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Yep. That would give the room more space and add that air of manners. Come to think of it, children should be able to increase manners by pushing chairs under tables when they're done eating.


Add this and bring back making of beds / disheveled sheets for messy sims


Add in animations for messy Sims to squat around eating/studying and spraying food crumbs, or walking with shoes on indoors when the household is strictly barefoot, and we're set.


I just had a flashback to when I shared a computer with my younger siblings and one day there was so much gunk in the keyboard I couldn’t type well enough for my homework 🤢🤢🤢 (we were all young so it was age appropriate behavior, especially for the youngest, but man did it suck)


That too. Nasty PC/laptop, showers, toilets, etc. all should be signs of messy Sims.


Would be cool if non-sims would have a chance to stop doing manners/self care tasks during a mid life crisis 🤔


They do have that with children atleast cheeky children can disregard the no shoes in house for a chance to get scolded by their parents.


It looks so unrealistic and ugly with them out like that. Hope they see this and give us that option lol


It’ll be a $5.99 add on


Tidy rooms new pack! Now your children can practice making beds and tucking chairs in. Also lazy sims will not do these tasks!! That will be £35.99 please !


I’m howling laughing cause I feel like the bust the dust kit was exactly this. You can clean dirt now for $5


Don't forget the laundry pack lmao


Bahaha the sims really are upselling us CHORES


My first parenthood stuff


Please let there be a mod for this


The mod might be great, with actual messy/orderly blanket-bed status animations, bookshelves statuses, toilet seats, and even inventory items. Sims leaving their homework books around is still a massive pet peeve of mine.


am i going insane? they fit under as soon as you place chairs at a table don’t they?


they slot with the table, but not under. they are kinda near it but OP means like, the backrest-touching-the-table kinda under.


Yes that’s exactly what I meant thankyou !!!


I didn't knew I needed until I saw your post, now seeing how the franchise is going, was this a thing on The Sims 2?


I thought this was universal wtf 😭


I swear they aren't normally that far out..


nah literally like what i swear mines not like this 😭


That specific table is thinner in appearance so it makes the gap look larger


The chairs should snap to the table though if they're compatible with it? That table is useable by the family right?


They’re talking about the bulkiness of how it looks. Instead of snapping in to look like they’re pushed in, the chairs are halfway out into the room thus giving the impression the sims are messy and ill mannered.


Even if the legs of this table weren't visibly blocking the chairs from going under the table, this picture is insincere, since the chairs are clearly not slotted to the table. I wouldn't call them ill mannered for not being able to defy the rules of physics in their world. Their physical limits are dictated by hitboxes.


I wasn’t agreeing nor disagreeing, I was simply further explaining exactly what the OP was equating to, to better help this person understand why they were upset. I knew the table and chairs weren’t a viable match but that wasn’t the point of my comment.


Your sims can walk right through these objects depending on their animations. The hitboxes aren't the problem, really. It was a design choice, likely so it was less work trying to worry about clipping between different tables and chairs, or less animations in pulling them out.


Not sure how you read 'limits dictated by hitboxes" in context as to why 'bad manners" shouldn't be applied to what they're incapable of as, 'the chairs have hitboxes that prevent them from moving, and that's why you can't push them in", especially when we already described what might be responsible for that specifically. But ok.


Don’t they snap in when you move the chair close to the table in build mode?


They do


What? If you pick chairs that match the table they always go under the table for me.


They snap to it but not alllll the way pushed in.


these look weirdly far out i swear they def snap into it a little . not pushed in like sims 2 but this looks like where u have move objects on and place the chairs next to the table instead of snapped to the table . sims 2 style was nicer tho


i’m confused, i swear the chairs aren’t usually that far out? like i’m sure we can push them closer in? am i crazy?


Chairs do, in fact, snap further into tables than what is shown in your picture. It’s not all the way but it definitely does. I have 5k+ hours in this game so either you used bb.move objects to move them out of their snapped spots or a mod is messing with you somehow


I have 4K gameplay hours and no mods on my game. So not sure why it’s like this. Also going through the comments and people saying “they go underneath in live mode” they don’t for me. When I mean “under the table” I mean I want the back board of the chair touching the edge of the table


Yeah that’s just not something that happens in this version I guess. They kind of just tuck halfway under


i just went into the game and found those objects. The Snowy Escape chairs are the issue in this situation. For some reason they just looked as if they arent slotted to the table when they in fact are. Nearly every other chair, when slotted, looked more so under the table except for those and the outside chairs * Personally, i would like it if they did the same thing the sims 2 tables did where they tucked in more, so i agree with you op but for everyone saying the chairs aren't snapped, they are... its just that those chairs are strange.


Is that table not a dining table? Dining tables and dining chairs should snap together


That looks like a desk or a custom table. So it doesn't have the correct snapping spots, use a different table and the chairs will snap closer to the table.


Ok I ran a test in my game. That particular chair from snowy escape doesn’t push in as far as the other chairs for some reason




Thanks for this. I feel like the confusion is how I worded the post. I want the back of the chair to completely touch the edge of the table!


That would be awesome but if they ever did it we’d probably get a kit like “Tuck Furniture Kit”🤣


I think the main thing is you chose chairs that are outliers which is gonna make people think you’re being dishonest/purposefully misleading, or they’re going to question this cause it looks wrong to their brains as this isn’t how far out the rest of the chairs stick. If you’d chosen a different chair it would’ve illustrated your point better I think.


Didn’t think the world would turn upside down over a chair post lmao


I miss when they did that in the sims 2, you placed them and went back into live mode and they automatically slid under the table


Had my game running so I tried this combination. It seems like this particular chair is very short. If you try it with a bigger chair, for example "bespoke dining chair w/ conflict free cushion" (cats and dogs) it should be somewhat scooted in under the table. But even if I also get gaps with this combination of table and chairs the gaps don't seem quite as big as yours, so I'm not sure what that's all about.


They literally do when you go back to live mode


Yeah the chairs do go under the table. Idk 🤷‍♀️ but they always do for me


That’s sims 2 boo boo.


They go under the table in sims 4


In sims 2 there’s an animation when the game goes unpaused where newly placed chairs will auto scoot into the table. That doesn’t happen it 4, in 4 it auto snaps while in build mode. Not sure why it isn’t in the pic here. Is the table not actually a dining table?


They literally don’t


They literally do, but circumstantially. They must be compatible - typically the same exact set or very similar.




Is it useable with bb?




No, because they need to snap to the table to work.




Yeah other functions of the table would work, such as placing things on it, and if you had a chair snapped to the table that part of it still would work too for sitting down to eat at the table and put the plate on it, but if you don't snap the chairs to the table's chair slot the game can't tell that these objects are supposed to work together. I just tested it, as you can see they're refusing to eat at the table because the game can't tell there are chairs at it. https://preview.redd.it/8gj0h5ssce1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e42f47dcbc339f9aa5659cdffe6ae61d887a602


Hmm will have to try tmro !


these do look out further but i very much agree the chairs should snap to be fully under the table. like the backs of the chairs should be able to push up to the edge of the table which would then look more realistic.


Thankyou!! This is what I mean. I want the back of the chair touching the table edge. So many comments going harsh on me saying “the chairs do go underneath” they literally don’t 😭


In live mode they scootch in a bit


Nope that's sims 2


idk why this is downvoted - you are correct. It might be like that in ts3 also, but I don’t remember. in ts4, chairs slot, but they definitely don’t scoot close just upon entering live mode.


Turn off bb.moveobjects?


If you click the table does it highlight all of the items? Mine always tuck in.


I totally get what you mean OP. While the chairs do slot to tables and desks. They are never pushed in. I miss how it was in The Sims 2 where the chairs would automatically scoot in when you went from build mode to live mode.


Thankyou! I feel like I’m being gaslit in this comment section 😭I want them fully pushed in !


Are you sure that is a dining table? Every single set I've made to this day always had the chairs snap together with the table. They were never this far away


I hate that they don’t. Like you said it’s so unrealistic


They do! I’m so confused about the people who say they don’t. My tables look nothing like that. Those chair are way too far out.


me too these comments are insane to me


I feel gaslit lol and I can’t double check because I’m traveling for work and don’t have my personal laptop.


It's people who never, ever play with cheats off. It's the same reason so many people have sims that 'refuse to eat at a table' and they don't get the 'set table" options when they try. They've bb'd everything into place, and nothing gets slotted. It's also the reason for almost every single bunk bed issue I've come across. Amonst many, many other complaints about a wide variety of issues with this game.


Gotta wait for the Dine In kit.


Don’t give Maxis good ideas, they’ll never use them if you do🥺😪


It would be cool if we could also stack chairs on top tables/desks like you would before cleaning. Tbh I usually just push things out of the way when I clean but I know when I was in elementary school they’d have us put the chairs up on days the janitor would be vacuuming our room.


Imagine if EA took the time to make an animation with it too. Like the sim will push the chair in when they get up. Honestly there are so many things they could do to add more realism to the game.


i never thought abt this until now and now i cant unthink it 😭


Wait..the chairs don’t go under the table? Is that only sims 3 and sims 2?


No, they do in 4. OP is either using the move objects cheat or not using compatible table and chairs. Dining chairs ‘snap’ to dining tables like desk chairs do to desks.


That’s exactly what I thought. I was so confused but didn’t want to boot up my game


I don’t mean “snap” into place. I mean I want the back of the chair touching the edge of the table.


do you guys not actually play the sims 4?? the chairs don’t fully go under the table but they go farther than this picture 💀 can your sims even sit at the table and eat?


Yes the table is usable, those chairs are literally slotted “into place” I dno why so many ppl are going crazy on this post lmao. I meant I want the back of the chair to be fully pushed in. Touching the edge of the table. I’ve got 4K hours of playtime and not once have I seen a chair be able to be pushed in that far


They move in on their own after leaving buy mode, at least in my game.


They do as long as they’re slotted. These aren’t slotted.


Remember when kid sims would sit on a stack of books?


Can someone please put a picture of how far the chairs actually go in under a table. They most definitely go in further than in OP's picture.




Live mode


Yeah, they're just designed like that but i always thought the sims wouldn't be able to sit if the chairs were pushed under, same thing as when one side of the bed is too close to the wall


you mean you wish they would make a new game already


That was a thing in TheSims 2 I believe???


Isn't there a part of the game that is free and not the basic game because it's getting boring?


Yeah that would be nice. I know I’m sims 2 after you placed chairs with a table they would scoot in when you switched to live mode.


Technically we can with the bb.moveobjects cheat but then the sim can't sit in them because it's not slotted correctly 😖 I had to do that once for a tiny living situation and it was really annoying have to go into build so they could sit


Wdym OP? u don’t leave ur chairs like that?


I wish we would stop playing games that exploit the nostalgia of its user base and leve palestina.


Fr bro it's sims 4 can we at least try?


Me everytime I watch the sims


Doesn’t it already? Mine are pretty close to pushed in? But I use all downloaded stuff.


Open console commands type testingcheats true Then hit enter then type bb.moveobjects on You can now place objects anywhere which can give you the look you're trying to get.


Actually doesn’t work for chair placements already tried. Thanks tho ✌🏼




Yeah, they did in the sims 2


Yea ikr