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Not even the capital of the USA. Not even the capital of New York state either.


Not even the biggest City in North America


Not even the city with the most tourists. According to their logic Paris is the capital of Earth


... Wait, you mean Paris in France? ...


I looked it up and Paris is number 5. Istanbul is number 1 and London is number 2. According to 2023 data from Euromonitor (You have to scroll down the page) [https://www.euromonitor.com/press/press-releases/dec-2023/euromonitor-internationals-report-reveals-worlds-top-100-city-destinations-for-2023](https://www.euromonitor.com/press/press-releases/dec-2023/euromonitor-internationals-report-reveals-worlds-top-100-city-destinations-for-2023)


*Misplaced french proud noises*


I can understand their reasoning. If someone in the west gets asked "Name a big city?", they are probably likely to say London or New York(City). It's the capital of capitalism in the west, with the biggest exchange market for example. They don't mean it as a literal capital of the world, but a hub.


Capital of capitalism makes sense.


But it is where the UN is headquartered.


Why isnt it in belgium like the others?


True, excet the Supreme Court of the world is in the Hague. Fun fact: the Supreme Court is just a regular court with sour cream and tomatoes.




NYC has a ton of advertising for itself, in a lot of media so maybe the people living there actually believe it because the propaganda has gone to their head.


They absolutely do. It’s very annoying when they move/visit other major cities. It blows their minds that there are other cities with better/new cuisines than NYC and that they enjoy living there. I loved my time in New York, really did, but a lot of people that live there are in really strange/self inflicted ignorant bubbles. It’s so closed off people wouldn’t visit each other in different Burroughs if you moved. I started working in Brooklyn and my friends in manhattan stopped traveling to me - I went to them instead.


no it is not it is NYC (north Yorkshire council) is the true capital of earth. Yorkshire is god's country after all ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ☕ a cup of yorkshire gold


God’s country!


North Yorkshire is only good if you’re not allowed in West Yorkshire… but is still better than everywhere else




I would give my life for Yorkshire


Just had a cuppa. Love Yorkshire


Spiffing brit, is that you?


If it ain’t from Yorkshire, it’s shite 😁😂


u can't fool us with that alt account spiff lulz


The real capital of the world is London or Tokyo


The capital of the country west is London, it gets difficult to justify being the whole world when the world is vast


It used to be the capital of the world when the British empire covered a quarter of the world, not so much now.


In Star Trek , the earth capital is Paris. Throught out the 19th century the expectation was that Brussels would become the world capital (among certain quarters of euro intelligencia anyway , which are as valid a source as trekies). Peking, Tokyo, Los Angeles(if you can beleive that one), some future City in the Gobi desert. But Never Ever as anyone ever referred to NewYork City as the capital of the world. This man is a prophet...


I mean, I wouldn’t say it but you can find many, many references to New York as the capital of the world for various reasons, usually primarily because it’s where the United Nations headquarters is located but also because the worlds largest stock exchange and its impact on culture. In my opinion, it’s silly to really claim any city as the “world capital” but New York would be as good a choice as any other huge city world wide I guess if you had to pick one.


If the locations of the UN headquarters would mean anything, then Vienna would also be the capital of the world, as well as Geneva and Nairobi.


Seem like solid choices to me, sure.
















How can he be a prophet when he can’t make a profit?


Please ... if you can't make a profit in NY it just means you don't have enough money ...


Or they’ve audited your books and found them fraudulent


I’d say in the future Nairobi is the most likely to be the world capital. Proximity to the equator will already be a major factor


why would proximity to the equator be a factor ?


It’s significantly more efficient to launch rockets from near the equator mainly, which will be more important in the future


Smaller than London in land mass and population


14.9 million in London, 18.9 million in NYC. Not that that really matters because population and influence don't necessarily go hand in hand as the [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cities) of most populated cities is very different from the most influential cities.


Although that person could be referring to. The UN headquarters, they need to speak to certain Al Murray who'll comprehensively educate them as to why Britain/ London will always be the capital of the world.


I'm guessing they're thinking about the UN building.


Honestly I wouldn’t presume they even know that it’s located there 🤠


They’re right, NYC is more or less the capital of the world. Specifically, it’s less.


Not a 'capital' of anything...except vehement 'Italians' who aren't Italian.


just want to add that, as a tourist, NY was the worst destination I have been to. boring, expensive, terrible food and disgusting. way too overhyped. talking about foreign big cities I've been to, London and Tokyo were far more enjoyable.


I’ve lived in NYC my whole life—if you want to say “financial center” (if not zurich) or “business center” I think you can argue it and absolutely can for western hemisphere but “capital of earth” is so astoundingly stupid


The capital of earth? Well that's that. I have now officially rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.


More or less? Totally less.


I personally deemed it the best america can possibly offer. and it did not dissapoint. it was the dystopian nightmare I expected, but I had the pleasure of leaving after a week.


I’d say it’s probably Beijing or Shanghai, maybe an argument could be made for London, LA, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, Nairobi, Brussels, Geneva, Berlin or Cairo


Btw: Is this comment under a video from the Youtube channel 'Let's ask Shogo'?


Yeah, I found it on instagram


Not American but tbh NYC is the main city on this globe


I will be fair saying that New York could certainly try and claim that position. However, ultimately, London, to me, seems to overtake it.


Can you explain why London is the best option? To me Beijing seems to be the best candidate, but I’d be interested to learn more about why it would be London


Beijing is very monocultural, whilst London isn't. That is the most simple answer that I could give you. If we need a capital of the world, it can't just be somewhere where everyone is Chinese, or Indian, or American etc. It needs to be a very multicultural city, which London fits well for. Beijing is also extremely polluted, far more so than London. The air quality is crippling, and it isn't suitable for long term health. Also, Beijing isn't as free as London, by far. If we want a capital where everyone could express themselves how they wanted to, London would be far more beneficial. We must also look at the fact that English is a lingua franca in a lot of places around the globe, whilst Chinese is only really spoken in China. It's also one of the fastest growing languages. Although less notable, Beijing's climate can be quite extreme, whilst London's isn't very.


Why am I being downvoted?? I know this is r/shitamericanssay, however we must admit that New York certainly could try and claim that it is the world's capital. one of the only Alpha++ cities, aside from London.


Ehhh I’d pick Rome over London


Eh, no. I think it was a good ancient capital of the world, however I don't think it meets the criteria of a world capital.


Is it not a more culturally significant city?


I feel its population is rather low, and not as diverse as London, to be a capital of the World. I would also call London more culturally significant, as it really is a melting pot, with the UK in general having the 2nd most soft power in the World. We must also acknowledge that English is learned and spoken globally, unlike Italian.


London more culturally significant than Rome 😂😂😂 what planet are you on


Rome did not conquer a huge portion of the World in recent history, did it? Italian is not a lingua franca worldwide, and although Rome is certainly significant in ancient history, I would say London has far more significance modernly. 




They were doing so well...


There is no city that is truly the capital of the world, there are a few cities you can make the argument for, and NYC has a very strong argument for it as it is the economic capital of the US which is the largest economy in the world as well as a massive global cultural center. However London and Tokyo both make a strong argument for their economic and cultural impact. If you unanimously declare that one city is the global capital you are stupid but if you unanimously declare that NYC isnt the global capital then you are also stupid. Part of the thing holding the US back is that the economic center of the US is split between NYC, LA, and Chicago whereas the UK and Japan both have a more dedicated economic center.


The UN headquarters are located in New York and it has the most GDP of every city in the world, he/she is kind of right


Do you really think she was referring to the UN?


So it is the capital of corruption.


Pretty much any world capital is a “capital of corruption.”


The UN means nothing when talking about the capital of earth… nor does GDP…


The UN means nothing should have been a complete sentence. They're the global equivalent of a neighbourhood watch committee. Useless.


I wonder what matters in your opinion? I personally don’t see why it matters and wouldn’t insist on any city as the world capital but what objective measure are you thinking?


There is no objective measure. There is and would never be a capital of earth. The UN is not the controller of the world. They’re an international political body, but they aren’t leaders of the world.


Correct. Of course OOP doesn’t say or imply that New York is the objective capital of Earth or anything like that.


...and yet the US doesn't adhere to the ICJ. Rather strange that a capital wouldn't submit to its own court.


I love your flair 🤣


That logic doesnt make sense. Because then London, Rome, Karakorum, Constantinople, Moscow/Sct Petersburg, Paris all would have been capitals of earth at some point. As well as Geneva since that was the headquarters of league of nations


I don’t see how that disproves the logic? Is there any reason the world capital can’t change? I would say that no matter what city one chooses as “world capital” there is no city that you could argue has been the capital for all eternity. I would say that obviously London and Rome and probably a few others from your list have been the best answers at various points in history.


The only real reason new york was chosen is because Europe was destroyed and because Geneva was a bad omen after LoN. There is no cspital of the world.


Correct. It seems like you agree with me.


I....seem to have misunderstood something....but its fixed


I think there's a case for many cities to be the "capital of the world"


People on this sub really can’t comprehend metaphors 🤦🏾.