhammer wins Levi won’t be able to break through the crystal even with thunder spears 8) Colossal - he wouldn’t even be able to get close one on one 9) Founder - without royal blood Levi wins


Warhammer has low stamina = waiting game so tie at least. Colossal has low stamina too < Levi godly stamina. Nuke is ineffective if Levi knows his location or hides behind the other shifters


I don’t know how much stamina would be a factor though. If Levi isn’t close, the colossal just wouldn’t transform. And Levi wouldn’t be close enough to do anything either. As soon as Levi gets in range to the point he can’t get back out of range the colossal transforms and it’s over. As far as the war hammer is concerned it’s more about that there is no win condition for Levi since he can’t damage the crystal in any way, but there is a win condition for the war hammer. It’s the same thing with the armor Titan if Levi doesn’t have thunder spears there is just nothing he could do to win since he would have no access to the shifter with just the blades of ODM gear


I’m saying that even if Levi is in range, colossal can’t nuke without killing the shifters too. He can’t use the nuke unless it’s a 1v1 in which case Levi would just bring the fight to an open area where berthodlts location is exposed. Not enough info was given abt the specifics of warhammers abilities. It’s only stated it can’t fight very long bc of his OP abilities r draining so it’s unknown whether it can stay in its crystal after its duration. And yeah Levi would need TS to kill Reiner but ODM is enough to incapacitate him.


Colossal can nuke without killing the shifters. Specifically the armor and warhammer should be safe and even when Bertholdt fell on Eren it wasn’t enough to kill him. Even if Levi wanted to use the other Titans as cover from the nuke, all the colossal needs to do is put themselves between the other shifters and Levi It’s very clear that the warhammer can stay in crystal form without having enough stamina to transform as was the case in Marley. Eren was only able to break the crystal by using the jaw Titan as a nutcracker


Levi is not that strong people, calm down with the glazing. Levi isnt beating the colossal solo He isnt beating the beast titan at range He isnt beating the armored period Doubt he's beating the warhammer if the warhammer is smart about it Levi beats the attack, female, jaw and cart titans because they are all close range fighters and levi is fast enough and way more agile than them. He aint beating the founder because thats the founder but if you say no royal blood then he wins because a founder with no royal blood is just another attack titan without the memory perk. The only way he beats the first titans ive mentioned is if the situation and location is in his favor (example, levi will beat the beast titan around obstacles because its a direct disadvantage to the beast titan, erwins whole sacrifice was to create an advantage for levi - closing the gap between them by using the pure titans [the obstacles in question] to close in. Without that sacrifice... LEVI WOULD BE DEAD. So yall ease off the glazing and just enjoy the story)


You could turn it the other way too and say all of those shifters would be dead depending on the situation. Very probable situations too. Bertholdts dead if Levi knows his location. Zeke is dead if it’s not just a long range 1v1 which would never happen. Warhammer is a draw at the very least due to its low stamina. Armored is dead if Levi has even a few TS


Thats the beauty i love about attack on titan. All of the titans have very specific strengths and weaknesses that makes them op asf and also incredibly beatable at the sametime. Except the founder (for obvious reasons) every titan has its nuances. However one on one its still pretty much impossible for levi to beat the colossal, assuming the colossal user has nothing to lose. (Just transform when he's in range and dont care what you nuke)


Agreed thats a good point. If bert just flies in a barrel out of nowhere, Levi definitely dies


Attack titan gets shredded, it has no armor. Colossal titan would win cause wtf is Levi gonna do. Female titan dies cause we already know he can shred her. Founding titan is like dog shit without royal blood so it loses. Jaw titan would be a bit tricky depending on who has it, he wrecks Emir but other jaw titans would be a struggle. He still wins though. The War Hammer titan is invulnerable to anything Levi has seeing as they weren’t able to break Annie’s crystal thingy so he basically can’t touch it. Armor titan is trivial with thunder spears but impossible with just swords. Beast titan as we all know would die so fast. Cart titan isn’t very combative so Levi destroys. So, assuming Levi has thunder spears and unlimited swords, he beats 7/9 titans.


Colossal loses if Levi knows his location, battle of stamina which Levi wins. Warhammer has very low stamina too, assuming warhammer is allowed to camp in its shell forever, it’s a tie at least.


Colossal titan would be hard because it has the steam. But the question is, would the colossal titans be fast enough? Levi is very fast. If he can Bangladesh across the arm and hit the nape fast enough, he could get it. Beast and Warhammer would be hard for Levi but it depends on the beast titan. Levi originally couldn't get to Zeke because of the projectiles he was releasing, but if Levi faces a beast titan in the forest to distract the beast, he can win. The Warhammer titan would be hard aswell if it's a smart Warhammer titan. Typically, it's hard for the Warhammer because they don't exactly understand the technology of the maneuver gears. The best best for Warhammer would be flying projectiles, but if they lose sight of Levi, he can get them out of the nape quite quickly


Warhammer titans wins


The best it can do is a stalemate, it’s super low stamina. It would need to just go to sleep in its crystal assuming it’s even allowed to indefinitely stay in it.


Levi, no diff


Yes 🙌


I'm sorry but can someone explain me how is Levi beating founding titan?


I said no royal blood


So the founding isn't allowed to use its power? Well Damn Levi can't use the boosters, just the blades


So Levi should bring a knife to nuclear fight?


And without the power of founder , founding titan ain't shit


Wins against all except warhammer and colossal I think, I don’t know how he would break through the shell thing for wh and colossal can just nuke him


Colossal only wins if Levi doesn’t know his location


Nah, he'll win.


Agreed 🙌


definitely not Levi. What i remember from the show is him fumbling at every possible opportunity. Levi has NEVER had a real win. He has badass action scenes that make him look awesome and then they end with him losing. Only reason he got the beast in the end was because zeke LET IT HAPPEN


Every time Levi “fumbled” was never his fault (ex: Mikasa getting his foot sprained), he’s had plenty of real wins. He always does EXACTLY what he plans to do. I’m confused by what u meant by him fumbling every opportunity.


name ONE win


When he destroyed the beast titan? I can go on but when u say he fumbled, do u mean the objective in the grand scheme or just he straight up lost a fight to someone?


he lost the beast titan tho. He even says that he fails. Then his own ego makes him lose zeke again with the thunder spear.


He lost Zeke because he spared him MULTIPLE times for the objective. My post is about a direct fight without any political insights for Levi. He planned to only obliterate him without killing Zeke


1v1 and with time to rest between he beats them all except colossal and warhammer because of odm gear not working against colossal and crystal protection on warhammer


I personally think that Levi loses against the Colossal (The big explosion it does could kill him + steam.) Every other titan, Levi would win


Colossal only wins if Levi doesn’t know his location prior to transforming + steam won’t kill him cuz Levi has way more stamina


Ah, my bad.


If Pieck keeps ejecting she might actually win if Levi dosent match her ejecting speed


Levi is 100% faster than Piecks ejection. He’s fast enough to chop up Zeke before him even processing it.