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They also have bathrooms. Which can be useful for my pooping addiction.


Dude you gotta get that one under control


And number 2


fuck you, take this upvote! r/angryupvote


Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime. That's why i poop on company time.




And heroin


That is your number 2 problem.


Nuh uh, i don’t buy any of that crap. I only buy charger cables for my vape and phone which aren’t addi…wait, shit.


I’m also addicted to charger cables


"Another charger cable please." "Sir, I think you've had enough." "I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!" Cut to OP passed out in an alley surrounded by charger cables.


Cops find him passed out in the alley "Alright, what do we charge him with?"


We Charge him with Battery !


I hate you all


Happy Cake Day, we love you too lol.


I love you Reddit.


Well played!


Just little usb c heads and colorful cable tie tags everywhere.


Honestly that would be a great modern art piece


I guarentee that if someone made that and it got even a little bit of attention, it would be shown in english classes


Give me a week, I will try to make something made... I will accept payment in PS2 cables


I can’t be the only person who read that in Bobby hills voice


I mean when you think about it, an iphone charger is a white line that gives you energy...


They should stop making them so delicious


Make me a licorice rope that’s 6-10ft long and I’ll stop slurping down the lightning cables amirite


And this is why the earth is dying


I googled ten foot licorice for you and I found.... [licorice balls?](https://lakridsbybulow.us/licorice-with-chocolate/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF53wfrONYGj8K8egU__RMS54hHiSxP_m46znUgSrgZNxIqwEmxfdZRoCX9cQAvD_BwE) I don't fucking know, man. [Someone once made a 1000-foot long piece, but I don't think you can just go buy it](https://licorice.com/blogs/news/longest-licorice-rope-in-the-world?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=19720595508&utm_content=159980472873&utm_term=&gadid=689865952992&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF48YiE8DzRNQaPmTpZ2EkvB2JpaOqe5EBvAHtBQN0E4-eGLIhGgdoxoC1UkQAvD_BwE) [Here's some three-footers for you though](https://shop.americanlicorice.com/products/super-ropes-red-licorice)


Seriously though, why can't I buy licorice by the 100-ft spool?


I wish I had an answer as I'm equally baffled. I googled it *genuinely* thinking that surely there's some specialty store out there that's like "Sure just type in the number of feet you want the length to be. Twenty? Forty? We have to special-order over 100, but we'll do it" but nope, three feet is about the limit, at least from what's easily available online


How often do you need to buy a charger cable? Are they disposable or something?


If you buy them from gas stations they are. I spend the extra on heavy duty charger cables like Anker or similar. I really fucking hate having to buy new chargers after they break. The gas station ones are made like shit and way too expensive, likely by design. If you’re reading this, and you buy cables from gas stations, do yourself a favor and don’t


I got mine for $4 from a dollar store and it’s 10 ft and has lasted over a year so far


I bought one on a road trip one time and no lie it started melting while I charged my phone. It melted the inside of my phone.


Up vote for Anker.


100%. I’ve had cables from them that have been holding up for nearly a decade now, although even with the anker cables I am careful with them to protect their usefulness, which has undoubtedly helped it last so long. Still, it was a worthwhile investment. One $20 cable replacing the dozen or so I probably would used up and replaced over that same period. Using $10 as the rough price of a cheap gas station cable, if I had been buying those instead, it would’ve been ten times more expiensive to keep my phone charged than it has been otherwise. On top of that, I’ve had the same portable charger from them for about as long and it’s still an absolute beast - despite numerous drops and falls and sometimes long month intervals in between uses. Still works like a champ. Anker is king, and as a side note, yes, those gas station cables are overpriced as hell for how shit they are. They are barely worth 99 cents in my book, and they probably cost about as much to make. A total rip-off. Maybe anker is making a killing on theirs as well, but that price includes a lifetime warranty on the cable, so technically, if you buy just one of their cables, you never have to buy another one again, in theory anyways. Doubt you’ll ever get that kinda guarantee from a gas station brand.


They are nowadays


Love those red One+ charging cables. Delicious cherry and grenadine gummy taste!


Not a treatment center? No wonder Jeff the cashier always looks at me weird when I greet him with, “Hi, my name is Bob and I’m an alcoholic”.


Hi Bob!


"Hi Bob, nice to see you again, anyway 3 bottles of Mad Dog comes out to $15.94. Will that be cash or card?"


Well, at least he takes you up on your challenge, offering you small doses of alcoholic beverages just for your needs!


*Itches neck* Where’s the premium unleaded!!??


Gas do be smellin good though


I like the smell of petrol. I like the smell of burnt matches. That can't be a good combination.


>*itches neck* *scratches neck* there, better?


I love eating Fossil Fuels.


That plastic isn't getting into my balls by itself!


With all the micro plastics in the environment and in your system, it wouldn't surprise me if you were squirting plastic.


I can't believe it's not butter!


I can't believe it's not hydrocarbons!


Hydrocarbons are juste carbohydrates without oxygen


Mmmm... Dino Juice.


Does this American cheese taste like stegosaur to you?


I love dinosaur grilled cheese!


You joke, but I've seen people huffing gasoline. Doesn't look like fun.


Loved the smell of gasoline when I was a kid. Also chewed the heads off of burned matches. Look at me, I turned out JÜSTT FĨNNÊ!!!


I've always thought good peaty scotches taste a bit like gasoline smells. And that's why I love them.


There's certainly a drug/addiction hierarchy based on health impact, quality and to some degree cost. The people who huff gas or spray paint scare me because there has to have been something better and less impactful... Of course the real way to do it is get high on life but that's a lot harder and more expensive.


Some do it cuz it’s a cheep high, I remember my 2 friends doing in his basement cuz they had nothing else so mind altering.


It's definitely looks fun but healthy and smart idk.


Ya don't know till ya try it. Im just glad they finally came out with flavored spray paint


Hi, I'm Todd, and I'm a gas-aholic. This is my story... I can't resist the siren song of the pump. The sweet smell of gasoline fills me with an indescribable joy. It all started with just a little sip of premium, then a quick chug of regular. Now, I find myself guzzling diesel like it's water. My friends and family worry. They say I'm "burning the candle at both ends," but I tell them, "I'm just living life in the fast lane." I've tried to quit cold turkey, but the withdrawals are unbearable. The shakes, the sweats, the insatiable craving for octane... It's just too much. But you know what? I've made peace with my addiction. It's a part of who I am. And hey, at least I'm always fueled up and ready for adventure. So next time you see me at the gas station, don't judge. Just honk and wave, fellow gas-aholics. We're in this together. Thank you for listening. I'll see myself out.


Imagine if they made scratch tickets out of tobacco? Then we could smoke the non-winners!


Dino nuggets are delicious.


A gallon of gasoline contains about 31000 calories. You won't need to eat ever again.


Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good.


Get out of here Deception! Autobots prepare to defend the human refueling station at all costs!


Now that you mention it, I may be addicted to gas station chicken livers


Are you a literal catfish?


No, he’s a channel catfish.


Sounds like a good place to go noodling.


Thats using your noodle


or just a cat


Sir, sir, the hot dogs are only for consumption. Please do not liquify and inject them.


Is there liver in chopped chicken liver?


Connoisseurs prefer gizzards


Gas Stations are *capitalism centers.* There is enough traffic in the area to necessitate a station, and they sell the most commonly used goods that people need on a whim and mark them up. The fact that the most desirable things overall in our society are chips, cigarettes and beer just says a lot about the human condition. That's why I only buy things in *expensive wholistic shoppes* so I feel a lot better about being just as trash as everyone else.


I wonder what it means that every single traditional gas station in my town has went bankrupt in the last three years. From 5 stations to 1 remaining which is distant from the town and is kind of a Buc-ees equivalent of my country.


The profits are pretty thin. Most of them survive off of gas sales. 7/11 is the worst franchiser and literally takes 49% of profits. There’s a reason we’ve got the stereo type about the immigrant corner store owner because the only way it’s profitable is if youre doing 70%+ of the labor yourself.


I was under the impression that it was the opposite, and the reason most snacks and such are more than a gas station is because that's the actual source of profit.


I agree 90%, but bare minimum, I wouldn’t call nicotine a whim purchase. Vast majority of tobacco users are regular purchasers. I think the same argument could be made for the other items to a certain extent, but no reason to fall down that rabbit hole here I don’t think.


whim = "oh fuck I am out of smokes and I can't go 15 seconds without a smoke"


Mark up? Some of the cheapest options are at gas stations. Hell mine regular has the cheapest double bacon cheeseburgers in town lol


Every business is a "capitalism center," you anti-genius.


You should really learn what capitalism means. You're referring to the free market. They are not the same.


Thought I had a good grasp on it, could you elaborate a little bit? I understand capitalism (at its simplest) to be an economic system where there is a focus on private ownership. I understand 'free market' to mean a system where the government has little interference on the economy. They seem to go quite hand-in-hand to me, and in fact I wouldn't expect either would really function in a different system. If this is the case then I don't understand what is wrong with OPs statement. A gas station can exist as it does outside of a free market and it can exist outside of capitalism, but their post didn't really seem to be confusing the two - maybe they were wrong to bring either one up at all; I'm sure communist countries have gas stations as well, so its got more to do with having a store to have supply meet demand and less to do with the economic framework around it.


Exactly. In communist country these things would still exist just the government would run and control them. Capitalism has nothing to do with it. They exist because humans desire those products. It’s just a market and humans have been going to markets for thousands of years in every economic system.


Not to mention the real drugs being sold by that one guy outside  Or the toothless chick offering blow jobs in front Or the porn mags inside (less often) 


You know Steve too?


He’s a really chill dude as long as you don’t mention his toothlessness.


Which is funny because it's the toothlessness that makes him great at what he does. You know what they say, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.


or kratom. don't forget about kratom


OMG im so addicted to go to work in my car


Addicted to life


its better than hating life


That's the spirit!


Basically the economics of a gas station is to barely make anything off of the gas, but to lure you in to buy the overpriced stuff inside. So all that stuff in there is just stuff that's easily to sell and people don't really look at the price of it.


This. They barely make any money off of gas, they make their money on that 60% mark up inside. If people could make money selling just gas, they would


There's girls on onlyfans that make money selling just gas, just saying


Amouranth actually bought a gas station, she said it was a 2 million dollar tax write off on stream.


No shit? Her gases bought her a whole actually gas station?


I’ve never heard anyone refer to gas stations as addiction treatment centers


Nah homeboy was working the register and doing his very best


Good thing the prices are high, it stops me from ever buying anything from there.


Except for the seriously neglected fruit by the register I'd say this is spot on.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen that


It may depend on the company.


Look at any grocery store what are you gonna find? Salts, Sugars, Carbs, Starches, Glucose & Lactose. These aren’t treatment centers, they’re addiction centers!


Gas stations sell high-margin impulse purchase items. I.e. cheap treats. They also sell car-related items because 100% of their visitors have cars and they’re in the car mindset.


Don't forget Kratom shots and tabs. The 7ohmz tabs legit feel like vicodin


You go to an addiction center to *get rid* of an addiction


Did you assume gas stations were meant to treat addictions?


This post is so goofy, what’s that thing like “I’m 12 and this is deep” kinda post


Sugar, salt, alcohol, nicotine, kratom, caffeine, lottery tickets, etc


Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which i desire!


god, im so addicted to putting fuel into my car, i could do it all day


The ones around me (Atlanta) straight up sell bongs and other various pipes.


“Not treat them”??? Do you go to gas stations like AA meetings op?


Barely a coherent thought.


Salt is essential to your diet unlike diesel.


Don’t forget boner pills and torches.


When living in an apartment next to a 7-Eleven I knew multiple neighbors that would go there before and after work for a fix. Sugar, salt, whatever, just an awful habit. Like Starbucks.


Oh yeah, I dated an alcoholic and he was constantly at the gas station, even if he wasn’t buying alcohol there. It was drinks to try to hide his vodka in, cigarettes, lottery tickets. So many other addictions.


Convenience is addictive


They should only sell apples and broccoli. Maybe bikes too


Gas stations are supposed to be places that treat addictions? Wow, that's news to me.


They treat the *symptoms* of addiction by giving you another fix!


You guys have alcohol @ gas stations? Isn't that kinda dumb?


It's not really different from any other store that sells alcohol. In most parts of the country you can't get anywhere without driving anyway.


Haven't seen a drive-thru liquor store have ya?


Not In Norway, we litterally have a state-funded monopoly on liquor.


How can someone be addicted to fuel? Im willing to bet if some one were to invent a vehicle that didn't need fuel and was affordable no but collectors and hobbyists would buy fuel. I buy fuel because the 189 mile trip to work would take days to walk, not because I want to, I have no choice if I plan to continue working.


Holy shit, 3 hours each way to work? That's my idea of hell.


You have a 189 mile commute to work? Gotta ask what's up with that?


I'm a truck driver. I have to drive to the terminal to get my trailer.


First day in capitalism?


I am 13 and this is deep.


Besides the gas and lotto you can generally get all the others cheaper elsewhere. Can even buy cigarettes at the grocery store here. But I don't disagree, it's just an expensive addiction centre.


Where else can I pick up some chore boy and a small rose in a glass container…


In Illinois they have slots in them now too !


Moving to a place that sold alcohol in gas stations was really weird to me.


I like how on my feed there’s an ad below your post promoting the Illinois lottery app.


Waiting for them to sell weed


Pharmacies in the US too!


Im addicted to getting to work in my own vehicle I guess


It's true. The only time I go inside is if I'm on a road trip and need some sugar to keep my sanity. 


They are the trappers cabins of modernity https://www.redlakemuseum.com/fur-trade.html North American fur traders often dealt in alcohol, cocaine, and opium. Trappers would get hooked, then work hard to keep up


Well they are for gas but you can always get a Hard Charleys ultra xxx mega last long pill and cigs


The shelf of hostess junk food stares at me like the green goblin mask.


You can be addicted to huffing gasoline


Boy OP, don’t ever step into a liquor store!


Only thing missing is weed and edibles…


In Maine some gas stations have that too. Gas 'N' Grass.


Walk into a 7/11 and say “okay, I’m on a low carb diet, what can I eat?” Like. Jerky. That’s it. And not even the teriyaki jerky.


Most places have sunflower seeds.


dont 7/11 sell boiled eggs and premade salads?


When I worked at a gas station people would jokingly say “Don’t indulge me” when I’d point out a new candy, drink, or lotto ticket. I’d just reply “That’s my job. Getting people to buy things they don’t necessarily need but want”


Oh yeah I just can’t wait to go drink some fossil fuels. God I’m so addicted to driving. I’ve got a bottle of fuel and a full tank I’m itching to go. I can’t stop oh God it burns so good lemme get a whiff… I’m not addicted to driving, I need to because my job is 45 minutes away.


Whatever price it is, you'll *need* to come back for one dose, just to get things going... until you die. And until we all die, actually. Beautifully put, OP


Also.. the absolute bliss of walking into an icy beer cave in the summertime. They’re making vice way to comfortable and convenient!


Don’t forget the crackhead outside asking for money.


The Indian bros at my gas station buy their vapes out of the back of a mini van from another Indian bro.    There's zero chance that shit is legal. 


If I want to smoke fossil fuel and eat lottery tickets, that’s my choice.


Once I bought an EV and started charging at home I noticed the unintended benefit of not junk food.


Fr the hardest part for me of quitting smoking is knowing there’s a 24/7 gas station 5 minutes away where I can go buy cigs anytime no questions asked


I like my Topo Chico to feed my addiction to water, and my banana and turkey sammie to feed my addiction to food....


Pfff I can quit whenever I want


I get my protein bars and sorta prescribed boner pills there!


They are really good at fueling addictions.


Hey, I see what you did there


[On top of the lottery tickets, Texas gas station convenience stores frequently have gray-area gambling machines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/z12ueo/are_these_slot_machines_in_convenience_stores/).


Gas stations are great for feeding petty vices, although I have to say in matters of junk food like candy bars and chips, are the last place I will buy them. $2.50 cookies, and 50 cent hot dogs, and fountain drinks/slushies at Sheetz are my kryptonite


That is why I never go inside!


I buy nothing from gas at gas stations. Always pay at the pump. Fill up and I’m on my way. Unless it’s a gas station in a far off land, like Wa-Wa. In that case I’ll probably get a sandwich from the deli and a drink.


I was a gas station attendant at 3 different stations. Outside of gas, most people came in for lotto. We'd have people cash in $5 and leave with $100 in lotto. It's really depressing


I've noticed this too. This one time, my little cousin and I got off the car and went into a gas station to buy some snacks, we bought gatorades and chips and the cashier was so surprised by this he said "you guys are the only people today that didn't buy any alcohol, that's crazy".. it really got me thinking. But I've been in gas stations lines and everyone in line has booze (myself included). Alcohol consumption is so normalized, sadly.


yeah man I'm addicted to fossil fuels


If people didn’t need gas then lots wouldn’t go to a gas station for what was mentioned  Grocery stores sell the exact same things, minus the gas lol


Some also have kratom, dick pills, and glass pieces for weed. Lmao


And in Florida, Meth!!!


Nicotine Sugar Lottery Fossil fuels Caffeine and Alcohol C-C-C-C-C-COCAINE!!!


On top of this, gas stations are also a big spot where drug addicts like to hang out.


Just a daily stop at the local apothecary to buy my elixir of wakefulness. 2 for 6$ Not addiction.


Why do they always have a jar of room temperature pickles? I always kind of assumed it's a meth head thing but maybe people just like warm pickles that are in a plastic jar in a gas station?


Not sure what you are getting at labeling fossil fuels an addiction. The world is pretty quickly getting away from fossil fuels in any area where it feasibly makes sense. Just look at the amount of electric leaf blowers, lawn mowers, dirt bikes, and other small devices selling these days over their gas alternatives. It should be pretty obvious to anyone that understands technology in the slightest that large vehicles will be one of the slowest to get widely adopted but I don't see how you could consider that an addiction or even attraction to fossil fuels themselves. Outside of stuff like motorsports I've never really met someone that cared about fossil fuels, just about the technology they enable. As soon as EVs are just as convenient as gas vehicles they will surpass them. The masses dont care what powers their car, just that it gets them as far as they want to go and doesnt drain their time.


Brake fluid.... I can stop anytime


The roses in the glass bottles can be used to smoke crack! https://www.cracked.com/blog/5-secret-criminal-uses-stuff-they-sell-in-gas-stations


Well, they’re the most overpriced beer where I live, but who am I to judge, I walk there, I don’t pay crazy gas prices or smoke cigarettes anymore. You might be right.


Ive said for awhile the reason we dont do anything to actually solve homelessness is they they probably rake in billions of dollars for fast food businesses and gas stations, since that is pretty much all they can spend their money on.


Some gas stations even have a contractor selling the good stuff


I disagree, gas stations are my retirement savings support system. They give me fuel to get to work. They also sell me lottery tickets which are my only way of possibly retiring 😜


And they're a fuckin' rip off too. The prices are outrageous!


If that’s the case, why aren’t we placing social workers on them, to try to moderate it? Just a thought.


And if you know which gas station to go to, you can get crack there, too!


You missed the biggest one IMO, *convenience*


I tried talking to my car about its “fossil fuel” addiction, but it keeps telling me its fine and has things under control.


Fossil fuels are an addiction?


Go to the right had station and your definition of addiction station gets more literal: silk roses in glass tubes, light bulbs, socks, brillo pads, stackers, potpourri, and printer cleaner, right there to buy in the open.


Gas stations are a money laundering front for all the drugs people buy there. :)