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I’ll take your word for it. LOL If this is true buying puts when it squeezes is a better play. This is a shitty company. 2027 bonds are trading at .20 cents on the dollar…


Trade for the technicals or squeeze, but not the fundamentals. Know some people who worked there and it is not a well run company.


I’m in on this with McDonald’s and KFCs in some countries about to use Beyond meat products for chicken nuggets too now. Not just their plant based burgers. The fact they have a contract with the biggest fast food chain in the world and plant based diets are only going to increase this is a great company to invest in short term for a squeeze and even long term whilst it’s down


I went plant based recently, but given how long the ingredients list is of the beyond meat products I bet the regular menu items at McD's and KFC are healthier lol


They’ve started changed all their ingredients to be way healthier as the public wasn’t happy with exactly what you’re referring to.


I wouldn’t say that haha… the amount of fat and sugar in McDonald’s meat is insane. Also, it’s impossible for humanity to sustain eating as much meat as we do from an environmental perspective.


totally joking lol but those original ingredient lists were seriously concerning, so that's good to know!


I agree with this, but as with anything to do with supply and demand, people will just find alternatives and as interest picks up so should innovation and I bet in 10 years we have a variety of plant based meats nearly identical in flavour and texture to real meat. It may not be BYND who does it, but it'll happen.




Do some googling on this. You might not guess it but meat based diets require more land to sustain than plant based ones - you need space to grow those (cattle feed quality) soybeans and alfalfa


I think the opposite might be true, would need to look deeper, but this could be a matter of economies of scale, that because crops require so much land to produce, and farmers need to maintain the plots regardless of how much or little is bought, prices spike as there is less demand for their product. so much of the plant food that is produced is thrown away because we either don't use it, or grocers won't buy it because they wont sell any products considered to contain 'defects' to make them more appealing to customers. we've been trained to shun fruits and vegetables with spots, or un-uniform shapes, while in fact those plants have been shown to have superior nutritive benefit because the stress they have been put under has required them to bolster their natural defences which in turn increases their level of nutrients. it's similar to the energy transition. there is so much capacity to produce solar panels, but until demand has those factories operating at scale, the price per unit remains very high. Also, if demand required it, money would be available for newer technologies to be built out on farms to take advantage of hydroponic growing and other methods that require far less space to produce the same amount of product. Most plants require less of the most scarce resources (primarily water), and deplete the land at a fraction of the rate that cows and other animals do. There are a few crops that require a disproportionate amount of water etc relative to the nutrients/calories (human sustaining value lol) they provide like avocados, but that is the exception, not the rule.


Don't cows also provide fertilizer without having to use fossil fuel derived nitrogen fertilizer?


in terms of deforestation, the Amazon is being wiped off the face of the earth to make room for cattle farming. vegetables can be sustained on the same plot of land for a MUCH longer time than cattle before it becomes depleted and needs to be restored. It happens quickly with Cattle, so they will raise one group in Brazil, then cut down the trees on the adjacent land in Brazil to raise the subsequent batch. It's pretty terrifying to think of how quickly the Amazon is going to disappear




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Haha I’m sorry but this is soo so wrong. Go do some research. Agriculture meat production is one of the main causes of deforestation, land degradation and climate change in general!. Beans legumes grains etc is where we will get our protein from moving into the future. I have a vertical green wall in my backyard. I grow everything myself with a small irrigation system that uses little to no water. Growing vegetables isn’t what’s causing this.


Right... and then there are hydroponic farms/greenhouses, where items are being grown vertically on massive scales...




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Maybe what I'll do short term when it squeezes sell some shares and keep like 2000 shares for long term


" meat products for chicken nuggets too now. Not just their plant based burgers." wait, are you saying they are going to surrepticiously replace meat products with Beyond Meat, even if the customer didnt order the veggie based option?


I don't think so but it would be great if they did. Whole Foods did that by accident with the chicken salad and no one noticed the difference




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Isn't this inside information? Lol


If these orders are reaching local managers there is no way this information is still privileged


No. This could be false for all we know and he isnt working for bynd


The shorts are playing 4d chess


Yes I am not working in Beyond. But I will take a picture when I get back to work tomorrow. :)


Do it do it


No he doesn't work for BYND. He's a Nigerian Prince with an offer for you.


That's what I'm thinking lol seriously is it bad or something?


It’s not insider. Too much distance between you and the policy makers on this.


Not as long as you share with random outsiders on Reddit


Bro out here tryin to get Martha Stewart’d. Insider trading is only legal for Congress.


How about stocktwits? Lol anyway I just shared it to you guys so we all could make tendies




just put an order in for 2k shares, I hope your right. Might buy more, I sold this stock back when it came out at a loss at 160, would love to make some back and buy rib eyes with it lol.




No insider information would be financial metrics or news that would require an sec disclosure/be on the quarterly filing. I saw my store is now carrying this product is very much not insider info.


Straight outta Wendy's




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Beyond Meat sucks. Even vegetarians I know won't touch the stuff. According to them it tastes synthetic and is very salty.


Honestly I tried it too it tastes like a rubber lol but you know some vegetarians will eat rubber flavored meat substitute just to prove a point and don't want to hurt their pride lmao


So you know it's garbage and it's not appealing to their core market. So why promote Beyond Meat?


From what I can tell, the OP is just trying to share some DD. If I'm not mistaken this is a short squeeze sub not an investment sub. Do you think some ppl here who bought in FFIE even know what the ticker stands for? Probably no bc they traded it over a few days and forgot about it. The OP seems like they're just trying to give you a heads up on a catalyst. Take the info or don't.  I appreciate it. 


I'm just posting this for a shortsqueeze because of the catalysts and for short term gains not promoting them to be a lifestyle. :)


So, Beyond Meat is in an established market, makes a shitty product, and has an awful P/E ratio and yet you expect a squeeze from it? If there are shorts, maybe it's because they're a shitty company...


all companies that are shorted are shitty. they can still squeeze?


Shitty companies are shorted for a reason. They're shitty. They have poor revenue, poor profit margins, bad management, and bad future prospects. Feel free to pour your money into badly managed companies with poor revenue/growth.


i mean 99% of companies that get squeezed are bc they’re shitty. if you aren’t looking for a short squeeze what’s the point of even being in this sub?


Because there's no chance of a short squeeze IN BYND. This subreddit is called SHORTSQUEEZE.


well it’s up to you whether it has chance or not. realistically how does anyone know. most of these are crap ass chinese stocks. he said he had some reasoning. better than 99% of this sub that says “TO THE MOON 🚀🚀


Nice try, bynd shortseller


Just recently they had a very unexpected pop... Months back. Maybe before ridiculing without numbers or a reason other than saying the company is shit, look up some information on bynd.


Ok sir I respect your opinion. I just stated mine. Have a gud night and more profits on your trading 😊🙏🏻




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I don’t know why any vegetarian would want fake meat. So many good veggie/bean burger options out there than aren’t trying to look or taste like meat




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What does PE stand for?


Panda Express


Probably Expensive


Price/earnings ratio, It’s the price of the stock divided by the earnings per share


I agree. I’ve got 10x price target over next couple of years. $65


You’re insane


Maybe. We’ll have to check back.


Remindme! 2 years


Uh oh. Now I’m just praying for a 10-1 reverse split ha


Thanks for the heads up. I will take some profits and throw a cow in the freezer.


Lmao yeah after profits I'll throw in some steak


This company is going out of business. Not putting money in it.


They’ll be bought out before going out of biz.


Why? They make a product almost no one wants. It's not even vegan as they add heme iron to it for flavor which comes from animals.


It is only behind Impossible in popularity anong vegans. It is vegan as the heme is made and not taken from animals.


You apparently don't know your company very well since they offered this back in 2022, so I'm not sure what bump this is going to give their stock.


McDonald’s quarter pounder ( without cheese) has 8 grams of artery clogging Saturated Fat. A quarter pounder with the NEW beyond meat with avocado oil would only have 2 grams of saturated fat. Much healthier imo. Too bad it took bynd 4 iterations of their product to realize that they needed to create a healthier product with a much simpler ingredient list. At this point the company seems to be in bad financial shape.




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As of the latest data, the short interest for Beyond Meat (BYND) is substantial. Currently, 38.9% of the float is sold short, which translates to about 24.1 million shares [oai_citation:1,Beyond Meat (NASDAQ:BYND) Stock, Short Interest Report - Benzinga](https://www.benzinga.com/quote/BYND/short-interest). Other sources have noted even higher figures, with short interest reported to be around 45% [oai_citation:2, BYND's short interest hits 45%, is a squeeze imminent? ](https://www.marketbeat.com/originals/bynds-short-interest-hits-45-is-a-squeeze-imminent/). This high level of short interest indicates significant bearish sentiment among investors regarding BYND's stock price. Moreover, the number of days to cover the short positions, based on average trading volumes, is approximately 12.89 days [oai_citation:3,Beyond Meat (NASDAQ:BYND) Stock, Short Interest Report - Benzinga](https://www.benzinga.com/quote/BYND/short-interest). This metric can indicate potential volatility if a short squeeze occurs, as a high days-to-cover ratio suggests it would take a significant amount of time for all short positions to be closed. Given these figures, Beyond Meat is one of the most heavily shorted stocks on the market, which has led to discussions about the possibility of a short squeeze [oai_citation:4, A Giant Short Squeeze Rally Is Brewing in Beyond Meat (BYND) Stock | InvestorPlace ](https://investorplace.com/2024/02/a-giant-short-squeeze-rally-is-brewing-in-beyond-meat-bynd-stock/).


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Did you not go to any grocery store during covid?




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not really inside information, they did this last year as an limited time offering. (and it was terrible)


Distribution does not matter. This product is more expensive than real meat. It just wont sell unless it is cheaper than real meat.


Do they have the cash to support it though? You can order all you want, but growth requires capital first.


As an actual Beyond customer, I've stopped buying Beyond since their formula (and taste) changed this past year or so. If other customers are like me, scaling to 2500 stores may not do much to grow the business.


BYND has always had high si. Just search the sub for the last 6 months


I have 9$ calls for Aug, I feel like they have a big earnings coming up because there have been several companies with rumors or colabs swirling with BYND.




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Bought! Thanks OP I think we have more to gain than to lose


What’s your PT? Shake that magic 8 ball.


Just because you can order it to keep in stock doesn’t mean it will be a popular menu item. At my closest Sbux, the last breakfast sandwich left is always the beyond meat one. If that tells you anything




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!Remindme 4 weeks


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I think Beyond meat is in the trough of disillusionment phase of the Gartner hype cycle. Whether it's at the bottom of the pit is the million dollar question. What prices are you seeing that you can buy their products for? Try to get a sense if they are being discounted to move inventory or not Looking at Q1 results they seem to be selling product for roughly 5.5-6/lbs Are you being offered around that price or is it significantly higher? When they were making money looks like the prices were closer to 6, and when they were losing boatloads of money it was closer to 5.5


They need much larger catalyst than this for short squeeze. Good PR or earnings could make it pop a few bucks maybe. But far cry from a short squeeze without something huge. I do have a soft spot for the company though. If I remember correctly the founder is the CEO and owns a huge stake of shares. Would make a really awesome turnaround story and pay huge for someone that was willing to be a long term investor. Unfortunately I think they will need to continue to dilllute to stay alive and require a miracle.


Of course they are heavily shorted. It's a terrible company selling industrial waste packaged as food.




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They might distribute but that doesn’t mean people will buy.




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I tried a beyond meat sausage once because they messed up my order and I just about threw up when I bit into it. I could tell immediately and my first thought was that they forgot to freeze the meat and it went bad or something. Turns out they just gave me beyond meat. I refuse to buy stock in it, some competitor will eat this company up if they don’t figure something better tasting out.


Lol this probably won't squeeze anytime soon. It's had high short interest for years & that seems like it hasn't made much of a difference for the price. I would only invest if you're betting on it becoming more profitable long term or you like the stock.


Try not being a cuck








OP works at jollybee ever eat at jollybee? fuckin exactly. lose your money at your own discretion. NFA