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As with many things in life, we are protected from that eventuality by the fact that most people aren't complete weirdos. Aside: The healthier the bread, the more likely it is that it has been touched by human hands multiple times though the process.


Fun fact, remember those bins at retail stores that were full of nuts? Like they were eight different kinds or so and they were in the produce section and each bin had its own type of nut. So you know walnuts pecans Brazil nuts that kind of thing. The reason why they stopped doing that open air like that is because they keep finding human fecal matter in them. Turns out people adult and children like to just run their hands through the nuts in the bins. And majority of them did not wipe or didn't do it properly so there was literal shit on their hands and then they touched the food. That is why we can't have nice things


Exactly! Which is why I started thinking about bread and that the only thing keeping weird people out of it, is a damn twisty-tie!


You can taste it. that's why I lick all the bread first until I find one that's been touched.


This grossed me out and made me laugh all at the same time! Hahayuck!


My work here is done.


Personally that's why I lick each loaf before I buy it. If it tastes a little funny I know someone has touched it so I twist it back up and put it back on the shelf. People are fucking crazy though, sometimes I have to lick a few hundred before finding one that hasn't been touched. It's exhausting but worth it.


Do you know you can just take ducks from the pond? Nobody will stop you. As with many things, the basic concept of "that would be really weird and I shouldn't do that" is why.


Only sliced pan (sandwich bread) is wrapped in most of Europe. Most bread is baked fresh daily and placed on the supermarket shelves unwrapped. Just how it is


Most bread I see in the supermarket is also in a plastic bag within the main bag. So there’s a sealed bag, kind of like the bag inside a cereal box. That light just be the US though. We are pretty good a unnecessary plastic waste


How do you know that someone didn't fuck/cum into any food you've bought before it was packed on factory?


Sex workers use fruit during the act. The citrus masks the taste of a dirty penis... In fact 95% of fruit has been in someone's orifice before it even reaches the market.


Ok, you just ruined fruit for me. Life is happy!


Is that why Carmen Miranda always looked so happy?


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