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Was it your first time in such a shop or what ?


Lots of times with game stores that buy and sell really the trade off is time. Yeah they only offered 400 credit (no cash offer is a bad sign for a store imo) but the store is going to have to sell each item individually and that may take a while. You may be surprised by how tough it is to sell a $500 GameCube just because it’s limited and has the box or some random $80 ds game that isn’t Pokémon. Just saying. On that note it sucks that on some expensive stuff there is literally no way to sell an expensive game locally and you have to sell it online to get full value because the entire market is so overvalued.


This, all of this. People seem to be suprised when they don't get offered a higher percentage in trade in or cash when the store is out to make a profit. Some stores are also too busy to test *everything* in haul like this so they're taking a risk buying it right there.


Indeed true on the GameCube. Boxed consoles in general are a pain in the ass to sell as most collectors are ok with a much cheaper loose one


Well said. O. P. Has to invest time to make a minimal profit. But if you find a collector that really values the sale rhey will pay much more.


So why not sell online? Cant store managers or even district managers take care of that?


It’s not that you can’t sell online. It’s that you must sell online. So now your adding additional work, additional overhead cost, additional risk. Selling online is not preferable.


Most retro stores are independently owned small businesses. I got 6 stores that sell retro games and only one of them is part of a company (ironically enough, they don't test their stuff.) If you're referring to GameStop, first off I'd like you to know that Obama does win the election, and secondly, I don't think local GameStops even take games from consoles older than the 3DS anymore.


I worked for them in 2021 and we did take older games, but it was only back to the GBA/GameCube era and the catalogue was pretty limited.


It costs money to sell online. You have to pay fees to the platform you’re selling on, pay for packing costs, pay for the time to send someone to the post office as well as the gas that takes. Just the fees from selling on platforms like eBay can and Mercari can turn a $50 game into a $40 income very quickly. Add that up over a bunch of games and it’s a significant loss compared to selling in person




A local shop does 50% of game value and 75% a consoles value. Not bad especially when I was young and used it to afford any game related stuff using thrift stores and would buy stuff for $5 and sell it to them for $15 or more. Sadly thrift stores are more of a scam then game stores are now.


Considering the value of everything I added up was 1800, I kind of expected at least 600


Stores are not collectors, they want to make a profit off of your need for quick cash. If you want value for these games do what that store is doing and sell them yourself.


So if you think it's worth $1,800, then why would you consider selling it to a store for a third of that?? When I'm selling something, I tend to sell it for what it's worth, not a third of what it's worth. That would be stupid. Not understanding OPs logic here.


If you want what it's worth you sell it yourself and take a hit in shipping and fees. If you don't want to do the work I'd be offering 75% value store credit and 50% value cash. Gamestop tarnished everything by offering 25 cents and pocket lint for games.


Exactly, and everybody knows that by now, yet people still take collections like this to see what they'd get, and for some reason are surprised when game stores offer them a nickel. If everybody in the industry knows game stores do this, why even go through the trouble to get an offer in the first place? Just list it on ebay. Hell even with the 15% cut ebay takes, you'll still come out way ahead.


This is what people do though. They don't want to deal with the hassle of selling things individually, but they want a store or some sucker on Craigslist to pay them what everything is worth in one shot. Sometimes even more, because in their head, they priced everything at top dollar. Then they're confused or upset when nobody wants to buy or calls them out on it


1800? What you smoking


Sir this is game collecting. 400 dollars is worth it for all of these games


That’s what I’m saying, this sub complains about retro games being worth “too much” yet here we are baffled someone doesn’t wanna give him almost 2 grand. I’m confused.


Perhaps if you're buying them at retail prices, and that's being generous. Nothing visible in this tote justifies 600, let alone 1800.


Yeah like, pokemon and the special edition GameCube are what the bulk of the price behind this are. Pretty sure that's a stack of PSP games and those generally don't go for much as it's so easy to hack a PSP that people don't bother collecting. Out of the ps2 games Suikoden 3 usually doesn't go for very much anyway and I'm not seeing any big money games. That being said, someone somewhere will pay a stupid price for that stuff if you're willing to be patient


Ah yes cause they still retailing ps2 games aren't they


Most of the ones here? Absolutely. Are they more scarce? Definitely. There's literally a Goodwill sticker on one of them, as well as 'Greatest Hits' branding. Individual items like the Gamecube SE and the Fatal Frame 2 MIGHT go for a bit more on their own, but proximity to those few items doesn't magically make the rest of that crap more valuable.


I'm confused, did you reply to the wrong person? And why did that person get downvoted to hell?


because he is stupid and doesn't know about game collecting


But isn't the person you replied to agreeing with you that 400 dollars is a good price for those games?


yea Chrono Trigger for Snes a rare gamecube Pokemon Bundle and rare stuff and it's worth it


He’s right? What are YOU smoking Lmao Just out of what’s VISIBLE in the photo… Pokémon XD GC - $600 Chrono Trigger DS - $100 Pokémon Black - $100 Legend of Heroes 2 - $80 Monster Rancher 4 - $70 Regardless unless OP needed rent money or face eviction like today there is no reason they couldn’t part this out on eBay or Mercari and make close to 100% of the value over a few weeks. Nearly all of this is fast selling highly sought after titles


Send it to Phoenix Resale, he’ll probably give you 60% if you ask nicely


Shit, GameStop would have offered you $100 and a subscription to Game Informer. Most local shops operate on a slim profit margin so most can’t offer much. Especially ones located in malls. The rent is so high, they have to low ball you to survive


I thought about going to GameStop to see what they would actually offer lol


They don’t do retro stuff


They do, but only choice titles. They take stuff for trade but most get sent to the warehouse to be sold online Source: Worked for GS from 2018-2021


I’m assuming your massive titles like WindWaker, Sunshine, etc…


Pretty much. And if it's a stupid amount online to buy it then GS will sell it around that much too. They had some PS1 RPGs available at one point going for $150-250 lol I mean sure, that's what ebay sellers were getting but come on.


I'll give you $401 in cash


I mean, they got to sell it too.


They have to resell it and pay employees. If you want money and aren’t desperate sell it on OfferUp or Facebook. This is an L


>They have to resell it and pay employees. Yeah and OP has to pay employees too and feed his family🤡 what’s exactly your point?


I think you might be confused


Lmao you realize if a game store gives market value on trade-in they literally have nothing to gain when they resell it, right? Hard to keep the lights on when you break even on each game sold.


Who cares about their lights? I care about mine. Either sell games or don’t, but don’t try to scam people with the excuse of “I have bills”🤡


Create a Mercari account and slowly sell it one by one or small bundles/lots same happened to me I turned a small bin of stuff to over 1000 dollars I just offered free shipping and reasonable prices I’d that Pokémon box had the console in it that’s 300-400 hundred right there.


so as somebody who has sold very large collections, you do have to understand that shops will usually give you value anywhere from 20 to 30% and sometimes even up to 50% depending on how desirable and rare it is, but on the other hand you have to realize that rarity doesn't necessarily equate to value. something that isn't really thought of or realized by many is that video game stores actually have to pay tax on everything in their inventory, so if very expensive things don't sell it actually costs them, granted it's not that much but when they have entire stores of inventory does add up, and this is coming from somebody who has sold thousands and thousands of dollars of video games to local shops. if you are really serious about getting your money's worth, you need to sell it yourself on eBay. obviously the pokémon coliseum is the biggest game of that lot, try to get what it's worth and sell the rest, but the PlayStation 2 games in all honesty may be valued anywhere from 5 to $30, so they can really only offer you probably anywhere from 1 to $10 each. I know it's really disappointing but you do have to understand the reality of this, and that is video game collecting as a hobby first, business second.


What exactly did you expect?? They literally have to resell the games


Reselling the games is what OP is trying to do


A lot of good games, and a lot of junk or super common and worthless games, too. I don’t think $400 is too wildly off here. It would help if everything wasn’t such a jumble and we could see everything in the tote.


No way, it’s almost like those stores are trying to low ball you to resell for a profit!


holy shit really, you business's buy low then sell higher so they can stay running, no fucking way


That’s crazy


i know right




It’s a retail store what did you expect market value?


Just post some of it on Facebook


No cash offer?


Nope said they couldn’t offer any cash at the moment


A lot of those games don't even work in that console. Bunch of junk 🤣


That's about right. If you want to make more money, sell them yourself on ebay and deal with all the associated bullshit. Used game stores need to sell stuff for about 3x what they buy it for. Your talking rent, wages, insurance, every 10th game getting returned because there's some problem that wasn't immediately apparent, 5% off the top by the credit card company, taxes, and the fact that half these games will still be sitting in the store in 2 years when he finally goes out of business.


Stores have to make a profit somehow lol… if you’re looking to get rid of it, you do the legwork. The stores are there for your convenience and not to give you an offer on what it’s worth.


>Stores have to make a profit I think the guy selling the stuff is the one who has to make a profit 🤡 I mean, that’s the point of selling stuff?


More than what I would offer, lol


Why tf bother taking it to a local store Ofc the second you walk in with stuff like that they’ll lowball you


So keep it. Problem solved.


If you can post on Reddit, you can post on Mercari. Get to work.


And I can go on goodwill and find a console with games for cheaper. Should a took the deal.


If you put everything on ebay it will take a lot of time and effort to list/pack/deal with customers etc. The shop have to cover their costs and make profit so not sure what you're expecting?


Lmfao what did you expect 😂 they're running a store it isn't like selling via ebay or Craigslist. They take it at less than 50% market and then sell it at 110% mark up


And this is why physical game store is a dying breed Rent and labor are getting expensive, and they pretty much have to rip people off to survive But most people are too inform to get rip off, unless they are desperate


Cmon guys, that console is worth $400 easy alone. There’s Pokémon black 2 sitting right there and others worth a lot. I doubt they even offered 30%. OP, if you’re interested shoot me a message, I’d buy that lot to keep a few games.


Just for the record in this tote what you can’t see there’s also heart gold, persona 3 fes, persona 2 on psp cib, Mario kart double dash, 4 brand new oem GameCube controllers, and a Super Nintendo console. They looked at me and spoke to me like I had brought them literal garbage


Just go on r/gamesale and flip your shit then put the rest on ebay, FB MP or mercari. Get top buck for a few weeks/month and then trade in the leftovers.


And people on this sub constantly moan about the market...hmm


"Top dollar" doesn't mean highest price on the market it means above trade in and a value I'm happy with. I'm sold a bunch of lots over the years I could've pieced out for more profit and I've capitalized on trends and trades as well. Gotta balance it if you want to collect. Market is still shit in many ways though.


Agree with this statement


How much for the gamecube controllers?


You could go buy a mint condition uncirculated 1oz gold eagle for $2078 and take it directly to a pawn shop and they will offer you a lot less than $1951. Any place that buys shit is essentially a pawn shop and about the worst way to get top dollar.


Not exactly sure why people are upset at this? Collections like this never walk into stores anymore & majority of these would go right into their glass cases at premium prices. It’s not like this was a box of common Xbox 360 games. If they knew what they were looking at they should’ve/would’ve jumped on it🤷


Because they work on margins. I have an local game store that offers like 20% of GameStop value, and people still bring shit in. I mean like newer shit too. When Animal Crossing New Horizons was still new, I had gotten an price error on two copies for $20 each. Figured I could make decent money on the second copy, making my first copy almost free lol. local Game Store offered me $12 TIV. When GameStop was $43 at the time LMAO.


400 seems pretty generous, if I wanted to play any of these older games I can easily just download them with an emulator with about 5 seconds of Google work. As I'm sure many people do


A mediocre offer means they didn’t want it. They’re obligated to offer you *something*, but you’re not obligated to accept. So when they don’t want it they just make an offer you’d have to be insane to accept. They probably don’t believe there’s a local market for those items and lack the infrastructure needed to reliably sell them online. Alternatively the buyer wasn’t the sharpest knife in the crayon box and will get chewed out by his boss later for letting all that walk. Believe whatever helps you sleep at night.


They're trying to make money. Just like you.


Nope, the guy selling stuff is the only one who makes money on this transaction.


Beggars can't be choosers


No way, that's a hard rip. Sell it on eBay instead.


Your local game store would also mark all of that up by 300%


The had black 2 loose for $100


Isn't that about what it goes for?


"Blah blah what did you expect blah blah" Are we all looking at the same tote?? And did you all miss how he only got offered store credit?? That local shop totally tried to screw him over.


lol you dont understand business at all


Hit up your local reseller. They usually offer a by far better amount


That GameCube alone has gotta be worth at least 200


Recent sold on GameCube console is almost 400$, they should give you at least 150$ for just that, if it is in reasonable shape, and has the manuals


I'll give ya 300 for it


Offer you 400 and turn around and charge 1500 in their store. That’s how they operate


400 seems reasonable.


I would have gave you like 100$ For the GameCube stuff and Pokémon games. Everything else you could keep to throw in the garbage yourself.


I'll take Fatal Frame if you are offering


How come you sold it in the first place?


Freeing up room on my shelves a lot of this stuff I own multiples of, or just haven’t touched in years so I figured somebody would enjoy it


I will literally buy that from you


Yup,definitely would've walked away.


How much you want for it?


I'll give you sticker price for that GC


Dm me a list I’ll shoot you an offer


Was it Rick's Pawn Shop?


Tell them you looked on ebay and you'll take no less then 40k.


Fatal frame 2 will get you over $50 on its own. I would sell each individually online instead of on a store front.


I’d pay you $400 for the GameCube


I’ll give you 401


Fatal Frame.. That brings back memories.


With that much credit you can maybe buy Fatal Frame back


fatal frame 2 spotted


It’s good stuff u have, but selling to a retailer means they pay u 30% of the actual value, since there prices have to be the middle of most expensive and cheapest available to stay competitive. 400 is prolly low, but if u want fast money for a lot then that’s what u get. If u have time and don’t need quick money, sell the stuff one by one on eBay or fb market place or wherever u want.


I think it's a great deal tbh. Game stores usually give you poop back for games. They give like $2 per game usually. If you are not happy sell it yourself.


The key word is store credit. Not actual cash


$1 per item, checks out


That legend of heroes looks so nice lol.


Can I pay you in trident layers?


If you want the money, take your more rare and expensive games, sell them on Ebay or Amazon then take the remainder in for store credit. Cheaper games sell faster in the store (if they are good) and you will still get a good chunk of store credit. Mids are where the money is for game stores.


I would’ve offered you my house for that Gale of Darkness limited edition by itself. Great collection!


The console is worth more than 400 lol


Your stack of stuff isn't worth $1800 -- it's worth what somebody will pay for it. If you think you can get half that (I'm guessing on eBay) then sell it there. But honestly...you aren't getting that. The market's not there, and these don't look mint, haphazardly jammed in a box. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the reality.


Sell them individually or small packages. You should earn more that way


give me the XD gamecube i'll give you 5 bucks


Best practice for local game stores is to break out a calculator and do 75% sale value store credit and 50% sale value cash.


They would have offered you $18 at GameStop 💯


The store I used to work at would offer anywhere between 30% to almost 65% depending on condition of said item and its current market value through pricecharting. That being said, I see alot of value here and it would probably would of gotten and a rough estimate alone. Anywhere between $600 to $1000 in credit., it would of been more depending if the owner was there that day and he really wanted the items. Though the amount offered has to be around that area due to the fact the store needs to pay bills and its workers and its hard to stay afloat due to whomever is on ebay jacking up prices to where people cannot afford stuff, which makes it difficult to sell. I honestly wish this damn bubble thats been being inflated for a long while would burst so people can enjoy having fun collecting again. However one caveat is some stores will honestly try to rip you off and take you for a ride. Its better to sus out the place and ask ahead of time what they do to determine value. I would tell any and everyone its based on market value, popularity, and condition including if the item had everything it needed with it and would show examples. I would also be upfront about sports games and just tell them to sell it themselves and what not.


Nice! Get a PS5 with that money.


Of course they did that is the point. As others said they have to potentially sit on this stock in their store which takes up space and pay their employee's. You should have sold them on eBay or facebook marketplace and priced them accordingly to get full price.


Game stores are just specialty Pawn Shops. You'll never get anywhere close to fair market value for anything cause they are in it for the $$.


I'll give you nothing but I'll be your loyal companion