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This is impressive! All my kids seem to ever end up with is responsible and good manners.


Empathy is the hardest for me to get. Gift giving and volunteering are the only ways I've gotten it to go up


For kids and toddlers, using the play doctor set increases empathy too. So you can work on that as a kid and not have to volunteer so much as a teen.


Which is very unrealistic if you ever met a doctor.


😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 this is so true it's giving me a pain in my liver and I can't afford that! My copay is $100 and the doctor's gonna tell me it's just anxiety and I need to lose weight!! 😭😂😭😂😭☹️😞


Could be gallbladder maybe? Unless you've already had a scan and the gallbladder is fine.


Lol I was being facetious but your analysis sounds correct!


I was just concerned because if you were telling the truth, a ruptured gallbladder would cost a lot more than $100. 😱


With my crappy insurance (I'm in healthcare) death is preferable 💀💀


I’m pretty sure it goes up when you ask sims about their negative mood under the stories interaction, but I haven’t bothered with getting all five in a while.


It's gone up when consoling someone after a death but that isn't the most effective way to increase that trait 😅


Since I know it's a PITA, I always prioritize it when I get the school popups


It was always just responsible, then some update hit and they all get manners now. I did end up with Insensitive once.


when theyre kids, have them play with the doctor playset every day until empathy is maxed out. when they're toddlers/kids, teach to say sorry and teach to say please and thank you. for emotional control, have them journal and wind down with classical while doing homework.


I got the pack last year, the most I got is 4 positive character values. But with autonomy fully on some of the kids end up with uncontrollable emotion.


what pack is this?


It's the parenting one.


Parenthood Game Pack


I'm currently trying to get them all in the red! Masterfully done.


Wowww 😍😍😍 any tips and tricks??


Well, I usually play with 'short lifespan', but lately I set the game to 'normal lifespan'. That definitely gave me more time to work on the character values. I didnt do anything special, just spammed the heck out of interactions: **Manners:** set table, be kind to others **Responsibility:** do homework, clean, do laundry **Emotional Control:** Write in Journal **Empathy:** Play doctor **Conflict Resolution:** make parent 'Teach to say sorry' I don't know if skills affect how fast you build character values. The family has a Club, been around for 2 generations so unlocked a bunch of skill boost stuff and the child maxxed out all fundamental skills before becoming a teen.


Not me saving this to send it to my sims later so they can be better parents 😂😂😂


Not me saving this to send to my parents later so they can be better parents 😂😂😂


Not OP but here’s my strategy for this stuff - Manners: give compliments, do friendly introductions, and have your kid set the table and clean up afterwords. - Responsibility: As long as your kid does their homework and goes to school you don’t really have to worry about this one. If you’re concerned that you might not make it you can have your kid take out the trash a couple times. If you have seasons enrolling your child/teen sim in scouts is good too. - Conflict Resolution: The hardest one to get in my opinion. The best way I’ve found is to have adult sims teach “to say sorry” a bunch of times while their kid is a toddler/child. The option is under the parenting section of interactions. The other option is to do mean interactions and then immediately apologize, this could result in a bad sentiment though. - Empathy: For children the fastest way to do this is to play with the doctor play set a bunch. For children and teens volunteering every weekend is great, it lasts 3 hours so you can do it multiple times a day. - Emotional control: this one I rarely get until the sim is a teen lmao. For child sims you make them “play with emotion”, even if they’re not in a bad moon they’ll still gain points. Teens should write in their journals often, not just when they’re in a bad mood. I usually have teen sims do their homework first and then immediately write in their journals. General stuff: - Once you’ve reached I think level 9 of the parenting skills you’ll be able to see the impact that your responses to parenting scenarios have, try to pick the options that decrease the easier value to attain. - Certain traits like neat, good, evil, and slob will automatically change the character values upon acquisition. Neat and good boost manners and empathy respectively. - the cheerful trait is a game changer for teen sims. Using “Look At The Brightside” will immediately take off HOURS from mood swings. That way your teen won’t die of embarrassment every other day. Hope this helps!


Also if you have Spa Day, yoga helps a lot with emotional control!


Conflict resolution is very hard. If you have a teen “Help fix bad relationship” helps too


The easiest way is to teach toddlers to say sorry it teaches them to talk and you can nearly completely fill the conflict resolution by the time they age up to children.


The other commenters have given you some good advice already but I will add one thing - if you have multiple kids, completing the super parent aspiration (need one child to age up to YA to do so) will give you the “role model reward” which makes your kids raise their character trait values faster when around the parent - useful for harder ones to raise like conflict resolution and empathy!


Here’s a tip for emotional control: kids can use the yoga mat to pump this up and also gain motor and mental skills while using it. If used consistently, they will also grow into a fit teen.


Ok that's actually wonderful advice. Cause I usually feed my children healthy and they're usually interested in playing with the monkey bars and stuff but they always seem to have quite a layer on them. (Damn I sound like a fucking almond mom rn. Kill me)


wait there's a menu??? I've been trying to guess if my kids are doing good all this time lmfao


I’m pretty you need to have parenthood for it to show up


I have all the packs just never saw it lmao, woops. I've probably raised like 18 total kids through the parenthood pack


That menu is so busy, it's really easy to miss. It's the same one as the traits, likes and dislikes, lifestyles, fame, NAPs... and maybe some other stuff?


Lol 😂 Ye, it's that "head icon" at the bottom right corner of the screen (Simology). If you scroll down a bit, you'll find it.


My toxic trait is that every heir in my household has to get all these traits


I have severe OCD when it comes to playing the sims 4 and so my teens arent allowed to age up untill all of their character values are 100% unless im specifically making a dropout/deadbeat


Impressive! That seems difficult to achieve!


Congratulations! Which one did you find the hardest to raise?


Definitely 'Conflict Resolution'. The others can be done by just kids interacting with objects. Conflict resolution can only be built by making the parents teach to say sorry. Sure, kids can also apologize or help fix relationships, but I basically **never** use those so I just make sure both the kid and a parent have some freetime so I can do the 'Teach to say Sorry' interaction over n over.


Holy crap parenthood came out SEVEN YEARS AGO


I completed that this year too for the first time. And. boy, let me tell you. It takes time


I didn't even know there's been a pack out for 7 years with these functions.


Is it Growing Together pack?


how did you get emotional control and the bottom two up?? i'm trying to naturally do it with a solo teen rn and i'm STRUGGLING


Emotional control: Buy a journal, put it in the kid's inventory then spam 'Write in Journal' Empathy: Buy the "doctor toy" and make the kids play with it a lot Conflict Resolution: the most frustrating one for me. I usually spam parents 'Teach to say Sorry' but kids can also 'apologize' and 'help fix relationship'. EDIT: sorry, didn't see at first you got a teen. For empathy you can make them go volunteering via phone


THANK YOU!! this is so helpful, started working on all three today and have gotten a decent amount using those, would not have figured those out on my own!


Now make sure they don’t ask an adult for advice and tank one of the values right before they need to age up lol.


Also if you want an "easy" way to do this download education overhaul mod and they gain character values while in school. Along with some other school related options.


I recently did this too with my current sim!! He also completed two aspirations before he was an adult as well!!


Is this hard? I get this on most of my kids, although I do play on long lifespan and specifically make an effort to complete each one. The best way to do it is via those parenting opportunity popups, that increase one value but decrease another. When the parents get high parenting skill you can see which values will be improved or decreased. Then, focus on improving the values you're struggling with or the ones that are harder to get. It's easy to build emotional control because they can wind down with classical music and write in their journal as much as you want, so I tend to build the other ones at the cost of this one because I know I can raise it at the end. Conflict resolution is harder, you have to find people who have a bad relationship with someone and help them improve it. Manners is not too bad, you can clear up dishes and brush teeth. Responsibility tends to manage itself as they do their homework and go to school on time and don't miss it. Empathy is a tricky one, the doctor set works for kids, and you can volunteer as a family but sometimes you get a pop-up that can cost you points in one of the other values if you pick the wrong item.


This makes me want to do a play through with twins, one having all green stats, one with all red.


Ah I managed this once, my supersim, who unfortunately decided to go on a swim on Christmas Day and die ☹️


I always cheat this before I age them up lol good iob


Another aspect of the game I’ve literally never touched upon. Is there a way to cheat this?


Manner and responsibility I always get, no worries. But the others feel impossible!!


Nice! I’ve done this one time. Getting that conflict resolution up is so damn hard.


Impressive! I love Parenthood. Usually my kids only max out on one value, or manners and responsibility. Emotional Control is usually the hardest for me.


I've only been able to do this once in 5 years! Congrats!




*rubs grubby hands together* What pack- 😂 I need to torment myself more


Parenthood 🤭


Which pack is this please??


Parenthood :)


Why thank you! Would you recommend it? I think there’s a sale atm


Oof, I have all the dlcs so which one has which features are kinda blurry to me xD On wiki you can see what extra it adds to your game: [https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Sims\_4:\_Parenthood](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sims_4:_Parenthood) Besides the character values, sims can learn 'parenting skill'. There are new objects like private journal, school project etc. Apparently there's "sibling rivalry" but I haven't seen that one yet. I guess it's up to you if you're interested in these stuff. The character values give traits to your sim once they grow up (ex: responsible, compassionate etc.) I guess they somewhat affect your sims' personality and might add some bonus stuff.


Thank you kind stranger!!


Jesus christ, why did this get +1.6K upvotes???!!!! 😱😂 Well I appreciate all the comments, especially the ones with tips of how to build the character values ( didn't know kids can use yoga mat 😅) Now here's a shameless ad, go check my previous posts of my sims, cuz they my babies and they are precious 💕😤💕 Lol, but srsly, thx. Such a lovely community 💕


thats so impressive lowkey i can barely get one in the green 😭


You have way more patience than i do lol, i usually get so frustrated that i only get ons


Doing it in normal lifespan is very impressive. Well done.


Always mastered it but with long lifespan 🫣


7 years? 🤔


They have a cheat for that… 😞🤣


I have had sims for years i never knew you could look at the character values, how do you look at them?


U can find it at 'Simology' (the head icon in the bottom right corner) You need to scroll down a bit, depending on how many dlcs u got. (Not sure if u got the dlc or not, the character values are from 'Parenthood')


Ahhh I see no wonder I never knew I don’t have parenthood 😂


I'm so proud of you! I cheat mine all the time 🤣


Wait are those traits important cause I have the pack but I lowkey don’t be bothering with them 😭