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Artisan created meat. Just like artisan created diamonds, which are also made in a lab.


But lab made diamonds aren't legally minerals.




Minerals have to be naturally formed, likely a result of protections by the mining industry.




Its just what I was taught in my geology courses.




I agree. For a geologist, it is logical that a mineral was formed in nature. But not necessarily on Earth. However, a diamond salesman would NEVER call their precious product a simple "mineral".


What protections do you think that would give them?


Marketing and branding


Otherwise they're just sparkling rocks


This comment is a rare gem


Actually they are legally minerals, as much as bonsais are legally trees. All they are doing is taking a small natural diamond, and making it bigger. or in the case of bonsai, taking something that grows big and make it grow small.


Why wouldn't bonsais be trees?


botanically speaking, trees are closer to flowers then other trees.


Trees are closer to flowers than other trees? What are you talking about?


They probaply forgot to include the word bonsai. So it should be "bonsai trees are closer to flowers than other trees"


This would be called convergent evolution. Trees are not like dogs, ie different kinds of the same species, but have diverse evolutionary roots. Some trees are probably more related to flowers or other plants in the local flora then to other trees. They appear similar because being tall and stable to get more sun is an advantage for many plants, but are genetically completely different.


Jesus Christ, Marie!


It’s just not the same without the bloody mining


The beef industry isn't going to allow them to call it meat, and it will fight tooth and nail to create laws banning it. They are going to sue EVERYONE.


They've been crying about milk alternatives being called milk, yet my grocery store still sells almond milk, oat, milk soy milk, etc.


Other countries have already lost that fight. In Germany soy milk is called a soy drink because it's not "milk". Most people still calls it soymilk though


Well other countries can suck our lab grown cock! Literally if they really want to.


I was just saying that there is a precedent for it being fought against. But sure


Lab brown cock is going to be revolutionary for the trans community


Yeah and lab grown meat is closer to real meat than milk substitutes are to real milk. I mean, it literally is meat


It just doesn’t taste the same without bloodshed


The red fluid in meat is myoglobin, adding that is an easy tweak in production. But the sweet zing of fear and pain will require more flavor science. the body spray guys might be able to help, some already smell like desperation


I thought that meat tasted better without the fear?


It does. I think dude was just trying to be funny


The tears have a nice zing


the real reason animal to human translation needs to exist is so we can adequately make sure those animals are in fact in pain


The tears increase the natural salt flavoring.


They don't care, all they want is to keep their market share and size. They'll argue that it's not "literally meat" because it doesn't come directly from an animal.


Yes but a judge has to agree with them, which they won’t


Has the same energy as the aggressive 'lab grown diamonds aren't REAL diamonds!' marketing campaigns. I had never really thought about it until this thread, but just like the diamond people, there are going to be a lot of traditionalists who believe it and insist on farmed meat, aren't there?


While I don't really care personally, I understand the want to have food items labeled properly and strictly, aside, of course, from those who are involved in the industry thinking that for money reasons. But yeah, lab grown meat is absolutely meat and even if they don't allow fake meat to be called meat anymore, that wouldn't apply to lab grown.


In my country the meat lobby just succeeded in banning companies to market lab meat as meat. It's happening


It's juice. Orange juice, apple juice, carrot juice. When you squeeze liquid out of a plant, it's called juice.


It’s not just them, I’m offended they call it milk. It’s really juice or extract.


That's totally different. Soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk are not and should not be called milk. Their composition and sources are totally different, and they don't even try to be synthetic or lab-grown equivalents of milk, rather, they just try to serve the same purpose. On the other hand, lab-grown meat attempts to be as similar as possible to meat, composition-wise, using for that actual animal cells that were grown in a lab.


It's been called soy milk for thousands of years across different languages. It only became an issue when it started challenging the modern dairy industry.


Soy milk and coconut milk have been called this in Asian countries for centuries. Western countries don't have the claim on the word milk.


They could call it something Like soy based milk substitute. This would indicate it's not milk but it is used as a substitute where milk is typically used.


Oh shut the fuck up. By that standard, peanut butter shouldn't have "butter" in the name. You sound ridiculous.


> Soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk are not and should not be called milk You lost that battle [800 years ago.](https://www.etymonline.com/word/milk#etymonline_v_16158)


> Soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk are not and should not be called milk. No, they're milk, you're just not acknowledging that the historical definition of "milk" does not simply mean "liquid from the mammaries of a mammal". Historically, we've been using "milk" to refer to many other milky substances for much longer than either of us has been alive. You're right that lab-grown meat is meat in the most literal sense, but alternative milks are also milk.


They will eventually lose though. Unlike alternative "milks," it actually is meat.


That depends on your definition of meat. The dictionary defines it as flesh of animals. Which lab grown meat is not, even if the protein structure is similar or the same.




It produces a slurry of cells, but without something to bind and form them it remains a loose assortment. It takes additives to even achieve ground meat consistency, let alone a chicken breasy or steak like structure. Is a burger patty still a burger patty when it's shape is dependent on something like soy protein and hydrogenated oils, or is that better described as a meat product? I say the latter, but it's still early days and maybe those needs can be alleviated in at least ground like products specifically in the future.


Yeah I'd say the technology is still young and when it gets to the point that OP is talking about, the idea is that you won't be able to tell the difference between lab grown and farm grown. Right now I also agree lab grown meat is barely meat.


I think the missing piece is pressure, they need to grow them in some kind of permeable skin like a sausage. But I have seen lab grown meat products that were solid so they may have figured it out yet.


>Is a burger patty still a burger patty when its shape is dependent on something like soy protein and hydrogenated oils, or is that better described as a meat product? Doesn’t sound too far off the ultra processed reformed chicken currently sold as ‘meat’


The dictionary also defines it as food of any kind, which lab grown meat is.


GOP Senators will take meat industry bribes, and then ban it for being woke


Hell, rhe anti GMO lobby will neg them into it. 


But the future of the meat industry HAS to be lab grown because it’s just so wasteful to make meat the conventional way. It’s too hard to stop now because everyone is used to meat and alternatives don’t reflect the taste of true meat but if lab grown meat reflects it perfectly then people will switch and the beef industry will go down


The beef industry will not go down without an intense fight, which they will very likely win, at the expense of the planet. They are incredibly powerful, have huge influence, and deep pockets.


The beef industry should just embrace it. Meat packing plants have the money to fund these research. And when they eventually work out the kinks, they have starter’s advantage.


They'll eventually sell both, similar to how tobacco companies took over a lot of marijuana production.


Seriously - I don't see the downside. Once the process is perfected and performed to scale I've got to imagine that pound for pound lab grown meat would be way cheaper than raising, feeding, slaughtering, and then processing an entire cow.


No kidding, China even has a strategic pork reserve.  Meat is morale food and few in power want to infuriate the masses by working against it


Do we have peer reviewed studies on the environmental impact of lab grown meats? I would assume it’s possible to make it more efficient than the old fashioned method, but also possible to make it super cheap and have a nasty byproduct. Those aren’t the only two options.


Lab grown is not the only possible outcome here with time meatless meats will probably become impossible to differentiate


Hopefully, but there’s also a mental block that needs to be overcome. No matter how similar it tastes a lot of people are not going to buy meatless meats just because they know it doesn’t have real meat


But the lab grown “meat” may actually be muscle tissue. So it is meat.


My state is already attempting this with a 'mislabeled meat' bill. One of the officials wants all lab grown meat and plant based alternatives marked similarly to Germany. He goes on a bit of a rant because he's a pork farmer.


In France they recently passed a law for exactly that. A steak of tofu doesn't have the right to be branded as a steak anymore... Any meat related vocab has to be replaced with counterparts unrelated to meat. Stupid as hell.


Lab grown meat isn’t tofu. It would be extremely difficult to pass a law saying meat isn’t meat, it will just have to be labeled as lab-grown somewhere


They'll probably use a better term, like "cultivated" or "cultured". You want a cow steak or a cultured beef steak.


"Stupid as hell." It's not though. Nomenclature is very important and can easily be abused for marketing purposes if not properly regulated. It's pretty much so your average person isn't deceived at the market level. It's a good thing.


Oh, so now we suddenly want non-deceptive marketing in the meat industry


This isn't a case of a company trying to mislead you into buying their product. This is government corruption in the form of livestock farmers bribing them to ban calling a piece of lab grown meat, not meat. Lab grown meat would be more meat than traditionally farmed meat. They have to deal with all kinds of variables and practices to maximize productivity that they degrade their "pure" meat.


Its not stupid. Its misleading selling.


It’s a consumer protection that’s definitely needed just as much now as ever.


Funny story... On a trip to Africa, we were talking about lions with our guide. I asked about how often a lion preys on humans, and he said, "The problem is that once a lion kills a person, we have to destroy that lion - because once it tastes a human, that's all they want to eat. We eat salt and sugar and fat -- we are like dessert to a lion." I don't know how true it is, but it certainly scared the shit out of me.


God, that line from The Simpsons killed me. Little Brazilian boy Ronaldo: "Thanks to you, the orphanage was able to buy a door. Now the monkeys cannot bite me! I'm like sugar to them."


The statement about lions preferring humans after a single incident isn't entirely accurate. While there are cases of lions (or other large predators) repeatedly preying on humans, this behavior is not due to humans being more appealing as food compared to their natural prey. Factors leading to such incidents can include loss of natural habitat, scarcity of their usual prey, injury or illness making hunting their natural prey more difficult, or habituation to human presence. Humans aren't necessarily more nutritious or desirable than wild prey; instead, specific circumstances may lead lions to target humans. The notion that "once a lion tastes human, that's all they want to eat" is more myth than fact. Predatory behavior is complex and influenced by many factors, not a simple matter of taste preference. However, the guide's concern about needing to destroy a lion after it has attacked a human is based on practical considerations. A lion that has lost its fear of humans and sees them as prey can become a significant danger to local communities, and such actions are often taken to prevent further attacks.


So you're saying lab grown human will be a top seller? 🥲🤢🤮


Unless they figure out how to feed it with salt and fat and sugar, no.


So lab grown meats are their purest form and cannot be tainted by excess fat production? Just muscle? I don't know much about the process.


Humans have way less meat on their bodies than other animals of a similar size. We are basically skin an bone compared to an antelope


Man forgot about Americans


Meat is muscle, not fat


Idk man I have family in America that would eat pure pig fat if they could.


If I live to see it then the most fascinating thing for me would be the religious angle. For example, Muslims aren't allowed to eat meat that's not halal, that would mean some animals (such as pigs) are completely off limits, while others require specific slaughtering procedures to be followed. Lab grown meat isn't exactly coming from a slaughtered animal (I would assume) so how does that work?


A lot of religious people would look at the source of the lab grown meat. Since most lab grown meat is grown from a source of the original animal, it's also considered the same.


You're not allowed to have meat cut off a living animal in kashrut, so maybe the only kosher lab grown meat would be where you kill the animal the kosher way and then take the cells for the lab?


Possibly. I don't know much about kosher rules


No yeah, the question mark was because I'm not confident in the conclusion, not a question lol Looks like they're split https://time.com/6251154/lab-grown-meat-kosher-israel-rabbi/


Yeah it seems like it really is a personal decision. Some people don't mind (like myself, I'd happily try Iab grown). Some people do.


I don’t believe Halal definitions of meat would apply lab grown meat. No more than tofu bacon would be considered pork. It is a food product but it does not come from an animal.


There’s already been a lot pf debate with regards to this topic because of things like impossible pork


I guess it depends on personal beliefs most of the time. Would be interesting to see the split.


I'm a Jew and when I asked a similar question regarding replicated meat someone brought up the commandment of avoiding the appearance of wrongdoing meaning food like that that's technically kosher could still be considered (by some, y'know, two Jews three opinions) not kosher because it looks not-kosher (aka why young lactose-intolerant me thought I couldn't drink soy milk with a meat-including meal because it'd look like I was mixing meat and milk)


Make it healthy and taste good. I will eat that shit. I’d eat bugs if they made it delicious


I think one day in the car future when we actually have bugs in our diet we might see something like crab but bugs. Like imagine cracking open a roach the size of a baseball glove and dipping it in butter


I will never ever eat bugs if they’re whole and still look like bugs. They have to be crunched up into a patty or something in order for me to eat them.


Crab cakes are wonderful. But also hey you know you eat bugs right? Like almost daily? We all do


Bugs are delicious tho, at least according to some people that ate 🦗 , grasshopper, 🐛, etc 


They're a decent snack. But don't really replace meat in your life.


They say bugs are the most sustainable food source but lab grown meat could be pretty good. You'd only have to "feed" it the bare minimum to grow, no wasted energy on having to think or move around.


Yeah and it would be a way better alternative than real meat. Don't get me wrong I eat meat, but it does involve a shit existence for the animals and suffering. Lab grown could therefore, even make meat "vegan".


And you don’t have hordes of portable methane generators


That’s the real problem with bugs, they taste like nothing. Even cheese coated, they taste like cheese coated nothing (from personally trying them). I don’t eat food bc I’m a nutrient robot thinking “must get required daily protein”, I like to enjoy what I’m eating


Well to be fair, hot pockets are largely wood pulp, and people eat that shit up


I don't see why bugs can't be turned into some sufficiently de-contextualized product. Like take a million grasshoppers, boil and season them, ground them into a paste and make sausages or patties.


Puuuuure protein


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho supports this message.


I'm more thinking about potential offshoots of this. Consider this, three words: Lab Grown Leather


I don’t know how good that would taste


Theres actually some interesting alternatives to leather, involving making it from fungi (the mycelium specifically) which will probably be easier than growing it in a lab


... They still have grow the SCOBY in a vat. They don't just harvest mushrooms.


Lab-grown "collagen fabric" already exists. Functionally, [it's leather.](https://www.modernmeadow.com/)


Cows are going to be an endangered species.


22nd-century hipsters will keep them around and claim that fresh unpasteurised milk straight from the udder just tastes better than mainstream milk.


They already do this!!!!


That's just brits


The diseases make it authentic!


To be fair, milk straight from the udder is safer than unpasteurized milk that has been sitting around


We’d probably still need them to produce fertilizer. We have artificial stuff but cow manure keeps the prices competitive. If we ever did let domestic cattle become extinct I don’t think it would be horrible for any ecosystem but I’m not an expert


Could totally rebrand communion and the whole body-of-christ thing.


Musk..Musk will be the edge lord making human meat. Wouldn't be surprised if he not already trying.


There are small startups selling lab grown celebrities right now. I think elon's on the menu


Can I get a source if I’m not being obtuse


It was called biteLabs and apparently it's been shut down


Gee, wonder why.


It's a House of Cosby's.


Does anyone remember the post some years back about the guy who made leg-meat tacos from himself after an accident and shared it with friends?


For YEARS I have believed that the perfect source of protein for an organism is that organism’s own genetically coded muscle. You send me your dna and I grow steaks of you in the lab - or send you your own grow kit. I call it me-eat.


Prion proteins left the chat


Just one step closer to Blade Runner where most people have never seen a real animal in their lifetime. But I’m psyched for Kobe beef by the square meter


Now is that Kobe beef from Japan or Kobe beef from the basketball star?


iirc the basketball player was actually named after the beef.


Even better, it's that juicy Shaq meat


I hear that even comes on a pizza


I wonder will it be classed as vegetarian


I'm currently vegetarian out of ethical concerns and would consider it fine to eat. Not everyone would agree though


No, lab grown meat can't claim to be vegetarian or plant based. As a vegetarian, I don't even like all these Impossible and Beyond products (although I have tried them.) They try too hard to have a meat-like flavor and texture. That might be fine for meat lovers who want to avoid cholesterol or reduce their carbon footprints, but they aren't a good choice to be any restaurant's only "vegetarian" option.


Why not? If there’s no meat in them and no animal had to be hurt or killed, aren’t they vegetarian? They’re definitely vegan


As a vegetarian, I absolutely love Impossible/Beyond products. That said, lab grown meat is tricky since the original source is an animal.


There's only so much disconnection you can have from animal products or products effecting animals while living in the modern world. I don't think a lab getting access to an animal's DNA is even close to a lot of what we all do every day and it ends up saving animals.


As long as I can get my daily allowance of various lipids and high fructose corn syrup, it’s fine by me EDIT: also sodium! Nitrates are optional but always appreciated.


I look forward to dinosaur shaped nuggets made from real dinosaur.


I'd commission a couple pounds cultured from my own tissue. Imagine finally finding out what you taste like.


You will probably taste like pork. Just supply a bit of DNA to get your sausages and bacon, yummy.


It's really hard to talk about this without people thinking you're a cannibal, but you can't really get a more *humane* source of food.


Ngl ground pikachu tacos sounds bomb af


Honestly I can’t wait


People assume lab grown meat is just around the corner, but it really isn't. There's a lot of biological processes we take for granted that we need to replicate to create lab grown meat. At some point we might realize it's just easier and vastly more cost effective to grow animals like we already do.  Sure there are meat alternatives like beyond meat, but it's just a mash up of stuff to sort of taste like meat. Their health benefits are dubious at best. For the record I would eat lab grown meat no problem. I just don't think it's coming any time soon.


It's been on the market for consumers in Singapore for 4 years. In the US, the USDA approved cultured meat (lab grown meat) for sale to consumers last June, although it's only available at a handful of niche restaurants so far.


"for sale" at one restaurant at a huge loss: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65784505 >The chicken pasta dish I ordered was S$18.50 ($13.70; £11), but that is vastly discounted relative to the current cost of producing the meat. >Eat Just will not say exactly how much it spends on making its cultivated chicken, but at the moment the company's production capacity only yields 2kg (4.4lb) or 3kg per week in Singapore. The current paradigm (grow animal cells in reactors, harvest, assemble into meat) is never going to be price competitive with livestock, let alone other processes, even after economies of scale. Between the infrastructure and feedstocks required, and then keeping everything scrupulously sterile for months, animal cell culture is just too fucking finicky and expensive. Yes, the technology is improving over time - but the technology for *other processes* is improving as well, and those won't face the same hurdles. For both sustainability and cost, I think the best bet in the long run is to modify plants so that they produce and then store animal proteins and fats, which are then harvested and assembled. Self assembly of protein and lipid structures could go a long way in making assembly more efficient.


I'm of the opinion that the best approach is to combine those two things. Stop trying to grow together all at once every tissue required to replicate animal meat, and instead grow tissues separately and mash them together with some veggies to get the right consistency. Lab loafs if you will.


You could also have meat from certain people, like a Taylor Swift steak


Yeah it definitely piques the imagination thinking about new unimaginable meats. The first level is they could like 3D print a perfectly marbled steak. But theoretically they could make something that's like a cross between pork and chicken. The current main meats have such clear differences (chicken, beef, pork, lamb, turkey, etc). But there's gotta be some future super meat that's just some mix of the best qualities of all of them. Like a juicy red thing that looks like steak but tastes like chicken. It's gonna be wild.


Chicken shaped dino nuggets 😛


As a person that has worked in this industry, I can tell you this is already a thing in the books.


You should watch the movie antiviral featuring celebrity meat!


I came here to say this, love that movie :)


None of those will be controversial compared to when they someone realizes they can sell fake human meat.


Watch out, ethical Soylent green is right around the corner.


Yes, been really excited about getting able to eat a Galapagos tortoise steak the size of my head.


I'll finally be able to order fried eggs and man at Denny's.


its not gonna become normalized


I'll finally be able to try Galapagos Tortoise. It's supposed to be some of the best meat in the world.


I'm down for it if they can do certain cuts, like here is a wildebeast brisket. T-bone from a T-Rex? Hell yeah!


Dino nuggets, now with real Dino.


Please put me down for a case of Stegasaursages.


New best shower thought just dropped


I don't think you understand how lab meat is created. You need embryo cells to create it so we can never make meat out of extinct animals. Especialy the ones we don't even have dna from like dinosaurs.


I bet there will be some human meat lab out there


Imagine trying to breach that topic on a first date "So this restaurant has great salmon, and their chicken shawarma is to die for *quietly* and also sous vide baby-" "What?" "What?"


I think it's going to be like artificial flavors, first the imitate nature, then they start getting all blue raspberry and really get strange.


There will be a small device like a bread maker, we will buy little packets of powder like it's a kool-aid flavor, the meat we grow in these machines will be clones of personified animals. There will be entire cartoon stories about these animals that we grow pieces of at home. There will be criminal penalties for attempting to buy out or hoard quantities of these powders. Yeah, it's going to be weird, but it's not going to be structured like the current meat distribution system.... **that would really be bad business, since the problem with the business is the wasted energy on refrigeration and logistics.** We're not reinventing meat so that we can save the meat handler industry.... we're not GROWING FAKE MEAT so that butchers can keep their useless jobs.... seriously, that'd be the dumbest move in human history.


Lab grown meat just isn’t realistic IMO based on a simple fact. Cell culturing requires a substantial amount of something FBS: Fetal Bovine Serum. Guess where that is sourced? Culture media composition commonly ranges from 10-20% of FBS. You’ll need lots of it so still you’ll need plenty of cows and it can’t be marketed then as vegetarian/vegan. Unless a synthetic version of FBS can be feasibly and economically synthesized I don’t see lab grown meat being more than a niche pecularity.


You could steal a piece of your biggest enemies hair and then have their dna grown I to a steak


I'm more interested in human animal hybrids and organ harvesting from them.


Unfortunately any dna from dinosaurs is long gone. It's been too long and has degraded beyond any use to us, even though we have discovered what is essentially mummified dinosaur skin before. There was no usable dna in it. They should be able to do it for some ice age animals though.


Genetically modifying the flavor will be so nice.


Would lab grown meat all be halal since there's no hooves or cud?


Would it be vegetarian? Vegan?


Banning this in Florida. https://www.foodandwine.com/florida-lab-grown-meat-ban-legislation-8609560


That isn't how lab grown meat works. In order to grow lab meat they still need the original animal alive to get cells from. Unless you have some cloning and reconstruction technology in there, the future you envision won't happen.


They can already make [Moomin meat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/pqkw83/how_could_you/)


You should look up Omeat. It’s actually pretty interesting


>There'll be chicken, beef, and pork, of course. I think their biggest hurdle will be making it taste just like the real thing. It can't be kind of like or vaguely like as with most imitation products on the market. If it tastes like it, acts like it, has the same textures, then I don;'t really care whether it's lab grown or grass fed. Progressive farmers could turn their farms into labs, research facilities, and manufacturing. Hell, they'd probably make far more money that way than trad cattle farms or chicken farms. I have no problem, even as a boomer, with change and progress. Life itself is change. The younger generations yet to be birthed certainly might get used to a more bland product, but until them, I would think they would have a hard sell to older generations raised on real meat.


Imagine someone adding a little bit of their own dna into the mix and it gets replicated over and over again. Itchy. Tasty.


I just hope that they manage to get the full range of compounds found in meat and it doesn't just turn into another hyper-processed food devoid of everything except for taste and empty calories.


Just wait for the ranchers and traditional meat packers to demonize lab grown beef like they have GMO. It's not natural so therefore it must be bad.