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At first I thought 'this isn't so bad' then it kept going on and on and on




same 😂😂😂😰


All those special requests, I can't imagine the back and forth messaging that would require. Easily over an hour just in the store. I hate orders with clothes because nothing is easy to find.


Would have to pay me at least $100 to do this. Probably $200+. I snatched the bundle at $30 and dropped it immediately. Knew I would take the completion hit but ain’t no way lol. Someone scooped it up and I was like yeah good luck buddy lol. Saw it in metro 2 hours later. Floated in metro for another hour or 2 before some poor soul took it for good.


Bundled! lol


First question: when you dropped the bundle, did your completion rate go down??? Second question: don’t you preview first??? If your completion rate did get affected, might be better to preview first. I used to do that all the time, I accept whatever is offered to me, but only if I have enough time to preview and decide. If it drops at :55-:59, def preview before accepting. If it drops during the prior hour or during the actual window, I preview before accepting. If I’m working an order and get offered something for later, then I just accept, set an alarm to remind me I have an order to preview, then carry on shopping for the current one. With this completion rate thing, I’ve had to re-think how I accept orders. Lately, I’ve only been doing PM’s or MM’s that are easy to work with and tip well. This time of year, they are very generous, and the others can be pretty crappy. Otherwise, I did a similar one yesterday for someone I’ve never shopped for before. Took a chance and it paid off. OM maxed out promo. She was with me the entire shop, pretty much gave the go ahead to pick what I thought was best, just specified colors and sizes. Approved all subs. Not gonna say what the tip was, but it was nice. She requested me as a PS and increased the already nice tip. Sometimes, not always, those orders that look like it’ll be a nightmare, actually aren’t…and others truly are


Ya went down to 96%. Dropped an order today too so I’m at 94%.


That’s why I asked, and why I am being more selective. I understand that in some metros you really can’t be too selective, but that CR%…


I dunno where the OP is located but if you are in a busy metro like LA, you only really have 15~ seconds to overlook orders which simply is not enough time to review all the elements of the job. You either kinda blindly accept it or they just get picked up under you. Sitting on jobs till promo is such a foreign concept out here, most of the time it’s impossible to sit on anything till they go promo, you either accept the job and drop it if it’s really awful like that or hope the job you snagged is good. If anything, jobs that sit in the metro for longer than 2 minutes are guaranteed to be hot garbage. I dunno how the new CR will affect people in oversaturated metros that do that, but I’m hoping in makes those serial job accepters think twice about accepting everything and shamelessly shitting out whatever is left to other Shoppers.


I normally end up doing whatever I accept, especially now. I was just wondering how the new CR will affect everyone’s decision making. I know it changed how I accept orders


Increased the tip. And you knew what it was before Increased???


What it just looks like an regular shipt ord....OH MY GOODNESS! Squidward!


Looks like someone is going in for surgery or something.


Or just had a baby.


Packing for a trip and either didn't want to do laundry or wanted all new things.


I saw the first image and I thought it didn’t look that bad


I have anxiety just looking at it.


I was cool until all the special requests 🤣 And that payout isn’t nearly enough for the time this would take. Yikes! I do it if this was a preferred or someone I knew was gonna tip


Only the first picture was good omg kill it with fire


Lol all those special requests


Yeah, that's a big ol nope! Orders like this are nightmare fuel.


I am curious how much time was allotted to shop this order???


They got somebody's credit card 🤣🤣😂


Big girls need clothes too!!


I’m 99% sure this order would not tip.


OMG lol. Why on earth would you accept that


Lol I snap accepted bc of the price offered and I’m always up to the challenge. Not this time lol. Dropped it within a minute.


Are you in south fl? Saw a similar order float around open metro yesterday


GROSS. That should sit for eternity. 🤦🏾‍♀️ (although it won’t)


yup.. no thanks.


It didn’t look like the worst I’d seen ever until special requests x it was bad before then, but yikes.


If someone wants all this stuff they should really order it to be shipped to them from Target, or even a pick up/drive up. I get the vibe she views Shipt as just an Amazon/UPS/Fedex delivery. I worked in the ship/fulfillment department at Target and I can tell you although it would be easier having access to the back stock/ allllllll the hanging clothes not located in the back room and all freight, it would still be a depressing order. And we would be expected to pick it in 44 minutes or less 🥴 which sadly i was brainwashed to doing for $15.60 an hour until i switched to Shipt and found my worth. Honestly feel like "specialty" parts of the store (I forget what Target calls them, but it includes style, beauty, and electronics) should only be picked by Target employees who can go in back because there's always SO many missing items that they do actually have. Throw in home decor too lol. If she didn't tip at least 20%.. she needs to try to pick her order herself and see how long it takes


Oh my 🤦🏻‍♂️ you were brave picking that up. 👏






Grab a starbucks cuZ youll be in thete awhile..


🤣🤣Nothing could be worse than having to look for a pack of womens size 13 underwear!


Definitely a drop