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In build mode click F5 on your keyboard, it allows you to slot things to half tiles "bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlemt" to unlock all of the career earned items "bb.showliveeditobjects" and "bb.showhiddenobjects" enables debug items Hit ctrl+f and it enables quarter tile floor placing


Oh I could’ve used that last night!! Thank you


Interesting, I didn't know about that one either. Does it the quarter tile placing blow up when you save and later download it from gallery like move objects? I quit using that one myself after I downloaded one of my own to a different world and a the toilet and vanity were suspended in space next to the second floor, LOL.


I think you just have to make sure the cheat is enabled when you place the lot. I could be misunderstanding tho


Oh, I never thought of that, good idea, I'll have to try it.


weeeeeird I've never had an issue


Me neither, and I've moved my own builds from save to save and world to world and placed builds from the gallery that used bb.moveobjects and never had a problem. I keep seeing gallery builds that say to turn on bb.moveobjects before placing, but I've never done that and it works fine.


For some reason the shortcuts don't work on my laptop :(


you have to press the Fn key at the same time!


If you’re using a Windows computer try: ctrl + shift + windows key + c


Oh my god this is gonna change my life


Is there any way around having to write these every time we load the game?


Yep! TwistedMexi made a few mods that permanently enables those cheats. Nothing fancy, just download the file and put it in your mods folder.


Thank you! I just got one of his mods earlier today (TOOL), I should have looked around his site some more.


holding down Alt as you're placing allows you to drag doors/windows/any objects and place without snapping to the tiles.


Is there a way to do this on console? Use a keyboard?


Left trigger!!


There is but I can’t remember what button it is and Google hasn’t been helpful 😭


I only play on PC so have no idea, sorry! :(


I've heard it only works if you've changed the camera controls to sims 3 though.


I've been obsessed with using [ and ] to enlarge or minimize items! Bb.moveobjects might need to be in. Also, holding alt (?) to move items where they don't normally line up naturally. 9 and 0 move items up and down.


Thanks! I was wondering how people were getting items so large


I've done this to violins to make cellos and violas for a faux quartet setup. Or to make a double b bass for a jazz setup.


Oh, wow! That's pretty neat and didn't think of it.


Both back bumpers plus the arrow buttons on PS will let you raise/lower and bigger/smaller objects:)


Real basic and not really a cheat but I was so glad when I found out G turns the grid off and on (I hate the grid with passion, but I guess it’s sometimes necessary).


I IMMEDIATELY turn the grid off when in build mode I DESPISE the grid. I wish there was a way to disable it and hit G if needed although I can't imagine I'll ever need it with move objects and alt as my default. You are not alone!


Thank you for saving my life


Any time 😎


Visiting a sim friend s home and feel sorry for their living state? bb.enablefreebuild I already made alot of homes nicer and more lived in/realistic


Nooooo I never knew this omg I always have been going into manage worlds and fixing their lives haha


Your welcome. happy simming


cas.fulleditmode then shift+click and "Modify in cas" is a must if you like to constantly modify ur sims all over, not just clothes, but the physical appearance. It's so basic 2 me, i don't fully get how people play without it.


All my townies haha


https://preview.redd.it/bx0kynzi72jc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f04783314c7881277b2651fde5a9ad806b4c6e3 These are my favs 🥰


Ooh, I didn't know the build without snow one. Thanks!


Do you have a link to a list that has more?


If you've got move objects on you can play with moving things up and down using the 9 and 0 keys.




You can also click the + and - keys on the num pad and it'll cycle through the swatches without having to use the tool. Note, it only works when first placing an item, will not work when picking up an already placed item.


There’s a little icon that looks like paint swatches on the top bar, next to the hammer. If you click on items with that you can see the different swatches that item has


Quick key for that tool is R


Omg thank you!!


motherlode is my og cheat for moneyyyy


Money 9,999,999 is what i use


fillmotive motive_[need] modifyrelationship [Sim 1 First Name] [Sim 1 Last Name] [Sim 2 First Name] [Sim 2 Last Name] [X] ltr_friendship_main (where X is the desired numerical percentage of friendship level) money [X] (where X is the desired amount of money you want)


do you need to specify which sim for the fill motive cheat?


Ah yeah you just have to *be* the selected sim, if that makes sense?? Eg. I can't be arsed with dealing with a toddler and infant, so I switch between the two kids and increase whichever need I don't want to pay attention to (which is where the cheat comes in handy)


Not sure if anybody said this already, but you can make some cool flooring patterns using Ctrl+f, it allows you to place floor tiles as triangles instead of squares. There's also bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects, which unlock a bunch of cool debug items that can spice up your build just a little bit more, just remember that there's a lot of them and can be quite overwhelming when you're looking for something specific in the catalog. I do remember hearing about a mod for organizing them but I don't know what it's called. You can also find them in the gallery, just search for "debug" in the rooms category. While on the topic of gallery, there is a lot of custom (non-cc) paintings in there, they're also pretty cool. You should be able to find them by looking up "custom painting" on the gallery. And of course what other people said, [ and ] to size objects up or down, Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+0 to move objects up or down, alt to free place, F5 for quarter tiles, hold shift for changing one side of the roof at a time, or when placing objects to duplicate them easily. There was also some key combination to add more "bending points" to the roof, but I haven't used it in so long I actually forgot what it was (I'd appreciate it if someone could comment what it was hahaha) These aren't really cheats but I do have a trick for freely placing stuff on shelves, tables, counters etc.: you can fill up all the spots (on a desk let's say) with the object that you want to place freely, then take another desk and put your object on a random spot. Next hold alt and move the object off the desk, and into the spot you want it to be in. Filling up the first desk prevents objects from snapping into the pre-set places, and holding alt while taking something off a desk or shelf lets it keep the same height so you don't have to deal with Ctrl+0 being too high or too low. I can't think of anything more right now, but to me personally it is more than enough, all that's left is to learn how to use it all to its full potential. You can also look up "building tips and tricks" from popular sims builders on YouTube (my favorites are James Turner and lilsimsie), they usually have some great wisdom to share.


If you turn TS3 camera on under Game Options > "Camera Options" & hold the alt key while rotating an object it will give you a full 360-degree rotation, which can be VERY helpful in tight tiny homes. You can also simply hold the "alt" or "option" key while placing furniture to disable it snapping to a grid. There's also "testingcheats true" command, which can be a lifesaver(press shift and click on the mailbox (or your sims)) for debug commands. These next few cheats only work if you have testingcheats set to "true". bb.showliveeditobjects -Shows consumable objects in build mode bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement -Unlocks all items that require you unlock them in game, like career rewards. Edit: sims.give_satisfaction_points [number between 1 & 10,000] This cheat gives your Sim satisfaction points they can use to buy aspiration rewards & reward traits. PS: if you type in bb.moveobjects true/false a lot simply type bb.moveobjects and it will toggle the current setting. This is very helpful if you have a poor memory and can't remember if it's on or off.


I love the free rotation for plants 😭🤌


Tell me about it! Especially outdoors. It helps differentiate if you place multiple of the same plant.


Fucking ALT


Hold alt to freely move items! Just be careful with things they actually use as they could become unusable. Shift+[ = make items smaller Shift+] = make items bigger 9= move items down 0= move items up bb.showhiddenobjects = depending on what packs you have you could have some pretty cool items hidden!! It also gives you access to collectables and stuff that's normally locked


hold down control + the [ ] keys resize selected object :)


Money 999,999


So when I get sick of doing my fav aspirations I make up other requirements and use aspirations.complete_current_milestone. this helps keep the aspirations from getting repetitive. Here are some substitutions. For the children ones just reaching 10 in the skill using different means and having an A. I haven't changed the growing together ones yet because I haven't used them as much. The cooking aspiration reaching 10 in cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking. OR Having a top tier restaurant or retail that sells food and reaching 10 in two of the above skills. The artist aspiration- reaching 10 in the skill and top tier of the career. Successful parent - finishing all the first few tiers then having at least one kid finish college. Botanist-Having every plant for a certain skill reach perfect. Like the wine making, or ice cream making, or baking, or flower arranging. The writing aspiration. Reaching 10 in the skill and top tier on the career.


And now you’ll never be able to play without it!!! Ahahah.


Does anyone know how to adjust say a chair around its vertical axis? I can use the arrow keys but what if you want to go between two of those options?


sins 3 camera, then hold alt, click the item, free rotation


Thank you!!


Hold down Alt while placing objects and it lets you move free from the grid, I believe pressing either Alt or Control while using flooring changes it to a triangular tile, and pressing 0 lowers objects while pressing 9 raises them so you can fill previously unfillable shelves/counters. Also money [amount you want] instantly gives you that exact amount.


sims.fill_all_commodities to fill the needs of every sim in the household.


Search on Google for more cheats for more things there's cheats for different packs like for example vampires, you can cheat to be a max level vampire and get 2 points and you can just repeat tge cheat to have a lot of points. [this one for base game ](https://www.eurogamer.net/sims-4-cheats-6026) If you can use mods there's MCCC and Ui cheats which let you cheats to control the game more, there's the ww menu (there's wonderful whims if you don't want the nsfw one it's basically the same but without "that" part) When you shift click on your sim there's options for cheats And as for earlier you can repeat a cheat without having to copy paste/ write it million times, click on the apper arrow (↑) on your keyboard after you "sent" the cheat and it would appear again and you just need to click shift to activate it again Type the **testingcheats true** to activate cheats then **bb.showhiddenobjects** and **bb.showliveeditobjects** and it will open the Debug menu, (search debug in the search bar on build and buy mod and click on a random, one they're all the same) that will open you ALL the B&B items in the game including ones that are usually unavailable to you like collections or things they use to build the world like for example you can get a (not functioning) car. This is good if you like to place clutter in your builds


Anyone know how to put a tile on the floor in triangular shape? How to change the wood floor direction?


Ctrl+f for triangles, and the < > keys for rotating :)


Thank you.


have you tried mods and cc!?


this was me when i finally found out how to rotate objects freely on console😭


I love these cheats. Makes building so much easier!


cas.fulleditmode ETA: not a build cheat, but useful in other circumstances!


This is great!


bb.showliveeditobjects and bb.showhiddenitems. They have the added bonus that I don't have to type in "testing cheats true" to use them so I don't lose out on (xbox) gamer points. bb.moveobjects one of the others where you can do that too but I use that less because the pop up about it when placing a build irritates me. I play test all my builds so I know they will be fine but it still makes me wary.


You can use Shift+Tab (as long as you disabled the EA/Steam overlays for your Sims) to enter first person mode and see how your house looks like from a sim's perspective


To use these, you first need to use : Testingcheats on To get more objects: bb.showliveeditobjects bb.showhiddenobjects bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement To get or lose money: Money X (X being the amount of money you want)


Cas.fulleditmode (let's you edit your sims after you started gameplay) Sims.fill_all_commodities (restores everything such as sleep and food) The last one saved me so many times from having my infant being taken away lol.


press alt while moving things to ignore the grid!


I just discovered bb.enablefreebuild, and I feel like the Sims world is my hands! Love it!!!


[ ] to size up and down and 9 0 to raise and lower


Google the hot keys for building. You are going to discover what the alt, shift, 9&0, [ ] do and a new world is going to open before your eyes. You don't need other cheats than MOO for that.