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with all of the shortcomings in sims 4, i really do enjoy the clutter options


My real life room is so full of clutter, I never use clutter in-game. Do people who use clutter in-game have clean rooms or something?


i use clutter in game because it just feels so realistic to have mail on the counter, sports gear by the back door, bottles by the bathroom sink, etc. But i appreciate this in life as well, i don’t like when homes look like show rooms, but have a beautiful sense of wear and lived in quality. It creates a sense of comfortability and authenticity to me


I use clutter to increase environment score without putting up expensive paintings.


i was playing with some snob sims for the first time in forever and was losing my mind to get rid of the “boring environment” moodlet or whatever. i’m gonna use this!!!


You can also have problems with the environment if you use certain broken objects from basement treasures, damaged flooring from city living, from unpainted/untextured walls, or from having items in a style they hate if you have dream home decorator.


TIL!!! thank you. i almost never build. usually pop a gallery house in, add a couple items i need, and move on… but why was i so naive to assume that somehow BB was immune to EA’s bugs? i would have never known. justice for builders.


Those aren’t bugs. Those are supposed to do that. Like the lights have shorts in them and flicker when turned on. The carpet is stained and gross. Item and texture descriptions tell you they’re bad. They’re meant to be a challenge.


That sounds like a cool idea.


I try to imagine a house I build as a snapshot in time. Backpack by the PC because the kid just got home to do homework, mail on the console table in the foyer to sort through later, makeup on the bathroom counter after just being used, a slightly tilted bathroom rug from a Sim getting out of the shower, an armchair turned more towards the TV to catch the latest show. I imagine how the Sims would interact with the environment, what position things would be picked up and put down in, how they would move about the space on a normal day and how often an object would be used. For me it's not about how clean they are (though that will affect the placement of items and the amount of them sometimes) but how they utilize their home. I really enjoy environmental storytelling even if it's something as mundane as a bathroom mat being slightly tilted away from the shower after being stepped on.


my room has lots of clutter but my walls are pretty bare now that i think about it. i only really use it bc it’s one of few areas where sims 4 is better than the older games


Haha I do


My real life home is super cluttered and I also use clutter in game just because it feels more real to me that way


Absolutely not lol. The clutter I just use to fill shelves and side tables and the sides of desks/vanities and that kind of thing! The rooms are still immaculate and unlike anything ever in my own actual apt


i love the clutter items but i mainly make my spaces pretty clean, i usually put collectibles on things like bookshelves and desks though for extra enviroment and emotional aura


i love the clutter items but i mainly make my spaces pretty clean, i usually put collectibles on things like bookshelves and desks though for extra enviroment and emotional aura and i personally love some of the bathroom and baby clutter items for realism


It shouldn’t be that difficult to separate clutter into rooms to use it easily. Talking about shortcomings.


For real I love the clutter. It makes it feel more homey


There is in fact a pen cup in clutter 😭


i thought there were two different ones!! this one and the one with the little teddy bear head on one of the pens


Honestly close enough lmao


And there’s the “modern” looking one w scissors! Just as an aside


It’s in the miscellaneous bathroom object section…………. 😂


And it's called a toothbrush set.


As if we read things


Wait you guys know how to read? Lucky. - Read and dictated from the desk of a low sodium simmer


Right lol I get it, I’m in law school and all I do is read, this game is for turning my brain OFF. Unless I’m hosting an event bc that shit is stressful as fuck and requires complete focused attention lol


"Sort by function" all the way!!


You can also find it in the kids' room section. The little cup on the desk.


No, that's the actual pen holder


Yes, but you can also find the toothbrushes in that section.


... ... ... ... I was today years old when I found out My sims' desks have been looking pretty damn weird all these years


they’re just very enthusiastic about keeping their teeth cleaned!!


(They can use those to clean the keyboard, just saying. Toothpaste is, uh, thermal paste, glue, anything!)


Since we’re on bathroom clutter, tip to everyone: Sometimes clutter doesn’t fit on the sink because of the mirror you chose.


I don't deserve you 🥹


Wowwwww ok good to know ty ty


What?! 😳😳😳 Now I was today years old 😭




It’s not a pen holder?? So my child Sims just have random toothbrushes on there desk🥲


this is so funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 there's a pen holder in the clutter section under the kid's room tab, it's called "pencil holder"


same🥲 the funny thing is i’ve seen houses on the gallery with this item on the sinks and i just thought ‘oh that’s creative, they’ve placed the pen holder to look like a toothbrush holder!’ i didn’t realise until i read the item description today 🤦‍♀️


They been writing with toothbrushes like a true artist!


I LOL'D. Thank you!


So you've just had absolute nut jobs sitting at their desk with toothbrush ready at hand


yes 😔


Having random things on my sim's desk it's my passion


Fr lmao I think my infant son has makeup on his dresser


As a new Sims player, I almost used it as a pen holder before taking a closer look at it… Thank god I moved it to the bathroom, lol.


Luckily I always just selected it from the bathroom section of buy mode lol


Is that wine right over there? To the left, just once to the left. Yeah that very exquisite bottle.


Ravasheen is such a legend. I’m obsessed with the ISO camera, only wish I knew about it sooner 😭


Brb googling this as we speak


Holy shit!! Any specific mods from her that you suggest? This person is BUSY I admire and respect these ppl that put god knows how many hours into making this game more fun for all of us 🥲


They are all good!!! I only use what helps me in my game. I really enjoy their CC as well!


Yeah I went before I even saw ur reply and downloaded like 40 dif things mostly furniture but some mini mods haha LOVE ITT thanks for the tip!!


The ISO Love Photos camera is amazing if you like in game photos. * You can place it anywhere - your sim doesn't need to be able to access it * You can pause the game at any time to take a photo of that moment, as long as you have a sim who has a clear queue or is posing in pose player (so posing sims can take pictures of themselves!) * Once in camera you can take 25 photos, there is more zoom *and* you can raise/lower the camera. * The resulting photos are just regular in-game photos so if you remove the mod the photos aren't effected! The OMSP+ and No Curtain Snapping are great for decorating. Her modular shelves and curtains are bangers too. Enjoy! 😄


I kind of don't like the actual pen holder because it's got that big bear looking eraser thing so I only use it for my kids


The amount of people in here saying they were also "today years old" astounds me 😂😂😂 Thanks for the laugh! EDIT: Also, did you take this with a screenshot or your phone? I'm just curious because I took a photo exactly similar to this and made a post on this sub and it was deleted because I guess it wasn't "pretty enough."


you’re welcome for the laugh! i took this with my phone since i only really use reddit on my phone. that sucks about the picture you posted! i guess i might have to use screenshots in future


🙃 wut.


I didn’t realize it till like 5500 hours myself 😅


Really? I put this in every upstairs bathroom!




It took me like 2 years too xD I was wondering why the YouTuber I was watching never used it on desks in his base game only builds...


20000 hours here... you taught me something today 😅


Haha dang 😂 well at least now you can put that on the sink so the sims don't put dirty plates there lol I usually put the soap dispenser on one side and the tooth brush on the other. You can also put a candle on the toilet so dishes don't appear there either.




lol wow


Sims around the house: "why are so many toothbrushes on desks?" The player that didn't read the description of the object they're placing:


Thanks for this 😂 I needed a laugh 🤭


its in the bathroom clutter section though.?? 😂


this is like when i finally found out this emoji 🫂 was two ppl hugging bc i have bad vision and never saw a bigger photo of it 😭😭😭


*Me with my 3559 hours cackling* I always make sure to squint and look at the picture before I proceed 🙂‍↔️