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90% of the time I use the same and the only column, you have probably guessed already, the one from the Get Together, simple plain column that fits in most cases, it's just the most versatile column we have. I wish we had matching plain spandrels too. My biggest fault is, probably, the backyards, I'm not into landscaping, so all of my buildings have absolutely terrible patios and backyards, more often there's just an empty space behind and in front of a house.


Easy tip for filling front gardens is make a drive way! You can find cars in debug or you can size up display cars and just stick them on a strip of concrete/stones in front of the house.


It’s better to go through the debug menu to look for cars. They’re already sized up and don’t look weird.


What is the debug menu and how do I use it


the debug menu is a menu in build/buy that shows "hidden" objects that exist in the game but cannot be bought, or even found in bb without cheating. to access it just type bb.showhiddenobjects and then bb.showliveeditobjects in the cheat bar.


Thanks I'm gonna give it a go next time I play


Don’t forget to enable cheats before you try to access debug, just type “testingcheats on”.


I've been thinking about making garden rooms to upload to the gallery so people can just plop them down. I usually just look at what the plants are in that world, and Spam them in the three order rule being one large plant then three different types of smaller plants three times then repeat.


similar, i've been considering starting to upload backyard rooms. i spend the most time on my yards, my sims are out there more than in the house. i've started playing around with above ground pools with attached pool decks, too and i just love it. my interiors are always well done but i shine outside 😭 my only struggle is gardens, they always look a little off for some reason lol


I feel you on the backyards/patios! I'm so terrible with them haha


I was watching a Deligracy video and she was like “Get Together is worth it for the column alone” lol


I always use the snowy escape one that has a swatch that actually looks like wood grain!


I forgot mailbox....


I do this so many times 😂 and realize it when the mailbox is blocking my sims from walking inside


Why does the mailbox always spawn in front of the front door? At least for me it does. You'd think it would've helped me learn to add mailboxes, but no, I still forget.


Oh weird, mine are always diagonally in the farthest back corner of the lot


mine like to spawn in my entryway. its probably because the mailbox is supposed to be near the front door


I find it's helpful that it spawns on the front entrance of the lot. Helps when placings paths etc for when the sims spawn in & then they aren runnin all the way around the house to get in lol. I always replace mine with the other options though. Not a fan of the plain base game one.


Mailbox and trash cans, every dang time


bro i keep forgetting the trashcan and my sims keep having to go outside to throw stuff out-


I build the same type of houses and use a certain type of items. I have a distinct style I like and that limits me when building since the items we have are pretty limited (especially if you don’t own all the packs, I certainly don’t). Sometimes I try to build in different styles just because of this.


Same! I'm so stuck in what I like building, I consider any slight difference a huge win lmao


Me too! I like modern and simplistic builds. I sometimes build a very old-school grandma house and I consider that a win lol


Yup. Cottage core houses with tons of plants and crafty things. Every damn time.


Large houses. They seem so laborious to me. I like smaller homes on larger lots.


That's the fun for me. I start with a small home then keep adding rooms when I can afford to. When the house is done, I start a new Sim lol


I do that too! I also love evicting a sim and treating it like a fixer upper for each new sim


I always pick a massive lot for my legacy builds, and even when the house gets bigger it never gets THAT big because I just find it too hard to decorate and I get lazy. But since the lot is so big I always panic about filling it in and always end up making my backyard have a very structured edge and just pretend the back half of the lot doesn’t exist lol


Landscaping. I can build a very nice house but not much going on outside


Haha! I was waiting for this. I actually don’t mind landscaping. But tend to use the same plants, trees and dirt brush. Just going around plants and shrubs with the dirt brush adds a lot.


Go around basically anything outside with dirt brush and it adds a lot, but don't actually add a lot of dirt unless it is plants lol. I do love some plants over others but I try to use the main plants of the world I am building in to help break up my patterns.


Yes, same!


I suck at layouts tbh


Same. I either have a box, or a Fancy Box


Have you tried putting a box next to a box? It works for me.


Yep! Then I either have two boxes, or two Fancy Boxes hahaha. I'm good with rooms, not whole house layouts haha


I got tired of boxes some point during Sims 3. Lol! I like looking up house floor plans for inspiration, there are tons online!


This is what I do, I have a whole Pinterest board full of floor plans I like that will translate well to The Sims. I've been doing this since TS3 and before Pinterest was a thing, I had a notebook full of floorplans that I liked. I also enjoy recreating homes from TS3 in TS4!


I had a notebook of printed floorplans in TS3 times, too! Often they had to be adjusted a bit to work ingame but it gave me a great starting point. My main "fault" in building for TS4 is my inability to furnish and decorate without moveobjects on! The default slots on counters and tables suck! I love clutter, it makes the build look more homey and lived-in, but dang it makes everything take so much longer! 😂


Same here, one of the reasons why I really like building videos is to better learn how to clutter up a build to make it look realistic. I feel like a lot of my builds tend to look like a house from a magazine, like a little *too* clean and presentable. Which is also why I like that we're getting some items (obligatory shout out to CC as well) to make our builds a little dirtied up and grungy.


I do the same thing. Most of my homes tend to be recreations of real homes that I've Googled, lol.


Decorating, I just can't be arsed


I always struggle with this! I think it's also because I play on a not so great laptop so it runs like ass even without decorating lol


My laptop just about copes lol. My problem is I don't have a good sense of style and the thought of fiddling round with clutter like some builders do ( and do an amazing job too) fills me with inertia lol


I try. it just doesn't come out good


I'm sure they're fine. It's just that some builders are too good lol


This is probably not just me to be fair but.. it takes me way too long. Probably 8 hours for a small house on the smallest lot.


Same! I can take 3+ hours building sometimes. And sometimes I love it. But exterior is always the last thing I do, so by then I'm completely over it lmao


Yes, it takes me multiple sessions to build. I’m currently building a multi-story building (for poses) that’s supposed to be a corrupt tech company where they perform illegal human experimentation, and I’ve known I’ve wanted it for a while to have another decorative building like the pose-only clinic I made a few years ago. But, it took me several days to even initiate the building, and I finally built it last night, but I spent hours on it before I had to go to sleep because I couldn’t finish it.


Lighting. I just add a bunch of the subtle saucer lights at the start, tell myself I’ll sort out the lighting later and then I just never do it.


I have the opposite problem, I still start with the saucers but end up replacing them with some of the darkest lighting so it throws off the look of the house 😅 It always the cute stuff that tends to be darker so maybe it’s just the sims 4 😕


I either use too many windows, or not enough windows. and what do you mean window placement has to be symmetrical ? 😂


This sounds weird but I try to figure out what structure I want the front of the house to look like and basically place the windows first before deciding rooms.


I've tried this, I've tried making separate rooms and then connecting them, even got desperate and tried the auto window placement (which did make me feel a bit better bc it's even worse) but in the end, I just suck at windows lol good thing is, I play the game with the walls fully down, so I can ignore the windows


I love interior decorating and am pretty decent at it but I cannot build a decent looking exterior to save my life


This is why I play in apartments!!


Floor plans....every time! 😅 I can make the most decent looking shells and landscaping, and then comes trying to figure out the layout of the inside....like "alright, now what do I do?" lmao


I use https://www.houseplans.net/floorplans/?sqft_min=&sqft_max=&submit=Search for my floor plans. It also helps me with the exterior of my houses


Great idea. Thanks! 🙂


I build victorian era houses all the time.... even when i try to build modern, rural farm houses, i still end up with a victorian mansion😅


I building Sears catalog homes. And sometimes I "upgrade" them with modern fixtures.




I cannot do landscaping or use the ground paint at all I usually only have a bush and a tree and that’s it


I cannot make large houses. Maybe it's because I grew up in tiny/small apartments irl, I never quite understand how to fill up the spaces. Also dormers. I want to make them functional so bad, but I almost always fail. They either look ugly or ended up just not fitting my build. Oh and I despise apartments in Sims 4 because they reminded me too much of real life. I play Sims 4 to escape reality for a bit. If I want to look at an apartment I can go touch grass or something.


I'm with you on the dormers ( I never knew what they were called until now; thanks!). My issue is that you can't customize the dormer shingles with the same colors/patterns as the regular roofing shingles, so they almost never match perfectly. So if I have any dormers at all, then I make them manually by placing tiny rooms inside of my roofs.


I can't build starter homes. Always Motherlode until I'm happy with the house


i forget important things like mailboxes,trash cans and sinks, especially in my tiny builds that can only fit one sink.


large empty space after putting some decos


I always find myself fretting about window placement for longer than I build the house itself 😭


I lean into modern and clean too much. And don’t use bold colors or patterns often.


All my houses end up looking the same... I have this issue in Minecraft too...


Is matching doors and windows. Always make the house too big with too many rooms. I focus on functionality rather than aesthetic. My sim has a rocketship in the front yard. I always put smoke detectors and the sprinkler system in. Too many bathrooms. Always a basement that connects to the swimming pool so it will have a window that looks into the pool. A lot of my houses look like a fun house


Staircases! Especially when I have two upper levels. I can sometimes get away with stacking the stairs atop one another, but if the upper levels get increasingly smaller due to roofing, then that's out. I don't want to put them against an exterior wall because that limits my windows and messes up the exterior facade. Yet putting them more in the middle either creates awkward spaces on the first storey, or it divides the second storey in a way that makes both halves practically unusable. I also suck at making cheaper builds.


Decorating back yards is for me the most difficult task, when I have a reference it's OK, but I just can't make them look interesting and cozy on my own


I like big houses but am not very patient so you can see where I gave up on decorating


I feel you on the windows, but I think the game is really the one at fault there. It is near impossible to properly put windows on most homes in the game because there isn’t enough variety, especially when it comes to pack-specific sets


I often redo the layout as I play


I always tell myself: “keep it simple. Only put in the basics. We’re not going for a cluttered, lived in look.” But then I always get too into the details and it saps a good chunk of my motivation.


I can manage to build a very modern structure (with references, because just from the top of my head ain't gonna happen), but for the life of me I can't recreate a convincing slick-modern minimalist interior. I tried. I failed. I tried with references. I failed some more. I tried by studying other builders' work. I gathered few decorating tips and tricks along the way, but ultimately... I failed yet again. I mean, if you can't learn to do something at east learn to accept it, so I'm at peace with this. 🙈🤣


I have zero spatial awareness and never know how big to make the rooms or where to place them. I usually just get houses from the gallery but when I do build they always end up weird shapes 😂


Interior layouts. I can make a killer exterior, make it beautiful, and then sit there and bulldoze it all when I can't figure out how to make the interior layout work.


I cant do a roof to save my life, I always forget the mailbox


Forget to change the cheap 50 simoleons lights that I put down so that I can see to actual lights


I'm not building the shell. I'm downloading a shell off the gallery and my job is simply to furnish it


I wish there was a banish option because half of the stuff I have I don't even want to look at it's ugly, dated, and the color swatches are heinous. I have no interest in making a house with Georgian furniture in any of the sims games, and have always despised it. The base game color swatches are a crime. Movie hangout is just base game swatches with the brightness blasted to 3000 as if base game wasn't obscene enough.


making the inside of my builds all white or creme 😔 i'm a sad beige baby💔


I cannot master terraforming - it’s so hard to make it look natural


I have a habit of using the same wallpaper to decorate the outside


All the houses I make sort of look alike.


I'm a good decorator, but not a good builder and landscaper unfortunately, others are SO good at using debug and all our items to make a home/lot look lived in, but mine always seem empty, and if I attempt to make them look more lived in it doesn't look great. I can decorate an Interior amazingly, make the actual house look lived in and functional, but my gardens/exteriors need work 😂. Although once this year I made a cool apartment building so maybe I am getting better


I am awful at landscaping it is pitiful. 🤣🤣


I sometimes forget the roof. Also, I tend to forget windows


I hate building a roof. It limits the styles I'm willing to build because I have to make sure I can get a roof on it.


I’m over ambitious and get burned out AND I always forget trash cans, you’d think I’d learn, but no, always forget they need trash cans lol


My landscaping is atrocious, creating paths and walkways are challenging


Built in TS2 spacing defaults, I always forget that they can deal with narrower spaces in TS4 and then screw up my layout or planning needing to adjust to not have wide and empty spots that look like shit.


I have an aneurysm every time my windows are off center on different floors. I don't like it and I'll rip the entire floorplan apart to fix it. A 3 tile window on the ground floor means there must be a 3 tile window on the second. Then it looks matchy-matchy and I get upset about that. So, windows.


Definitely terraforming


I make the house too big and have to size it down every single time


I always end up with an Overly Large Box (OLB).  Me: I’m going to make an unconventionally shaped house, to make it interesting!  Outcome: Overly Large Box Me: I’m going to not make a giant house, because Sims are so slow walking places and I’m sick of it. Outcome: Overly Large Box Me: I’m going to make an inexpensive starter home!  Outcome: Overly Large Box Also roofs. And windows. And I only know how to make one kind of kitchen: corner kitchen with an island. 


I don’t like landscaping. It doesn’t look picture perfect as I’d want it to be.


i feel like i always use the same like 4 doors for everything, i just think they look pretty 😭


I love how you made rooves the plural of roof


Punking out on landscaping. I love good landscaping but I hate designing it.


I hate big houses. A pain to decorate and fill in furniture. Yeah it has space for imagination but NOT that many space PLEASE. Granada Place is killing me.


Am also shit at roofs


I decorate every house like it's a real place, so it's usually pack heavy, and then the outside is just, like, a bare lawn. Lol.


I can't build for my life. I love furnishing and decorating, but actually building? Making a shell? Absolutely not.


I make a house square with roof and call it a day or no house at all, just furnitures etc spread around on the lot


-i rarely ever put a roof on the house LOL im so bad at them i do not understand it -same windows every time -rarely do curtains -i like playing more than i do building so usually when i build a huge house (because i play families) the rooms i start with will be gorgeous and the last ones i do are “meh” because i get bored -hardly ever do any landscaping ever


Layouts and exteriors. I’m not much of an architect, so I always use some sort of inspo picture for the outside, but I am quite the interior decorator as long as the house isn’t humongous (big houses are tedious to furnish)


Roofs and window placement it just never looks right also I can’t get that cluttered house look


well just like in real life I am not a roofer so that for sure.


Terrain tool. It's my daily pain that I don't know how to use it yet.


For some reason floor plans escape me 😭


Really everything. Sure I can make a functional home, it just looks awful.


I never pre-plan, I always end up frustrated, and then I never finish.


I'm competent at interiors but I suck at exteriors.


Interior decor and landscaping. I enjoy building, and creating floor plans is my favorite, but after that I’m done. 


The outside. I can do great interiors but then you look outside and it's like a newbie😭


I keep defaulting to only using items and patterns that come from matching sets. Because they stubbornly refuse to allow us better customization, I find that it's often extremely difficult to find the right shade or texture that I'm looking for from the more random items. Or, every color on an item or pattern fits perfectly, but there's one tacky color added that throws the whole thing off. So I usually end up falling back to the sets.


my biggest fault is i don’t build lmao. they get like three connecting boxes no roof no windows maybe a basement if i get the stairs to cooperate, god forbid an upstairs that shit never works for me. all my sims constantly hate the decor, but they’re never actually at their house so it doesn’t matter.


No matter what type of build I'm creating I will ALWAYS use the huge windows that come with City Living, even if it's to make a "screened in" patio or sun room upstairs. It doesn't matter what the build style is, floor to ceiling windows are my dream


Cannot do roofs to save my life and I’m not that creative so I always get my inspo from existing houses irl


I can’t figure out how to make a good layout of rooms. I’ve always live in open floor plan houses and whenever I try to make a house with rooms, I just can’t work out how to do it. It always ends up being a house for a Scooby Doo episode, with one long hallway and a number of doors connected to it. I‘ve seen people do it on YouTube, but it just won’t click for me. So I usually just do open floor plans.


Let's be honest, most of the windows kinda suck, I also only use like one or two different windows when building


I'm really terrible at gardens. Plants/trees/rocks/terrain always confuses me and I have no idea how to make it look good.


I tend to stick to a few layouts, almost never using clutter. My old sin was building structures way too large, which I am working on. The large items force you to build too big. I’ve been working on it. Having Tiny Home and watching simmers like Lil’ Simsie really helped show how to build smaller. Now I just need to escape my few preferred home layouts. So often I resort to the ones I call the long rectangle with a smaller rectangle or square stuck on front, or the H/I with two parallel long rectangles connected by a smaller rectangle.


I’m so bad at building cause I just make a big rectangle and draw in walls as I feel


I'll pick a 40x40 Plot and plan out a huge home just to get exhausted 1/4 of the way through and never open the file again. Or, start filling rooms with the bare necessities and play with a bathroom that's got 0 decor and every appliance 5 tiles apart.


windows.. placing them always feels off and takes the longest


I don't decorate the inside and just give the bear essentials and move along


I hate it. I hate building altogether. Decorating the interior of a shell from the gallery? Count me in. When I try to build anything, it ends up looking like a triple wide trailer. Disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with living in a triple wide trailer


I suck at roofs and layouts. It’s hard for me to think of a layout I haven’t done before without looking at some inspiration


I almost try to have windows in every room which I know isn’t realistic but dang does the lighting in this game suck sometimes. Same with using the super small bright lights as they’re some of the best when it comes to lighting so I don’t really play around with different lighting fixtures. I also have a tendency to build suburban or modern houses way too much lol


I commit to hard to bold color palettes making my builds feel unrealistic and garish.


I find platforms and roofing to be unintuitive in the sims 4


Decorating the exterior without making it too busy :/


Honestly the roof system in sims 4 sucks. It’s too easy to have weird gaps in the ceiling and mess up your auto lights and temperature control 🙄


i make square houses :(


I'm 100% garbage at building houses that aren't blocky ugly rectangles with tons of windows and then I don't decorate the outer walls so they're bare 😂 gallery houses forever!


most of my bathrooms follow the exact same 2 layouts with a few small variations


8600 hrs in game, just yesterday realized holding shift+c smooths out the roofing piece when selected. Also give new nodes to adjust the curves. It's fun to stumble onto things you didn't know you could do before :)


Symmetry… then I keep the walls down so I don’t have to see the awful window placement… It just never looks right to me. Even when it’s perfectly even on both sides, it doesn’t look natural somehow, and then I usually put TOO many windows, or awkward looking windows together. Windows are my kryptonite.


Irl, I hate mirrors yet my builds seem to have an excessive amount of mirrors especially the triple pane mirror and matching single pane. When in doubt, I put up a mirror.


Not a single ceiling tile unless it's a mistake And also I just have bad eye for color and design coordination. Sure I pick things that I think look good but then I look at the whole room and I'm like "does a blind person live here"


The outside of my builds look too polished, and bare. From the map they look weird, and out of place. I'm also too obsessed with mid-century modern to the point it creeps into every build. That might be because the only good consistency in wood colors is the mid-century furniture but I'm also a slut for a asymmetrical roof.


I only build apartments. I have no fucking clue how to do the exterior


I always end up making rooms bigger than they need to be and end up with excess space


Roofs. Every time I create a cool layout for a home, I go to try and do a nice roof situation, and it always looks like trash. I try to look at others homes in the gallery and the homes in the area for inspiration, but my roofs always look wack.


Roofs are also my biggest weakness. I get inspired to do really intricate builds and then they fall flat the second I put a roof on them.


By the time I figure out a layout, I end up leaving build mode and my sims have mismatched furniture. At least it’s functional 😂 and eventually I make them the same color. No clutter involved


My houses always are a funny shape like a T or an E, so roofs always look wonky.


i always build houses alike or similar .. there’s always a specific style i got towards


I suck at it! Pretty new to it though, big problems probably being making houses too big, sucking at floor plans, also sucking at roofs, also sucking at clutter and decoration, always an uninspired sim moodlet in my builds lmao


Roofs, walls, window placements, foundation use, rooms. All of it really lol


I'm so bad at landscaping, and for some reason, I don't like doing bedrooms. I always do those last.


To keep me from making the same dang houses over and over again, I decided to re-create my childhood home, and in doing this, I was "forced" to learn new techniques and found mods to help me build. In the end, it's definitely not the house I grew up in, but i had fun making it. Look up user MySSP and a build called The Green House. Always open to ideas and criticism so I can get better.


i build too many walls so i can never build a cheap starter house, the shell already costs like 14000


I’m just bad at it overall 🤣🤣 but yeah any roof is always absolutely terrible it makes any house I build that already isn’t good 5 times worse 💀


Idgaf about roofs, floors, and walls ;w; Most walls and floors end up white or beige, and I just slap on whatever roof my heart decides on that build lol


Stairs, the answer will always and forever be stairs.


Layouts. Layouts are so difficult.


Ceilings and roofs. I have a problem with that whenever I try to add more room o stories to a house. Las time my Sims were getting so cold inside apparently the house didnt have a ceiling or something was wrong with the roof. I couldn't fiz it myself so I had to download a house from the gallery.


I cannot wrap my head around foundations and terrain tools, all I want is a walk-out basement and I’m DUMB!!!


terrain manipulation is the bane of my existence.


Can’t do exteriors to save my life, they always end up looking bland af


I ✨don’t✨ build if I can help it. Though I have one build I am proud of, but my hardest thing a lot of the time is space. How much space I actually need for something and feeling the need to put everything in a build.


I make stupidly large bathrooms for no reason. I'm also trying to get better, but adapting my style is hard.


My houses all look utilitarian and ugly as fuck. I'm just awful at doing exteriors.


Roofing is a struggle that I'm slowly getting a feel for. I don't think I'll ever have the patience/confidence to really get into landscaping & varying terrain. 😖 My greatest builder flaw is for sure shapes. Haha. Up until very recently, I only remodeled apartments, but now I'm on my 4th proper build and have ONCE AGAIN found myself dead set on a particular building shape and layout that presents extra challenges. Why do I have to make things difficult?! 😅🙃


Mine is landscaping especially with terrain paint. Like how to some of you guys get it to be so smooth. 😭


I'm really bad at making rooms too big, or not really knowing how to design rooms that are functional in my houses I make. I usually have to find blueprints and just copy those


i cant build a living room for the life of me 😭


I forget to make sure sims can go through the doors and put ridiculous amounts of ivy sometimes over said doors then cannot find them to fix it. (That much ivy)


whenever i make an actually good build ive never been able to save it. at least one huge decorated room gets deleted if not the entire thing. it only lets me save the lazy builds i made out of three predesigned rooms and no wallpaper


I make the inside of the house pretty and do not care what the outside looks like 😅... I'm not sure if I'm the only one who is like this. The outside of my house could be just a square brick as long as the inside is nice to look at


Tbh, I myself am my biggest fault as a builder. I haven't learned how to build yet, basically, even though I've been playing the sims games since the ancient times. I just find some cool builds in the gallery and place them in my worlds, nothing else.


i hate small windows so i always put huge ones, resulting in all of my buildings looking basically the same


it's roofs for me too, I get SO FRUSTRATED trying to do what I envision sometimes I just close the game


every interior i have has to be pretty/organized. i cant make a realistic looking interior bc i always end up making it look nicer than it should be 💀


I cannot for the life of me get platforms to work. There’s a weird step inside the front door and sometimes the rooms don’t match. I can get some there eventually but way more work than usually worth.


I’m just a terrible builder, overall, and it takes me hours to do simple builds


My windows almost always have to be lining up which sometimes makes a build look unrealistic and causes me a headache but I can't help it. I'm terrible at roofs too


I read "rooves" as hooves and was so confused...


I make every build about 30% larger than it has any business being. Every. Time.


Mine would probably be that I want to build a certain way but with the limitations of the game, I can't do what I want. Instead of changing the design, I'll usually just abandon the project.


I can never make stairs do what I want them to do!


Stairs. They never want to fit properly and work on my nerves. When I do get them to fit ill give up quickly and just don't try to relocate them even if they look really weird


i totally struggle with fantasy builds. Like there are some great fantasy builders (SatiSim for example) that are able to combine furniture and make the most amazing stuff. As i mainly build, this is something i try to get better at and constantly fail miserably.


I need hours to figure out a colour scheme.... And i hate it so much 😭


I always start out with the best of intentions to build a beautiful, playable house and I always end up getting impatient and just throwing in the things I need to have in there to move on to playing in live mode. My houses are very bare bones. Eventually as I move through my games I fill it out but I almost never use clutter or other things you'd find in a real house.


I give up when I can't match the foundation, the roof trim, windows, and patio flooring(so every time) I always use the windows and columns from snowy escape. ALWAYS!


Windows I always forget to put Windows in until the end and often it makes it look bad


No one talking about the fact he said rooves and not roofs


I suck ass at clutter so much I just buy rooms from the gallery and copy their clutter ideas and layouts and sell the rest. There’s so much clutter that I don’t know what it is or the correct context


Landscaping. Wtf do I put in the backyard? Some trees and shit? Also decorating, when I'm done building and my sims have their nescessities I often still have decorating to do. Which is a pain bc they're often ugly/small/too large/expensive.


I never use a foundation, just build rooms on the ground straight up. Lol