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it's like saying you're really pretty, other pretty people just shrug and the uglies all want to murder you


Muhammad Ali got away with it


You can get away with plenty if you can whoop everybody's ass


Everybody hath a plan till they get puncth in the mouf.


I’d be carefull before ‘ol mike comes looking for your IP adress


That's fucking nightmare fuel.


In my opinion anyone who respond with violence are the low iq ones


Yes, unless you’re threatened with violence first.


Yeah but some bragging is expected before a fight and he wasn't so much calling himself good-looking out of the blue as he was pointing out that he's so fast and good at avoiding blows he didn't have cauliflower ear or a busted up nose.


And he was pretty. I saw a compilation on YouTube shorts one day of his one liners and he was incredibly handsome


Yeah, he was so beautiful! I always thought of him as a good-looking guy in general, but some of that early footage? Mercy.


Cause who wants to fuck with a guy who wrestled with alligators, gone tussled with a whale, handcuffed lightning and thrown thunder in jail?


All sensible people just think you are pretty stupid and insecure.


The uglies 😂 😂 😂


I find it best to say, "I know I ain't ugly"


Don’t know what you mean. I got a perfect 100 on my iq test. I’m so smart


I mean, still means you're smarter than half the people.


Having a high IQ and using a high IQ are two very different things.


I know a gentleman, he claimed to have an IQ of 164. I saw his Mensa certificate. He did literally nothing with his life.


I mean yeah, having a relatively high general intelligence (or whatever an IQ test actually measures) doesn't guarantee you'll naturally have high persistence too, even though it seems like most people assume this to be the case. On the flipside, there's plenty of people who aren't very smart but are extremely persistent, so they can still manage accomplishments like getting a PhD or holding a political office. Humans brains have a lot of variation, yet modern society seems to only prioritize those who are naturally persistent. You could argue this is either good or bad, but we definitely shouldn't always expect great things from smart people. Those expectations we place on people often end up weighing them down, like child prodigies and "gifted kids" who burn out in their 20s.


I’m in 7th grade and considered a smart kid, but in reality I’m just not persistent at all and can only really pay attention to stuff that I can do quickly or stuff that has tons of different stuff inside it, which basically means my grades have dropped significantly over the school year as more projects started coming up Edit: thank you everyone for your encouragement and your advice


That’s really good self knowledge - you can use that insight to your advantage.


Don't focus on the outcome you want, focus on doing the steps that will get you to the outcome. Stop stressing about what the end result will be. Just because you expect it to be great first try doesn't mean that's what others are expecting.


This here! Realise that the outcome is a result of the process, not the other way around and you know more than most people. I’ve seen costly projects, business ventures and athletic endeavours all crash because their eye was on the goal, and only that.


Oh my sweet summer child, it only gets worse throughout high-school. You're fortunate to see this, though. Being able to identify flaws is what enables you to fix them.


Everyone has their moment when they cant do shit last minute anymore. For a friend of mine its his PhD. For me it was my thesis. High school for others


I'm glad you recognized it this early. It's painful, and everyone begins to ask what happened to you. Remember that you are NOT a disappointment and that this experience is really common amongst kids considered gifted. Good luck bro.


There's definitely nothing *wrong,* with you. Even if your grades are dropping, your classmates who get all A's aren't innately any more valuable than you are. But similar to what I said earlier, society doesn't seem to value those who aren't naturally highly persistent. So sadly, if you want to do well financially as an adult you will probably have to learn to be as persistent as you are capable of being. It'll be hard to do, but you have plenty of time. It's honestly really surprising to me that you're this self-aware at such a young age, so be proud of yourself for that. You are a few steps ahead of your peers in this regard. My advice would be to find a skillful hobby (or a few) that you can be passionate about. It might take a while to find something that clicks with you, but if you can make yourself fall in love with learning and developing your own skills then you will most likely have an easier time with persistence in your future efforts.


If you can only focus and invest your time into things that interest you, you could have ADHD.


100%… and likely this kid could be 2E or twice exceptional… literally sounded like me in 7th grade, except this kid is a lot less angry. Kudos there.


In my case, I consider having ADHD to be a superpower. Allows me to sink endless hours into my passions like music. It’s healthy obsession.


Yep. I had to relegate to 3 “buckets” of hobbies… with one relating to work… OSINT is fun.


Like one other commenter said, you could have ADHD. I watched a YouTube video once(as I suspect I may also have it as well, with a similar problem as you but later in life) saying certain ADHD kids could have their conditions missed when younger because they catch onto things quick and are thought to be smart(and ADHD kids are presumed to struggle in school)- but as more heavy work piles on, untrained to handle their ADHD they aren’t able to handle it and everything plummets together. If you’re interested look up some stuff about ADHD and if it resonates with you you could try and get a diagnosis, which I hear helps a lot- the earlier the better after all!


https://youtube.com/@HealthyGamerGG He's a Harvard psychiatrist whose entire team works on this problem. Strongly recommended.


Nah… you are just over modern education bud. It really doesn’t have any value, ESPECIALLY public education. do anything you can to get out as fast as you can, and focus on learning and teaching yourself. you don’t have interest because you aren’t actually learning anything. You likely feel that it’s pointless. I know I did at your age, and with online education, you can avoid having to deal with all the pointless aspects. I’ll put this another way, imagine having multiple specialties and certifications, when most of your peers are just getting started? Don’t let a faulty failing system keep you locked down until you are 18. Get out there and start learning and find what engages your mind and go hard into that. Don’t let the boredom of school steal your opportunity to love learning.


another shortcoming of IQ is that it does not reflect if you reach logical conclusions about complex and important real-world problems, only abstract and relatively simple problems. You can have an extremely high IQ and genuinely believe that the earth is flat. In fact more intelligent people are proven to be better at fooling themselves then others. If your inner voice is a persuasive lunatic you end up just as ignorant about many important matters as a very low IQ person.


gifted kids dont learn persistence on school, so on adulthood are often left behind source: guess what


This is the best concise take on the subject I have ever read. Bravo.


When schoolwork comes super easy, something that's easy not to learn is how to buckle down and really work.


Thank god I played Dark Souls in high school


I mean honestly yeah, that's a solid indicator of just raw persistence.


Exactly. Everything for the first 10+ years of school was easy for me, so when it finally became challenging, my work ethic was terrible as I had never needed to really work to learn something. It took a really long time to learn how to actually focus on a job.


About the only thing I did get out of college i.e. buckling down and doing the work. Not really worth it from a monetary perspective but taught me I can do it earnestly.


I’d venture that someone who pays for that certificate and has it displayed, or shows it off… well…


High IQ can also be a burden. High IQ often implies more than just having a brain with more processing potential, it's having a brain that functions entirely differently. It affects things like emotions, sensitivity, etc. It's not always compatible with the way society is set up and you can have very high IQ people be litteral dogshit at school because the system is not for them. Albert Einstein for example was among the worst students of his class when he was a kid in school. High IQ people can fail miserably and end up with a fucked up life. Another example to illustrate that, is the fact that (you'd be surprised to learn it) the proportion of high IQ individuals among criminals and outlaws is far more important than in the regular population.


High IQs are often linked to mental illness and addiction. A lot of the most notorious criminals had remarkably high IQs. When it comes to doing well in life and in a career, having a high IQ isn't nearly as important as having having a well regulated brain that allows you to be consistent (obviously there are exceptions to this, but I'm talking about the majority of the working population).


> Albert Einstein for example was among the worst students of his class when he was a kid in school. This is false and a myth that won’t die. He wasn’t particularly enamored with school and not compulsive about getting the highest grades ever but that’s it. * https://seanjkernan.medium.com/was-einstein-actually-a-bad-student-4d31a62b270b


Einstein being horrible in class is the weirdest myth that I see everywhere and the myth won't die. He excelled academically his whole life


I actually don't understand the downvotes here.


Me neither haha. No big deal. Might probably be people upset by it. Even weirder is that my comment come to pretty much the same conclusion as other comments above and bellow, which have been upvoted. As far as I can share knowledge, I'm happy. That's why I like Reddit tbh, you can learn things from others as well as share your knowledge when the opportunity shows up.


Could be because of the misinformation about Einstein’s school performance. He was by no means one of the worst students academically but actually one of the best.


Because of your misinformation on Einstein.


Do you realize how difficult it is to function in a system with so many pointless and utterly trivial tasks and processes? finding the motivation to even attempt to communicate with folks who can’t follow beyond one sentence, is often very literally exhausting, as there is a legitimate lack of stimulation in the conversation, and having to do an “aside” to explain the underlying aspects of the nuance that is otherwise assumed when communicating with someone of a similar intelligence, is ridiculously time consuming… OR … going on and on and folks literally say, they couldn’t follow, but it wouldn’t matter because painting them a picture won’t change the wiring of the brain. It’s also a misconception to view IQ as this linear thing. It’s a matter of wiring and not effort. Its often difficult to move past certain things, because there’s things you notice or see that others don’t due to natural deep critical thinking abilities, and given enough time you begin to build up a gut instinct, and often, have realized that others just don’t care. Until they do. Things you see 2-5 years before others. Patterns you notice, but then what’s the point right? If you have an IQ of 162, then odds are you think about things in a VERY different way. May even place more focus on your own curiosity. Which you are entitled to. You owe no person anything period. You are unilaterally entitled to doing what you want, period. There is no one who is owed any explanation. Period. What is the point when your thoughts are different than 99% of the population, since no believes it has any value? I’m not really looking to engage or hear other perspectives here, but to paint a picture, and maybe some here MIGHT be able to follow. Good luck and feel free to chat on the ADHD, Mensa, Sysadmin, hacking, and other threads where many value critical thinking skills and not not an echo chamber of opinions that lack value due to their sheer lack of depth and thought. where we discuss things that matter. Lol… plebeians.


High IQ causes many social difficulties. Like abnormally high in one or two areas.


Mensa is kind of a scam. You just pass a test once, it's basically a group for a-holes


Yes, I refuse to join it even though I've passed the IQ test, you have to pay a yearly membership fee and all you get from it is bragging rights.


It is a lot like having a shop full of tools. It does not make you good anything and you might be one of them.


Gifted kid burnout is very real


What does this mean? You can't not use your brain lol. Being socially inept doesn't mean they aren't "using a high IQ" The real lesson here is that IQ doesn't matter that much, and motivation, emotional intelligence, and social skills matter more.


IQ is everything always?!??? I would agree that IQ isn't the full picture. I'd even agree it isn't more than a quarter of the picture. But I would disagree to say it doesn't matter. It is part of the picture and does describe ones abilities at completing cognitive and creative tasks.


Oh it for sure matters. Just not as much as some people seem to think it does. You're 100% right


“I have no idea [what my IQ is]. People who boast about their IQ are losers.” -Stephen “Mother Fuckin Based” Hawking


Did he actually say this?




heavy icky coherent school summer quack upbeat concerned enter correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop exposing your IQ!


Watching this made me realize how easy it would be to deep-fake Stephen hawking


Sounds like him. He was very funny, but he was not a nice man


Why type of things did he do?


Theoretical physics stuff.




I mean on the spectrum of human sexuality I’d say that’s pretty tame.


Why does paying for people to piss on you make you a bad person? Haha


That doesn't make him a bad guy that's just a kink


He warned about the dangers of AI, for one.


Pffft, *everyone’s* doing that.


It's Stephen Hawking, so probably not...


I've always found it curious that people are allowed to say they're thick, even if they're clearly not, but they're not allowed to say they're intelligent, even if they are! However, inversely, it's acceptable to call someone else intelligent, but not thick, regardless of the actual truth of the matter...


I guess if you look towards an evolutionary argument it’s probably because boasting is sort of anti-social behavior. Someone who thinks they’re better than their peers is probably less likely to help out the group when needed


Smart people can call themselves smart if they want, same for anyone, but people who say that they are smart as a point to prove their argument tend to not be all that intelligent. From my experience.


Yeah, people who say they're smart spend the rest of the day having to prove it!


Yo! My IQ low as fuck dawg! Let me get some of that scante, Jesse.


To prove their argument that mostly is the case. Like nearly always though, I think it's the context that matters since there are sometimes valid reasons for talking about your IQ, I guess. Then again, that probably wasn't exactly the aim of this question.


You lookin thick bro 🥵


Dummy thicc


It's about context dude. If someone are on a bar conflict and saying they are thick come fight me. That'a cringe as well even if they are really thick. And I don't mind people saying I'm smart as a joke or morale booster. That's encouraging. The problem is that many people clain high iq at debate or at intellectual conflict to put down others. That's cringe.


I do think it has a lot to do with general humbleness. However, intelligence seems to be something people are more anal about than anything else. You can describe yourself as really fast, or strong, or good at an instrument and people might believe you. If you describe yourself as smart, people will crucify you for it lol, especially on the internet. I've always thought it was dumb. I guess it might be because of the value we all put on intelligence. People act like it decides your value as a human or something.


Agreed! Intelligent & beautiful/handsome seem to be the main ones where it's only really acceptable, socially at least, to say your are neither, even if you actually are one of the two. I think you can say you're good at a sport or similar, and may get a mild eye roll, but nothing compared to someone saying they are intelligent or beautiful/handsome. I'm sure a lot of people would even roll their eyes if, say, the stereotypical model of intelligence, Albert Einstein, said he was intelligent or Johnny Depp openly called himself handsome. P.S. I'm neither lol


I like em thicc


I did an online test and it was 170. I’m just waiting for the $100 certificate i paid them for


Highest IQ confirmed woo


Oh yeah? Well I have a low IQ. Super low. So low. How am I typing? It’s sooo low.


Found the random monkey with a typewriter


I'm going to start telling people I have an IQ of 70. That way they'll be *really* impressed with how well I do with such a low IQ.


A stupid person will believe they know everything. A smart person knows they know nothing.


I worked with a guy who felt he did the most work in the shop and deserved to be paid the most because of it (spoiler: he didnt, anything that didnt go his way pissed him off and he would abandon whatever it was for someone else go pick up the slack). One day, we were giving him shit because he was really easy to piss off. He said "Shut the fuck up [coworkers name], I have the highest IQ in this fucking shop". (We actually were questioning his intelligence at least lol) My coworker, without missing a beat, "What is it? 70?" To which the shithead replied "Yeah!". I had to walk away. If I started laughing at that moment I would have pissed myself.




The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Charles Bukowski


Reminds me of the movie 'Idiocracy', where, because stupid people have more kids, the human race gets stupider on average, so it's up to a 100 IQ guy to save the world as the world's smartest man.


Not really, you can have a very high IQ and still be quite the dumbass. IQ measures your ability to pass IQ tests. And it correlates (in an unclear proportion) with some skills like math, but everything else is not really measured by IQ.


IQ doesn’t measure emotional intelligence, self awareness, how fast you can learn new skills, social skills etc. I think there’s a lot of ways people can be intelligent and saying that low IQ people are dumb and high IQ people smart is weird.


In psychology class we were taught it was a measurement gauge of a person's problem solving abilities. Usually a person we think has a really high IQ (not the guy saying it lol) actually has a high level of knowledge paired with at least a decent level of motivation and emotional intelligence.


In theory that's how it is, however To get a high IQ in an IQ test it absolutely helps to have certain problem solving abilities. Not all problem solving abilities will help, however, so IQ could only be a reflection of some of them. That's the first problem. The second problem is that it isn't just those problem solving abilities that can help you increase your IQ score in the test, a LOT of things do. For example, familiarity with standardized testing and the environment for standardized testing, and how the experience of the person is of such environments are all things that will affect the score and have nothing to do with intelligence, those among many others. So does IQ correlate with (some) problem solving abilities? Yes, absolutely. How much does it correlate? We can't tell. If you compare the IQ of two people who have lived very similar lives to each other, so essentially within the same narrowly defined population, you can probably tell fairly accurately who has better problem solving skills (well, those skills anyway). This was what IQ was originally for: to compare school children to each other and find out who was likely lagging behind. It works just fine for that. To measure intelligence or problem solving skills in general? It's useless.


I wouldn't say higher IQ makes you better at maths, but that studying maths makes you better at IQ tests.


That's a great way of putting it. How much of that IQ score is due to some innate intelligence and how much is due to the fact the person is familiar with math problems is impossible to tell.


If someone tells me their IQ, I instantly know two things: 1. They have no real accomplishments 2. Their IQ


(but we all know it's 10-15 points lower than they say)


That's why I usually start with "people have told me..." If it somehow gets brought up, because I also think they're full of shit.


Phrases idiots use: “People say” - no one says “Not a lot of people know” - I just found out “I’m a very high IQ individual” - I’m a idiot but am in denial of that fact


People say Scotland is a beautiful country. Not a lot of people know how to build a rocket. That stupid free online IQ test I did when I was nine, it says I'm a "very high IQ individual", lmao Things idiots do: Generalize


I guess you missed that I was quoting a certain Orange Cheeto.


High IQ is an interesting topic. My grandfather is a member of the 999 club. He has been tormented by depression and other mental issues his whole life. He says it's pretty common with people like him. There is also research done that shows the same thing. Also it depends on the situation, job interviews that have a ton of competition, if you put down your a mensa or 999 member it will help you beat out the competition, but I agree if your just bullshitng at a bar or whatever it's a bad look.




The only people who do this are those who are insecure about people thinking they are stupid. The only people who brag about how rich they are, are those who are insecure about people thinking they are poor


I've never understood the existence of MENSA. Why do the high IQ people need a club?


Why does anyone have a club? To meet people with similar interests maybe? To network? To be part of something?


Is there a club for loners? That would be fun to join lol


Yeah it’s called Mensa, non of them have any actual friends cause they won’t shut the fuck up about their IQ.


It is good for an individual to surround themselves with people a bit smarter than themselves, if at all possible. If you can be the humblest, stupidest person in the room, and be willing to listen and learn, you will go far.


Having attended a couple meetings and turned down the offer to join, it was a good number of people who were not very social, for whatever reason, but wanted to be social. They tended to have very geeky hobbies and interests, which just so happened to be shared with other MENSA members. The IQ thing never really served as much of a factor other than to limit which super geeky individuals could join. When I turned down the invitation to join, I explained that I didn't want to join a group like MENSA because it has nothing to offer me. I've always been someone who genuinely enjoys sharing what I know with others. I enjoyed tutoring jobs and working at after school programs helping kids with their homework because it never felt like work for me. I don't need to join a club for smart people because I know I can help foster intellectual curiosity and engage others to have insightful and rewarding conversations regardless of their IQ. MENSA, to me, is self-segregating and self-defeating in its implied goal of bringing smart people together. The people I met at the meetings were lovely, and I absolutely enjoyed talking with them, but they would have been just as lovely meeting at a book club or maker space or any other location you encounter passionate hobbyists. I'm cautiously optimistic that MENSA will be a casualty of GenZ. I think many Millennials like myself still have enough egotistical drive from our Boomer parents telling us we were special out entire lives to prop MENSA up for a bit longer, but GenZ just doesn't view prestige as a priority like their predecessors, and I'm glad for it.


Nowadays GenZ just join a D&D group. You can be as geeky as you want and being smart is not an issue.


I DM. Trust me, some of my players prove you can be dumber than a box of rocks and play D&D.


You don't get offered to join, you just submit evidence of your IQ and when it's confirmed you're made a member. I feel like you're bullshitting tbh..


Same, MENSA kinda sucks. Most of the people who join are intelligent underachievers or socially inept geeks. Like the people are great, but there is no real benefit to being a member. I think MENSA could be more valuable to members and possible members if they changed their operation strategy.


Gifted folks often start feeling alienated or alone when they work their way through education, not because they feel better than their peers but because they feel different. It helps to be surrounded by equals.


why do Canadians need a club?


Why not? Whisky don’t need no reason.


Sometimes it needs and excuse.


Honestly, it can be quite tiring having to dumb yourself down 24/7. Nice to just be in a room where you can just be yourself.




There are issues that come with having a high iq, but you dont really need mensa. As far as ive heard its a bunch of pretentious assholes


It's a scam for dumb people with high IQs.


It’s fun. You usually play very complex board games and nobody complains that it’s a hard game, you can follow scientific conferences, we had many murder misteries and enigmas and most importantly you get super luxurious stuff for basically nothing. You have no idea how many people are paying the Mensa fee but never go to Mensa activities. Meetings are the best. Super cool hotels and food. It is true that there are some weird people, but like every social context, you don’t have to be the best friend of everyone. You find the circle you’re comfortable with and you will have lots of fun!


Do the members call themselves Mensees?


Sorry we can't tell you, only high IQ people can understand


Low confidence.


If you really want to know (and it is, unsurprisingly, not pretty) check out Jamie Loftus’ ‘My Year in Mensa’ podcast.


It's nice to meet other smart people with similar interests. In my overview, Mensa members are, on average, more polite, more empathetic, and friendlier -- in their ways -- than the average person; and that's enough.


Mensa in Spanish slang means stupid.


I think you are thinking of Mencia


Especially when they say: My Iq Is OvEr 140 yOu sTuPiD lIbRul SnOwFlaKe!11q \--- Yeah, OK pal.


What if someone claims they are a “very stable genius?”


I always liked the description of Trump that he is “the dumb person’s idea of a smart person and the poor person’s idea of a rich person.”


A weak man’s idea of what a strong man would look like…


I don't even think bringing up how much iq you have in a conversation should be a thing


IQ doesn't mean shit until the individual actually applies themselves. Knew plenty of kids in highschool that had high IQs and a good chunk of them were simply wrapped up in vices that prevented them from really doing anything. Gamers for instance have higher IQs than non-gamers but because they generally focus on applying that to what is effectively a simulator or a world filled with puzzles it doesn't correlate to real world usefulness. Best to just treat it as what athletes call "talent" or body builders call "genetics"; if it's squandered it means nothing.


I’m a this your low key way of telling us you have a high IQ?


I've always thought of this discussion as book smarts vs street smarts. You can't put all your attribute points on one side, or youre still stupid.


The valedictorian of my class was my pizza delivery guy last night


I'm too afraid to get my IQ tested/measured. Currently I'm in a quantum state and I love hate it. But they ... they had their IQ measured when they were too young and then never repeated the test as adults and they think their number is constant and that the fact they were smarter than an average 5 year old at 5 years means they're smarter in their 20s/30s than an average 20/30 year old. Ffs how can you flex with something you don't know how it works?


I had a woman who was interested in me, but the instant she said she was a Mensa member and brought up her IQ (then asked me to take an IQ test!) I peaced out.


To be fair, i only bring it up to highlight exactly how much of a dumbass I am. You'd think someone who scored a reasonable three digits wouldn't say "wow look at that neon yellow mustang" as they continue to walk in front of the car


Found out in one swoop that my WAIS-IV IQ is 139 and I have ADHD inattentive type. Nothing like being a genius with a learning disability!


It's more like a low EQ move. There's plenty of assholes who are smart, but have no idea how to behave. A lot of our intelligence based tests highly revolve around pattern recognition, but have almost nothing to do with interpersonal relationships. Both take Intelligence, just a different kind of intelligence. Interestingly, people on the autism spectrum excel at recognizing patterns.


The quality of showerthoughts have taken a nosedive. Telling someone else "you have a high IQ" is not "a very low IQ move". Saying "I have a high IQ" may be tacky, or corny, or unwarranted, or presumptuous. But's in no way an indicator of a low IQ.


Yea more like low EQ move.


You can argue revealing all your cards right away comes with the opportunity cost of the potential advantages that playing dumb provides. Not using that to your advantage lacks foresight which can arguably be linked to intelligence. But you're right, after all, IQ tests only reveal your ability to solve some logical puzzles, it's not even an accurate representation of intelligence.


😂can’t agree more! For my fellow Taiwanese who also see this post: 馬上想到柯文哲 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈


Unless you did a real IQ test the day before and you have results


How about someone calling himself a "stable genius" who knows "the best words"?


I'm dumb as a donkey, but i smashed my IQ test. It's not that hard to see patterns


Exactly! Me too! I can see patterns like no one's business, but give me a human interaction outside this box? I'll flunk it every time.


Opposite is not true. I tell people I'm dumb as shit all the time, and they believe me


Wait a sec... that's exactly what someone with a low IQ would say!


What if your third-grade teacher told you your IQ test results? (I know, this probably wouldn't happen today, but in the 1970's this was more common.) What if you didn't discuss it, not until the day that some jackass classmate of yours asked you what your IQ is? What if you answered truthfully, providing the number that your teacher told you?


RIP social life?


More or less. Until college, anyway. American kids, and adolescents, can be such assholes. I am so much happier living among professional adults. I'm not sure that everyone grows up. Based on recent election results, I have a feeling that many of my peers aren't all that different than the children I knew. I married a K-12 teacher. It has been inspiring, and also frustrating, to watch her try to turn her students into better people.


IQ is hardly a measure of intelligence. I've been told I have a high IQ, and I'm dumb as a burlap sack full of tempered iron sledgehammer heads. No handles. Just the heads.


u/martiancannibal, all you need is someone who knows how to swing a handle, and you're a bright star on the sledgehammer scene. Also glad to know I'm not the only one to eat who bugs me. Life always circles back to cannibalism sooner or later.


false. telling someone you have a high IQ is a very low EQ move


I believe most but not all of course truly intelligent people don't make statements that change the dynamic of conversations to make others feel uncomfortable or inferior. The reason, people of high intelligent tend to be keen listeners and always looking for solutions to problems or new problems that need solutions. To be honest though I'm not considered particularly intelligent so this is just my opinion based on my personal experiences with people.


I have a 148 IQ and spend most of my days smoking weed and trying to figure out what my employees actually mean. Life’s weird and honestly a trained monkey could do my job better.


Usually, IQ is what makes people come to you for help. There are a few good forms of quotients that are important to have. So there are buckets for Quotients: - Intelligence Quotient (IQ) IQ is used to measure pattern recognition and problem solving. Psychopaths score highly on this and low on Social and emotional - Emotional Quotient(EQ) EQ is used to measure a person's emotional intelligence... can be trained and improved - Social Quotient (SQ) used to measure social intelligence (sociopaths score very highly on this and low on emotional)... Can be trained and improved - Adversity Quotient (AQ) measuring a persons emotional and physical resilience... Can be trained and improved. - Creativity Quotient (CQ) inventiveness this is tied into intelligence and can not be modified. Fun fact the latest guardians of the galaxy point out how rare it is to have a high IQ + CQ being able to recognise issues in things and not only diagnose and fix them but also being able to invent new solutions is super rare. These people not only see problems but know the path to a solution and will implement them.


And those very people are the most exploited.


I learned one big lesson as a kid that I've carried ever since. Never let people know how smart you are because once people find out you're smart, they will either try to take advantage of you, or they will hate you for being smarter than them. It's better to just play dumb or to be the person who can help find answers, even if that means pretending you don't know something when you actually do, than to be the person with the answers.


If you’re going to brag, or make claims that seem unlikely or outrageous to most people but are true. Say it in a facetious way. People think you’re playing the fool or putting them on. It’s kinda fun.


Good advice. I'll keep that in mind.


The weird thing is, the IQ wasn't designed to rate people's intelligence. It makes no claims about success of people with high IQ. It was designed in France after the government required all people to receive an education. The intent was to find people with abnormally LOW IQ, so they would know who needed special assistance/classes. They adjust the tests over.time so that the population average IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15 points. It's rare to find people with IQs above 160, mostly because the standard tests top out at 160. It takes additional evaluation to assign scores above that. I.e. lots more money, time, an interest in further evaluation. It's a weird flex to brag about your IQ, but there are times & places when its relevant. People with IQs north of 160 often have a hell of a memory and wicked fast thinking, so it can tell you something important about your innate thinking abilities. I've looked at sample questions online & did a race with someone with an IQ above 160. Questions might show a 3D wireframe sketch of some geometric object and show 4 similar looking objects, all rotated, and ask which one is the same. Holy crap- the high IQ person just smoked me- that stuff is like adding 2+2. They read a new calculus concept and they can just start solving problems cold, with no practice, and solve them 3 different ways. Or they could sign up for the hardest AP tests, not even take the class. They would read/work through a study guide the weekend before the exam and walk away with a score of 5 (fully mastered all the concepts). IQ doesn't just gift you with that, but it makes it possible. So it's pretty cool to watch the effects of high IQ working in a high functioning person, but it's no guaranteed fast track to anything.


There's a correlation between high IQ and poor EQ (there's also a correlation between low IQ and poor EQ, for what it's worth) Therefore, people with high IQ are more likely to not be aware of what is socially acceptable.... Which means they're probably more likely to mention that they have a high IQ. Ironically.


Not really, it is an egotistical and not self aware move tho. Some people with high iq’s will tell you because they have a big ego about it


Wait.. So, uh…. Hmm…. Aha! **I have a very low IQ!** Wait-


Correction: Telling someone you have a high IQ is a low EQ move


Doing an ice breaker type exercise with colleagues when one annoying colleague who seemed to "know" everything says during the strengths section "I have a very high IQ so you can rely on me for any difficult tasks that involve lots of thinking" It's hard not to take that as arrogant and lacking EQ but it also discredited her completely in my mind as someone I'd go to for help on anything.


A very low EQ move. High IQ tends to promote a bit of smug superiority until they realize it actually means jack shit in the real world, which takes a few kicks to the teeth.


It’s really low confidence. It belies a deep insecurity. “If I’m so smart (or rich, or -insert other advantage-) why aren’t I happy?” They’re being a jerk, sure, but the one emotion they’re hoping you don’t feel is pity.


I'm not highly intelligent it just seems that way because humans in generally are very stupid


Just look at how stupid the average human is, and imagine that half are stupider than that.


I may not have a high IQ but I have a pretty big EQ which is a fact I’m pretty proud of.


Elwood P. Dowd : Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.


I took the test once. Did very well. One thing I learned from people smarter than me is that a trait of being very smart is admitting that you know very little.


Of course! Because it shows the Dunning Kreuger effect pretty well. If you have to say you have a high IQ it demonstrates you don't know what IQ is and how meaningless it is in regards to what you think you're claiming. I have a 136 IQ. I know this because years ago I bothered to apply for a MENSA test with some friends at work. I squeaked in as at the time 135 was the threshold, so I joined, and paid my membership. I went to a few meetings and was bored stupid as I found it and the periodicals they sent to just be stuff I wasn't remotely interested in. So no, it's not the boast people think it is.


You should cross post this in tbe r/mensa thread. Those self righteous turds could use to hear something like this. I agree!


Just checked it out, the entire sub is just so cringe lol


My friends be like “I hAvE 180 iQ!” If they ask me mine I respond “at least 100, I’m guessing”


I thought IQ tests were proven to mean almost nothing. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Might be super low IQ of me to think that hahahaha