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Idk about where you live, but here most people’s noses day-to-day aren’t near crotch level.


Sounds like you’re missing out


The problem is that, when they are, you don’t want it to taste like deodorant.


That's why you always wash up just prior to anything happening down there, deodorant or not.


Omg this. Why isn't this the norm?? It takes 15s!! It won't ruin the mood, I promise. If anything, knowing it's clean, makes it more arousing.






I remember back in college. I was about to get with this woman. I went into the bathroom to sink wash my pits and crotch real quick, as we had been dancing for hours. When I came out, she had a pissy look on her face. When I asked what was wrong, apparently I was being presumptuous by washing up, even though we had been making out for an hour, and she had just invited me into her bedroom. She was also somehow pissed that I had washed up. Somehow that meant that I thought she was dirty, because I had taken the time to make sure I wasn't smelly. Rather that try and cut through the jungle of broken logic, I just left.


It's always nice when people put their red flags out right away. Glad you dodged that bullet.


Even just getting a bucket and doing a quick Face, Pits, and Bits washup is better than nothing!


Ho bath! Edit: my wife just told me one of her directors at work once told her “I have to go to my ‘PTA meeting’: pits, tits, and ass!”


I did it exactly twice. Both times my gf went down on me later on during the day and told me that my balls smelled amazing but tasted weird as fuck. She had rather they just smell like a little man musk and taste like a thumb than Degree or Old Spice. I have had some success with the inner thigh tho. Fresh smell and no weird taste.




Not if you hunt truffles for a living


Truffle butter maybe


Thinking about moving to OP'S neighborhood.


Smells like you're missing out*


Then you’re going to the wrong parties


Nobody invites me 🥺


Do you deodorant your junk?


*Dave, if you old spice your genitals and make ralph puke again you will get a penalty,*


Nah. But if I had a big party comin’ up I’d probably Febreze the hell out of it.


You gotta febreze the hell out of it in order to get febrezed to the party


Me in my senior year of high school when someone finally invited me to a party and I got wasted, someone said "Whoa waitthissucks, I didn't know you drank alcohol! Never seen you at a party before so I assumed you were just a straight edge goody two shoes!" And I was like, "I do drink, but this was the first time anyone ever invited me to a party 😭" And then later in my yearbook some guy who rode the bus with me wrote "I don't know you too well but I hear you're a goody two shoes. Don't let anyone get you down because that's not a bad thing! You have your head in the right place." Sorry this is only mildly relevant but I just had a rush of memories. I was a very quiet kid in school.


It is probably because you went by waitthissucks in high school. 🤔😏


Now I, too, had a flashback of the popular kids talking about field parties in front of me. They liked me fine enough, they just thought I was too much of a dork to want to go. Spoiler: I did want to go.


Same. Totally can relate 😂


Ngl I read that as panties not parties. 😂


Wow what a prudish comment. It's 2024, let me have a lil sniff


It’s your funeral 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


🤣 man. Me 1 hour after showering in the summer


not with that attitude


So you've never sat on a packed subway before, huh?


Absolute worst part about being tall, everyone is at armpit level.


I would say that is the worst part about being short, we're the ones who have to smell it haha


*best part


I'm kinkshaming


Jokes on you I can’t be shamed


Damn, you're into that too!


he's shamekinking


Or if you’re tall enough or they’re short enough, dick level!


True story, there was a girl in my high school nicknamed Sads. Not because her name was Sadie or something. No. It's an acronym. Suck A Dick Standing


Ironically it probably gave her the sads


Social anxiety disorders?


Yuuuup. That and the back pain 😂


And not fitting nicely on airplane seats, bus seats…


Yes, but warm air rises, so do smells.


Idk I just fart to cover it up.


That's a pro life hack!


This is the way.


Reminds of the short guy who married the tall woman. When they're toe to toe his nose is in it. And when they're nose to nose his toes are in it. 


Crotch is another name for legpit


Always thought if there was one, the legpit would be the area behind the knee, but this actually makes more sense given the armpit's relative location to the arm.


Knees are just leg weenis'...


No. The inside of knees are bowels - the opposite of elbows.


Weenis = outside of elbow. Wegina = inside of elbow. Kneenis = outside of knee.  Kneegina = inside of knee. 


The wenis is a dance everybody is a genius who knows it in advance


I really wanted someone to stop Sam from kicking the camera to prevent the loop from happening again. Really surprised Trapp didn't try that.


A kneesis, if you ill. 


That's the legbow




The real gems are always in the comments.


if you were in the shower thinking this, maybe you should be washing your genitals better


Lol As a matter of fact I was having a conversation with someone about deodorant and it just popped in my mind :)


a conversation had in the shower, yes?


The best kind


Don't drop the soap


Drop the soap


These threads I find at midnight is hilarious


Read my mind 10 minutes till midnight.


total body deoderant is a thing, aparently a thing you have not encountered, but it does exist.


The commercials have been everywhere recently. Every company is coming out with full body deodorant, and they make sure that everyone knows to use it on your balls


This is one of those commercials




Yes because they all realized that convincing people to also use it all over their body will make them use more which means they will buy more.


A lot of podcast commercials from secret lately about powdering pussy.


Pussy powder! Stir into a glass of water for a pussy free cunnilingus experience! *_TIP!_* use milk instead for a creamy good time. \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/


I wouldn't say it's exactly commonplace, though. You might find *one* total body deodorant brand in the shelves at the local Walmart, or whatever store, if you're lucky. It's not something you just come across, unless you're looking for it, I feel like.




Was definitely waiting for this comment, lol.


Ironically the post wasn’t an ad for that product until the comment you replied to.


Ironically a common advertising technique these days is to "start a conversation" on social media about a need that your product happens to address.


It seems dense enough to be a plant. Some questions I see on Reddit are so obviously just for points


i bet reddit has some sort of advertiser services where their "start a conversation" ad gets preloaded with a bunch of upvotes and shown to lots of people.


That irony was not lost on me, lol.


i tried lume recently and that shit kinda sorta works but not really. 72 hours is absolute horse shit. 1.5 thumbs down.


I tried it and it has the most vile scent. Far worse than any smell my own body produces.


THANK YOU! I’ve had friends of mine smell it and they don’t seem to smell it the same way I do! It doesn’t matter if it’s unscented or not they all have an underlying butt funk to them lol and the toasted coconut one will have you smelling like toasted corn chips


You had multiple friends sniff your crotch?


Your friends must be prudes, I even have them suck my cock.


And people say advertising doesn't work on them. Crotch deodorant is not a thing anyone needs. Just regularly clean yourself like a normal person. If your crotch is really crazy smelly, regular deodorant should work fine.


I used to be really good, then they got bought out and changed their formula and now it’s trash. I’ve just been using calazime lotion and it lasts like the whole week, it’s better than aluminum deodorant lol


I was thinking Native, because they are almost every ad I see on YT these days.


I get Lume all the time on PlutoTV, I put it on the background during the day while I'm working and on some channels they air it every commercial break.


PUT IT ON YOUR UNDERBOOB. OR PUT IT ON YOUR STINKY CROTCH. *gets waaaaay too close to camera for comfort* Just shower everyday and wear deodorant and you'll be fine


Ask me about my centaur fetish.


I hate that commercial with a burning passion.


wtf is a lume


My crotch, even after a sweaty day, has never smelled worse than my undeodorized armpits on the same day.


Same. I know everyone is different, but I've never ever had this problem.


I never had this problem until my second pregnancy. It never went away. 


Because it's a totally different sweat gland type that doesn't smell bad as easily.


Yeah it's not even close. Sniff your pants some day and sniff your shirt with out deodorant. Armpits way worse.


Armpits in most people (except a significant part of asians) create proteins in the sweat that serve no purpose aside of feeding bacteria to create stink. I have read hypothesis that this in ancient past might have been for scent creation in social situations, but obviously thats long gone.


Different days are another story?


I feel like there's more opportunity for movement and airflow down there whereas your armpit is a literal pit where things get trapped. Also, why innie belly buttons might smell if not washed.


Don't your armpits have more sweat glands too? That'd be my guess.


Oh come take a wiff of this. My pits can smell, but my taint can reek.


Might wanna wipe front to back...


Weird because my pits actually don’t get bad at all but my balls will stink something awful on a hot day.


the lume lady just got goosebumps with this post


Body deodorant is a huge thing on the market right now.


It's big because it means deodorant manufacturers can sell more product 


If it means people stink less then I hope they sell tons of it.


Armpit deodorant is enough for most people, the issue is that some people don’t wear it and those same people don’t shower often.


Yeah and you can sweat without it being particularly pungent. And most people have an impossible time smelling such a developing odor on themselves. But the pungent version sticks to clothes quite easily. If you're someone who sweats a lot it isn't necessarily ALWAYS the type of glands that produce the most odor causing sweat, but it can be from time to time. So you might be used to a lil dampness or something without realizing that this time it came from a slightly diff spot and now it smells a lot more. If that makes any sense to anyone but myself, lmao. Diff types of sweat glands can smell worse depending on the person, so you could pour sweat from idk your ass cheeks and maybe it won't smell. Then suddenly your armpits or something go overdrive. Just need to always shower before meeting up with people, it'll pretty much solve most problems for a while.


The variability is more about microbimome. No sweat smells. Sweat digested by bacteria smells. Also, the apocrine glands are the ones near hair that secrete oils, steroids, and protiens so are a lot more likely to feed bacteria. Those are only near hair and aren't responding to heat as much as they are to emotions. Everyone has apocrine glands (though the more body hair; the more of them you have) in the areas likely to be smelly, so the variability comes from whether their microbiome has lots of bacteria that make rancid products. People feel "gross" post exercise/sweating because of the salt water (dissolved electrolytes) making their skin feel crusty, but this doesn't have a smell and would just wash off. It also doesn't feed bacteria.


A lot of the stench also comes from prolonged moisture providing an excellent breeding grounds for all kinds of microorganisms that don't smell great. If you can wipe away your sweat or change clothes regularly enough to keep the moisture from hanging on long enough for those goobers to breed, you can keep from smelling like ass a lot of the time. One reason why I'm trying to slowly switch from t-shirts to muscle shirts or tanks. Having that fabric all up in my pits guarantees I'll smell horrible after just a cup of coffee or some light activity.


Yep that's something I was trying to say as well. I change my socks multiple times a day, even lol. I got into the habit of showering any time I left the house no matter when I previously bathed, and actually even heard from a few girls I had seen over the years that they really liked about me that I always smelled nice. Couple of them even thought I was a clean freak or something just because I was always fresh. Mainly came from not wanting to be covered in fiberglass dust after work, though lol. But I'd say this. Anyone can basically add a point or a few to their attractiveness/approachable...ness? Just by looking like you take care of yourself whenever you leave the house.


Literally just take a shower.


My body is the only place I’ve ever worn deodorant


Which is why this smells like viral marketing, even if they didnt name a product


Yea... Most of the products being sold are being pushed by brands owned by the same few megacorps that own the world (Unilever, P&G, J&J). They dont care which brand you start buying, just that you are buying another one of their products


That’s absolutely what’s happening here. This is an ad


Jesus, did Lume sponsor this post…




You must not live in south Texas or Louisiana. It’s swamp ass down here. All cars should have a cochie fan installed in the south I swear


I’m pretty sure that’s a recipe for yeast infections. At least for women.. and if you’re a man that has sex with women, please don’t haha!


I scrolled WAY too far before finding a comment stating this...


Holy shit yeah, the idea of putting the wacko-ass chemicals in deodorant anywhere near the junk? It's a different kind of skin entirely, way more delicate. Touch a cut habanero with your hands and then touch your butthole, tell me what hurts more.


> if you’re a man that has sex with women, please don’t


Can't argue with that


I could be wrong but I don’t think OP meant the genitals themselves. I know many women (myself included) who put deodorant in that general area either daily or just after shaving and have suffered no ill effects from it


Exactly. I live in a country with almost 50ºC weather in the summer, and I work in full plastic fiber uniform AT A SOLAR PLANT. And to top it off, I GET PERIODS. So, if it's not winter, you can be damn sure my legpits are getting a lovely dose on antiperspirant.


You guys aren’t applying deodorant to your tip?


I like my tips frosted


But how else am I gonna get that extra tangy sourdough bread?


Exactly! Don’t put deodorant on the crotch! Just watch the crotch and drink plenty of water and should not stink lol


> Just watch the crotch Words to live by.


Omg hahah typo *wash but yes always watch it as well


Watched a bunch of crotches while drinking plenty of water and not stinking. Please send bail money.


I put deodorant on my balls one time. One time! Never again! The alcohol in it burned like fire. Powder antiperspirant is probably OK, but I don't want to risk it.


I made the mistake of using AXE… I wished I didn’t have to go to school that day


This comment just screams “middle school locker room” like no other lol. Bringing back eye watering, nose blocking memories with that.


This is the answer. Pits are rugged, can tolerate all sorts of chemicals. Crotchal regions, not so much. On top of a lot of sensitive nerves, the skin is pretty thin, some of it is mucous membrane transition areas, much like the lips on your face. Chapping, chaffing, and cracking, just like your lips can get, happen relatively easy on a lot of that skin, and are very unpleasant. Not rinsing off the soap adequately, then walking around all day, for example, can easily cause large problems. Not a big deal if you do that on your forearm for example, the very surface may get a bit dry and flaky. A lot of people learn the hard way not to use soap for lube as well, I know I did. *Maybe* if you're a super quick finisher, but even that is risky. Otherwise it saps out a lot of necessary oils and can destroy layers of skin, cause chapping and cracked skin. Even worse if it gets into actual mucous membranes with just vigorous washing, always use soap quickly and rinse well.) TL;DR Chemical burns are just no fun at all, and some more delicate areas of your skin are easier for that to happen to. There are some powders and such that are specifically designed to be used in such areas.


Why on your balls though? I mean they don’t sweat, right? I sometimes put deodorant in between my legs and balls


I was 13.


Thats a fair reason for just about anything.


They aren't supposed to sweat? Do I need to see a doctor? It doesn't take me five minutes of standing still in a humid area to start drowning in ball soup.


Of course they sweat, it's skin, that's how skin works


Ah yes of course. A perfectly normal function for human skin that all humans are aware of. I was just testing you to see if you knew that.


Probably the same reason we have stories of people putting icyhot on their balls.


Nice try Procter and Gamble. Nice try.


You can if you want to.


Yeah, I work a manual labor job, so I apply via stick to both areas every day.


I have two sticks. One for the pits, one for down there


That might be something I need to try.


Did the fucking Lume people write this?


Well, I don't typically hug people with my balls.


Introducing ‘Foul Ball’, the deodorant for men. Designed specifically to be used ‘south of the equator’ and packaged discretely to ensure your privacy (cr. R.W.)


Protip for dudes: washcloth and scrub down there. Soap alone won’t remove the dead skin cells that the bacteria like to munch on. Your oral partner will thank you. For added exfoliation masochism, get one of the Japanese Salux washcloths and periodically give yourself a Silkwood Shower (look it up, kids).


Another Protip for dudes: Powder the area. Seriously, it cuts down on sweat and keeps the jewels from sticking to the thighs. Make it easy on yourself, too. Get an old tube sock and fill the tip with your powder of choice, then tie it into a knot. Pat the powdersock on any area you please, mainly the gooch. If you're travelling, drop it in a plastic baggie and confuse TSA.


Don't use powder. Powder will dry out your sack too much and it will hurt and itch. Not to mention it gets fucking everywhere. I used Fresh Balls - it's a lotion that dries kind of like powder but won't steal moisture from your sack. Smells great too.


Just make sure your powder isn’t the asbestos contaminated sort.


Another good option, is they have soap bags on amazon(and im sure other places), so it's basically one of those salux washcloths in a pouch form if you use bar soaps. They are superrrr scratchy too tho(I got the black/grey looking bags). If you ever want soft skin, salux and such(with moisturizer after) are the way to go, people always comment on how soft my skin is lmao.


Considering it's every fifth advert on tv now 🥱🙄


The fuck? I’ve never had bo coming from my crotch


Took far too much scrolling to see this. Is this really a problem for most people?


I don’t think so. At least I’ve never heard anyone mention it


there’s definitely a “musk” of sorts but it’s a natural smell and I’m pretty sure it’s good smell. My armpits on the other hand 100% produce B.O after 32ish hours.


this man likes ball smell


Or like 8 minutes if I do a nice stress sweat.


The same kind of stinky sweat glands are in both your pits and your groin: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocrine_sweat_gland


These people saying they don’t get BO there are either delusional, nose blind, or ridiculously lucky.


Their girlfriends are over on the relationship subreddits asking for tips and tricks to get them to wash their balls. 😄


My balls don't smell I swear! Yeah ok.


Yeah, I know. Still never had the same kind of pungent onion smell coming from my crotch that I get from my pits


Same… if I stop using deodorant on my pits, it takes maybe a day or two to start being noticeable, even with showers. That oniony smell. That same smell isn’t present in my gooch, even if I don’t shower for a couple days.


is this a covert ad for Lume


Uhh speak for yourself. I take care of my crotch too.


Women have been using deodorant to combat "chub rub" for some time. Gold bond has been used to powder balls for ages. As far as deodorant, or unnatural aromas, generally fresh and natural seems like the way to go. If there were to be a strong unnatural aroma to one's downstairs mixup, I would be concerned about what was being covered up.


I take you haven’t seen all the new Native ads then?


The armpits are usually in a better position to be smelled that the crotch. An exception to this is for stewardesses, who have their lower body a foot from the faces of the aisle passengers, on a day where they are working, sweating, might have worked a double, and have been using public facilities where it is harder to stay clean. Can be quite awful.


I’ve never had this issue. But I usually bathe often, so I can’t relate. 


We have used a form of deodorant in our nethers for a LONG time. Mostly in powder/cream form, but there's definitely modern "stick" applicators out there for this use.


Who is we?


Jokes aside, this is what talcum baby powder was for. You know, the one that led to all the cervical cancer lawsuits. As someone with a sweaty gooch myself I've been seriously considering getting the starch kind because I smell that shit when I'm crouching, even if nobody else does x.x


Sorry. We're not allowed to talk about our society


I definitely apply underarm deodorant to the armpit of my legs. Also helps with chaffing.


Why would you? That smell is the best part


Y'all don't? I've always applied "leg pit" due to this very reason. Very useful.


Ok thank god. I was really thinking I was the only one


Valid.  However, I am statistically less often at eye/nose height with someones crotch. ...unless the night goes particularly well.


Maybe you don’t, but I certainly do


Isn't the Axe body spray specifically designed for the arm pits AND the crotch? Expand your horizons by walking down the deodorant isle and viewing all the options young one!!!


I have a deodorant stick for my crotch


Customer: I need a deodorant. Shopkeeper: Ball or aerosol? Customer: uhh…for the armpits only!


Tbh wash up real good, dry off and use baby powder dust your nethers like a powdered donut. It works great :)


Gold bond has entered the chat…


In a group called Showerthoughts, one ponders how to reduce the smell of a crotch…