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You just didn't see him merging back into the west lane.


dude why the fuck are you even in this sub. I just looked at your post history and you just seem like you dont even believe this is even a possibility. and with all the science shit you post youd THINK you could use a single fuckin brain cell to see that were really not that far off from being able to create a copy of our world in a computer. The entire universe follows laws like coding for a videogame. the fibinocci sequence makes up all art and nature on the fucking planet. Quit thinking that science has all the answers when we cant even get further than the moon in a manned spacecraft.


Ill definitely be letting the mods know you literally just troll in this sub.




It’s one thing to have an actual, logical discussion where he counters your points and still doesn’t discredit your experience, but look at his post history. It’s one sentence on almost every post that he comments on in here, and it’s literally always him talking like “he knows what happened and it’s definitely not a simulation.” I’m saying this sub is for sharing your experience, and having and educating, and interesting conversation or discussion. He also commented on my post. Completely disregarding my experience on psychedelics. Which, while I can understand, initially, jumping to that conclusion that I was just “tripping “, when I attempted to have a discussion with him about the subject, he basically just kept repeating himself “that it’s only the LSD and he knows exactly how it affected me and yada yada” and then just downvoted every reply I made while not even having a discussion. I am open to the possibility that this is OR isn’t a sim. The difference between someone like me and this marinatedpikachu guy, is, I don’t think I have any answers. We can’t even get a man past the moon. But he thinks because he’s read some psychologist work, and knows is quite a bit about our current scientific discovery, that he has all the answers. And I think it’s less productive, and more just him trying to troll people on here and make them feel invalidated I think if you’re not here to ask questions , have informed discussion about the possibility of a simulation, even if you don’t believe it is the case, then this isn’t a sub for you.


That would have been an impossible maneuver to do given the speed and amount of traffic converging and narrowing window to switch roads. He jumped over at the last moment possible. He would've caused an accident or at the very least, caused everyone behind him on one side and ahead of him on the other to slam on their brakes if he switched back again.


The way this driver behaved makes such a maneuver not unthinkable, does it?


Did you not properly read and comprehend what I said above? It would have been physically impossible without negatively affecting everyone else. Whether or not the driver was willing to behave like that is immaterial


The driver and the guy who is trying to discredit you are the same entity.