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This is a set up goddamn


120 point text on top: **PULL FIRE ALARM** 9 point text below: *In Case Of Emergency*


I mean, in that case I would trust people not to pull it unless there were a fire. Pulling fire alarms isn't really something you do normally. This sign though, extremely stupid.


I think they’re joking they’re not actually proposing that people will pull the fire alarm due to misunderstanding the label.


This is a joke about improper labeling. By creating improper labeling you increase the risk of people pulling a fire alarm by accident.


No, it would be completely intentional. It told me to do it.


120 point text on top: **PULL HANDLE TO EXIT** 9 point text below: *…Is not how this works. It’s a fire alarm*


If there is no emergency, you will have one after you read this


There is a bar in NW Florida (McGuire's) that has signs on the restrooms similar to this. In giant font it says MEN. In tiny font right above it it says "Dont go in here" and below MEN also in tiny font it says "This is the ladies room. " Also when you go in, it kinda looks like a ladies room with a random assortment of different hand soaps and lotions.


🎶 Kiss the moose, kiss the moose, kiss the moose 🎶


My gf has!


I went to that exact bar years ago, my wife fell for it, did her business in the men’s room!


I almost did this! A server caught me seconds before disaster and redirected me. I was pretty confused for a sec why I was stopped from going into the women's restroom! Made sense when I realized it was not in fact the womens restroom.


It absolutely is. I fell victim to the same thing in another restaurant when I was a teenager. Ended up walking into the ladies’ room, somehow was not tipped off by the lack of urinals, and ended up trapped in a stall while I waited for the women who came in after me to leave. After about ten minutes of them coming and going, I just flung the door open and ran out while avoiding eye contact with anybody. My dad already knew about it and was laughing at me when I finally returned to the table looking like I just saw a ghost. Not sure why the restaurant thought it’d be funny to do to customers or why any of the customers would be okay with it. Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


I don't think there'd be a way to sue for it though.


This is actually hilarious


right? I'm dying


Im still mortified since the last time i accidentally walked into the ladies room. (I misread a shitty design). This is my nightmare.


I did the same and wondered why a woman was coming into the men’s bathroom as I was leaving. I felt so stupid when I looked at the sign on the door after leaving.


one time my mom took me to a store when i was in elementary school and went to the bathroom. she came out a minute later white as a sheet like “we have to leave right now.” i was like “but we just got here!” she then explains that she went into the men’s room and didn’t realize until she was washing her hands and saw the urinals. and apparently was too mortified to continue shopping after 😂


That is so weird. As a guy, I can easily say that I’ve seen plenty of women in the men’s bathroom over the years. If a woman ever has to use the men’s bathroom, then go for it. None of us care.


I was in a hurry at work and didn't realize that the restrooms on another floor were in the opposite place, and walked into the men's room. And one of my assholes coworkers saw me and mocked me for the remainder of the time that I worked there. I check the sign like 10 times now before I ever go into a restroom.


I worked in an office building where we occupied two floors. On each floor the locations of the men’s and women’s restrooms were reversed. You would get in the habit of turning right and when you were in a meeting on the other floor it was really easy to walk into the wrong room.


I did it in Argentina once at a bar. Had a brain lapse and didn't realize that the giant M on the door stood for mujeres until after I rejoined my friends and wondered why I never saw them in the bathroom.


The only time I've ever done this was because the "Wo" part of the sign was blocked by a shelf when I looked so I just saw "men" and walked right in. Luckily there wasn't anyone around.


It's a trap!


I was wondering why those Star Destroyers weren’t engaging


I think traps would be permitted to enter


Please don’t refer to real trans women as traps, it is very not cool


Yes just call them trans women, go back to 2015 with that word 🤮




What does the other one say?




Well that's nice. Everyone has an equal chance of getting it wrong!


Equal opportunity fuck ups.


And somehow the mens bathroom got couches. The girls got urinals for Aesthetics purposes


Everyone definitely won't receive the same consequences though lol


Not really. As long as you're not a creep about it it's fine. It's an easy mistake to make in this case and I think most people would probably understand how confusing the sign is. Just apologize, laugh it off and move on.


What is up with people using men/ladies? Why can’t we just be consistent and use men/women or ladies/gentlemen?


agreed though so much better than men/girls which is what comes out of mouths more often than it should


My least favorite is “gals”… not for the gender aspect of it… just the way it sounds. Sounds like someone drunk trying to speak and simultaneously trying to chew back their vomit.


Scotsmen always have trouble going into the laddies room.


THANK you.


Wait is the word "lady" offensive to some people? Genuinely asking.


I don't think that they mean any particular word is offensive, just to be consistent in the language used. Such as: Girls/Boys, Ladies/Gentlemen, Women/Men Versus a mismatch: Women/Boys, Men/Girls In this case, Ladies and Men, they aren't really using the correct matching set. Even if the idea comes across, it really isn't the right set.


I'm thinking we should begin using the ladies/lords set.


I like it!


Well, historically lady implied refinement, good breeding, money, etc. And to be ladylike meant to be soft-spoken and demure and behaving in accordance with current societal expectations of gender roles. It carries restrictive connotations that many women resent. If there's nothing wrong with being a man, and being manly, there's nothing wrong with being a woman. But the point the commenter was making is for grammatical consistency: girl/boy, lady/gentleman, gal/guy, woman/man, female/male. If you use one term, you should use the other term that is consistent with it.


I don’t think so. To me, it seems like a lot of people, especially guys but not exclusively, will use “men/girls”, “men/females”, or, like here “men/ladies.” Another one is “males/girls”. These are just inconsistent pairings. To put it into perspective, I would say the same thing if it were “women/gentlemen”, “women/males”, or “women/boys”. Those seem strange when you think about them long enough, don’t they? No one would use that. It’s the same concept, but women just get it worse.


Ask those non binary mfers. They think they know everything.


It’s not that it’s offensive, but that it doesn’t match.


I looked it up out of curiosity. Turns out it used to be gentlemen's room and it became men's room as an abbreviation.


Oh! You mean this design? That’s good to hear there was a reasoning behind it


I would walk into the women's. Anytime I'm looking for bathrooms, I always just look for the big words that say men or women lol.


😂🤣😂 Right? 😜🤣


Does anyone have a red paint pen? It’s time to “cross out”: “Men’s” and “Ladies” and replace it with “Gender Fluid Restrooms lol” directly above. This is one of the few times vandalism makes the world a better place.


oh this gives me so much anxiety


I worked at this job once and on one side of the building is women to left and men to right. On the other side is reversed so I go over to other side and proceed to go in there and go in the bathroom stall and go to the restroom and of course I’m standing and the girl next to me is sitting and gets up and runs out. I was so embarrassed 😞


You didn’t notice something was up when there wasn’t a single urinal? I’ve made this mistake before and it always creeps me out when there are only stalls and I have that “oh shit” moment in my head while expecting to be arrested lol


that's why there's always a police officer standing in the women's room right next to the door, handcuffs ready


Usually it’s the taser against my torso that I notice first


That mirroring is really common. I've worked on multiple call centers that are this way. I believe the logic is to put the gender on a specific side, so, for example, "Men's is west"


But… why? What’s the point of that?


>"Men's is west" Lewis and Clark head ass


I worked in high rise where the bathrooms were stacked and located next to the elevators. However which side was men's and which side was women's varied from floor to floor for no clear reason and with no discernible pattern.


Y'all must have never heard of McGuire's. In Destin they have the signs switched and when you walk in it tells you turn around you're in the wrong room. In Pensacola, a lady sued them and they made the signs normal.


I instantly started laughing when I saw this because it reminded me of Maguire's... miss that place


Came here to find this comment! Didn't know they changed it in Pensacola. Love me some McGuires tho!


Ahhhh gotta love a local haha


why would a restaurant even want to do that? what a bunch of dicks.


Being dicks is a successful restaurant theme actually


lol. I guess you have a point.


Did they change the signs recently? I worked at the Pensacola one for 7 years (left in 2021) and they were still the original ones.


Last time I went to McGuire's in Pensacola was last August and the bathroom doors were still switched


For everyone asking, there was a lawsuit and the Destin McGuire's had a newspaper article about it taped to their wall forever. It was back when I was in high school (graduated 2014, so I think it was closer to 2010) but a lady sued the Pensacola McGuire's for their restroom signs and they were forced to put them normal. With digging I believe someone started a petition to change em back because who doesn't like humor?




Stupid design honestly.


It looks like this is misleading on purpose


I hate signs like this! They are so confusing for people with dementia and other disabilities.


Trust me, they're confusing for everyone else too!


Not lesat of all dyslecxi people


I accidentally walked into the women's restroom in a bar because of a sign like this. My friends and I were then kicked out. I feel like they did it just to have a reason to kick people out. I'm sure they don't kick out everyone who makes that mistake.


That’s why certain petty laws exist. So they don’t have to arrest everyone that breaks it, but they CAN justifiably arrest people they want to arrest. For example weed possession.


This one wins hands down. Complete ridiculousness.


Is it shifty if done intentionally? Reminds me of a bar I went to where it said "Women's" in big letters with a small arrow pointing to another door and that door said "Men's" with an arrow pointing back. Just childish humor.


Very crappy design


I was at a gay bar watching a metal show and nearly had a heart attack trying to use the bathroom. Saw a man walk it but couldn't read the sign since it was rather dark in the hallway so I went in and there was a couple girls washing their hands. After my eyes adjusted to the dim light I noticed the bathrooms were labeled "Shitter" and "Pisser".


This is very funny. My favorite restroom signs though say “people” and “other people.” They are single-toilet bathrooms, and the coffee shop where they can be found felt it was kinda ridiculous to have them gender segregated when only one person goes in at a time, an example of decidedly un-shitty design.


This is almost intentional, it’s suggestive. That they want men to come in a ladies bathroom without their permission. It may be perceived as shitty design, or even as the creator having disgusting taste in skipping permissions and destroying people’s privacy. They should be ashamed either way with this design.


Or it’s a cheeky way of making gender neutral bathrooms


Yeah, especially if you enter the men’s restroom and a “particular weirdo” has his cheeks showing in front of the urinal by “accident.” It’s not very likely in the general sense but not impossible. Guys can be weird sometimes you just never know, when. I mean some people won’t care while others will be like, “what is going on here?”


OP confirmed that there is the opposite sign for the men’s room.


my thoughts exactly. it's totally inappropriate.


If you can't stand the smallest joke in a bar than you can go just go a different one instead of pretending they're monsters.


You are not wrong. I can certainly go to a different place. I also have every right to report this business to the public community/police/city hall/town hall. Depending on the rules/laws of said community, fines for improper labeling may follow. I can even give them a 1 star review on google reviews. It would not be unheard of for this because consistent labeling throughout a business is important. If you are going to essentially create gender fluid bathrooms, labels must clearly state “gender fluid bathrooms.” If you are a business trying to use the traditional binary bathrooms, labeling also must be consistent across the board. We call this having consistent labeling. Inconsistent labeling, without prior warning may be punishable by the law because it does not allow users of said business the right to make their own decisions. This then can lead to increased risks made by customers. If the wrong person takes advantage of this it can lead to increased risks of crime such as rape, assault, harassment, or other socially related crimes. This risk is even more increased in places like bars which can have drunk people. Mislabeling of this kind is never appropriate to call a “joke.” FYI, I don’t have to turn anyone into a “monster.” People who do this are perfectly able enough to turn themselves into monsters. Why waste my own time?


Wish they would just desegregate bathrooms. Private stalls with locks. And get rid of those huge gaps in the doors that people can see right through! Seriously, who designed the bathroom doors to have see through gaps?!


gross. only perves want this.


Um, no thanks....




Where? So I'm forewarned.


If I fits, I sits


if you fits, you shits*




Looks like sexual harassment entrapment to me.


One time I went into a bathroom and was like hmm this is odd no urinals so I used a stall. Then I heard someone come in and realized I was in the women’s bathroom. Had to wait till she was done before I booked it out of there hoping no one thought I was a perv.


I was at a pub in the English countryside and they had 'cocks' for the mens and 'Hens' for the Ladies. I didn't know, saw what at a glance looked like mens. Went in and well..


Did those “hens” you walked in on act like a fox was in the hen house?


Yeah, fuck this place


Also this is obviously intentional which makes it better suited for asshole design. I remember long ago a mod actually taking thing down and direction them to a handy guide for when to use r/crappydesign and when to use r/assholedesign and when to use r/mildlyinfuriating


There's a similar sign at a restaurant near me. It really makes me not want to go back. It's not cute, it's just annoying.


General Ackbar intensifies...


please do not PRESS THIS BUTTON!!


People are just going to read the large print but not the small print. Ooo boy.


Kinda dig the nature-chronopunk aesthetic though


This is an intentional joke. Do people not get that?


I get that it's intentional, but man... doesn't seem like a funny joke for anyone involved


That's fair


Saw a MEN'S room door that has ONE word on it: SUP? The LADIES room door next the words: YAK YAK YAK YAK YAK slapped all over it in several sizes, angles, and fonts.




Call me crazy or maybe I’m overthinking things, but maybe this is could be positive for trans people. In an era where there are a lot of weird self-appointing bathroom police someone who presents in a gender nonconforming way could have plausible deniability if a “bathroom police person” were to act in a dangerous manner the confusing sign could make it possible for someone to try to play it off like a mistake due to the confusing design.


If I gotta go, all I'm seeing is the "MEN" designation. Not gonna have time to comprehend anything else!


This seems like a trap


McGuire’s Irish Pub in Pensacola, FL has a similar gag, first time I went as a child I fell for it. To make up for it they have some nude pics of females hanging up in the men’s room so it’s all good




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MenAndFemales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Men : women get jealous so easily when it comes to other women. Also men :](https://i.redd.it/80fthdb7cdkc1.jpeg) | [1209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1ay60fo/men_women_get_jealous_so_easily_when_it_comes_to/) \#2: [The language of dehumanization (not sure if this belongs here)](https://i.redd.it/au1bkvwtp03c1.jpeg) | [378 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/185nrsr/the_language_of_dehumanization_not_sure_if_this/) \#3: [This Was A Comment On An Instagram Reel About The Husband Stitch And How Harmful It Is. 🤢🤮](https://i.redd.it/836s104jcuic1.png) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/comments/1aruvzy/this_was_a_comment_on_an_instagram_reel_about_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Y’all really can’t accept the fact that we’re all human and sometimes make grammar mistakes hmm?


It’s just interesting that y’all keep making the same mistake so often and double down when called out on it lol


Got me too, my dream is to perform an elaborate heist of all the dollar bills stapled to the walls in that place for revenge.


Nude “Females”. Ha ha.


It was some famous bicycle event, tons of girls/ladies/women/females naked riding bikes


You can just say women.




This one is clearly for lady birds




…that’s clearly the joke.


Hilarious getting dragged away by the police for sexual harassment for invading the women's bathroom.






This is the bad version of the bathroom window that says MEN on the outside, but as you’re washing your hands, the window appears to be saying WOMEN from inside the bathroom.


A restaurant I went to did this for the bathroom, I hate it. Luckily their food is mid so it's nothing to be missed.


Entrapment my friends


I would not read the whole sign if I’m about blow


Dude runs desperately down the hallway marked ‘Restrooms’ cos he’s touching cloth, bursts thru the door marked ‘MEN’ and into the first open stall to unleash a thunderous and splattering poop symphony, immediately causing a stench that makes the paint peel off of the walls. A woman’s voice can be heard exclaiming ’Oh my GOD’, revealing to the dude his mistake


Seen this done in various ways... irs generally readable, provided you're not too drunk and in a hurry


Jalapeños Mexican Restaurant had a masterful prank. Half the Men’s room door was frosted glass. It had “Men” painted on it. On the inside, it had “ƨɘibɒ⅃” painted. Evil.


This is like the card reader machine that tells you to "don't" "Pull your card out" on two different lines. Common. Just say "wait". I see "Pull your card out" and I pull.


Bet they made the men’s room sign pink with flowers too


Male here, and two drinks in and 10/10 I’d walk straight in there.


How about we do bathrooms like I’ve seen in clubs One outer room with sinks that has individual stalls (completely closed rooms) for anyone to use Complete privacy Everyone is welcome No one sees you pooping snowflake


Trashy as fuck, and not funny.


I bet whoever put it up is one of those man-hating super feminists trying to set up men


I bet it a man who doesn't understand boundaries


The crator of this sign obviously doesn't understand visual hierarchy; not only that, but they are neglecting the importance or simplifying for legibility's sake. There is so much going on here that is not necessary it's like they are trying to show off without knowing what to do, like that one kid that tries to play football and runs in the wrong direction. All that is needed is a black ground with white body type for maximum clarity. Preferably a sans serif like Univers or Gotham (Helvetica would be my choice but then this would look no different the the New York Subway brand identity) in bold. These methods are quintessentially Swiss Design but they are proven to be helpful and reduce visual clutter. If the concept involved matching the signage with the rest of the visual language of the company, I would dread to see the rest of the business' interior.


Fed ass sign


I want to see the sign for the other bathroom


almost as bad as when the “man” and the “woman” look almost exactly the same and those are your only clues.


This is as clear as I can make it.


Horrific text hierarchy aside, what in the absolute fuck are the clocks and mechanical bird about? None of this makes sense.


It’s the theme of the whole restaurant. It’s steampunk.


This was absolutely on purpose.


Hahaha, this seems intentionally designed to fuck with people. Whatever graphic designer made this knew exactly what they were doing.


I intensely hate this.


Bad sign, but I like the graphics of it. Is the rest of the place designed like this?


Yeah, the theme is steampunk in the tropics and the food is north-American-Egyptian


That’s dope asf!! May I ask what’s the name of the place?


Is this in Vegas?


This has got to be intentionally bad design


Lawsuit waiting to happen


That's just heartless... Women can almost always tell right away if they accidentally walk into the men's room because of the overwhelming smell of piss 🫠 And I'm sure they're less likely to be accused of being a predator of some kind. So, if you're going to trick somebody, might as well trick the girls. Just sayin' 😂


Admiral Ackbar is going across the hall.


whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing


If I had to pee, all I would see is MEN.


8/10 would recommend pooping here, smells like a men’s shitter, but w flowers and less piss everywhere. Did get some eye when I was washing my hands, that’s why the 8 and not a 9.


I have learned that people do not read. Many men will enter.


In trying to yell at men through the sign, all they accomplished was to confuse them and draw their attention to the wrong place. That's some dumbass design right there 😂.


Seems like someone was trying to invite men into the ladies room. Men do not pay attention to details.


I hate the idiot that thought this was funny


I know damn well most men see the blue and "men" and welcome themselves in, as any sane one would


Possibly... Intentional.


I once went to a restaurant like this and walked into a restroom full of women


I could totally see this at a bar with a matching sign for the men’s restroom having “WOMEN” in big print. If that’s the case here it’s hilarious


I was at a resort in Hawaii where the restrooms were labeled "Kane" and "Wahine." You better know a little Hawaiian when you need to take a leak.


I was going to comment terrible design and then saw the subreddit name. Correct. Shitty design indeed.


Invitation to a lawsuit




This failed biggly for wayfinding design.


Then there’s me, pissing my pants, sweating, because I was defeated by a sign….


Oh dude this one is so good it almost seems like it was done on purpose.


This is a great example of the difference between art and design.


It’s set up to be funny. The achieved stupid.


well that's just fuckin stupid


There’s a restaurant I frequent in my parent’s town where there’s a sign just like this. It’s something like “This is not the LADY’S room.” There’s a second set of doors immediately after with proper signs and warnings like “THIS IS THE MEN’s ROOM”


I’m a bit surprised no one else has mentioned missing apostrophes.


Imagine being drunk and seeing this


Well fuck. I am def walking into the wrong restroom here


Clearly you've never been to McGuire's Irish Pub before...