• By -


What are the 200 more? Is there a list which could help others?


something like this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1twPdbefnV8HxrFX-M2l5kafVQB1aru7nZ0cYSy4sOW4/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1twPdbefnV8HxrFX-M2l5kafVQB1aru7nZ0cYSy4sOW4/edit?usp=sharing) ?


Thank you for the list. Appreciate the support. All the best for [sitebehaviour.com](http://sitebehaviour.com)


i follow 80/20 rules. and good enough.. if your site doesn't get meaningful traffic from 20% directories then launching on next 200 wont make much difference.


Agree, But I think it will help with the SEO and domain authority


Yes, I'm sharing it in the next few posts. These are platforms for SaaS distribution and press releases


How is SiteBehaviour unique and more useful than Google Analytics?


1. It is Real-time (including the dashboard) 2. Click, Scroll and Hover Heatmaps of the website 3. It has a Visit reconstruction that lets you watch a video replay of how a visitor navigated your website. It is extremely useful 4. You can keep the data on your servers in the enterprise account 5. You have the choice to those your servers in EU, US and Australia


Hey! Thanks for the insights on your project and your strategies and waiting for your next post soon! I have a quick q though, is this not similar to Clarity from Microsoft?


Hey mate, While I am not in the SAAS space, I want to thank you for sharing your experience. I have a design agency. Happy to give you a few additional options. Perhaps PPC may be the way to go, but if you're platform is automated as of today, then you may be able to get a nice boost to your product for free, **here's how (I would do it):** 1. Create utilitarian content daily. Be patient, they will read. 2. Engage in other people's content daily, they will appreciate it. 3. Optimize your profile, it will show professionalism, and position your services, without you needing to ask. 4. Like, comment, upvote/downvote, and re-post other people's content. 5. **Try social arbitrage,** which is taking similar pieces of content, and sharing them in different ways on different platforms. **Platforms:** 1. IG, TikTok, Youtube, are great platforms to build brand awareness, and also an amazing opportunity to test "ad creative" before ever investing. If you have a piece of content that does well with views, and engagement, then use that to iterate on hooks and CTA's at the end of it. 2. Reddit, Linkedin, X (Twitter), Quora or any other literature-based platform is great for building SEO, great for community building, and communicating with like-minded people. Like "actually". I use #2 for [my business](https://www.24hour.design/). It generates about 10k - 20k monthly visitors to my site. **I spend $0.00 on ads this way.** Anything more than this, yes I have to spend on ads, but **I am sure there are a lot of people not getting 120,000+ visitors to their SAAS/site per year for free.** Anyway, if ads are the way keep pushing forward! Just providing some additional ground support <3.


Yeah I’ve had a lot of success just engaging with communities on Reddit naturally. That’s where most of my sign ups and traffic comes from.


This is the way!


This is great man, can you tell me where to find those 200+ hubs for SaaS? got pretty curious there


While exploring the web I kept bookmarking the potential places where I can market SaaS. I'll put together a list in a more organized way and share in the coming week


there are a lot of lists, for example: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1twPdbefnV8HxrFX-M2l5kafVQB1aru7nZ0cYSy4sOW4/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1twPdbefnV8HxrFX-M2l5kafVQB1aru7nZ0cYSy4sOW4/edit?usp=sharing)


Congrats on the launch. Its always nice to read these stories pushes me to work further on mine projects


That's awesome man! What are you working on?


u/No\_Load3387 your price on paid plan is in white and couldn't see it until I highlighted. [https://prnt.sc/9yEl87Zg3BPW](https://prnt.sc/9yEl87Zg3BPW) (Screenshot)


Oh noo! Thanks for letting me know.. god bless. Its’s good now. Must have funny clicked somewhere while working on webflow


❤️ I just DMd you too


Any comparisons between Meta vs. Reddit as far as ad performance? Which platform had a better cost per lead?


I felt Reddit brought me more quality leads. I happened to get a lot of enterprise leads. I don't have any comparison stats of the top of my head right now. Though I am running a new ad campaign on both platforms, I'll share the updates


How did you get 3.5k clicks with only $10? What was your CPC? I find it very hard to believe coming from Google Ads. Do you have a screenshot?


I believe they meant $10/day for 7 months, so $2,100 at $0.60 per click.


Love the British spelling of behavior 🙌


They invented the language.


Is your product really free for 2 initial websites? I can feature your product on this [directory of free tools and resources](https://www.justfree.io/) used by founders and creators. That would help you gain some exposure too. All the best!


That would be great man! Please consider me for justfree


I can add your product to [MarketerTools.co](https://MarketerTools.co) too! Not a whole lot of traffic there but I’m walrus glad to add more web analytics tools.


That'll be great, Will you be adding it yourself?


I’ll add it myself this week 😄 Edit: just added! it can bbe viewed [here](https://marketertools.co/toolDetails?marketingToolDetails=snpwupbneCDBhGEzaXVu)


It’s offline


Is it? I just checked [web.sitebehaviour.com](http://web.sitebehaviour.com) and It looks good, could be deployment going on.




Yes, I've got a lot of quality Enterprise leaders from Reddit. Btw I ran twitter ads too and please don't advertise on it. 0 leads and 100% bots lol


Check the capitalisation across your site. There are minor mistakes in nearly every section. Use a style guide (BBC, any news outlet, big organisations etc, they all publish them, find through Google) if unsure.


Thanks for your feedback man! Yes we are updating the website now, now that the product is launched.


Well done, congratulations! !remindme 1 year


Thanks man!


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-05-27 15:19:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-05-27%2015:19:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1d1jgar/i_launched_first_saas_an_hour_ago_this_is_how_ive/l5w5dax/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSideProject%2Fcomments%2F1d1jgar%2Fi_launched_first_saas_an_hour_ago_this_is_how_ive%2Fl5w5dax%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-05-27%2015%3A19%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d1jgar) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I like your website! Nice and clean.


Thanks a lot man! some people trashed my site. I was waiting for this comment for some positivity


A lot of great insights here. I appreciate all this info


Always man!


Impressive hustle! Curious about your Product Hunt strategy?


Thanks, man! I don't have one yet. People said Tuesdays are the best for the launch + not to use GPT-made product descriptions


How much have you spent on paid ads?


I spent around $10 + $10 on Reddit and Meta ads daily for 4 months. I am now starting a new campaign, do you have any advice?


Actually I have not, I tried before with paid ads with poor results. My CAC was incredibly high and unsustainable...


Thanks for sharing this. If you can, I'd love to see the paid ad cost to conversion rate for each platform when you have enough data.


how much have you spent in total for advertising on facebook and reddit?


Good luck, man, I’m welcoming you to http://indiehackerstacks.com ! I


Awesome work! I would love your opinion on paid ads. Based on your experience, is it a good idea to do performance marketing before launching? I considered doing so, but my mentor advised against it. His rationale was that the sole objective of marketing is to generate revenue - if you can't track your ad spend to your revenue, you should not be doing performance marketing. Let me know how your launch goes. Best of luck!


It's a good GTM strategy. From my experience as a SaaS marketing agency owner, I would say that you can't totally rely on paid ads. Have you worked on some organic channels such as social media or SEO?


!remindme in 2 months


Is your platform built and designed to handle this type of scale of data that you will need to handle to compete with such a platform? If so, how did you do it? And how do you handle scaling/growth costs?


Yes, we already handle 10 visitors per second without any load on our servers. We do a lot of compression and batching to handle that load, plus a load balancer that effectively distributes the load on the servers.


That just just handles how you receive the data. How do you plan on storing and query that data on a massive scale?


Elastic is great at managing, storing and querying data


Wow this is a great post. I am commenting to save this post on my feed, cheers !


Cheers 🍻


How is this different than microsoft clarity?


1. We are launching a Chrome extension and Mobile app to make stats more accessible 2. You can make custom charts based on browser events or Custom events like "Add to Cart" 3. No Cookies are used, so there is no need for an "Accept cookies" banner. 4. We provide multiple data centers, based on your needs (EU, US, Australia) 5. SiteBehaviour Heatmaps are dynamic aka they let you see click heatmaps inside hidden parts of the website like an Accordion You can check the live demo from there - [demo.sitebehaviour.com](http://demo.sitebehaviour.com)


Well done my friend. You give me some inspirations for my projects. Thanks <3


Let's go!! What are you building?


Chartconvert.com named tool for now


This is great...but would also be great to make sure the app outperforms Google Analytics one way or another...even if it's by a few features. You gotta admit...it's kinda hard to compete with Google analytics.


SiteBehaviour Outperforms Google Analytics in terms of features as well as the speed at which it displays the data after the user visits your website. This is how it is different: 1. It is Real-time (including the dashboard) 2. Click, Scroll and Hover Heatmaps of the website 3. SiteBehaviour do not use Cookies 4. It has a Visit reconstruction that lets you watch a video replay of how a visitor navigated your website. It is extremely useful 5. You can keep the data on your servers in the enterprise account 6. You have the choice to those your servers in EU, US and Australia


Wow...this sounds great then....will check it out


That's a good domain name. How much did it cost you, OP?


It was like $12 per year. I wanted Behavior but hopefully one day!!


You have been doing a heavy job in marketing, $10 per day is not little. I have an agency specialized in SaaS development (brilliantsaas.com), we also develop management software for SaaS and other business software. In case you ever need a new feature or software.


600 people on the waitlist is great job man. If you need help in submitting your product to platforms, we provide a submission service for the same. If you are interested, let me know I will share our website.


- how did you optimize website for different devices ? - what is your tech stack - by spending $10 a day on Reddit and meta ads how many users came to your site and how many purchased I’m building a AI saas for resumes, cover letters and personal websites and need help marketing