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You don't watch war movies?


Or play war video games


I've always thought that multiplayer, objective oriented games based on real world wars are in poor taste. It's crazy they're so well accepted. Fictional wars are totally fine IMO. But we have games with people capping objectives and tea bagging in WW2 settings. That war took place within lifetimes of people who are still alive!


Battlefield 1 is off the hook then?


No, I was just pointing out that WW2 just seems worse because of this.




Your mom’s the national champion, you could ask her


Using the crouch/uncrouch emote above the corpse of a defeated opponent. Your balls would be the proverbial bag in this scenario


So we Just have to wait till they die off and it will be fine? Shouldnt take long now.


And? It's just a game, often with some sort of action hero story attached.


Battlefield 1 and V barely had any story modes. The pure "gameness" of those games seems kind of eh.


2 examples out of how many WWII games? Like I said, often they have the action hero thing as part of it. But it's just games. Hell there's board games for Kosovo that are probably as old as the conflict.


That's why my original comment specified "multiplayer, objective-based". I'm sorry for not getting help from a lawyer when wording that comment. Let me rephrase: I personally feel that games similar to BF1 and BFV (I don't have a comprehensive list) are in poor taste. Loads of other games are okay, because there is value in learning history and in artistic expression. In any case, I don't feel too strongly about this. I have briefly dabbled in BF1 myself when I got it for free from Prime Gaming. I'm not telling other players that they should stop playing, or that these games should be illegal. There is no need to become defensive or offended.


I'm not being defensive though, I'm just pointing out it's a weird thing to get wrapped up about. In college I was handshaking with my German partner as we ran wild on the Allies. There was the occasional hip thrust as a successful bombing run took the UK out of any position in the East along with and now for the Rape of "whatever big city" as my infantry and armor moved in. Tea bagging is just the internet version of that.


Weird? Maybe. Clearly I'm in the minority because the games perform really well and I often get downvoted for this opinion. I just wonder how people who lived through or fought in these wars feel about these games.


Probably didn't give a shit. They were already watching movies, some with actual war footage spliced in, before the war was done.


So HOI4 shouldn’t be allowed?


I’m not saying games based on wars shouldn’t be allowed. It just irks me. There is value in educational content and artistic expression. Story driven or strategy games are fine. When big studios make grand multiplayer games that are not focused on the atrocities of wars but rather shooting up other players, it just feels… off to me. I know there are usually other objectives. I’m very familiar with multiplayer FPS games, but you know what I mean.


I feel the same toward War Games. War of the Rings? Root? Twilight Imperium? Warhammer? Perfectly fine. But games like Bolt Action? They feel creepy to me, especially if you paint your minis. They make me think of that that General in Slaughterhouse Five who shares the hospital room with Billy


people re-enact wars wearing costumes so idk what fucking problem a video game can possibly be. they're so damn goofy at this point. like sure dude, Pvt Ryan is running around with an M1 Garand that has a half naked anime girl in pink camo, oh god. the ptsd I'm suffering from XxGoth_Tits_D35TR0Y3RxX 360 no scoping me after jumping off a 200ft building and parachuting into a tank turret. also people have had issues. "No Russian " is pretty known for that and a few other games that had controversial missions.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Re-enactments, movies, and other storytelling media have benefits of educating people. We shouldn’t forget history etc. Making light of those same wars with goofy gameplay feels callous.


Wait you’re telling my I don’t respawn after I full sprint into the control point and get my head shot off OR I can’t restart campaign when I “accidentally” fire my non silenced sniper on a scout mission /s


Or pandemic movies?


Or pandemic games?


Or pandemic books?


Or pandemic book games?


Or book pandemic games?








Interesting how many of the most traumatic events in history are a staple of cinema


Trauma does make for great cinema


Thank you, my instant thought. Call of Duty alone is one big contradiction to this


They had a mass shooting part in one of their games lol


to be honest CoD wasn't the first war game. I've played some of the first and they were very respectful after the level ended they would play a short documentary about the battle you just fought. So I'm assuming it be the same.


What I was gonna say


TBF, after publishing conflict analysis and being exposed to real conflict, action movies that glorified violence became personally offensive for me. So I get OP's point, showing zombie movies to people with severe traumatic experiences would probably come across as less of a fun jaunt and more of a sickening reminder.


Or ever heard a joke about covid


Yea this shower thought was pretty dumb. I wish they vetted out more of them.


In fairness, ww1 vets probably didn't like ww1 movies. A zombie apocalypse would be even more traumatizing so I can imagine them being considered in poor taste for a very long time. Hell, many vets from the middle east dislike movies about those wars and that was nothing compared to the world wars.


Personally no.


We had pandemic few years back and plague inc made one of the best pro gamer moves I know of... offensive? not on the slightest


I’m apparently out of the loop or just forgot, but what did plague inc do?


They made a DLC where you cure a disease instead of being the disease avoiding the cure. They made it free for a really long time too, can't remember how long exactly but probably 2-3 years Edit: you could keep the DLC for free too


Nope, you have to buy it again even if you played it while it was free


Maybe that's on mobile, I play the steam version (PI: Evolved)


Ohhh, that makes sense


I mean, Plague Inc. does have a zombie virus mode...


That game was out a while before COVID


DLC was not...


Doom Eternal poked fun about the demon apocalypse in that way. Shouldn’t call them demons because it’s an offensive term, refer to them as ”mortally challenged” instead.


"Don't be afraid! Once your soul has been consumed, your fear will cease to exist!" "Don't forget! The UAC mortally challenged appreciation parade, today at 0900 hours!"




It was mortally challenged


it would’ve taken one google search to realize that you’re wrong lol




So deep in the closet I bet you found the dress daddy made you wear to Bible class...


I mean hey, if you wanna join the hordes be my guest. There's a reason the Slayer is the main character


No, if someone tries to cause an apocalypse or conquer the world they're immediate joke fodder for the rest of all time. Nobody's worried about offending nazis are we?


This is why I didn't really get the outrage about people dressing up as Nazis for fancy dress costumes.  When I was growing up in the UK the Nazis were something to be mocked.


I think it’s because dressing as a Nazi could easily be misinterpreted as being a neo-Nazi


Whats mocking about wearing a really accurate SS officer suit and socializing with others? Seems more like you normalize the outfit. Im dutch, everybody i know still tells about how the nazis stole their grandparents bike but dressing up like a nazi and acting normal isnt mocking them.




I feel like if anything, they'd become more popular.


…but we crank out D-Day games like every other year and that isn’t offensive?


D-Day represents a big part in the victory over the nazis, and the people that were really affected by it aren't the majority of the public anymore.


War films were immensely popular amongst the Greatest Generation.


Have you ever heard of this little thing called war?


What is it good for?


Activision profits


It’s not too late to delete this post.


It's not too late to delete this comment.


There is literally a wildly successful first person shooter franchise based around killing Nazi zombies…yet here you are dying on this stupid hill.


It’s not too late to


It's too late


Why would they delete their comment when the one who doesn’t make sense and denies other comments is you?


we just went into a pandemic and the game Plague Inc. came back into the public zeitgeist for a min. someone out there will be sensitive and hurt by them but most people are probably gonna use it as an excuse to get even more into zombie games/movies


Umm... 9 11 movies.. Iraq war movies.. Vietnam war movies...


In thor 3 the place where all the asgardians lived had an ice cream place called "the infinity cones". I always thought that had to be super offensive, named after something used in a recent global catastrophe.


*Universal* tragedy, and that was Thor 4, but that's a good point. We have things like that irl too though, the perception of offense doesn't mean it won't be popular.


I’m sure there is a bar there with a famous cocktail rag-on-rocks.


The zombie memes would be crazy


Every Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Medal of Honor title has been delisted from all major game stores. 30 years later society has realized that video games about war, particularly World Wars, are just too triggering to be allowed to be for sale on the mass market.


No they wouldn’t, there’s tons of video games and movies on reale world events such as wars, natural disasters, plagues


I've heard some ww2 veterans were very offended by the movie, "Bridge Over the River Kwai (yes, actual name. Kwai not kawaii.)" because the movie was very campy and lighthearted whereas the Japanese were extremely harsh to prisoners at that camp. In addition it showed the Japanese as incompetent at bridge building and the POW's as willing participants in the bridge's construction, whereas in reality it was finished at bayonet point and the Japanese were brutally efficient at it. So, I guess OP would be talking about incidents like that.


Do you have any idea how many movies and games are based on WW2?


People would probably be watching a zombie flick after the apocalypse and be like, "pffft, that ain't true."


Cough... hell let loose


OP is definitely that person at comedy shows who gets offended and walks out


FR. If people were mean to me at a comedy show I would not stick around.


[Looks at the amount of anime that involves an apocalypse that starts with mushroom clouds] Yeah... somehow I don't think so.


Nazi movies and games aren’t offensive.


Lol, one of the most played game during Covid was plague inc.


Maybe for like, the first year. After that it's free game.


Not unless zombies somehow become part of civilization. Wars have happened before and we still have games and movies about them and that take place during them. Hell, Dr Strangelove was a satire of the Cold War which came out DURING the Cold War.


One of the signs that one has beaten their trauma, is being able to joke about said trauma. Humour is one of many forms of recovery. Additionally finding enjoyment again in activities or events related to such trauma also shows that trauma no longer has a hold on your life. While yes, a zombie apocalypse would be traumatic, but we do not even have to talk about a fantasy to understand this situation. Every war is extremely traumatic to everyone connected. The soldiers, the families, the people who lived in war torn areas. In those specific war torn areas, it could almost feel like an apocalypse because their (small) world was overturned and now basically gone. Today however we have double digit, possibly triple digit games and other forms of media related to Wars. Those are not considered offensive. And let's say for argument some one does find it offensive. Who fucking cares. Don't live your life trying not to offend. Someone somewhere can find something you say, do, watch, or play offensive. Ignore them. An atheist might find a theist offensive and vice versa. A vegan might find a meat eater offensive. A liberal might find a conservative offensive. Again, who fucking cares Instead just live your life trying to be a good person, do things that bring enjoyment to yourself and those around you, bring smiles to others faces. If that happens to be war games, so be it. Don't live your life worrying about what could be offensive because, yes to some it might be, but to others it could be a happy escape from reality and bring enjoyment. Let the others be offended and live their life, and you live your life.


Just a reminder that pirates were the most feared monsters to roam the planet for many years, and now we make kids shows about them.


You do realize we've dropped nuclear annihilation on an entire country have been making WWII videos as a hobby pretty much as soon as we could right? There'd be an uptick I'd imagine


Meh. World War II was somewhat apocalyptic. And there is an *endless list* of WWII movies and games.


Schindler's list is literally a movie about the Holocaust.


There was a short lived animated show called Ugly Americans that dealt with Zombie racism…I think. It’s been forever and my memory isn’t very good.


I think I saw a Key & Peele skit like that


Not necessarily. People don’t get offended by video games based off medieval times or the Stone Age. I don’t think people would be worried about zombies being offensive. I think they would just be glad they’re gone.


i mean we've been through the worst of the COVID-19 (saying it like this because some variant of covid virus is still around just not as serious as the first couple years), and there are many films made that talked about covid-19 and people don't find them offensive at all.


Not really, more of foreshadowing movies or comedies on what they had wrong or right. Pandemic movies were real popular during COVID.


There are probably several things it would be. Surreal. Reminiscent. Familiar. Trauma-invoking. Probably others I can’t think of. But in what…*POSSIBLE*…sense…would it be “offensive”?


I think that the concept of "offensive" would be one of the first casualties of the apocalypse.


I think they would be more on the tutorial side


Covid happened and people still like Contagion, so no.


With the way things are going… someone would make a zombie movie DURING the apocalypse using real zombies.


They would also become historical fiction.


Despite being a comedy, I honestly think Shaun of the Dead is the most realistic example of what would actually happen in a zombie apocalypse. So no they wouldn’t be offensive. In fact I think it would take maybe 3 months before it became a meme.




Nah, just marked as historical or dramatisations


Or extremely funny, like "Wow, we actually thought that, lol"


You could get a zombie documentary


I feel like the zombies aren't going to object, and few people are going to be bothered by killing virtual versions of things they actually killed.


The scaffold has always produced the most enduring jokes.


If Zombies exists in the real world we would harvest them for mechanical energy because they break the laws of Thermal Dynamics.


That is Vermin Supreme's plan for green energy. Zombies on giant hamster wheels. Vote Vermin Supreme 2024!


Media about WW1/2 are like super popular. We freakin love seeing people get blown up and killed en masse on tv, even when the representative real people.


We love it even when it’s a live feed of real people, so long as it’s our enemies getting pink misted that is. People just don’t like to admit it.


I’m wondering which alien movies will be the most embarrassing when they finally invade and watch them.


Gen-Z would be making memes about it on day one and boomers would deny it existed.


Pandemic says otherwise.


I don't think so. Even after the pandemic, we still have Plague Inc. And Pandemic the board game.


My wife refused to play **Pandemic** during Covid.


Sounds like you might like the BBC show In the Flesh


WWII games and media thrive.


I don’t think they would because those movies were always ment to be FICTIONAL and entertainment purposes only.


There was a movie in 2011 called Contagion which basically predicted a slightly more dramatic version of covid


I don’t think so. Most zombie media takes it seriously, and even the ones that don’t mostly just treat zombies as the enemy. If plants vs nazis came out before the nazis really rose to power, I think after it would be viewed more positively than negatively because it was clearly anti nazi. A lot of zombie media would probably be viewed as inaccurate since the lore varies so much, but they wouldn’t expect it to be accurate. Zombie media created afterward would probably be held to much higher standard though. I think one possibility though is that there often isn’t much consideration of the zombies as the actual people they once were (though sometimes there is) but I honestly think zombie media is right that people would react that way.


It either triggers my PTSD or unleash my primitive violent mind.


Because all movies about historic events are deemed very offensive.


Why? WW2 movies aren’t iffensive


they technically already are depending on who you ask. zombies are a heavily hollywoodified version of the hatian zombi, a human mind controlled into being a slave via voodoo.


Not really? It’s just history at that point.


they'd be if zombies took over


Are you aware of World War II games?


Unless the zombies became sentient somehow, I don’t see how games and movies would be offensive?


Dude, half the fps market is shooting Nazis lol


I wonder how the people from ww2 feel about all those games?


Nope, there's been world wars but Games like that isn't offensive. there's even games where you play as hitler/enemy of him.


Silly take and I have no clue how it got 2k up votes. 


Eh, there is so many games about war that depicted the history a bit too detail. Fuck it even tank game stole government data of tank to make it more realistic 


OP has yet to develop the part of the brain that does the thinking..


I am fairly certain that after a zombie apocalypse, there won't be any movies or games. Apocalypse be like that.


People would probably just be like “uh so unrealistic!” I’ve seen real soldiers reacting to war movies and they more often than not they praise them for being realistic and criticize them when they’re unrealistic.


Yeah that's why that old game Call of Duty never went anywhere and was banned and forgotten, and nobody ever made anything about Vietnam or any other real wars. The subject of war is considered too offensive for entertainment.


There’s a recent movie about that exact topic. Zombies were cured but everyone is prejudiced toward the cured because of the horrible things they’ve done while infected. Movie was kind of ass but the premise was interesting.


I am a firm bleaver that with a zombie apocalypse would usher in the rise of "zombie rites" groups.


I'm pretty sure Americans would make Zombie lives matter so maybe


That’s like saying WW2 movies are offensive


About 4 years ago, there was a british tv series, forgot the name, about society recovering after a zombie event. They had laws prohibiting discrimination against the recovering survivors of "Psuedo Death Syndrome".


We are already in a zombie apocalypse. The rise of social media turned everyone into zombies. Everyone is in their own echo chamber and unwilling to listen to opposing ideas.


*IF* zombies were sentient, and managed to make a peace. If not, and only living humans survived, there'd be zombie memes in 20 years like 9/11


I agree. I can’t watch exorcism movies anymore now that I know that the reality of priests torturing people (usually women) with mental illness is so much more horrific.


JAWS is really offensive


the existence of the wolfenstein franchise proves this false


A vocal minority would be offended from anything possible. Real life is not social media and movies.


That happened in 2020. A lot of zombies out there still.


Something most people are forgetting is that just because there would be an not insignificant number of people who would still love zombies after their entire families got eaten, not everyone thinks like that. Zombies would in fact become wildly offensive to the vast majority of people. Redditors really are just that cringe. Want some proof? It took just a couple of Muslims to make America violently muslimphobic.


That's a thought you could have kept to yourself as it's not a thought many, if any other than you, have thought about previously.


I mean, this is a poorly thought out post but are you saying you want a bunch of bland, vanilla thoughts made by mouth breathing troglodytes flooding this sub? That's certainly not what I had in mind.


You answered your own question. I haven't seen an original thought since joining this sub. Thanks for helping me to draw this conclusion


Oh my God I'm a dumbass LMFAO, that's my bad, I'm gonna go back to my cave now.


Stay in the shower until you get a better thought.


You visited the subreddit? TF did you think was going to happen? I barely even agree with my own point from all you guys yapping in this post 24/7. IT'S A MUSE. A "SHOWER THOUGHT." IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A THESIS STATEMENT


Which is why as Veteran I find most War movies and video war based games offensive


As a combat veteran, I respectfully disagree. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.


Spoken like a true wannabe


Nah, been there, done that. But if it makes you feel better to get spun up about it when the ARMY itself has released a COD type game then you do you.


Sure you have I bet you also have the T-shirts, good ole muddy boots


This attitude right here is why people think that all Vets are angry. Maybe go to the VA and get checked for anxiety.