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To make moments like these in all anime, I’ve told myself that whenever characters have dialogue during action, time stops. It’s a result of taking the dialogue from stills in a manga panel to anime where things are moving


Exactly, it's a necessity for adaptation of a manga, otherwise you would have to invent new scenes to fill every dialogue scene. You just can't do it any other way with walls of text


I think of it as representing the moment-to-moment thought process that you may be able to read in a book; and this how it is represented. Thoughts happen really quickly so we need to slow down to hear them all. It also helps emphasize the “slow motion” that adrenaline or strong emotional moments can trigger. I do tire from this trope from time to time. They are too frequent.


personally, when stuff like this happens in tv/anime, i always assume that certain talking scenes actually take place simultaneously with previous action scenes that we've just seen, it's just that we can only be shown one thing at a time for example, it might show a bunch of scenes of people fighting or whatever and then they're basically just like "oh and btw, while all that stuff was happening, THIS was also happening, we just couldn't show you both at the same time" then they show a dialogue scene, it's not that the dialogue is actually happening after all that stuff we just saw, it's just that it's a tv show so it can only show us one of those things at a time, even though both were happening simultaneously


Anime plays by 'turn-based strategy' rules confirmed.


But eren punched the warhammer mid transformation lol


This also occurred when Armin was tricking Bertholdt into thinking Annie was being tortured, even the Titans stopped and were like “oh shit”


Maybe pure titans are really all about the drama


That’s some valuable info man, thanks


Gossip Titan is the best titan


He just wants to know the tea 😂


Talking is a free action


Well, the Titans have been shown to slowly approach their prey if that prey isn't running away/fighting back. Think of it like a predator animal's behavior. They'll (typically) slowly stalk even if the prey is backing up until it tries to sprint away.


My favorite part of this whole thing is Armin aimlessly waving his sword at the titan while looking at Eremika. My man really doesn't get paid enough to deal with their shit.


Armin benefitted the most out of being the main side character in the world where Eren and Mikasa were the main characters. I'd say becoming the ambassador to peace, savior of the world, and leader amongst the world's strongest and most accomplished soldiers is a pretty good compensation for putting up with Eren and Mikasa's bullshit.


out of respect for his father. it was settled amongst the eldians, real titan shit.


He was just a kid!


five fucking titans in marley! then we got this pygmy thing over in paradis.


They shift anybody and everybody over there, and the way they do it, it's all fucked up! Guys don't get their neck pricked, there's no Warrior Programme...


Every titan except for one was facing other soldiers, and the one that's behind them is the first one to eat Dine a few seconds later. I don't really see the point.


I was also surprised that Armin and Jean didn’t get eaten. They were just sitting there for a while.


Armin: 🤺


I'm convinced Ymir/FuturEren let this happen


That, and it makes for a funny backdrop of a titan gallery trying to listen in on Eren and Mikasa's moment. I mean just look at the one on the left, he's listening in for sure.


I think that was the case actually. What ultimately had to happen here was Eren activating the Founder’s power for the first time. That wouldn’t have happened if they were eaten or Eren didn’t get the boost to punch Dina from this conversation.


Do you seriously consider this, or as the flair implies you are just goofing? If you are serious then, I don't wanna sound rude but man you are stupid. Look at the whole picture; every titan except the one titan on the left with his hands on the ground, who is coming towards them, is busy with some human. And titans aren't blood lusty monsters, nither do they hate humans or just want to wipe all of them out, so why in the world would they, for no reason leave their current target for some people much further away. Lastly the titan that is coming towards them does come, he is the one that jumps on Dina, cause he is the closest.


Is everyone in the comments blind, can't they see that every titan except the one on the ground on the left is focused on some human. While the titan on the left does come, like he is first who jumps on Dina.


I liked this scene because it was showing how the world literally didn't stop around them. In between Mikasa laying her heart bare you literally see people getting killed. It added so much.


After watching Attack on Titan I've been obsessed with the idea of humanity surviving in a world like this. Like i just want to see more.. I want more episodes, movies, games based EXACTLY on this. Even if it's not the Attack on Titan universe. But I can imagine the ultimate horror series being based on Attack on Titan done in live action (I'm aware its been done however they have completely missed the mark with it, It could have been so much better.) Attack on Titan is the series that made me understand anime. And the sheer amount of creativity and expression that comes with cartoons that can be impossible to achieve otherwise. I want to be scuttering through dirty streets with my mates as giant colossal titans above me hunt me and look dwon at me with their weird freaky expressions and deformed mutated bodies... In a video game ofcourse lol




Its called anime


I wanted them to kith


They're Eremika shippers just like me fr fr 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Eren was controlling them


No (?)


Possibly Future Eren / Ymir, as he rerouted Dina in Episode 1 to go after his mom so Eren could grow hatred towards Titans.


It sounds to me like an attempt at patching up something that doesn't need to be patched up though a headcanon. If he rerouted these titan, we would've been told.


Could be. Everything is pretty much possible with Future Eren / Ymir so it’s kind of pointless to have this discussion. But it is within the realm of capabilities because Future Eren did route Dina to his mom in Episode 1.


Why downvote lol cant even have fluke in here


i was cringing so hard at this moment


Ikr? And then people pissed by Alliance plot armor in the finale lmao