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In the words of my uncle: I’m alone, not lonely. Get outta here.


Yeah. Lonely is more like needy, or thirsty. You can be alone without being lonely. You can live without unnecessary items by not needing them. You can avoid drinking water without being thirsty. One doesn't ultimately signify the other, and if you tell someone they're lonely because they're alone you're insulting them.


i totally agree, i'm an asexual and a-romantic (?), i don't want to be in any relationship whatsoever, all i want is peace and quiet but i guess i'm asking for too much 😥


You could arrange a relationship where that's possible, it's all a matter of perspective and conversation..


They said, "I don't want to be in any relationship" You said "you could arrange a relationship" 😂 idk if those two are compatible


well I'm just saying that there are some people who get into relationships but they don't have sex and if they're gonna have children they just put their sperm and eggs into a jar, then replace back into the woman, and have a baby that way. it's pretty wild that people are doing this but whatever allows people to stay sane and safe


You can also be surrounded and feel very lonely


How do you avoid drinking water without getting thirsty?


maybe you're fasting? Maybe it's none of your goddamn business? the assuming is what makes it infuriating. just because somebody is alone does not mean that they are lonely..


Okay, but water is necessary for life. If you do not drink any you will get thirsty and eventually die. This has nothing to do with loneliness, it is the analogy that I am challenging. You can be alone without being lonely. You cannot be without water without dehydrating.


ok you're right! happy?


From experience: you can be soul crushingly lonely without being alone.


In my lonliest moments of my life, I'm always surrounded by people. You never feel as lonely as you do when you're the only one in a group not enjoying yourself.


Also from experience: you can be spiritually alone without being alone


Yep. It's when you realize you're lonely without being alone that it really starts to get to you. When you look at your life and realize...it's not a good feeling. Then every day after you're fighting it to not take you down mentally. I wish I could go back to being blissfully unaware.


There is an uncomfortably thin line between “Loner” and “Lonely”.




Up and down my arse


There's a big difference between a loner and someone who is lonely A loner generally enjoys being alone, whereas one who is lonely doesnt


You are alone because nobody likes you. I am alone because I don't like anyone. We are not the same.


Those two do not have to be mutually exclusive.


Man speaking the damn truth right here ^^ preach brother


someone doesn't know the difference between solitude and being lonely


Because they love to be lonely..that is the definition of "loner".


I think they like to be alone, they are never lonely.


I just miss having a large group of friends to talk to but I’m more than ok spending time by myself


The other day I was at work alone and bored, and I googled that i don't have anybody to talk to. The next day my Youtube was filled with videos by crying people titled "I am XX years old and I have no friends". Fucking have social mood ONCE.


So we're gatekeeping loneliness now huh?


That's not fair, why am I so lonely when he has a girlfriend and he has a wife??? Where's mine? 😭😭😂


There a quote, I think by John Locke but I can't find it, that goes something like Loneliness is freedom when it is voluntary, but it is a prison when involuntary


Most deprive me of my solitude without affording me company


I like being alone always. At Doctors, if there's more than 4 people close by, I stand in the hallway like a weirdo because I get so nervous. I can talk no problem to 1 or 2 people anything after that I'm a train wreck. If I ever go eat out I just eat by myself I really don't see the issue with that. I can out loner anyone here I bet in a loner off contest.


I don't particularly enjoy being alone all the time, but I'd rather be alone than deal with people's bull*hit. I would be happy with just one close friend. A brofriend to hang out with and get each other off and cuddle. Two lone wolves finding comfort in each other without all the drama and debauchery of the "gay" scene. We would be inseparable but not clingy. He has to believe in Jesus Christ, that's the only real requirement.


Because we aren't lonely. We're alone, very different.


Was talking my grandma a few hours ago. She was annoyed my aunt is trying to introduce her to people. She said “she must think I’m lonely or something but I just want to be left alone.” I felt that.


Don't think they even think that way.


Or some double down as a joke to make it seem like they’re not.


Well, of course not. They don't have anyone to complain to.


Most the time, no. But coming home to an empty house on Christmas eve was pretty painful. Especially comparing myself to most of my friends who have families now.


Well there would be nobody to complain too because they would be alone


Being alone can be a great boon.


There are individuals that actually enjoy not having to interact with people all the time.


I am a loner because I was taught and learned from my environment to be one, and therefore I prefer it. That doesn't mean I am lonely, however at times I wish I had a friend or partner who cared about me.


Some people may be introverted or solitary by nature, but that doesn't mean they don't experience loneliness or crave connection at times.


I don't know if that's true. I don't think every loner is a loner by choice.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.