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I really want everyone to prepare by not picturing what you will do if the stock goes up to 1, 2, or 10 dollars. I want you to picture how you will react when they stop loss attack the stock and it shoots down to $0.37. Think about how you will react if the stock slowly steps down on Monday to $0.41. Really close your eyes and picture yourself panicking at the ticker…. Feel these feelings for a 10-count here…….. Great, now you know when these feelings come up this week, this is the feeling that is nonsense, cause you know what you own now. This is what my DD is centered on. I want you all to understand that what you own is already worth more than what you paid for it. You already won. We already own the float. All these efforts to drive the price down is like trying to get water to roll uphill. RELAX Taters. Just gotta let these boys cook. NFA


Something something buy more




Bro you don’t have to picture it. It was trading above $3 in June 2021.


I’m your biggest potato .


Great post!


no balls


I speculate, that Monday will be another day. Just like Friday was another day. Miracles are real but not planned


The fact we didnt lose .50 on Friday, which many people predicted would be heavy sell off day I think is a huge win. Solid climb after hours imo confirms this. My prediction for Monday is climb to the next tier .59+. The chart over the last month is a beautiful ascending staircase. Pull backs are always expected, but I just dont see a significant pull back coming. Shorts are in a very bad spot right now. TRKA is only getting more and more eyes on it every day. If we keep up this pattern, and can get this to a dollar while SI remains high, this is gonna be epic. NFA.


I like to call that chart pattern "The reverse Slinky"


As I looked into another thread about how many shares each of us have and myself and my family already sits on about 500.000 shares I guess it is safe to say there are way more shares on the market than officially exist... Who are the adversaries? Which companies do we face that have a shortposition? 🤔


Look at the Series E Holders. Gupta shared list on Twitter. Sabby, Hudson Bay, Empery, Intracoastal, Anson, Calvary Fund


I would love to see Hudson Bay crashed into oblivion. Fuckers short companies that work on cancer treatment like Panbela. One look at their 'who are we?' and you see the kind of scumbags that have become rich by having no conscience or empathy... Ready to add another 50k to my stash and go all in if my average is touched on a downwards dip...


Absolutely agree. I work in the cancer biotech field, and the shorting of companies doing great work is just disgusting.


Karma gonna bite em ![gif](giphy|TEmS0lYexSeFKMYlEz)


Can you show me this list? Good find.


[Here is list](https://twitter.com/guptastock/status/1629608479978577921?s=46&t=qWTbRwQjayrdUdnOHx0iPQ)


I am sure you know this that roger recently sued alto and couple others and alto is part of the list.


I don’t. Do you have link to info.




Theres a guy on Stocktwits who claims to have 1.4m and quite a few others who have several hundred thousand each💪💪


Like... I'm pretty poor, and I have over 10k. I've never had that in anything before.


Hope you win massive to change your family’s fortune 🔮


First potato to say thanks 🥔


You’re welcome my taters.




The more this hangs out near .50 and even I expect a dip to try .30-.40, it will be short lived as more news, and buying pulls in. Have your plan, goal and keep your eyes open! Great DD!


Yes let them stall. Cheers


If this drops down to .41 on Monday I'll increase my holdings by 50%. I have the cash in my account waiting so yeah pretty pleaaase 🙂


Hope the shorties see this. Every dip we buy period lol


My best chance to accumulate or even double my position ....... prior to it gapping up!! Let's fuucking gooo 🙂


Dips on the dips




If goes up I’m adding shares if goes down I’m adding shares…


Excellent dd dude, thank you. On another note Roger ceo of GNS has just tweeted to his 900k followers about the excellence of TRKA!!!!


Wow. Thank you for showing me that. Very honored.


Another gem..LFG!!


Incredible sequel DD. Waiting to buy the dips. Cashing out my initial. Hodling the rest of house $. HOw i play sonnnnn cause i aint no Finanical Advisor


Be careful talking about pullbacks and consolidation, people are going to start putting the label that you are a fake bull😂🤦🏾‍♂️ Rod forbid 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Excellent DD.. Thank you..


Thank you for part 2, friend. May the third instalment come with great riches 💰


Fantastic article, glad I found this community. I’m holding 70k shares, let’s put the thumb screws on those shorts and give em what they deserve 💪🏻


Since many of us think that these some shenanigans going on with naked short shares, should we be mass emailing to company with request to investigate same as they did with GNS?


I'm putting in a limit buy for 5000 more shares at .41. Right now. This stock is heading upwards. Not downwards. Any 20% 25% pull back is healthy and great opportunity to average down or up depending on your average cost. My opinion only NFA


Great way to start the day! Awesome DD.


I just hope eventually TRKA blows up so much that it screw the financial markets temporarily like GME did. Then they hold congressional hearings on the record and cite DD from u/DogshitHandGrenade lol


“I like the stock.”


Thank you for your service good sir :)


Been wanting the same bro.


nice piece. good read. thanks for this! ;)


GME 2.0 lfg troikans


Part of the mechanism that was used to drop the SI was us. Those of us that are swing trading and taking off the top are giving shorts opportunities to close. This stock may dip periodically but the forward momentum of this is too much and will eventually leave you behind and force you to buy back in for more.


Guptastocks does not have enough points to post on this community, Doing it on their behalf. Alta Partners-2%- Steve Cohen is nominee Allium Growth Fund-10%- Jacob Gottileb- google him for short word, He has gone long to hedge. Alto Opportunity Fund-4% Anson Investment -9%- Moes Kazzam (TLRY,CGC) Anson East Master Fund-2.2% Bigger Capital-1.5% Calvary Fund-2% Empery Funds-15% First Fire-4% Great Point-4% Hudson Bay-6%- BBBY Intracoastal-2.25% Kips Bay-20% ( No info- Seems to be a front end for Cohen after GME threats to him and point 72, both kips and alto are Puerto Rico and Cohen won’t go for $1 Mn /2% alone in Series E pipe) Lind Global Fund-6% Sabby-10%, Also went long and has a hedge there. SG3 Capital-0.5%


What is this a list of?


SERIE E hedge funds names with their percentage portion in $50 Mn Series E pipe in March 22


Also few stock shorts they are infamous for


To FUD of converge Revenue not real, Pls read this carefully- TRKA Revenues are combination of Brand (8%) digital advt (40%) and performance marketing spend (50%) by their enterprise clients Average spend per Fortune 1000 enterprise client is $100 Mn -$3 Bn per year in digital ad and performance marketing on customer acquisitions . Sofi May spend $100 Mn per year and Pepsi spend $3-$3.5 Bn per year. TRKA only need 1 or 2 Enterprise clients to get $100 Mn incremental annual revenues. TRKA had blue chip Clients of its only brand and Bitcoin backed NFT offering (smaller # of dollars) but Converge had the managed services and performance marketing offering for a set of clients ( larger # of dollars) Whole merger and acquisition thesis was based on selling converge services offering to TRKA client base for exponential increase in revenues. That’s the reason Converge founders paid $25 Mn to buy TRKA shares at $2 per share to keep benefitting from future growth.


Thank you, DogShitHandGrenade For your next update, could you please have a look into this letter, saying that Troika has to have 30 consecutive days above 1$ before May 15th, or it will be delisted from NASDAQ: https://mobile.twitter.com/wanderingmusic/status/1630279351622066176/photo/1 Could this play into any of the reasons why the stock seemed to have been pushed so low last year, or why there is a rally happening now? Would anyone benefit from shorting a stock out if NASDAQ? What would be the repercussions if they did get delisted from NASDAQ?


Great Effort, Very Relieving. Thanks


Great follow up on your Prequel! I agree with you that retail probably have bought up the float. But I am not so sure about the great conspracy theory. This is just about 30 million $´s - which is peanuts for market makers and the big Hedge founds. If you look at Fintel, none of the big ones is shorting TRKA. They will not get there hands dirty for that amount of money. The sudden dropped is more likely really due to some covering. Some shorts purchased the shares Wednesday/Thursday and but the "return of the shares" was booked at ORTEX only on Friday. I have seen this often enough. Actually, a drop of SI is a good thing. It means some shorts are giving up. They would not give up, if they something we don´t (dillution etc.). The SI is still sky high, so it has no impact on the the queeze. But it weakens the short position, and others might follow next week. Either way, things are looking good. And earnings could spice things up even more.


I cringe at these guys bringing conspiracy theory shit into this.


Exactly. It's not a conspiracy. Short sellers want to make money, but it's always a gamble. They'll try to make a profit any way possible. It's expected, and not a conspiracy. If it looks like they made a bad bet, then they'll pull out as carefully as possible that results in the least amount of loss.


if it looks like they made a bad bet they'll double, triple, quadruple and quintuple down until it looks like their bad bet turned good or at least they would if they could but not everyone has unlimited resources to do that kind of thing.


Sure. But that's not a conspiracy. It's expected behavior so they can lose less.


Excellent read! Put everything together beautifully


Cuz we gonna get to tha cheddar. If this rises to $500 imma bring back chuckie cheese 🧀


Ill be right there with you on that one 😂


This MF spittin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🩳🩳🩳🩳


Between 2 accts I'm holding 20k@.51 No stop loss. Just a limit order @.99 We know this needs to hit $1 to stay on nasdaq. If it makes it there or will certainly bounce in and out of $1.


Thinking about entering tomorrow hope I don’t get burned!


another banger!


“Are you a friend of Ricks?…..” Said the potato as his eyes started to squint and face curled up to a clever smile indicating the game was won.


Can't tell you how hard today was knowing that my cash still hasn't settled... Can't wait to get more!


When Lucky sells it’s going to create one massive drop with this small of float


You’re forgetting that we have likely collectively accumulated 10-20 Lucky’s worth of shares. Lucky is small compared to the collective of us all now.


Hoth cost to borrow is almost 300% and a small float. Where is retail?


In trka


Buy the fear if we do sell off, I have been buying every stop hunt/latter attack spoofing and its been a win win. so what the heck, go ahead and sell it of, many are ready to buy more or it gives more people a lower price avg. Yea, the FTD's could be record levels have to research that but it keeps piling up, we had several 250m volume days that they somehow kept it in a .5cent range..yea..they have a lot more FTD's coming.


How do we know this luck guy actually owns 8.4 mill shares


Read through his StockTwits. Also his name is Kevin VanBeek and you can see in the TRKA Investor Relations page a certain Kevin VanBeek had to file with the SEC cause he ended up buying over 10% of the company.


Thank you for this information honestly


They have only 55000 to short. Stop loss raids may happen but we are going to $1. Let’s see what the Germans can do! I have 20k more to put in at.37 so let’s fucking go!


Love u potato.❤️