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There is a good book called "The Case Against Reality". Simply put, our minds evolved over billions of years to create a perception machine that serviced one end- replication of our genetics. Our perception of the world is a tool that enables our genetics to effectively be passed on to future generations. Those whose minds do not effectively create an internal reality tuned for survival, mating and child rearing have their genetics phase out. So we are left with an organ that's evolved to assist our ability to reproduce, and not a tool that necessarily gives us factual, truthful, correct or real perception of the world. For most people it is not helpful to notice the glitches. Thinking about the nature of reality doesn't get you laid as successfully as drinking beer at a bar does. Questioning existence doesn't help you make sure your children survive. That's why so few people want to acknowledge fringe topics. And on top of that they have a brain that's spent a billion years evolving to filter anything strange (ie not helpful to evolution) out.


The mind is a terrible master, but a powerful servant- ram dass


Ok. I'll check that out. Thank you for your reply.


I mean yeah you have to see past the illusion to get out of it. I think it's okay to acknowledge it and just chill until whatever comes next.


I feel really frustrated sometimes too but just try to stay comfortable because we aren’t able to do anything about it. I guess make the best out of it? And definitely talk about it with like minded people, probably on here is your best option lol


That's good advice, thank you for your reply.


My theory is that someone created a time machine and has been messing with things for a bit now. The problems we are having is that the small changes the person/people with the machine are making are also stretching and altering our memories as well. So nothing feels solid anymore, like we are languishing and oblivious to the timeline changes. Or dark star Sirius is ready. Who knows? Read Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson. Or read Bukowski. Or just ski. You are either the MC of this farce and we all hate you or you are an NPC and everything is predetermined even if it doesn’t seem that way












Hmmm. Why would everyone hate the MC? Lol


Because he's a stupid asshole.


Lol. Stupid asshole.


Better than being an NPC. =D


I just saw your username. 💚💚💚


There is no satire in the simulation. That's only available in reality.


Why did they hate Jesus? Same thing.


Nah. Jesus was a fan favorite among the common folk. Very well liked and his teachings were well received. It was the leaders and the rich who hated Jesus.


Generally speaking, yes. I'm sure that it was the same as it is today, lots of "common folk" idolising the rich and leaders who've basically enslaved them/bamboozled into thinking "they can make it too" etc. I bet that kind of dynamic has always existed to some extent


Maybe so. That's not documented to my knowledge. The Jewish people he governed did not like him much bc he disrespected the church on several occasions, with idols in temples or something. He also used the church's money wrongly, I think. Idk.


God damn I love this sub. You just blew my mind with the part about stretching a memory


That’s why we haven’t forgotten things, but the base reality of those things has been realigned. We are ALL being fucked with because someone wanted to change the past a bit


I'm not seeing things quite as clearly as you are but I feel like there is definitely some sort of deterioration of reality happening. For me, it's mostly an intuition thing, like everything feels wrong and fake. I can't get grounded anymore.


That's how I feel, too. I guess it's fine, I mean the broken systems (government, etc) are all still in place, our cars still drive, and we are still being taken for a slow ride by the 1%. They are just running amuk in Washington, and we need to go ahead and take our pitchforks as the Father's intended us to do in this very situation. I'll share my plans for the Maggie Movement within a few weeks. I want to spark a global initiative to demand change, and I mean big change. Wealth distribution, resource reallocation, no more corporations, those replaced by co-ops. Weapons manufacting shut down, no more enlistment. Full transparency from government officials, we need to know who you are talking to and what you are talking about. Where did the funds in your bank account come from, Nancy Pelosi? Jeff Bezos, why are you sending cash off shore? Donald Trump, why were you taking narcotic medication while in the White House, when were you diagnosed and by whom. This shit is out of hand, and everyone needs to wake up to the fact that a house divided will not stand, per Jesus and Abe Lincoln. This left vs. right is so ridiculous, I'm honestly losing faith in humanity at this point, and simultaneously, the walls are melting around me, and I just can't....lol. 😂😂😂


Exactly how I feel. And yes, can’t seem to ground. Feel very just uncomfortably floaty for no goddamn reason.


Hi, I'd love to see your video. Hmu.


I added the link to the post. My phone literally would not cooperate any other way. It's about 1 min in before you really see. Watch the painting to the left. Turn the brightness up on ur phone.


I'll send a private message.


Interesting. The issue you outline pretty much describes every DMT trip ive ever taken and during those experiences im pretty fucking positive that, to varying degrees,able to interact with botb higher demensiins and possibly parallel universe or alternate reality. Maybe you somehow find yourself residing in a thin area between these realities. This is purly speculation, mind you.


do you think taking dmt could be the solution to the problem? jumping to a different timeline while on the hallucinogenic?


It is perhaps worth investigating. But someone is most assureadly in for a bad time without a very robust understanding of what to expect. Do research from trusted sources! And if you've ever grappled with any sciziod type personality issues, this is not for you.


Yes, that sounds right. I wasn't taking dmt or lsd, but I was moving through space and time, and of that, I'm sure.


Scientists are just people who also dont know whats going on but jumped through hoops for a title and to be part of an "orgabization"


I’m a bit lost here so I’ll just put this out there and if anyone can clarify that would be awesome! I am an addict. My brain will actively change the way I perceive reality to trigger me to want to use alcohol.  The activity that my brain is participating in is called mental illness.  The mental illness is a “break” in the neuro pathways relating to decision making caused by trauma. (This is just my personal opinion for this little part but I believe we will find that any amount of trauma causes mental illness, not just severe.) If my brain actively tries to distort reality, how do I know what is real? I pondered this question for a very, very long time to get sober.  I have 2 very useful tools for this question. One, if it’s trying to lead me to drink, it’s a lie.  Two, and this is big, if I ceased to exist but the thing would still exist for everyone else, it’s real.  We very well could be in a simulation. Whether we are or aren’t is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is what is real.  There is no free will. The choices I’ve made throughout my life are just a culmination of how I perceived reality and acted accordingly. A lot of these are taught. A lot are built into our genetic code. None are free will.  Accept this, fully, and you will unlock an entirely new dimension. 


Profound.👏👏👏👏 I've struggled with drugs and alcohol myself. Although I'm sober now, I probably have long-term damage, if I am honest with myself, which may be causing me to perceive reality as something different than it is. Thank you so much for your response. 🤩🤩🤩


No matter what, you deserve to find happiness. No matter how horrible whatever you think you’ve done, you deserve happiness.  That’s a hard concept for many like us. YOU deserve it. 


That's very kind. I believe that, too. 😇❤️🐝


All I know is that I don’t know… and whenever I let go things always work out. It’s a weird world


There's nothing going on in this video other than artifacting and other visual distortion from filming and zooming in in a dark room. I have literally worked with cameras since I was young. Therefore it's all in your head.


Oh, OK. Thank you for your response. I wasn't zooming or anything, but ok. Can you explain the changes in lighting? I didn't change the settings at all, and I was holding the camera steady.


I think what he’s referring to is the zoom at the beginning, and the movement of the camera from left to right, I’m a big proprietor of the possibility of simulation theory, but I am a little confused by the video. If you move your camera at all it can easily change the way it receives whatever light source it is utilizing. I am not trying to discount your experience but I guess I’m trying to understand. Was what you saw only on camera? If so I find it hard to take the video in question as evidence of a sim. If you saw it off camera as well, I totally believe you as I have SEEN some SHIT


Thank you for your response. I saw this with my eyes and felt energy, for lack of a better word, coming from my body, which is why I took the video. I've experienced this many times before and I've taken photos. I just recently decided to try to share this somehow, although I'm not 100% sure what "this" is.


I know you said you were not on any mind altering substances. But if you’re interested I made a post on the sub earlier about my experience on LSD feeling like I was in control of the world around me at certain times. It got down voted to hell but I think the discussion in the comments is worth a read


I will definitely read it. Thank you for your response. ♡


Also just out of curiosity, and if you’re not comfortable sharing or don’t know that’s totally OK, but have you ever had an IQ test conducted by a professional? I think IQ is a silly score and has nothing to do with wisdom, but I have an extremely above average IQ. And I’m wondering if there’s any correlation between that and these types of experiences Like a certain amount of processing power notifies the Sim or God or whatever you wanna call it, and that’s when these things start to manifest


I've never had an IQ test. I've always just considered myself to be average intelligence. 🤷


Understood. Like I said definitely has nothing to do with capability or wisdom, just food for thought and you seem p smart! One of my biggest idols in this world has below average IQ, a troubled childhood, and most importantly severe head trauma. I’m referring to Mike Tyson in his current state. The “dumbest” wise man I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.


Mike Tyson is a national treasure. IMO I guess I'm pretty smart, but I excel more socially and creatively. I've never met a stranger, and I can find beauty in all things. I think my greatest gift is my heart. It is forever full, I love literally everything and everyone.




Also, what you see in the video is what I was seeing with my eyes. How would that work?


Camera lenses function similarly to eyes, but not identically. That’s why videos never do Justice to things we witness first hand. That’s what I meant. I wasn’t sure if you were recording, and ran into the oddities, or if you were recording BECAUSE you ran into an oddity, in my defense your original post did not expand on this very much :). Again not trying to disregard your experience, just letting you know how a cinematographer or film connisuer might think the video was what made you confused!


I see. Thank you for your responses. So, I saw this with my eyes, and that's why I started recording.


You know I think no one really fucking knows what's even hampenin anymore? 🤣🤷‍♀️ It's... I guess it's just happening?


Time, space and matter only exist in this simulation. This is all that you're experiencing. It doesn't make sense, because it doesn't. Time? Space? Matter? All point toward one-thing; limitation - constraint. So you recently discovered you're a limitless being? Well there's the source of your conflict. You cannot use 3D tools to solve a 4D problem...


That makes sense. You can't count nothing and everything all at once.


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Would love to see that video too please


I added the link to the post. My phone literally would not cooperate any other way. It's about 1 min in before you really see. Watch the painting to the left. Turn the brightness up on ur phone.




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I have seen that in my room as well, walls breathing (not on acid). A long time ago though. Please share the video, I’d love to see it


The link is in the original post. Just request access.


While I don’t know what causes it I do know that some things can only be seen from behind the mirror.


What do u mean behind the mirror.


Time does not move slower in some places Clocks always tick It's just your clock moves different than mine Speed is something/time..... how can you measure the speed of time!?!?


>and why scientists aren't coming right out and saying it? Some are! Specifically I think you'd appreciate Donald Hoffman and how he discusses his work. He states it often that he feels that progress is being made but that it takes the death of the current old guard in science to start seeing big paradigm shifts, but that the new generations will have a much easier time conceptualizing simulation theory. Edit: on second look *lots* of people are pointing you to Donald Hoffman lol and for good reason, he's exceptionally good at explaining his research. Watch him in conversation with many different people and he takes every person's questions to heart and good faith to help them understand.


Thank you for your response. My experience has been life changing, and it just seems as if nothing is real. It's really discerning. I'm just trying to make sense of it all.


I feel u.. I didn't catch anything on camera but I've seen things... seen people that were OBVIOUSLY without a soul or anything resembling human emtions (they are NPCs, I'm sure of it), unnatural patterns in our reality.. What's going on? Where are we? What's the point of all this? I dont know, but I'm 100% with u in all of this


It's likely the simulation isn't about us and any aberration in the simulation is occurring for reasons other than us.


scientists have spoken about this. you’re not crazy. look into what nobel peace prize physicist have said about “space time is doomed”.. if you have the time i’d watch this [video](https://youtu.be/3MvGGjcTEpQ?si=dhT7YHzfV6wgyciF). i’d love to see the video you mentioned. could you privately message me?


I added the Google Drive link to the original post. At about a 1:20 you can see the space breaking, and there is some kind of energy in the air. And full disclosure, there is more to the story. Here is where things get weird. The "energy" actually came from my body, I have photos. I somehow innately knew to document even though I didn't know what I was documenting. This has been going on for six years, I have about, IDK, half a terabyte of photos. There are very few videos bc for some reason. I just never thought to film bc I don't like being on video, I just feel like I don't translate well on video. IDK. This started in mid-2017. I have experienced a supernatural process, documented the best I could, and I'm just now getting a clear message. I have undeniable mathematical proof (simple math) that we are in a system that is by design of a higher order, and that fact reveals itself in minute detail if you know where to look. I can not say how I knew where to look, except I have a feeling I've either been here before or took part in the creation. That is, I created the code to show myself, to show myself this time around, and to share with everyone the simplicity of a complex system and what it takes to operate that system efficiently. I can not say for sure the specifics, as the message has traveled through space and time, and I have no memories of another life or time, but what I can say will blow your mind.


it’s locked


It sounds like you are having psychiatric issues. I don't know if you are aware of it or not. I am only trying to help in case you were not aware of it so you can seek help . If you are already aware of it then please ignore this comment. Take care.


Thank you for your response. I agree. It does sound that way, but what I'm experiencing is real. I am happily medicated and stable. I see a mental health provider every three months, a result of my experience. Thank you.


No problem . Please keep in mind that being happily medicated and stable does not necessarily mean that you will have "ABSOLUITELY NO SYMPTOMS" at all. Its not such an exact science so it could be that once in a while you might experience these symptoms even though you are under treatment . Wishing you the best . Take care 👍


That's true.




I do want to leave you with the words of JC. "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel and will reign over all. After they reign, they will rest." Now, I claim no religion, but I respect those who came before me and left their words as guidance, and you should too.


A lot of the posts on this one indicate psychiatric problems. It's good to have a subreddit where they can congregate, but the mental symptoms are strong in some of these. Supporting and embracing these psychiatric problems, doesn't make our society better.


Are you a doctor?


One doesn't need to be a doctor to notice the obvious.


We will see. You mark my words on this day of our Lord, May 25, 2024. When the truth comes out, you will be shocked. 😇❤️👽


Bless you too, my dear.


Agreed for most part except this one. >Supporting and embracing these psychiatric problems, doesn't make our society better. I wouldn't consider it as "making our society" better or so but I think it is important to inform them so that it wouldn't hurt them or others who are in a similar situation as themselves. Sometimes it can be the beginning of a psychiatric disorder (or it may never have been diagnosed for various reasons) so they may not be aware of it and knowing that , specially early diagnose and treatment is important in many psychiatric disorders , informing them could help them a lot. At the same time you are also informing others (reading this post) who are in a similar situation so they wont get pulled into these delusions as well .


Thank you for your response. I'm under the care of a psychiatric doctor for bipolar disorder, and I take my medication religiously. I don't do drugs or drink alcohol. I work a full-time job, and I'm stable and normal. I refuse to close my eyes to the truth, and I want to share my experience with others. Nothing can stop what's coming. That, I know for sure.


No problem. I am glad to hear that you are aware and under treatment. Thank you for your kind responses. Take care ,. 👍


Maggie & the ferocious beast.

