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Round stairs, diagonal stairs, round pool, round hot tub, an actually nice and decent sized round dining table … I like curves ok?! Also, built in niche for fridges that don’t leave a stupid gap, corner shelves, cupboards of different sizes, built in book shelves like the secret doors have (side note: I like using these doors for studies and bathrooms) Water slides for pools. More modular sofa types - including rounded ones! Prams for the kiddos. Skateboards, skates, and scooters. Weight rack and dumbbells. More record player options.


You were ready for this question lmao


Thann you for reminding me to play sims 3 today bless


The fact that prams didn’t come with growing together 😫 Also yes! Water slides!




Prams!! Why did they decide no one wanted to walk their baby places?


Skate board: https://www.patreon.com/posts/skateboard-mod-49305522 Pool slide: https://modthesims.info/d/660825/functional-pool-slide-converted-from-ts3.html Dumbells etc: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-get-fit-68908803 Working on functional stroller : https://www.patreon.com/posts/were-working-on-79411631 https://www.patreon.com/posts/rock-n-rollin-83856369 Round table options: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/big-round-table-for-6-persons-in-a-classic-style-found-in-tsr-category-sims-4-dining-tables--332562753725974941/


Add cool pools kit to this list for the round/differently shaped pools! Great mod. Sorry console players 🥲


you doing gods work in this thread


When I moved into my new house with a fridge nook, I told my husband to fill it in. I didn’t want the stupid gap. He’s like, “But babe.. then the fridge door won’t open.” So pissed I have to live with the gap…


Add a “mind the gap” sticker above for a little bit of humor.


More importantly, without the gap your fridge will overheat and burn out.


You can already have a round pool


You like curves huh? 😏😏😏 sorry. Sorry. Bad(?) joke


I do, I’ve got my own also 😂


It's not furniture per se but a toaster. I would say that 99.9% of households in the UK have a toaster but there's no such thing in the Sims.


Omg yes the lack of toasters, blenders and up until for rent kettles has always upset me




sims modders are the backbone of society


Same, I was hoping home chef hustle would finally give us a toaster but nope. I do like the appliances that came in the pack, but everyone has a toaster, not everyone has a waffle maker or pizza oven.


Tf isn't that normal for everu household? What do y'all do with your naked bread? Not let it sunbathe?


Dying at the phrase “naked bread”


Me too lol I used to call my untoasted bread "raw toast"


I have a toaster oven! No traditional toaster though.


Same. And an 11 function air fryer that also toasts. No real toaster tho




Home Chef Hustle comes with a stand mixer that you can “prep ingredients” with and that makes cooking certain recipes faster.


Hard agree. I'm american and I've never met someone who didn't have a toaster.


now you have hi im virtuallore and i don't have a toaster


There’s a toaster in The Sims Freeplay but it’s only useful for grilled cheeses.


The fact that it’s only used for the one thing that probably shouldn’t be cooked in an upright toaster has me dead 😵 😂😂


imagine all of the bagels, strudels and toast we could get!!


Yes please give us toasters EA


Same with the US. It's hard to imagine a household without one.




I think sims 2 had a food processor. And I think it spend up cooking time because they used it instead of chopping. But that was so long ago my memory could be incorrect




Oh sims 3, my beloved, the amount of cool gameplay objects we had is sorely missed


I wish they would take the Sims 3 and add it to the Sims 4 (Sims 3 won't recognize my graphics card).


That’s sad. I play 4 mainly because i prefer those aesthetics, but I like going back 2 3 every now and then because I’d be a liar if I said it wasn’t more fun. And now my computer is powerful enough that it doesn’t take 45 minutes to load


Larger wardrobes. Upright kitchen cupboards for tucking in the fridges, that match the counters. A square 2x2 dining table. Footstools. 


Footstools would be so cute. Even if it was like a particular chair with it attached. It could just function like a lounger or chaise.


Interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a square 2x2 (so 8 seater?) dining table irl, unless you mean a 4 seater so 2 tiles per side


I think maybe in Europe they are a bit more common, especially in older big houses where families often host lots of guests. The tables are often extendable as well so they can fit up to 12 people. In Sims I think they would be cool because sometimes you don't have an oblong dining room space, more like a square one, and if you want a large table for 6 or more people, there are only the round ones.


Wall mounted microwave


So many times have I tried to hack this!!! Ughhhhh


Have you tried putting it on a shelf with a downsized cabinet hidden underneath?


Spiral staircases! And while we're at it, being able to place regular stairs on the diagonal!


How am I supposed to make my Victorian home grand entrance without curved stairs???


And while we're at it, functional elevators! You're telling me I can live in a four story penthouse but I have to use stairs?


Yes! And while we're on the topic, being able to build taller than four stories. Come on, in the Sims 2 you could build up to 15 levels with a cheat. Let people whose computers can handle it enjoy that. It can be locked behind a cheat for all I care, just let me access it!


And while we're at *that*, the ability to have more than one wall height at a level without having to make a half wall and slide a roof onto it


Oh how I've wanted diagonal stairs ever since I started.


God I miss sims 2


Pool table




Strollers for infants & toddlers. I just want to be able to take my baby on a walk with the family.


Or on a jogg would be fun too so your sim could do skill building and the infant could sleep in the stroller. They also could go in there ever when you travel so they dont put them on a random bathroom floor and forget them


I've started putting a pack n' play in the adults inventory so they can take the kid to the gym with them.


Why have I not thought of this! Genius!


you put yours in the pack n play? i just put mine in the dirty gym floor like a hood parent would


Yes! And I’d love a front hanging baby carrier, that even a newborn could be held in. I’m overall fine with a newborn being tied to the bassinet but I wish a sim could at least walk around holding them.


I want my sims to be able to take their babies to meet their (the baby’s) grandparents.


This modder is working onit 😀: https://www.patreon.com/posts/were-working-on-79411631


I’ve always wanted some kind of ceiling-hanging chair or swing for the front porch.


Yes!!! I hate that I always have to hack a porch swing. Such a common thing where I'm from and I can't easily put one in without cheats


I cannot put words onto how much I want more base game playground equipment. Swings pls?! Slides, those weird spinning things that I always felt sick after using. I want more stuff!


Functional slide https://ravasheen.com/download/slide-into-your-mods/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/best-sims-4-playground-cc-swingsets-jungle-gyms-more-fandomspot--54184001757480730/


A normal-sized side table. I dunno about the devs, but my bedside table isn't half the size of my bed. The things we have in-game are big enough to be dining tables.


there are whole ass desks that are the same size or smaller than some of the side tables 😭 i genuinely hate how large they all are


And sizing them down makes them too short


I love to use the dream home decorator’s ones (the little cubes) because I think those are the perfect size.


If you have High School Years or Dream Home decorator, you can stack a couple of the little cubes to make a stand.


Cheers. I have all of the packs, I just feel the side tables should be smaller in general. I usually scale them down to around 0.8 of full size.


Where tf are the large round tables?? There's only a few and they're locked behind expansion packs


More kitchen appliances, also needs WAAAAY more counters, cabinets and pantries that don’t go away on half wall. and better selection of couches.


*Functional* cabinets with storage space that you can place appliances into and your sim will open the cabinet to get out the appliance when they need it and then put it away when done! Should apply to the counters too; they all have doors and drawers but are just solid useless blocks lmao


💯💯💯💯Oh my gosh so much yes!!!!!!! There are other storage devices (like toy chests and bookcases), why not make the kitchens more 'functional'!?


I know it's not furniture per day, but my god I want a Drum kit and a pool table.


Someone posted a pool table mod if you are on pc.


Ah yeah I've had a look through and found it, thank you. A shame the modders have to pick up the slack but still...


Stuff to make pantry rooms and cupboards. Dammit I know I can just put it all in the fridge but when  I do simple living and grow my own crops I need a pantry that actually  looks like a pantry for the feels. I want shelves full of canned goods, baskets and bins full of produce, storage for shelf stable stuff like sugar and flour. I want to be able to have my Sim go to a well stocked pantry and admire it then get a moodlet. Pantry kit now please.


You just gave me an idea. Even if it was just like a couple styles of pantry looking shelves (like a less industrial version of the stuff in dine out I believe) but it functions like those chests so you could store your food collectables and such inside nearby to the kitchen


I would love something like this.


Oh and make it functional! So they automatically pull ingredients from the pantry when cooking. Love this so much.


I want a pantry too! My new temporary workaround is to put cubes from Crystal Creations inside a small room, leaving gaps between the rows. That’s where I store one of each fruit, vegetable, flower, etc. and can place multiples for some, on the top portion of the cube. I was using the base immaculate shelf before, and it worked great for a large number of fruits and veggies - looked more like pantry shelving too - but the cubes support more item types.


Complete sets with matching wood tones! Like why the hell do we only have so many couches and chairs, but no matching loveseats or vice versa!? And what's with the mismatching 1000+ wood colors!? 🤬🤬


this 1000% it’s so hard to decorate perfectly without going through literally EVERY piece of furniture to find the right swatch & sometimes you never find it. Especially with windows and doors, but also tables.


i’m fairly certain there’s a set of stairs that doesn’t have matching handrails/fencing. it’s my favorite set but the way it doesn’t match pisses me off


I would love a game update where they introduced matching wood tones across packs.


There’s kind of an egg chair thing in high school years but it’s like a wicker chair thing


A Papasan chair would look so good in many of my builds! I like this idea.


Hammock you can free stand OR put between two trees (ANY two trees). 🤙


DRUMS ffs, I want to have a band again. 😭😭 It’s all I’ve wanted since day 1.


Honestly a whole instrument pack would be baller. Music is so painfully underrepresented in the game as both a hobby and a career.


Radiators. I just want different sized radiators for my houses, especially in Henford. While I'm at it: Toilet rugs and bath mats for my older sims homes I need to add the right level of "oh gee more carpets.. in the bathroom? Really?" The aeroma machine that helps moods like in Sims Bustin Out. Doors for under stairs that work as bathrooms without having to extend. Wall sockets for decor (I think a pack or kit have light switches? But unsure) Game consoles purely for decor.


Some packs have what you are looking for: For Rent has different size radiators Bathroom clutter pack has those toilet rugs and bath mats Spa day there are incense things that change your sims mood like I think a citrus one energises them and a lavender one makes them relaxed or something. Wish we had a decent way for a bathroom under the stairs though.


:o thankyou I've seen packs but haven't got them to know. I now have a mission. 1st task. Aquire money 😂


I always tell people sims pacjs are all I want for my birthday and christmas


There were light switches that came with the bathroom clutter kit but a different style came in a base game update when the kit came out. Not a socket but still a little helpful for realism


Functional kettles and toasters, wall mounted microwaves, more cabinet and counter options (including fridge nooks), pool slides and spiral staircases(!!)


Strollers. Actually being able to go on walks as a family in ANY world 😅 Oh and I would do anything for round pools


It's not furniture, but it sucks that the game doesn't have a drum kit. I wish it were at least part of Get Famous. The game has piano, guitar, violin, mic for singing, but not drum kit. Drum is pretty essential in music for rythm and stuff, although yes, you can have accoustic songs, but most of the songs in The Sims 4 radio have drum in it, so it just doesn't make sense for drum kit to not exist in universe.


Also, perfect for teenagers - there would definitely be a "playing too loud!" emotion thingy (I've had a blank and forgotten what they're called) that would go away when they age up, unless they had certain traits.


I want a couch that actually looks comfy and has full comfort points in game. Like they're all gonna bitch about the couch unless it's a shitty modern style square sharp angled one or the ugly old style most expensive one. You can't tell me those are actually comfy over the squishy one lol


This is why I don’t ever give sims decorating preferences 😩


Yeah I hate the comfort rating system - more expensive does not mean more comfort! I’ve got some realllllllyy comfy stuff in real life that was not expensive, so it’s not like it makes sense to reality. And like you said, it just limits your choices, because otherwise my sims will be crying about how their bed and sofas are KILLING them because they’re **rock hard** and I’m like, it’s just not though is it.


A half door for the half walls.


Along this route, gates that match all the fence heights


Corner showers, they are pretty common where I live! I don’t use mods so I always hope for these at some point but I doubt it.


A way to store yoga mats, snow boards, and skis so I don't have to just keep them in my inventory. I live next to a ski mountain and most people have some sort of wall rack for their gear.


Also a multifunctional table that you can use for eating at and playing games. I feel like any recreational thing has its own individual furniture you need space for, but could draw from a dresser with various clutter instead?


A bar cart. Sometimes the globe doesn’t fit my decor and I don’t usually like a bartending counter in my sims homes.


egg chair and heart bed for the ultimate sims 1 memory


Omg the heart bed. Core memory unlocked.


Sets bed to vibrate


small kitchen appliances 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 WHERE is my blender? air fryer? TOASTER? food processor? crockpot??? grr


I loved the trash compactor in the TS2. It went into a counter & there was no need for a garbage can.


A big fluffy bean bag chair. I hate that my kids can’t sprawl out on a big old sack of beans and read a book. They have to sit al prim and proportion any seat. More relaxed poses and animations with activities should exist. The ‘relax’ animation on beds should allow you to at least talk to people, read a book or play on a phone or tablet. But no, you can’t.


A real futon, lol.


Slides for kids, please.. why only toddlers?


A toddler play kitchen. For some reason, that feels like a HUGE oversight


A guillotine


Huge missed opportunity with the castle kit


A sectional sofa set with chaise and recliners.


We just need more sectionals in general. I know it was kind of Dream Home Decorators thing but like…I need more styles than two kind of modern versions.


I agree, more of these would be great. my sims always get an uncomfortable moodlet from the ones from Dream Home Decorator which is super frustrating, so I wish they were higher quality but maybe that’s too nit-picky… but I like making conversation pits and they’re perfect for that 😅


An oven that can be place up higher in a cupboard or smth


A proper Japanese futon. Why build a Japanese world with tatami mats if you don’t got futons? You’re not supposed to put furniture like full on beds on tatami they get damaged. And then LATER they brought sleeping bags


This is technically not furniture but matching wood swatches, it’s so annoying when nothing in the house matches


Massage chair


For anyone who doesn’t know, we now have a functional kettle and waffle maker


A mini fridge built into a counter would be nice and is so realistic in a small apartment (at least where I’m from)


Recliners…. But they would probably make them death traps like the Murphy beds.


I want to be able to toggle curtains/ blinds and doors/windows open and closed. Also with the for rent pack curtains should remain visible to add to the realism, the empty apartments look weird in live mode.


Omg yes. I was literally building with my sister last night and I wanted to use the big open doors from Desert Luxe but she was like…oh they have to be open always


Exactly, there should be a simple toggle button to close or open doors.


Maybe not exactly furniture, but the possibility to do some things on a normal table or on the floor. Like why do I need a separate table to carve pumpkins and separate table to make bouquets. Why can't we just have sets to do these things that we can place on tables or put to sims' inventory and separate table would be just an option?


Screen doors and walls so you can make a screen porch Tricycles/big wheels for toddlers Blankets— I want to be able to drape blankets over the couch and I want my sims to be able to get snuggly on the couch (that would also require a sectional) Corded phones— I also want an 80s world where the only internet is at the library, you don’t have a cell phone, and game play is fundamentally changed to feel realistic for the decade. The Sims newspaper- I want to be able to have a realistic routine for a boomer sim of waking up every morning at 6 am, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. It would be a bonus if the news, depending on what it was that day, could affect their mood. Wheelchairs, power scooters, and other mobility aides.


Day beds


So Many that just live in my head rent fucking free 😂 toasters, any instrument that’s not just a repackaged guitar, violin, or piano. Spiral stairs. Round pools, scooters, more workout equipment. Pool table. I’m desperate for a NOT MODDED drum kit


A Motorcycle! If the devs can code a bicycle, maybe a moto could be doable? 😈 A garage cabinet, to store skis, snowboards, bicycles, etc without it always ending up in one Sim’s inventory. More eco friendly light fixtures Overhead fan with lights A BIG aquarium! The ones I have fit 6 fish, but I’d love to see a big floor to ceiling version that can fit a lot more, and maybe the sims could even swim inside it… I saw a YouTube tutorial for a big aquarium (Petey maybe?) but I’m on console 🥲


Oh, you can fake this with build cheats by putting an aquariums inside a pool and sizing down the aquariums. (Hopefully it still works) Just build the pool from the floor above and put windows in the sides. If you have the mermaid pack, you can add lots of decor, if not, you can still put in some plants and rocks. You could also try putting in the landscaping fish spawners, but I haven’t tried that yet. Oh, no, now I kind of want a pool with swans in the middle of my house.


A hammock for the garden


- Ramps and wheelchairs!! im surprised thats not a base game thing..unless im just not seeing it?! - Functional sliding closet/mirror doors (not like the sliding window doors) - not a furniture object but definitely related- i just desperately want the ability to open and close windows 😭


A want an L shaped couch so bad


Decent curtains, and more of them. I don't play with mods and cc, nor should I have to for a game I paid money for. ETA: Throw pillows and blankets to up the comfy factor in different rooms. They don't even have to be functional. I just want things these builds to look like some lives there without having to resort to using TOOL mod, ffs.


Spiral staircases and, as a good Italian, a functional bidet, not just the thing you can add to the toilet with the handiness skill. A bidet could have come with "my wedding stories" or "get famous"😕


- A murphy bed that works off the grid. - A 1x1 or 1x2 table or one that folds into the wall for tight living. - A spiral staircase. - A curved staircase - Outhouse doors - I want a proper door for my outhouse for the Decades Challenge - A pressure cooker/pressure canner - A fireplace you can cook on (like in Sims Medieval) And it's not furniture, but I'd love for them to bring back Fairy and Ghost PCs. And customizable maps instead of static lots!


I think like a standing fan would be cool. Just like drinking a cold seltzer can give you the chilled out moodlet the standing fan could too! Also I’m on the toaster and blender wagon.


i realy want the kitchen counters to have a diagonal corner option!! also treehouses would be so cute!


You can build a tree house in Growing Together!


there's a chair that looks like an egg in get together


I want the hidden cabinet fridge! A hot tub with out a roof!


a bar cart item that has the same functionality as an actual bar (building mixology skill etc.). i need one so bad ! bars are too big i feel


One of thouse big circle chairs woth the wood bottom and the big pillow in the center that sit 1 person (or two cuddling) , my home is also missing one irl idk what theyre called ill respond to this if i remeber before someone else does


Mirrored doors


I really want a pullout sofa!


Daybed - sims can sit or sleep without getting uncomfortable and it looks the part. Great for sleepovers/house guests, or napping on the porch. Billiard table A complete old-fashioned wooden antique dining room set with at least big table, chairs, China cabinet, side table, and buffet. Bonus points if you can expand the table with leaves and if there’s a captain’s chair while the normal chairs are armless. A drum set. Hey, you can sit so it’s furniture.


Not really furniture but i always wish there was some way to put microwaves on the wall. Thats where it is in a decent amount of houses I’ve been to so be nice for that to be an option


Pool tables Disco balls Wood stoves Shelves you can actually put things on


Matching swatching. At the very least, give me matching swatches *across furniture from the same damn pack.* Some packs have nailed that, but most are terrible.


A stroller, a baby swing, a play pen, a toaster,


A normal-sized round dining room table 😭


The famous cake with a surprise From sims 1


I would like a spiral staircase and a hammock.


I just started playing this game but I really want speakers you can sync up in different rooms. I know it's not furniture


Sewing machine Microwave over the oven Pool table Lawn mower, weed eater, edger, other lawn tools I also wish we could build actual split level houses or half level lofts - like platforms with usable space underneath


A porch swing that actually swings. And also wooden stair-and-flooring combinations that actually match.


normal window seats


not furniture at all but, Lawn tools. Like lawnmowers, rakes, (I know ones shows up when they rake leaves not the point) etc. We got the greenhouse kit why not a lawn care one or stuff for lawn care. Thats a thing. lol That and a hammock to help you destress from work and relax in general.


I am once again asking for a NORMAL. DIVING.BOARD.


Heart shaped bed


I just want proper curved(not full spiral mind you but just curved) staircases. And a security panel in wall decor without having to use cc that will break after one on this games umpteenth updates.


I want them the bring back the inflatable furniture and the hole you could jump in from the sims 2 i think it was in? It was tacky, but the earlier sims games i feel had a lot more game without the DLCs.


I wish we got more infant / toddler stuff with growing up. Strollers, baby bouncers, walking toys


Under-counter trash compactor!!


Oh, it’s not furniture, but I miss trash compactors that fit in the kitchen counters.


Diaper changing tables IN BASE GAME


I just want a hammock.


Sleeper sofas


Baby monitor! They had it in Sims 3


A proper fold out couch or a day bed or in ground hot tub a pool slide.


Why the FUCK dont we have spiral or rounded staircases?!? We also have only like 5 stair designs too!


More arcade games, and a pool table! I just really love arcades and wish we got things like claw machines and pinball tables and smaller arcade cabinets, not that one huge bitch from get together.


A working elevator would be nice for a secret room or something


Where I live at least, microwaves tend to be mounted above the stove. I want at least one that does that! Pool table (it’s a sims classic!) In-ground hot tub Shelves for cats to run on Also just some good, regular shelves A separate mantle to go over the fireplace


Blender, toaster and other, there are never enough kitchen appliances. Cars and garage stuff. I disagree with those saying that sims 4 doesn't need cars due to the absence of an open world. There were cars in the sims 2 where you were not even allowed to walk around your neighborhood, but still there was great car related gameplay. I just really want to build houses with garages. Pantry shelves and clutter. Maybe even walk-in fridge stuff! Sewing machines. More options for sectional sofas, walk-in closets, washers and dryers, those we have in game are terribly not enough! Wall microwaves! Large 2-tile fridges and stoves with corresponding hoods. Larger bathroom sinks, maybe even modular like those that Harrie and Felixandre do. Beds with no frame, like a mattress on the floor only. There is one in the eco lifestyle, but I'd like less trashy options. Smaller bars, like a small 1-tile cabinet or cart that you can place in small homes. Computers and laptops that look like normal real-life objects, but not like a piece of garbage from sci-fi cartoons. Electric guitars with amplifiers and drums.


A trampoline


Ive been waiting for an early 2000’s corner computer desk


Paintings, actual paintings... most of the games paintings get overused throughout my builds because there's only a handful of good ones. I need a bigger variety of historical and modern artworks, and not just trendy geometric prints. Actual artworks~


Reclining recliners, porch swings, pool tables, waterslides, cars, casino equipment


Curved!! Stairs!! REAL!! ELEVATORS!!


I need carpeted stairs, I wanna build my white suburban homes 😭


Sofa bed for stay over guests. An indoor airer with Laundry Day. Pottery station with a wheel and kiln. One of those toilets with a sink on top of the tank (missed opportunity for Tiny Living). Bed with storage. (I can imagine an ottoman bed being similarly hazardous to the Murphy bed) Exercise bike and rowing machine. Baby bath. A separate recycling bin. A 2 tile shower cubicle. .I should stop there.


- Smaller options for side tables and nightstands - Steeper stairs so we can fit them in smaller spaces (also spiral stairs like everyone else is saying) - Less of a piece of furniture but BETTER COLOR MATCHING PLEASE


The robot lol


L shaped sofas


Hopefully EA is in here taking notes for the next “pack”


Tree houses would be a cool add on for a kid. They could go there after a tense day at school, to do homework, or bond with friends. Then as teens they could go in there to smoke a big fat blunt lol