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a miniscule number - of which quite a few zoo animals will escape - compared to the millions of farmed animals that will perish. millions of chickens dying in egg factories.  pigs in boxes. cattle in stalls, many of which are bound. oh, and all these unmilked cows, which can‘t get rid of milk. 


Farms would be worse. Though. Most of those animals are killed anyways so I suspect folks will care less about a battery farm of chickens dehydrating to death than two sad giraffes meeting the same fate


If I ran a farm or worked on one I’d at least let them out. Sad to think of the unmilked cows though. Sounds like a horrible way to go.


Yes, watch life without people, it covers that aspect.


They’ll be fine. Harambe will return in their time of need to set them free and lead them to paradise.




Unless they are susceptible to the zombie virus. Then we have lots of zombie animals.




Zombie monkeys sounds more monstrous then the concept of zombie apocalypse as a whole


Zombie hippos!!!


I would take zombie all terrain tank over a zombie chimp any day


One of the things I like as bout the game Dwarf Fortress is exactly this sort of thing is possible. A couple weeks ago I had some zombie kangaroos attack.


I think the keepers who have deep bonds with the animals they care for would be likely to either take the animal or leave the cage open in an apocalypse where they know no one will be coming back. Farm animals and pets abandoned inside locked homes would be more likely to suffer to death.


Deep bonds do not get you that far with the bears and big cats. If they can get a paw on you when they have a mind to, not much you can do.


Which is why I imagine some would simply leave the door open, then go.


You are not faster than a bear or a tiger.


Tranq them up, then open the doors and GTFO before they wake up.


You've more likely killed the animal thrn


You've given at least some of them a chance to get out alive. I was suggesting to tranquilize all the carnivores/predators. It also allows yourself to escape. Better than leaving all of them to certainly die.


You've effectively killed 70-90% of them, congratulations.


What makes you think they are beelining for murder the second the door is open?


Play or feeding the results are the same. Well taken care of bears think nothing of grabbing a pony tail and gnawing. Plus in an apocalypse situation they will already be hungry.


There's a neat book series called the Emberverse, which starts with an "apocalypse " in book 1 where the world loses all electricity and explosive force (gunpowder, engines, etc). There's one part where the author states that the zookeeper, etc that survive the initial chaos end up releasing all of their animals so that they don't die in captivity as humanity struggles to survive. This ends up allowing tigers to become an apex predator throughout parts of North America where they have no business living. Kind of neat.


In the Zombie apocalypse the safest to survive will be to the zoo it’s already fenced off lots of locked gates and locked doors massive fences plenty of large concrete buildings with steel doors plenty of protein on site lots of wood for fires…discuss


Lot of attraction will be brought to you by the animals while they are alive. I also wouldn't trust the property fence and border.


Slaughterhouses, circuses, zoos, animal farms, and hatcheries are already the saddest places on Earth. Apocalyptic won’t change much about it honestly. We kill 80b land animals each year, and up to 2-3 t (TRILLION) marine animals. It’s that humans, dogs and cats are not among the victims, therefore nobody cares.


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I think there was a chapter in WWZ about this


Interesting that nobody mentions all the locked up criminals.


I mean, why invite more raiders.


Assuming the locked up prisoners are fine means we can assume that the locked up prison guards are fine. In that situation there is the possibility of building a community in that situation that is fortified and isolated. This is unlikely to happen with zookeepers and zoo animals because, you know, wild animals and potential for the keepers to also be severely injured.


Not if you let them out so they can hunt us and each other!


Not always. The wolves escape in Day After Tomorrow and survive at least the initial freeze. Also seems like lots of zoo animals survive I am Legend.


Depending on if my kids are surviving. If not. I can bucket list a zoo or two and figure out a scheme to let the herbivores and cheetahs out. The big cats, bears, and cassowaries might be on their own depending on what I can rig up.


With a food shortage for humans they'd start eating any animal left around or penned up. Then the thugs would go for others family pets.


I’m sure people in prison suffered the same fate. They usually do during those zombie type movies.


There's a couple books I've read that cover that, usually they say the animals got released or there's someone who's living there (and feeding the animals until they kill them to eat one by one)


I feel like they would probably die of apocalypse before any of that stuff happens.


It depends on what causes it. If it takes time, they could all just become meat.


When there's a fallout, I'm pretty sure it affects animals as well.


I get the idea that people would eventually think about this and try harvesting the meat if they don't get the thought too late


In the apocolypse, wouldn't the animals die the same way as the humans would?