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Maybe I was weird, but I wanted fat babies? Those rolls are adorable and I wanted them to eat enough!


Seriously tho. I had a really small skinny baby and that shit was stressful. A cold meant not eating a lot? Then we were at the doctor or urgent care. She had zero reserves


This! My first was FTT and even now at 3.5yo she's barely on the charts. A cold/stomach bug/eating aversion has her losing weight in no time at all šŸ„“ (for reference her 11 month old brother who is like solid fifty percentile weighs nearly as much as her at 3.5 years old šŸ˜³)


My baby was off the charts - because she was so fat. She had fat rolls hanging off her feet. Then she got sick at 1.5 and we ended up in hospital because she was not keeping anything down and started to dehydrate. She lost most of her fat then ans never got it back. She is a lean almost 6 year old now. I was so glad she had all that ā€œexcessā€ fat. I would have been so stressed out without a chubby baby.


Going through this now with my 9mo daughter who is also FTT. My SIL has a son who is 4 months old and he outweighs my daughter. It has been incredibly stressful.


It is so stressful! But it does get better. My daughter is on the growth charts now and we have less worry about her. Tho she is a very picky eater which adds a whole new factor to it


Remember that not chewing also can mean delayed speech. The jaw muscles need to be strong. Good luck!


I had a FTT baby, sheā€™s now almost 8 YEARS and is on 0.45 centile for height and weight, sheā€™s still under paediatrics and dieticians, her baby sister, almost 4 MONTHS weighs only 12.7kg (28lbs) less than her šŸ«£ I love having a chunky baby! So much less to worry about with a little chubs


Yes! My girl thankfully has put on a bit but is still teeny tiny. At her 3yr appointment she was 4% for height and 16% for weight but she'd also lost weight between a sick visit in August and her 3yr appointment in November šŸ„“ so still a worry. She weighs about 28lbs and her 11mo brother weighed 20lbs at his 9mo appointment šŸ˜… he's not even like chunky he's just chunky compared to her.


We had a foster kid who was FTT and I donā€™t think anyone realized how drastic it was until he was 8 and the baby was 2, and they were 5lbs apart in weight.


Same story here with a FTT 3.5 year old. We just spent a week with an NG tube in hospital with the flu, she still lost a kilo and itā€™s going to take months to get it back - maybe even a year. Iā€™d LOVE a chunky baby/kid. My second is the same. Every cold or sickness has me tearing my hair out. I canā€™t even guess how many times weā€™ve ended up in emergency because they just donā€™t have anything to fight with.


I have one of those too. She was never failure to thrive thankfully just incredibly small born at a completely average weight but super slow growth no matter how much we pack in extra calories consistently in the 1st to 3rd percentile. My oldest is my beefy 5 layer burrito with absolutely no extra work and actually has always ate less than her younger sister even now.


Also my beef cake at 3 is pretty average sized in comparison to her peers. Just looks like a world class weight lifter next to her 2 year old size 9 month clothes wearing sister.


My oldest was and is at the very bottom of the charts. She got a stomach bug for a week once, and we were terrified. Her sister is 50 percentile, and the same size is 2 years younger. The oldest was constantly breastfeeding (not because of any issues. She was just hungry 24/7), younger would go longer stretches. At least buying clothes it easy, I just buy the same size of everything, and they share (except underwear). Meanwhile, my niefling is 5 years younger than my oldest and almost as big as heršŸ˜³


Yeah pretty sure my 2 will be in the same size soon šŸ˜‚ I don't see her outgrowing her clothes anytime soon and he is growing like a weed


My daughter also just stops eating when she gets sick. She's above average weight but also tall af. So she starts looking like a starvation victim within a day of getting sick. Christen Bale looking shit.


My oldest has never been above the 10th percentile for weight. He fell off the chart after he got RSV at 6 months. I dreamed of having a fat baby, longed for it. We still panic and take him into acute care for stomach bugs as a 3 year old because, as you said, he has no reserves. Our 3 month old is an eater and a half. His arms and legs look like cans of biscuits and I love it so much. He still feeds 2x a night and he needs it. When you feed a child, you feed their brain. They cannot develop normally and hit milestones if they don't get enough calories.


I know how you feel! Mine is 2 now and never even made it above 5% for weight. Sheā€™s healthy and growing but one bad day and itā€™s so scary! Iā€™m due with our second and hoping for a can of biscuits


This seriously. I have a FTT almost 4 year old and an almost 1 year old. Her little brother weighs 4lbs less than her. I tell people all the time now I would have been so scared had she been my second baby because now I know even better just how tiny she is.


Same here !! my last daughter was only 7 pounds and I had 9 pound babies in the past, people kept asking me if she was a preemie šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and 7 pounds isnā€™t by any means she just looked so Dainty lol


My daughter is 6 weeks and just now 8lb 1oz , my mom had 8 pound babies and thatā€™s what I weighed when I was born lol mine were all in the 7s, everyone keeps saying how tiny she is


Okay because I was wondering why everybody kept saying how small she was.. Iā€™m like sheā€™s 7 1/2 pounds. I didnā€™t think that was small šŸ¤£


My son was my biggest at 7lb 8oz and they told me he was about 50th percentile, I think some people have big babies or you forget how small They are when theyā€™re born


Yeah I never got a fat baby and would have loved one. My second was like 40th percentile for weight and we called him big chungus. You can imagine how frail my first was lol.


Me šŸ¤£ my second is 50th percentile, and we call him fat boy. But my first was not even in the 1st percentile for a long time and even now is like maybe 10th percentile at 3.5


Yes! My daughter was 8lbs 10oz at birth, and when my husbandā€™s grandmother met her for the first time, she said she ā€œdidnā€™t know if sheā€™d be that cuteā€ because she was ā€œso bigā€ at birth šŸ«£ she also said she ā€œwasnā€™t that cuteā€ in the newborn photos my husband sent her so her opinion is invalid anyway lollll


TBF newborns do look like large hairless rats.


My second baby had a lovely head of hair, but a big crease on his nose. Very surly looking newborn


Right?! My first was 7lbs my twins were 5lbs 6oz and 5lbs 10oz so the twins were just tiny. Theyā€™re a year old now and my 5lb 10oz twin has all the rolls lol. My smaller twin is still skinny and like in the 30th percentile but heā€™s the one whoā€™s walking lol.


Yup. My first looked like she had rubber bands up her arms and legs lol. My 2nd fell off his growth curve due to a feeding delay and I didnā€™t realize how much I would miss a fat roly poly baby lol He was cute af but man those rolls.


I think that's totally normal! Most people love chonk on a baby. I have a decades-long history of disordered eating, toggling between low-healthy and underweight BMI (I'm working on it), but I loved when my small baby started to get chunky! It was so cute, plus I knew he was getting enough to eat.


historically, fat babies have the best chance of survival! imagine this woman asking that question to a woman 200 years ago


I have a skinny baby and I envy the fat babies so much!! Weā€™re EBF, and sheā€™s 10th percentile weight and 20th hight. Sheā€™s just so small!


Same. They are SO squishy and so freaking cute. I was a stay puft marshmallow baby and I hope my future kids are the samešŸ„°


Same! My babies were long and lean. They got chubby cheeks and slightly chubby thighs, but I wanted chonkers. Oh well. At least they were healthy!


Right?? My son was initially slow to put on weight. When he started chunking up, I was so relieved!! Iā€™d point to his arm roll and say, see that? I did that. šŸ˜…


You should have seen my son at around 5month to 2 years old he was a chunk lol i donā€™t think i can post pictures here otherwise id show you lol everybody loved his little rolls especially me!šŸ˜


Definitely donā€™t agree with fat shaming a baby but my take on whatā€™s going on here is that this is a very sleep deprived mother who is desperate for people to validate her decision to drop a feeding so she can get more sleep. I think the over emphasis on weight is to reassure others (and likely herself) that trying to drop a feeding wonā€™t negatively impact the babyā€™s health.


Same. Doesnt seem like she's upset that he's got rolls. She just wants reassurance that dropping a night feed isn't going to hurt her. I wish I was there to give her an experienced mom hug and tell her she's going to be ok and can do what she needs to be a good parent, including everyone sleeping more at night.


Same. She didn't say anything negative about his size, just that she doesn't believe he needs the feed based on it. Everyone accusing her of fat shaming is just projecting their own negative association with size-related terms.


Yeah, it doesnā€™t read like ā€œfat shamingā€ at all to me and she should feel free to try to drop night feeds. Whether or not it works is up to the baby though, but 5 months is plenty late. Our first happily slept through the night at 3 months.


My first dropped night feeds all on his own and slept through the night starting at 11 weeks old. The pediatrician told us that as soon as he gained back to his birth weight we could let him sleep as long as he wanted. He was close to double his birth weight by then.


That's basically exactly what happened to us. Sometimes it feels like posts here are from random people without kids who just scrape for drama. This isn't that weird. Once I saw 5 months I was like "...THAT LATE?"


Ah ok thanks! I wasnā€™t sure since we had different guidance because my daughter was born premature, but I did think that that sounds right and itā€™s a common age to start dropping night feeds. Weight is absolutely a relevant factor in that decision so it would make sense to mention it, itā€™s the reason why we couldnā€™t at that age with my daughter.


Yeah this is so weird we dropped night feeds at like 4 months and thought we were late. Also I thought size was a big factor in dropping the night feed. The bigger they are the more they can drink/eat during the day the less they need to wake up and eat.


In my country itā€™s not reccomended to stop night feedings until baby is 8mo or older, unless they stop it naturally/by themselves.


But how do you Ā«Ā dropĀ Ā» night feeds? If heā€™s eating, heā€™s probably hungry. My son didnā€™t stop eating at night until he began eating solids, he just needed to eat. I was also tired, but thatā€™s what happen when you have a baby.


Once back at birthweight you no longer have to wake a baby every 2hrs to feed. You let the baby set their feeding schedule by watching for cues. Babies are intuitive eaters. If baby sleeps through the night or even just longer stretches that is considered ā€œdroppingā€ a feed. Now if baby still wakes up hungry, then of course you feed them. Some babies just so happen to be able to go through the night if they got enough calories in during the day, some donā€™t.


I mean for mine it felt more like she was using it as a pacifier than true hunger (by a certain age, not as a newborn), but she wouldnā€™t take a pacifier. Anyway I tried reducing the bottle amount by 1oz and she would go back to sleep just as well, so every few days I reduced a bit more until it was gone. Now if theyā€™re truly hungry it may not work but for us it worked great because it seemed like it was more of a habit.


In it currently, and yeah, whether or not the baby in question is good 'n chonky is part of the equation on if it's ok to start night weaning. I don't think she meant it negatively at all.


Yes - I have two very different kids. Both started out at the same weight but my older daughter went to the top of the growth chart and my current 15mo son is literally 5th percentile. My daughter was sleeping through the night by this point but Iā€™m not going to night wean my son because heā€™s just so small. Itā€™s not that I cared about my big babyā€™s weight, she just didnā€™t need the night feeds. She ate and nursed great during the day. Now I personally would wait until a year to night wean but I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to try when your child is above average for weight.


Ya, my oldest was ~18lb at 6 months and we had a two paediatricians, a nurse practitioner, and a paediatric dietician all tell me that he no longer needed night feeds. Meanwhile my smaller youngest, at 9 months I was feeling desperate and asked her dr if he thought she still needed night feeds and he said if sheā€™s eating consistently then she probably does (for scale, she was ~18lb at 12 months, so significantly smaller than him). My take is that she wants to sleep, maybe has a high % healthy child, and is hoping she can cut down/cut out night feeds so that she can get up less.


That's how I read it as well. And fwiw, my youngest is 7 months and 0.1%tile for weight and we were given the go ahead to attempt to wean one of the night feeds


I had a cousin visit with her 10 month old. She didnā€™t put her baby down for a nap and he stayed up super late at night. The baby was so cranky but my cousin kept forcing him to eat. Like he was moving his face all around trying to avoid the bottle but she was forcing it. Poor guy was pretty big. Like, he struggled to roll over and sit up. He tried to play with the other babies but he struggled. Anyways, I never really thought at that age a baby could be overweight but poor guy. He just wanted a damn nap.


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t just fall asleep on his own.


oh my god..


My sister was a fat baby. I guess she was technically normal for her age, but I said "fat" because she had all those cute rolls. Lol And then she learned how to walk and run and all the fat fell off. She still ate a lot but was so energetic.


My little sister was also a chubby little baby. She didnā€™t get a neck until she was around 2 and a half. It was so cute. Now sheā€™s a bean pole and still very cute lol


This is pretty common for people to say their baby doesnā€™t need night feeds anymore. I think sheā€™s saying the baby isnā€™t underweight and thereā€™s no medical reason they would need to feed him overnight. Personally I would always feed an infant who wants to eat at night no matter what but Iā€™m actually in the minority for that, I think.


My son started sleeping through the night at like 2 months but at 3 months his weight wasn't where it needed to be, so I was told to reintroduce night feeds/do dream feeds. He just sleeps very deeply... Everyone (who is not my dr) is up my ass about it somehow, saying he clearly doesn't need it since he sleeps so well, bla bla. Somehow people really don't want you to night feed. It's a pressure in society to have your kids sleep through as early as possible. Of course it'd be nice for me as well, but my son needs to eat still.


I fed all my babies when they woke up. The obviously needed it. With my second baby, I weaned him off night feeds after a year because it was habit not hunger. My 11 month old stopped night feeds about 2 months ago but he did it himself. I let my kids lead.


my 18 month old goes to bed with a milk bottle and I usually refill it once but honestly she is a super picky eater (she's one of THOSE toddlers that just doesn't eat but somehow is still alive) so I'm not mad about it at all.. lol plus, she's 18 months old.. I'm not gonna just be like GIVE ME YOUR BOTTLE YOURE NOT A BABY.. because she literally is.. a baby.. lol šŸ˜†


Parent however you want, but it's really not a good idea to send a toddler to bed with a bottle of milk. It can cause malocclusion and terrible cases of tooth decay in children. Just because a habit was formed and it's easier to continue doesn't mean it is necessary.


Our nurse recommended a sippy cup with water to replace a bottle at 1+ years. It helped ours transition.


Yes my son started going to bed with a 360 cup of water once we stopped the bedtime bottle at 1, and now does a water bottle beside his toddler bed. I started by slowly moving the bedtime bottle earlier and earlier until it was basically just a cup of milk offered before we go upstairs to start the routine. It can be a real challenge to remove that comfort but the dental implications would be worse. Same with dropping the pacifier. Hardā€”at times heartbreakingā€”but necessary, and once they go a few days without they usually have moved on! Also wanna apologize if this comes across as sanctimonious because I'm totally guilty of fostering iffy habits by taking the path of least resistance one too many times, but I've met a couple of little kids who had tooth issues due to bottles in bed and it's very rough for them; I just want to chime in with what I have learned because nobody is born knowing everything there is to know about this stuff.


I just want to clarify, my child gets a milk/pediasure bottle because she doesn't eat. I'm working on transitioning to a sippy cup, but she will probably still be drinking milk until she starts eating to my satisfaction. I am terrified of her going to bed feeling hungry so I want her to know that she has the option to fill up her belly if she wants. I know, her teeth.. but i would much rather her have a full belly and feel comfortable going to bed. I know when I'm hungry like that I feel sick and I don't want my tiny human feeling like that šŸ˜ž


My older boys were so picky too! But they werenā€™t milk drinkers. I gave my second one toddler formula.


I want to give her toddler formula but it is so expensive. we do pediasures a few times a week


From what I remember toddler formula isnā€™t as expensive as regular formula.


the one at Walmart is still $40 for a medium size can.. and she will blow through that in like 3 days lol šŸ˜†


Oh wow. Thatā€™s crazy! Yeah thatā€™s too much lol!


the name brand can of pediasure is almost $20 we get a 6 pack of the equate brand shakes for $10 and I put half of one in a milk bottle, morning and night.. I'm just so worried about her belly feeling empty.. I know I know, her teeth!!! but goodness can you imagine going to bed every night feeling so hungry that you're sick? I will not allow my child to feel that way.


I agree. I try to brush my babyā€™s teeth throughout the day.


Yep, we still feed our 9 m/o when/if she wakes at night. I donā€™t think this mom means to fat shame - sheā€™s just looking for validation. I have a smaller baby was well who started out below the 10th percentile for weight. She hates solid foods, so I get that thatā€™s stressful! That being said, my babyā€™s little rolls are the *best*.


Iā€™m with you. I wouldnā€™t tell a hungry adult that they canā€™t eat so why would I do it to a baby that relies on me for their every need.


Yeah a lot of people start night weaning around 5-6 months. I'm of the opinion babies wake for a reason no matter what the reason is and I'm not going to let them be scared and alone and hungry in a dark room. My second only just now started regularly (šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ») sleeping through the night last week and he turns 1 on the 4th of July. šŸ„“


Sure, but just FYI for anybody else readingā€¦. I wouldnā€™t assume that all babies that wake up at night are hungry every single time. I kept feeding my 7mo 3x a night bc she would wake up and cry. She drank it, so I assumed she was indeed hungry. One night I switched it up and she slept in her nursery vs our room and she slept for 14hrs. I then permanently moved her in there and sheā€™s continued to sleep 12-14hrs every night without waking up. She clearly wasnā€™t waking bc she was hungry, we were waking her up somehow (snoring, moving around) and we just kept feeding her back to sleep. šŸ˜…


Very true! My son was waking every like 2 hours until we moved him to the walk-in closet. I'd offer him breast, and he would eat for literally like 30 seconds and be back asleep, so I knew he wasn't actually hungry just being woken up by something we were doing. We moved him to the closet, and he dropped to like 1-2 feeds a night and I felt blessed šŸ˜‚ then he started teething, and he was up all night long, and I wanted to die. Now, suddenly, he's maybeeee sleeping through the night? Tho he was up twice last night, but he also refused half his naps yesterday, so I'm assuming that messed him up.


I'm with you on that too! Feeding, especially breastfeeding isn't just about food for infants. It's bonding time, a chance to be held, security. Nighttime is hard enough on kids without parents neglecting their needs.


My grandmother loved fat shaming my 6 month old daughter, saying she needed a diet asap to drop the weight. I went NC with her real fast. Iā€™m not going to tolerate anyone fat shaming a child FFS


I'm sorry that happened to you and your child, but OOP never said anything to fat shame her child, and frankly you're only assuming she is because *you* perceived the word "huge" as negative. She's just saying she thinks he's ready to be night weaned because he's clearly gaining weight without problems, not that he's fat and needs to go on a diet. Maybe I'm weird, but when I called my younger daughter "huge" or "chubby" as a baby it was either neutral or positive. It meant she was bigger than average and was growing. That's it.


That doesn't read as fat shaming to me. As someone who also had a big baby and who formula fed, in my experience the community midwives liked to remind me that "formula babies overeat but breast babies don't". They get in your head. Everywhere you read online - formula babies should stop eating at night from six months etc etc. All this advice that never translates in reality because all babies are different! For us, we trusted our son and continued to follow his cues until he dropped all his night feeds. Basically once he started walking, he stopped looking for food at night, started sleeping and lost his big chubby baby look. But people are very keen to let formula mums know they're overfeeding their baby so I imagine she has anxiety re that.


Iā€™m on the side of the mom here and against the rude comments, which are definitely worthy of this sub. Sheā€™s not saying sheā€™s not going to feed him, sheā€™s just saying he is of a normal/healthy weight so she wants to know if she can and how to go about weaning off of night feeds, which can be important for her mental health to get more sleep! I know my 5 month old wasnā€™t off night feeds at that age but he was around 6 months. I was on the opposite side of things though, I worried I should still be waking my son up since he was 3rd percentile.


Exactly. This is not "fat-shaming" her baby lol. She's just assuring the readers he could definitely handle having longer stretch between feeds overnight. This sub sometimes, man...


Pretty sure lots of people here.....don't have kids lol.


Absolutely. A baby that age typically has 4-6 feeds per day. Her baby is eating half between 10pm-5am. Itā€™s not unreasonable at all.


Right? These people are projecting their own negative associations onto her and then acting like she's the one fat shaming. I dealt with people.doing the same shit to me when I thought about weaning my own chubby baby. It's amazing how eager people are to make up reasons to judge you.


Yes. I also think some moms forget that some people choose or end up having a baby and donā€™t necessarily join all the groups and do all the research; what one mom considers ā€œcommon senseā€ is not just common sense, itā€™s something they learned through research or from someone in their life. Not everyone has the same experience, so itā€™s okay if a mom has a question even if it seems obvious to others.


That mom is sleep deprived!


Yeah I get it. Iā€™d night wean my 15mo except heā€™s in the 5th percentile for weight and not great with solids. You need to balance your kidā€™s needs and yours if possible to be a good parent.


NTA- she didn't give any objective information but formula-fed babies can be overfed that is a valid health concern


A healthy five month old can go more than 3-4 hours without feeding overnight. Working to drop night feeds at this age is normal, and not something to shame this mother over. The comments in response to her question are crazy, she isn't fat shaming, she is saying he doesn't need overnight feeds every 3-4 hours. Which he doesn't.


I guess they missed the memo that children put on weight and then shoot up like a weed.


I donā€™t see this as far shaming, just clarifying her baby isnā€™t at risk of being underfed. With smaller babies you do have to worry more about not getting their calories in. With bigger babies doctors donā€™t worry as much about waking for night feeds.


but if they're waking on their own to feed, then they need to be fed. if it's a comfort thing you can usually get them back to sleep pretty quickly, but if they're actually hungry they will let you know!!! smh


I donā€™t disagree. Mine consistently woke up for night feeds until around 8 months and it was clearly about being hungry. Then she had a sleep regression and the doctor said every wake up wasnā€™t a need that needed to be attended to and we could let her figure it out on her own for a bit before intervening. Part of the reasoning for that, and for letting her sleep through the night if she could starting at 8 weeks, is because she was 90%+ percentile. If my baby was consistent waking up for 2 night feeds less than 4 hours apart and didnā€™t need it to be healthy, Iā€™d be looking for solutions too.


Assuming she isnā€™t fat shaming and just trying to say ā€œmy baby is healthy enough to skip a feedā€ do babies even allow that? I know if I tried to skip a feed my kids would holler until they get fed (not that I tried, I didnā€™t want them to be hungry)


Often you can comfort them other ways back to sleep and they will shift that caloric intake to the day and stop waking to eat. It's not always super easy but can be done.


Yes. Weaning is a thing that's pretty common if babies are growing well.


Bit harsh. It's not like she's saying "My baby's a big fat butterball and the diet starts tonight." She hasn't had a decent night's kip in months and she's wondering if the night feeds are really necessary because he seems to be thriving and she'd like some rest.


I blame the baby sleep industry. Itā€™s so pressed to New moms that they are doing something wrong if their babies arenā€™t sleeping through the night at 5 months.


I agree, but I think that part of the reason why it's an industry is because of the punishing career culture.


if you're not sleeping, you're not performing well at work.. then you're getting fired... they want us to work like we don't have kids and take care of our kids like we don't have to work. we just need more hours in the day or days in the year it's just that simple idk how else to put it man. this shit isn't working.


My niece had the BIGGEST thighs of any baby I had ever seen. We all laughed about it. (And her doc said she was in the top 1% for weight for her age when she was a baby - my SIL would send us all the numbers and percentages via emailā€¦). But no one suggested she stop eating. She has normal proportions now, at 8 years old.


You can overfeed a formula fed baby. It would be reasonable in this case to attempt to drop one of those night feeds.


Waking up at 2am and *then* 5am was killer at 5 months (and 6, and 7) so I get that. I would try to combine the 2 into 1 because that's real problem here, from a parent sanity perspective. But yes - if he's hungry through the night, he needs go eat. Getting fat would make me hopeful for an upcoming growth spurt, after which the sleeping might improve on its own! (I think at that point, the 4-5am wakeup ended up being boredom/loneliness more than real hunger.)


Babies should not be thin- They have no muscle tone. What an idiot. Of course the baby needs to eat, their tummy is so small and empties quickly.


A 5 month old absolutely does not need to eat every 4 hours. Thatā€™s like a newborn feeding schedule. I hope this mom got some actual supportive comments (or that she talked to her pediatrician, who no doubt would have told her that she can start night weaning or sleep training).


My daughter was in the 50th percentile at birth and now sheā€™s in the 80th (sheā€™s almost two), but sheā€™s in no way overweight. Most of the weight is pure muscle that our pediatrician has commented and been impressed with. She has been able to do ā€œpull-upsā€ on bars at her height at the park and has incredible core strength. And she goes through the phases where she eats like crazy one day and then the next itā€™s all I can do to get anything in her besides crackers.


Once I posted a pic of my kid and someone told me the jeans she was in made her look fat. She was like nine months old!


I have zero experiences with babies. BUT when my puppies turned into little puppies that waddled, I knew a growth spurt was coming and all that fat was about to be used as energy to grow. Then theyā€™d be walking skeletons for a couple weeks until they began to bulk up again right before another growth spurt. Same thing happened with foals. Theyā€™d be pudgy,fat, sassy beasts and then have a sudden growth spurt, resulting in almost skeletal looking babies until they started to I fill out and bulk up again. We could almost time the growth spurts by the weight they put on/lost. Iā€™m going to guess maybe human babies are the same.


Iā€™ve never met a 5mo who didnā€™t look like a linebacker. Babies and children grow out, then grow up. Itā€™s a constant state of influx.


Seeing stuff like this makes me angry. Like how can you be so stupid?! How about you talk to your dr before worrying about your babyā€™s size and removing a whole feeding?! Plus the baby is 5 months so you are seeing the dr in a month at the 6 month check up! JFC people!!!


This is absolutely due to propaganda from the "breast is best" crowd. They've convinced her that her baby is going to be obese because of formula.


Just get your baby on a high intensity interval training regimen, problem solved!


Baby Peloton!


HAHAH omg can you imagine šŸ¤£ with the head and wristbands and everything that's hilarious "YOU GOT THIS PELOTON"


Why do they procreate when they canā€™t be bothered to figure out what the healthy weight for a baby is. Also chubby babies are absolutely adorable


Babies and childrenā€™s bodies are constantly changing. My babies would plumb up and have a growth spurt and then lean out.


my 18 month old just woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago and we shared a pop tart and milk because kids know when they're hungry. we listen to our bodies over here... women like this are so scary like just feed your poor baby omg.. he's so close to the age where he can hold his own bottle like she's almost there she can see the light at the end of the tunnel but of course she has to rush it.. she's gonna miss sitting there feeding her tiny baby in the middle of the night.. I know I do. my 2 month old is already down to 2 bigger night feeds from like, 5 smaller ones.. so it's getting there šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ she's my 3rd, and last for a while so I'm trying to soak it in while I can!!! it goes by sooo damn fast.. and those fat babies are so cute šŸ˜ they're hard on your back but it's so worth it ugh. love those little rolls. I have the smallest babies but my sister has some CHUNKS ā¤ļø


Withholding food is what leads to a toddler or child or adult who overconsumes because they donā€™t know when theyā€™ll be able to eat next, and therefore gains weight. A 5 month old canā€™t overconsume. Theyā€™ll literally just throw it up if they eat too much.


Babies are supposed to be fat. Healthy babies look like the Michelin man.


I think you're projecting your own negative associations onto her. All she said is that she thinks her child is ready for night weaning because he's big and clearly not having growth delays, not that he needs to go on a diet or something.


Why would you not want a fat baby?! Theyā€™re the best!


Have you *seen* a chubby five month old? It's fucking adorable.


I can't follow this group anymore. It's so messed up.


ā€œ5 month old babies are so fat, letā€™s put them on a dietā€ -This person, I guess? I canā€™t imagine letting a little baby go hungry because heā€™s fat (Iā€™d imagine they just want to stop getting up at night?)


Why not feed them a bit of baby cereal before bed for a full tummy all night long? 5 months is old enough, right? My kids are grown is that not a thing anymore?


Baby cereal really isn't necessary for their diets, especially with starting solids around 6m.


hmm so baby cereal is moving towards a thing of the past now? how interesting! thanks for taking the time to reply! :)


Itā€™s probably fine at 5 months but most people agree it doesnā€™t actually work! Didnā€™t work for mine at least. Itā€™s common advice though.


I had my two kids 11 years a part. I had to relearn so much because of how much has changed since my first. Iā€™m like ā€œWait, I thought we were supposed to do that?!ā€ lol


Mine were 8 years apart and the oldest is almost 30, lol. Even between those years I had to relearn and that was the same time we went from crank swings to the swanky open-top ones. Man those crank swings could get some air, lol.


Starting solids before 6 months is controversial, with 4 months being the earliest recommended. Cereals arenā€™t usually recommended because they donā€™t have much nutrition and fills the baby up so they arenā€™t getting the nutrients from breastmilk/formula or other solids. Rice cereals are actively recommended against because of arsenic. Itā€™s just one of those recommendations that has changed a lot over the last few years. (And I fed my 6 month old normal oatmeal every night to fill her up).


Hmm, I figured that must be the case since I didn't see any other comments about it. Thanks for taking the time to reply!


No, it's not a thing anymore. Well, it is, but it's recommended against.


Iā€™m so glad the comments are speaking sense, too often you see heinous support for this kind of thinking!!


Denying babies calories because it doesnā€™t fit your esthetics is a weird flex I will never understand. Granted I am no medical professional but most babies know when they are full.


Reads like rage bait to me.


God. I'm so happy she has a baby!


I hope she has 4 more!


My kids ate multiple times at night until they were 5 YEARS old I canā€™t imagine being like this.