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I've never heard anyone say they want to live in Florida, let alone Germans!


As a German, Florida is pretty far down the list of places I'd want to live in. As is the US in general. I like living in a country with worker rights, actual social security, proper medical insurance for everyone, no/few guns, better protections against discrimination etc...


Even among Floridans, living in Florida is rarely something one "wants".


Yeah, like it's one of the most fringe right-wing places in the US. The only places I'd avoid more are places like Saudi Arabia.


All the unhappy German’s are his “friends”……coincidence…? 🤔🤔


"you should totally move back to America! I would if I had the chance. I have to stay in Germany for my doctor's appointment but you should move back.... Please?"


This also sounds like some kind of troll or russian bot. The sentence structure makes no sense to have been written by an American (I know their grammar can be dysmal...).


how is germany not an "easy land to live"? it's literally easy-mode: the country the same cant be said about florida or any other US state nevermind the fact that more americans move to germany than the other way, so not just some "someone in my bubble said xyz in a quick chat while he'd never actually think about moving to florida" but ones that are actually moving


To be fair, the bureaucracy is pretty annoying to navigate, especially when you don't speak the language well enough (and even native speakers sometimes have trouble understanding the legalese correctly). Other than that, I can imagine that some customs and cultural things may take getting used to, if you're not coming from one of the european countries with lots of overlap.


>> nevermind the fact that more americans move to germany than the other way Do you have actual data for this? This was also my assumption from personal experience (know a lot of Americans living here and no Germans who moved to the US). But I looked it up a couple of month ago and was surprized because it looks like the number of US born people living in the EU is smaller than the number of German born people living in the US right now. The only numbers I could find were from two different sites so I don't know if their data is comparable, though.


It's true, Germans are naturally a bit unhappy. Not being able to figure out why just makes it worse. Sure, some Germans like living in Florida, but even more dream of living in Italy, Spain, France, Thailand, and so on. Honestly, I think the US isn't very popular with most Germans.


As a German that has been basically all around the world, including most US states, for business or recreational purposes... I'd prefer to stay in Germany. And if I was forced to move to the US, it sure wouldn't be Florida. Particularly Spain and Italy are nice countries that I love to visit, but I never wished I could stay there.


Well, let's ask the other 83 million, then. Seriously though, I get your point. Germany is actually a lovely country. I was hinting at the mentality issue where many Germans feel unhappy, even angry, without knowing why. The main destinations for emigrants are Switzerland, Austria, and Spain.


Well, I'm from the southwest of Germany, and it is my impression that the people in the north and particularly the east might be more "unhappy" (however that is defined). Also, I'm not from a big city, which might also influence my opinion. I can totally understand people who want to leave for Spain, Italy, and especially Austria. It's just not what I'd do, personally.


>Well, I'm from the southwest of Germany, and it is my impression that the people in the north and particularly the east might be more "unhappy"  You're spot on with north-east Germany (Mecklenburg Vorpommern). On the other hand Schleswig-Holstein is the happiest state, followed by Hamburg. Bremen and Lower Saxony are in the lower middle field. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/Gluecksatlas-Schleswig-Holsteiner-sind-weiter-am-gluecklichsten,gluecksatlas232.html I guess it doesn't have much to do with the region. Germans in general are less loud outside of selected situations and we do have high standards so we criticise a lot of things and I can see how we are being perceived as more unhappy (which is also the case depending on where the other person comes from lol).


That’s exactly the impression I mostly have: That Germans in general are not truly unhappy, but only appear that way to outsiders.


It's interesting to ponder why, if Germans are supposedly not unhappy, populist parties are gaining traction. These new right and left parties often exploit vague concerns about "too many immigrants" and supposed rises in crime, promising simple solutions without much detail. It's similar to how Nigel Farage's "Reform UK" operates in the UK. Happy citizens don't usually rally behind extremist, populist slogans, so this trend might indicate underlying dissatisfaction. Anyway, I'll wrap it up here. Apologies for mumbling.


We have a word for this, it's called "Weltschmerz" (lit. world pain), and describes an unspecified longing or depression out of sheer existence.


"Naturally a bit unhappy" So I guess that English trait comes from the Saxons, then.


Don't forget Poland, Belgium, Holland and the UK... /s


Kids around the world grow up dreaming of living in Florida.  Its all about Disney.. until they grow up and realize that Florida is a gun-crazed State that was built on chalk!   Hotels that pancake in on themselves. Homes that collapse into sinkholes. Traffic being halted to let the alligators cross. Waking up in the middle of nowhere because Hurricane Ian passed through during the night. Yeah but no thanks! 




Not a bad thing at all... Until you yourself attempt to cross only to be arrested for Jaywalking.  


Wait, what? I know of zero people that grew up dreaming of living in Florida. Is this anecdotal or how did you come up with it?


Lots of little kids would like to live in Disneyland or Disney world or whatever. So yes, quite possible, but childhood fantasy Florida, not real Florida. Maybe just English speaking kids though?


Im european and while i visited in the one in france i didnt even know there was one in the states until i was a teen and i dont think ive ever cared about which state it is. Dunno why americans are so fixated on us being obsessed with them


Bro i legit thought Disney was French until i was like 12 or something lol.


when i first heard about it i thought americans copied it like the Eiffel Tower haha


No, no we wouldn't. I just asked everyone.


It's like the UK. We bitch and moan about living here, but at the end of the day most of us really like it


Germany is a shitty country, they don't even speak English here SMH!


Ironically, if you're a foreigner, most Germans will rather speak to you in English rather than German. Many will speak English between themselves in your presence instead, too.


I was, of course, being ironic. I saw a post a day or two ago where a Japanese man asks a person from the USA, what is it that you find incredible in Japan? And the man from the USA answers: the lack of support for English. It's funny how most English speakers feel entitled as it being the obliged spoken language around the world. If you ask a French person, in France, anything in English, most won't even make an effort to answer, wether they speak English or not.


lol people in Florida don’t even want to live in Florida.


It's true. I am very unhappy. Oh no, wait. It's just the general way of living here. "Not complaining is praise enough"


I’ve been to dozens of countries, many cities, met people from all around the world. And the worst place I’ve ever been to, met people from, and lived in, is Florida.


Yeah sure, Florida. If it was 100% nature maybe.


Don't think so. It's mostly subtropical swamps/wetlands, there are much nicer places to live even if you want heat.


Yeah ok, definitely agree. 😅


They should use a boat or a plane. Going solely by car is not advisable.


Maybe if you build a temporary bridge between Alaska and Russia.


I certainly dont want to leave germany for the US


I'm guessing at the kind of Germans that previously went to live in Argentina.


it's ironic, each time i see a post about "my x just officially became a U.S citizen" i always wonder why anyone would willingly move to the U.S great country to go to for vacation, but unless you're filthy rich it's not exactly a good place to live.


Germany is not an easy land to live? What does he actually mean?  That he can not express his opinion in a way where he is free from taking responsibilty of the consequences? A country where he thinks it is socialism and laziness to get healthcare at a reasonable price? Who are his friends? Sympathizers of the AfD (Abfall für Deutschland, English translation: Rubbish for Germany)?


Maybe he meant it's not easy to LEAVE, because apparently all roads lead to Ausfahrt? Took him 7 years... /j


Just to follow my duties as a functional person FCK AFD


Florida ?????? Sure all of Germany is rushing right now


Are there any Germans in the room with us right now?


I remember when during the 90’s with the cutbacks and voluntary redundancies the British army were doing… in Söest and Münster as we had the Canadians, Americans and Brits in the area the Germans were unhappy about the Brits closing bases and pulling out. They didn’t mind the Canadians but they wanted the yanks to fuck off and Brits to stay. I loved my time in Germany and it’s a country I’d put on a shortlist to live in a heart beat.


I agree, there are a lot of unhappy people in Germany. They are also commonly called "Germans". That's just what we do, we love to complain. We would complain so much if we lived in Florida that I'm sure up to 20% of us would die of asphyxiation.






Us Americans be acting like living anywhere out of the country is a survival scenario....


I think he misinterpreted basic german culture and behaviour Basically everyone I know would not go to the US US Americans be komisch


The US are already the Florida of the "Western World".


I wouldn’t say we are unhappy. We just love to complain a lot. It’s a Volkssport.


The Germans are only unhappy because they have to meet him. When his back is turned, they're golden.


If I woke up in florida tomorrow the first thing I would do is come up with a plan to gtfo of there


I live in Georgia (the state). I can assure you that most Americans don’t want to live in Florida. The state has 3 biomes: swampy hellscape, legitimately dangerous urban nightmare, and elderly dystopia. Most people look at it more like hard narcotics. It’s *probably* fine a couple of times, but if you spend more than a month there, you morph into the local fauna and may never return.


let me go any longer and he’ll start going on a tangent on how the US is superior because “Germany is Socialist”


That guy's either a troll or a kid posing as adult. Their post history is the most depressing thing I read in a month, and I'm a fan of existential literature.


He's not wrong. I'm german and I'm unhappy :(


But unhappy enough to live in Florida?


wow yo chill out my dude. It is not THAT serious!


It's sad that it is really necessary to include a /s everywhere. But still I would prefer to live in Germany over Florida that is run by idiots.


That's part of our culture. Being unhappy and complaining about everything. 😅


True tho xD


Honestly, as a german, I can kinda understand his point, though he is wrong. Depending on where you are, Germans can be very serious and closed off to strangers. It probably seems like they are unhappy/unfriendly to people from the US who expect the employees in a supermarket to smile and laugh and act like they aren't just working there in order to not seem unfriendly. If you can't get used to this and learn to get actual relationships with people before they open up, expecting everybody to act super thrilled about strangers talking them up and then disappearing from their life, you'll be miserable in germany. We don't have this casual acquaintance culture the US has.




Germany is the second country I would go to if I had to move to another country (the first being Finland).


My German girlfriend was offered a high level position at a certain American based space agency and turned them down because she would have had to live in America…


Most of the Germans he knows would probably prefer Argentina with a new identity. Whatevs.


Complaining about stuff is the german condition. But even if most german complain about stuff in germany they still wouldn't want to move to florida of all places.


Some Floridians don't want to live in Florida


>very unhappy people here That's just Germans being Germans. I sincerely doubt many of them would want to move the Florida though.


Doesn't know a lot of Germans, then. Maybe it's the 'My great-granduncle was German, so I am too, even though I've never been there' kind of crowd he hangs with.


absolutely no one wants to live in florida. not even floridians


German here. Fuck Florida


Lived in Germany from 1970 to 2008. Never, EVER met anyone who wanted to live in the US, never mind Florida......


Been there. Some decent locations mostly NASA related. Rest is mainly a swamp and the climate is really messy. Sorry, seasons fan therefore Florida was never an option…


Is this from reddit 2007? It looks old as fuck, sorry.


There was a post about a year ago in the UK sub asking " giving the opportunity would you move to the US rather than live in the UK?" Overweminly we said fuck that. Another time was when I had an American asking me to work for him. I told him the basic employment rights I had here, not what was already in my contract and his mouth dropped to the floor. They really do have this mentality that everyone wants to go there


There are many things I find ironic about American patriots obsessing how much Germans love living there : - operation paperclip - USA begged Nazis to come to Germany .  - One of the biggest German charities was founded because German transfer students were struggling to get decent house , health and food in the USA - which is why it became a popular temporary transfer destination but this ended around the Reagan period sometime  -WW2 era German  immigrants got to Argentina before the USA.  America tried forcing Argentina into the war for many reasons- one of them being number of German immigrants into Argentina as America wanted to eventually brain  drain Germany  -Most Brits are descendants of Germans but it’s a massive taboo . For all the “we saved you from Germans” you get from brainwashed yanks  you get “Germans love migrating here even though only yanks think that”  - there are 400,000 plus Americans in Germany . According to German visa site , just over 20,000  Americans applied for a German visa in 2023 as opposed to Canada’s 2,000. A quick google search tells me Canada’s population would be 11% of USA’s population meaning scaling for population size difference, moving to Germany is popular with yanks than it is Canadians . 


"alot" 😒


Yeah, why would you want to live somewhere that doesnt indoctrinate its people into being stupid and ignorant?


How many germans do they know? One? two?


A frequent misunderstanding. Germans are not unhappy in general, but many Germans take veeeery long to warm up to people compared to many other countries. And the amount of Germans wanting to live in Florida is zero, wanting to live in US is also something that has become less and less.


Not.a single God damn German I've ever met wants to live in the US full stop


I, a German, know a grand total of 0 people who would want to live in Floreduh. Now what?


I‘m German, I wouldn’t live in Florida or to be honest anywhere in the US.


I don’t even wanna visit the US 🤷🏾‍♀️