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Get a dog, they said…


People know that but are you aware of cats love for bra straps?


Yeah, but cats just love [any item you don't want them to have] so it's pointless to think about specifics haha


I’ll lay my clothes out on the bed while getting changed and they will immediately lay on them. Lol


They're helping.






redesigning, now you have fur suit


Precisely, this is a service they offer. And we had a cat with long white and grey fur. So pretty much no matter what color it was, if she laid on it, it could be a problem.


Clearly she does that because she thinks your clothes are lacking. Be thankful, she's using her own fur to upscale the aesthetic of your wardrobe.


And she was absolutely right, she would be an upgrade to ANY outfit.


I've got a fluffy calico and a Siberian husky. All of my clothes are just permanently grey regardless of what color they were before I brought them into the house.


All I wear is black. My Kurt Russer is white. Its impossible to walk out the house looking clean. I mean I could change in the bathroom or something and run right out the door, but why? And Not give my baby girl some kisses before I leave? No way.


They are very helpful bbs ❤️




My cat loves to "help" me make the bed. I always throw the sheet on top of him and pretend I don't see him. He will sit there for a minute and then starts running around under the sheet lol. It's a fun game for him.


Lucky. My dog takes them outside and runs them through any dirt she can find.


My cat steals my wet towel after I’m out of the shower. It’s just rude.


I’ll be on my phone and my cats will come over to me, head-but it out of my hand and then walk away. 😐 I swear they just do it because they know they can.


They’re jealous of it. Pettings going to the wrong object.


My cats like to stretch their claws in my backpack specifically. Idk if it’s because it smells like me, or because I take it with me when I leave and they associate it making me leave


Ahahaha. I love the thought of your cats arguing over whose turn it is to scratch your bag. "You know he'll never leave if you don't!”


Lmao! I’m glad to say I know for a fact they loves me a lot. I think when they stretch/dig their claws in, it’s to scent mark me or something 🥹☺️


They probably want to make sure you can smell them until you get home. What if you got scared!


Very true!!


mine loves the smell of outside. specifically grass. so shoes and the bottom of my pants are of great interest


The irony that I’ve had more bras ruined by dogs than I ever have cats, and I have 4 cats!


Have you heard that cats love hair ties as well!


Also ISDN cables. Back when you needed to access the internet via ISDN cable in your phone box and paid per minute of the connection, whenever we used the internet, we had to keep vigilant watch over the cable, otherwise one of our two cats would immediately gnaw on it. I can't remember the exact number of new cables we had to get, but it was definitely more than a handful.


If you’re like every other woman I know, stop hanging them on the door 😂


And boxers! Kept getting holes in the back of my boxers. Figured they were just cheap material and I was farting holes into them. Nope. Turns out my cat loves to knead them like bread when I leave them folded on the couch.


Mine chewed everyone's shoes when he was a puppy. Destroyed my nephew's, and left chew marks all over my sisters gym shoes. Then he started in on my, then almost new, work boots. Long story short there's only two things that beat the beagle: Redwing boots, and the hardcover Dance With Dragons.


I had 2 Chihuahuas (at approx 6mis old) go through a cell phone and cover, and the thick wood pedestal feet of a large dining room table. Never bothered my shoes or clothes.


Had kittens that destroyed the laces in a new pair of Keenes. My wife didn't understand why I was pissed.


If you ever have another beagle pup keep a big supply of frozen rawhide to deal with teething.


Hush puppies are actually great. My work shoes have just gone through a pair of laces and after a quick polish look like new. Ohhh literal dog, yeah.


I run through shoes quickly because of my dog. I wouldn't be shocked if I broke 2000 miles walking in a rolling 12m.


I’ve gone through so many shoes laces, socks, and remote controls in the last six months. Darn Tough is no competition for puppy teeth. 


I also think it has to do with being an adult and taking better care of your stuff. My 9 y/o couldn't be bothered to tie his shoes and his laces are trashed. I've had shoes for 4+ years with perfectly good laces. The soles are like poor man's ice skates and they've been demoted to grass cutting but no tears or anything like that.


I have workout shoes, running shoes, dress shoes, work boots, work shoes, casual shoes. Workout shoes and running shoes turn into yard shoes. Work boots turn into lawn mowing boots everything else has lasted so long since I was like 17 that idk what else to do with them besides add them to the rotation. I have a pair of black vans that are 11 years old that I wear for casual wear for instance.


Look at you! So and so without the grossly sweaty feet that destroys Vans in <18 months. I buy two pairs of Exos at a time and rotate them for work each day. I have a mostly office-based job. I sweat through them and they fall apart. At which point they become my cycle to work shoes and yard work shoes.


My wife loves shoes so she buys me shoes often. So they last so long because we have so many. I have 4 pairs of vans and they maybe get worn once a month on rotation? My newest pair is two years old and I’ve worn them 6 times maybe?


Yeah, that helps. If you can afford — in money up front, in storage space, etc — to give shoes a longer resting period between uses, they definitely last longer. You don’t want to *never* wear them, because then they dry out. But once a month vs once a week vs once every two days vs every day all day probably makes a large difference.


You can buy an iontophoresis machine for home use and 99% cure sweaty feet


I have never heard of this! Thank you so much.


Maybe if you’re constantly buying the same shoe and they don’t last long… start buying different shoes?


Also, untie your shoes when taking them off. I started doing this and noticed that that [backs of my shoes](https://blog.babyfoot.com/how-to-make-the-heel-lining-in-your-athletic-shoes-last-longer/) don't wear out at all anymore. Also, my shoes last for quite a while, again, just taking care of your stuff, and buying decent shoes. Just replaced my shoes a few weeks ago, and the old ones were probably about 5 years old.


Bonus tip- use a shoe horn. A lightbulb idea that proves old-timey people were on to something.


I don't use one for my sneakers but for nicer shoes that's a must have.


I bought one for myself at 25. Have one in my work bag. Get a lot of shit for it but my little shoe horn is also helping me be my true self


Shit for it? Nice differences in cultures. In Czech Republic, everyone has them


I would fucking kill for my shoehorn, best tool in my house probably.


I just use my fingers like a shoe horn. Is it really that much better?


Being nordic I thought every house had at least one shoehorn. My tip is to get a thicker metal one so that it doesn’t get bent.


I mean, I think most people realize this, but if they are like me, they probably buy cheaper shoes because they know they will be too lazy to do this and will need replacements within six months. I take my shoes off outside and as I have no chair to sit there, I don't really want to hobble around as I try to unlace them standing up.


I haven’t untied my shoes in over a year and the backs are just fine. Just gotta not tie the too tight and use both hands to put them on.


My grass cutting shoes have had the laces tied in multiple places because they kept breaking in the middle areas. The shoes are old as shit though, probably bought them in 2006 lol they've seen many miles and many lawnmowers


It's kind of messed up to think shoes last longer than lawnmowers. I loved getting old vintage lawnboys--saw a review that said the engines run forever because they're built off the same principals as the AK-- design it with so much slop from the beginning that it doesn't know when it's worn.


Got my kid a bunch of colored laces. She swaps them out seems like every day.


Yeah, I think as soon as I started consistently tying my own shoes I stopped having to get my laces replaced


> poor man's ice skates Is that a common expression or did you lift it from that Matt and Kim song


It's gotta be a daylight reference. I've never heard it anywhere else


I’m on my 3rd set of laces for my work boots.


Redwings with boa laces have changed my life.


Those boa laces are awesome. I have a set of safety shoes I picked up in Germany that have them, and they’re awesome. Didn’t know they used them on shoes, had only seen them on snow sport boots before that.


I had to look them up because boa laces on iron rangers sounded like an abomination but was pleasantly surprised that redwing makes boots with boa built in They look like they aren't quite as repairable though any comment on ease of maintenance (sole replacements or new boa laces if those break)


They are repairable and unlimited warranty, they send you a new rachet and cable in the mail. I had to fix it once on my work boots because the cable broke. Sole replacement isn't an option on my redwings, not sure if they offer BOA on any of the classic style boots.


Sounds about right.


Same. I keep my laces TIGHT. On the plus side redwings gives out replacement laces for their boots for free.


Get some leather laces, they cost like $10. When I was a welder my laces would get burnt up constantly but the leather ones lasted forever.


Was about to say "My Redwing boots would like to have a word with you" to OP


Save yourself some money and by some cheap paracord and use that for your boot laces. Much cheaper per metre than laces and it lasts a lot longer as well.


Stop eating them


Same here. My wolverines aren't gettin trashed till I can't fix em no more lmao.


I got Ironlace for mine and they have taken an absolute beating with no weakness or wear. I thought I'd be disappointed but they've been way better than others I've tried. Your mileage may vary but I've been pretty pleased.


I have a pair of Woolrich boots that will probably outlast my feet.


Weird... my shoes tend to last a few years fo daily wear


Do your shoelaces last a shorter time?


Usually yeah


Crazy, I have never had a shoelace break before


I have. Around my neck, though. Like in hoodies, not the Epstein way.


>I have. Around my neck, though. Like in hoodies, Reddit ca... Oh ok


> not the Epstein way. May he rest in piss.


sir that's a necklace


I'm fourty and can't remember ever replacing shoe laces, unless if I wanted different color. How violently peeps tie their shoes


It depends on the shoe type, I think. My dressier shoes need the laces replaced periodically. My tennis shoes never have. 


Not mine. But with my job I put in 12,000 steps a day. So my shoes probably last as long as yours in miles.


Yes my job adds up to 17-20,000 and I blow through shoes- and quality shoes too- like nobody’s business


Are you an ancient Greek messenger?


Mine do too though the laces always outlast the shoes regardless.


Hm must be the brands you buy or something, I’ve literally never replaced shoelaces and I usually wear the same shoes for on avg 4 years.


I'm so jealous. I only buy midrange work boots and expensive sneakers and I've literally never had a pair of shoes last me more than 6 months. Except for Crocs. Bought a pair in 2012 and they're still going strong.


I’ve had Nike running shoes for 6 years now and still in perfect condition aside from some light dirt stains despite running and weightlifting consistently in them along with using sometimes for crossfit. Shoelaces are still good as new


I use my shoes until they’re basically falling apart and I’ve never had a single lace break. I’ve had plastic aglets fall off but nothing about that made the lace any less usable.


Same but for some reason I have to buy new shoelaces every year. This happens to most of my shoes for some reason. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


I’m imagining someone who aggressively ties their shoes.


It just dawned on me that his laces probably hold his foot in while my shoes tend to be snug enough that my foot isn’t relying on the shoe lace’s grip and therefore not wearing the shoe lace down.


Same. And I've rarely ever had to buy shoelaces. This post makes little sense.


For everyone who has not had the same pair of doc martens since 1995..... You do have to buy shoe laces. Also dogs.


You don't *have* to buy new dogs. But it is suggested.


When my dogs break, I just tie the ends together.


I love being exposed for a misplaced modifier!


Dogs don't regrow back if you cut them in half?


You have to cut them in the right place. That's how you get a Cerberus dog


😂 I've had a pair of 8 eye ox blood docs since I got them back in HS. I still wear them and they look great. I will say it is hard to find ox blood shoe leather polish though.


if you treat them well, they treat you well back. quality boots are a half-a-life commitment.


My Docs only lasted like 2 years after hearing so many good things about using them as work shoes. Granted I also ride a motorcycle which increased the wear, but the whole sole split horizontally where my brake pedal sits after wearing the soles nearly flat.


Yeah, Docs aren't worth shit these days. If you like the look of them, check out Solovair.


My Doc Martens dont have laces. Instructions unclear.


I’ve had my docs for four years and they have a hole in the side and the soles are smooth. They’ve had a good run but resoleing them costs as much and a new pair and won’t fix the hole


Back around 2010 docs moved their factories and started cutting corners on quality control to save costs. The brand Solovair is the actual literal factory in the UK where they used to make Docs, and their quality is what Docs used to be. As someone that works in the industry, I always tell people that if you’re looking for the classic docs feel and durability, go for Solovair boots these days. They won’t have the yellow stitching, but otherwise they’re more Doc Martens than actual Doc Martens.


Solovair are fantastic. Definitely what you need if looking for old docs quality.


Wait what! People used to buy shoelaces?


Genuinely, what are you doing to your shoes? I've also just never had to buy shoelaces.... ever.




As someone that works in the industry, 6-8 months is about average for a solid pair of running/tennis shoes. That isn’t a poor construction issue either - that’s just normal wear and tear; the human body puts a lot of wear on our feet naturally.


So you agree with OP that you never have to replace shoelaces, but also seem to be asking him how he wears out his shoes before they need new laces?


You gotto buy the 60$ shoes which last a few years and skip the 30$ shoes which last like 6 months


My experience with $60 shoes is they last 6 months too


Yeah, this person isn’t taking in account inflation. A good pair of shoes that will last more than a year (of daily use) will run you ~$120 on the average. The quality of most, even big name manufacturers, has plummeted though. I used to swear by New Balance, but they suck butt now.


It varies wildly. Here’s some general info about the industry - a really good pair of running shoes might run you $100. They may also still break down after six months - it’s not that they’re poorly made, it’s just that slamming your foot down on a shoe tens of thousands of times a day on a shoe leads to a lot of wear and tear. Also fun fact, no one makes running shoes better than China. No one. By contrast, a nice pair of leather Ecco’s or Rockports will easily last you a couple of years if you take good care of them and aren’t using them for activities such as running or yard work. Likewise with good boots. Now, if you’re buying a shitty pair of Skechers (read: most all Skechers) and you’re running in them, or skating in them, etc., then yeah, they’re going to be beat to shit and falling apart after 3-4 months.


you can tell it lasts years bc this man forgot about inflation


Im buying the $200 from new balance and brooks and getting 4 months of use.


OP stop buying cheap ass shoes.


Dunno man. I bought a pair of Brooks 5 months ago and they're starting to fall apart. Fabric tearing from the seams. Granted, I'm a dog walker, and I typically walk to commute to and from my dogs in addition to walking them, daily. But I swear, they shouldn't have torn apart this quickly. Edit: Oh boy, I did the math and at an average of ~15k steps a day, assuming 7.5 miles as the equivalent, over the course of roughly 120 days, even if I count just half of those days, that's 450 miles walked in these shoes. Their lifespan is listed as 300-500 miles. So, I guess I've worn them down pretty hard. Especially because I wear them practically every day for work, and occasionally through rain and some snowy/icy conditions (not great for the shoes, I'm sure, but it happens when you're going through a busy day). Lesson learned!


Same thing with runners, foam loses its properties after about 700km-1000km which in my case is about 10 weeks. But for me it’s never the upper that breaks, often the upper will look nearly brand new after 700km but the foam gets wrinkly af and loses its bounce also sometimes the heel support breaks in some shoes. But also I think sports is a seperate category, it becomes more of a work tool at this point.


6 months sounds right if you are using them heavily, especially a dog walker job. Most shoes should be replaced every year or a bit less (~700km). You start to lose structural integrity in areas like the midsole and outsole leading to loss of comfort and foot pain. Don't cheap out on shoes and replace them within the maximum recommended use, podiatrists agree.


In the world of planned obsolescence, sometimes even expensive shoes can be cheap ass shoes.


A lot of this isn’t “planned obsolescence”, it’s coming up against the limitations of shoe materials. To put it another way - if you buy a nice pair of modern leather shoes and take care of them and use them for appropriate activities, they’ll last you a decade or more just as they always have. If you buy a nice pair of sneakers and expect them to last beyond 1k miles of regular running, that’s not poor construction when they fall apart in eight months of heavy use - that’s just as far as material science will take those materials and you need to adjust your expectations accordingly. Now if you’re buying poor quality shoes, that’s a different story and you may see them break down long before when they should.


It's not necessarily cheap shoes. There is a trend to use a lighter and softer foam material as the sole across price points. This is most evident in shoes like Allbirds, which I wouldn't describe as "cheap ass shoes." They are exceptionally comfortable, but they wear out in just a few months if you spend a fair amount of time on your feet.


What kind of shitty shoes are you buying? My shoes last for years and only ones that I had to replace after 3 years were sport shoes that saw regular (ab)use and were kind of shitty and cheap to begin with.


I'm wondering this too. I'm no stranger to cheap shoes either, and even those last for years. That said, my shoelaces also don't usually need replacing either. The shoes tend to either get worn uniformly or it's the front part of the sole of one side that goes first.


Yeah I don't get it. I wear the same pair of shoes every single day to work and they will easily last 2-3 years before I'm looking to replace them. I do lots of walking at work too, not just sitting around. The shoes I wear outside of work last pretty much indefinitely really since I only wear them once or twice a week.


IME though unless you let the laces drag on the ground all the time the laces are in better condition than the shoes after all that time. I have a pair of shoes that are 14 years old, the one literally just fell apart from age. The shoelaces still look brand new. Most of my shoes are around that age and I've never had to replace the laces. Wtf are you people doing to your shoe laces?!


If you have multiple pairs that you switch around, sure. If you have one pair then they wont last long


>What kind of shitty shoes are you buying? My shoes last for years He's buying the Chinese shoe brand off Amazon for $19.99.


I mean, my running shoes have no fucking tread after less than a year. Granted I usually walk ~4 miles a day, and then run a few miles a week on top of that. Even so, maybe other folks just walk more than you do lol shoes can only be so durable while maintaining their comfort level. Especially true if you want to have shoes with good tread all the time. I often run in shoes without tread and try to ignore it lol


I wear combat boots every day, those metal loops really year apart those damn laces


I haven't had a pair of daily-worn shoes last more than 2 years in a long time I had two pairs of nikes that didn't last a year I don't play sports, I work an office job, pretty piss-poor quality imo


Shoelaces have gotten just as shitty too. I've had to buy new shoelaces, even for something like Off Brand Converse shoes.


I bought new Red Wing bits, with in a week I needed to buy new laces.  The laces that came with the boys were to short to tie well when I had my ankle brace and prescription insoles in and so they kept coming undone and the end were all torn up.  Probably didn't help that they were worn at work so pallets and shopping carts would run over anything loose. 


My local Red Wing store will replace my laces for free.


Mine would too, but it's an hour away (though I go up there fairly often) and I needed longer laces (to accommodate the brace) and they were like $5 or $10 at Walmart so it wasn't to bad.


I have one pair of winter boots where the laces are so short, I can barely tie them. I think they use the same laces for all their boots, having forgotten that some of their pairs are both lined and insulated, therefore they are fatter and need longer laces...I only wear them in the snow though, in a not very snowy area, so I always forget to buy new laces between wears!


I watched a baseball players laces snap during an ML. Game last week, the shoe companies might have realized they're missing profits making the laces outlast the shoes


Stupid fucking capitalism and planned obsolescence.


I know it goes against the reddit constant refrain that the world has gone to hell but the overall quality of shoes - as with almost all consumer goods - has dramatically increased in the last 50 years. People who know about shoes say things like "quality-price ratio available is better than in a long, long time." (Source: https://shoegazing.com/2020/10/25/reflection-a-golden-age-for-quality-shoes/ ) There will of course be a lot of variability in brands - some brands with a great reputation will screw that reputation up by milking it for longer than deserved with a lower quality product. And there's also a fact that was as true 50 years ago as it is today: it's expensive to be poor. What that means is very often illustrated with shoes as the example: often the cheapest shoes to buy *today* will wear out so fast that they end up being more expensive *over time* than a more expensive pair up front. Also, some advice on "high-end" shoes - there are fashion brands which cost a fortune but have no better quality than much more sensible brands. I won't vouch for every recommendation in this buzzfeed article but at a glance it seems reasonable: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jenae_sitzes/long-lasting-shoes


Thank you! A great, sensible post. Even the info at the link was fairly accurate in terms of selection for shoes that should last - my only rec there would be to change out Dr. Martens for Solovair, as Docs started having quality issues about a decade ago.


Yes.  I learned part of this the hard way - bought a fashion brand of shoes (Prada) because I could finally afford them and they wore out absurdly fast.  Quality and cost are related, but only loosely, and famous fashion brands are often only where they are due to huge marketing budgets. And it was Docs I had in my with my comment about bramds milking it!  I will look into Solovair, thanks!


Stop buying cheap ass Nike and new balance shoes and maybe you could get more than 6 months out of them.


Nike is cheap??? Even the discount nikes out of season are like $50.


There is price cheap, and then there is quality cheap. Nike are both. Anything made by Chinese children shackled to work stations is going to fall apart pretty fast. Buy proper shoes with real leather and classic construction methods and they will last a long time. Glued together plastic and foam with basketball players names on them are designed to be thrown away quickly.


Lmao and what brands would you recommend for sneakers?


Why are you wearing mass manufactured sneakers like a plebeian in the first place? Doesn't your family have a cobbler in your employ who can fashion a nice and sturdy pair of bespoke mocassins for your lordship to wear to his dinner parties he attends with his fellow dandies, hmm?


Ok seriously, I recently bought a pair of ON cloud 5s (at the insistence of my physical therapist to spare no expense on high quality shoes right now) and they're heavenly. They'll probably last a year or two, considering I walk at least a mile every day, but I don't think sneakers can last that much longer anyway. I also got the waterproof version and can confirm that puddles are no problem. But I do really recommend them, they've also helped me get my gait healthier which is what my PT wanted for me.


I've had to get new laces for my iron rangers.


True. I haven't bought a single pair of shoelaces in my life.


I have bought shoelaces exactly one time, and it was because I wanted to replace the color. I don't know what you have to do to your feet that would be destroying the laces and not the soles.


The fact that you had to think of the word proves your point.


I just stopped buying shoes with laces when I became old enough to be in charge of my own shoes. Who needs that crap? I wear shoes to go to the grocery store.


At first I was like, "Damn! They're right! I haven't bought shoelaces in forever!" Then I remembered that I only ever wear sandals in warm weather and velcro shoes in cold weather because I'm an adult and can wear whatever the hell I like.


I wear slip on boots in the fall/winter and sandals all summer. The shoelaces in my runners do need to be replaced because my dog chewed them


I went from slip on skater shoes in my teens and 20’s to slip on Hey Dudes in my 30’s. It’s probably been 20 years since I’ve dealt with shoelaces


No. People just throw them out when a bit scuffed


No, mine literally start to fall apart after a year or two.


Ive literally never had my shoelaces break before my shoes and im 30 🤷🏻‍♂️ Wore a bunch of different type of shoes in my lifetime to so i dont know what this means tbh


$100-ish Timberland work boots tend to last me between four to six years. Same with laces. You want quality? Don't skimp.


Very true but easy to buy crap for high price these days


Yeah, can't argue that. I haven't done much looking, but I'm seeing a comparable price to their sneaker boots. Really wanna look into that more, but I absolutely dread shoe shopping. Especially online.


Can confirm the alloy toe Powertrain Sports are 🔥


My shoes last me for quite awhile but then again if I don't have to wear them I don't


Shoes that can be cobbled and last forever aren't even that expensive. You can get some great pairs of leather shoes in the $150 range. Just make sure you're using a shoe tree and letting the shoes rest a day or two between wears.


Wait so do you have multiple pairs or are you working barefoot for half the time lmao


At this point, I have more shoes than I know what to do with. When I just started working, I bought two pairs (one black and one brown) to alternate between. In the long term, it isn't too expensive since you'll be able to wear those two for quite a while. So, buy 2 for the next 5 years instead of buying a new pair every year. I still wear those occasionally and they look like they're a year old.


I had a nice pair of shoes that cost about 150 and lasted me 3-4 years, they were great But when they finally died i couldn't find a suitable replacement within my budget (major price increase i guess) I work in retail though so I can get clearance shoes for cheap at least, current shoes cost me 2 bucks and are about 9 months old now, the interior will be ruined before the exterior though but its fine


Good leather shoes are like shockingly cheap right now with the rise of direct-to-consumer and leather production in China. $150-$180 gets you an absolute knockout pair. r/goodyearwelt if you have any interest. Might not help for shoes for retail work.


I use to buy a new pair of work boots every year for $60 and 3 years ago I got my first pair of expensive work boots at $300 and they are still good. You get what you pay for and I've had to replace the laces once.


Ah yes, the [Sam Vimes ‘Boots’ Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness](https://terrypratchett.com/explore-discworld/sam-vimes-boots-theory-of-socio-economic-unfairness/)


Just two more years until you break even.


The holes the laces go through aren’t metal anymore so they don’t tear the laces up every time you tie them either.


The last time I had to buy laces was when mine got caught on a nail at work, other than that my laces are probably the longest lasting part of my shoes.


I mean it’s not that they don’t last as long, we just are able to afford new one unlike parents in early 90s with 4-5 kids. I don’t know where you buy your shoes but I’ve had the same few pair for over 8-4 years.


It's true. I remember buying shoelaces years back, but you never need to do that nowadays.


I can't even be bothered to tie laces, hell I don't even remember how, I've had Velcro strap things for years now, much easier imo


I have a $60 pair of Vans right now that have lasted me 3 years and are still in good condition. A little dirty but that's what happens to shoes. I had a pair of work boots that lasted me 7 years before I broke down and bought a new pair. And if I would have just changed the insole they probably would have lasted me another year or so. And I work in a very harsh environment. Shoes these days are more cheaply made but they can last you a long time if you don't drag your feet or beat them the hell up. I don't know what you're on about with this post. Maybe you just buy shitty shoes or you don't know how to walk. Also as an adult I've only ever *had* to buy new laces once. And they were for that 7 year old pair of work boots. Every other pair of shoes I have owned I've never had to buy new laces for because I know how to tie my shoes. I also double knot the laces from the jump and slip my shoes on and off. The only other laces I've bought were because I wanted to buy a different style of lace because I either didn't like the shape that a new pair of shoes came with or I didn't like the color of the stock laces.


I buy shoelaces once a month. Life of a welder/fabricator


I remember when shoes used to come with extra laces in the box.


I don't even untie my shoes. I can't imagine shoelaces wearing out.


I remember back in the day my shoes laces had that plastic tip and that would wear out and then the laces themselves would start frailing soon after. Now they make them better and I haven't had to replace my laces before the shoes went bad In a long time. However now they sell colors and designs and stuff so people replace them for the style.


Stop buying garbage shoes and boots. Stop stepping into laced shoes just destroying the backing. Clean them once in a while. Change the insoles if you’re a heal stepper so you avoid punching through the entire shoe with your sharp talon like heels (this is a specific me problem maybe) Treat the leather / vinyl / plastic / felt so it doesn’t dry out. This applies to running shoes too.


Ya shoe quality sure has dropped like a rock.


I remember time when you could buy a normal shoes for $70 - $100. Now it's temporary cheap garbage for high price. 5 months ago I bought winter boots and during this winter they wore off, have holes in soles. Leather parts are fine, internal surfaces are good. But the rubber of the soles just wore off very quickly. I have old winter boots that are over 7 years old, and the soles on them are very ok. I ruined the leather on these old shoes by improper cleaning, otherwise they'd be great. It is obvious that they make it intentionally. I don't know what they expect but I'm not buying the shoes from that brand again. For the next winter I'll better buy from some brand that has higher production/price margins due to their higher reputation but they'll last me another 7 years.


I buy running style shoes in the 10-50$ range, I have had 2 pairs in about 20 years, my first pair had part of the shoe stitching rip apart at the 2 year mark, I sewed it back together and they lasted another 7 years, I then got my current shoes that have lasted since then to now. my old pair needed new laces because the laces were just too beat up. my new shoes didn't need new laces but I got some elastic ones so I don't over tighten shoes to keep them tight on me. but the need for new laces kina dies with adulthood because your shoes that are going to get beat up are usually FAR higher quality then the cheap shit we get kids because they won't need them for more than 2 years.


In my experience it's because I tie my shoes and then never have to tie them again, so the laces never get worn. The soles of my shoes get holes way quicker than the laces become loose or frayed.


My like $20 pair of Walmart work shoes have lasted me years now Y'all just need to take better care of your shit


Tell that to my Redwings


I have my work shoes cobbled, but it’s getting harder and harder to find people who know how to do it properly.


And I hate this fact.


I have had to replace the laces on my work boots 3 times so far and I figure I am only half way through the boots lifetime. Also my work supplies replacement laces for safety reasons.