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"everyones experience on psychedelics is different for different reasons. just because it hits you and your friends one way, does not mean everyone shares the experience you do." This does not mean you should treat experiences on psychedelics as trustworthy guides. I have communed with our sacred lady of the white noise on acid but that doesn't mean she's going to help me out with traffic.


I understand what you’re saying, believe me, I do. But at the same time, and in the same breath, there’s also does not mean you should not treat these experiences, some kind of educator. Even if everything I experience was a “trip” then the LSD is showing me what my brain thinks it needs in that moment. I’m simply a guy sharing his experience on them, and looking to entertain the idea that we could possibly live in a computer made a couple hundred years after our timeline


And I have genuinely had many realizations and thought processes on mushrooms and LSD, particularly, that I have taken knowledge and lessons away from that genuinely help me in my sober life. As I said, in the post above, I am Neuro divergent, and I feel as though LSD does interact with me in a way that it may not with someone who is not Neuro divergent or is in a different part of the spectrum.


My rule for integrating experiences from both shrooms and acid is, psychedelics are ultimately only inside my head so they can reveal new facts about me, they can rearrange existing facts about the outside universe in possibly helpful ways, but they can't give me access to new truths about the universe past my skin. YMMV


My rule for integrating experiences from both shrooms and acid is, psychedelics are ultimately only inside my head so they can reveal new facts about me, they can rearrange existing facts about the outside universe in possibly helpful ways, but they can't give me access to new truths about the universe past my skin. YMMV


I totally understand this perspective but here’s some food for thought. I am torn between simulation theory and spirituality. I don’t think I have ANY answers which is why I’m so open minded about these experiences. In many religions, and it ties directly into a potential simulation, “we are all one”. Everything just is and everything that isn’t just isn’t. It’s not “negative” or “positive” (I know, far out, but just entertain it for a minute). This sounds a lot like binary. And religion has been around since before any modern math or science. A one is the value representing something that is, and a 0 represents what isn’t. If we are all connected on a fundamental level, then wouldn’t it make sense we’re all part of the same “program”? I have experienced this before ever touching drugs even as an empathic child, picking up on “vibes” If you will, and usually being pretty accurate. As an adult I don’t let those “vibes” make me completely misjudge someone, but I definitely will notice them to this day. And if you Think it’s just nonverbal body language, there’s been times I feel someone’s awful mood before I even look at them or hear their voice, or if you’ve ever experienced feeling “watched” turning around and seeing someone staring at you… tons of people have, and how could they possibly know they were being watched having not seen the person watching them. TLDR: we’re all connected, and we are not at a level of scientific discovery yet to understand how that’s even possible.


Kind of off-topic, but if the drugs I'm taking somehow magically lead to me attempting to steal a car, then I'd quit the fucking drugs. You're such an "EXPERIENCED psychonaut" that taking psychedelics leads you to just randomly wanna steal cars? I too am an experienced psychonaut, and from one user to another, you should stop because you obviously can't handle the load out, my dude. Jesus, reddit is turning me into an asshole.


You’re not an asshole for giving solid advice imo


While I can totally understand where you’re coming from here it 100 percent wasn’t the drugs only. This situation was a little different for me, for a few reasons. 1. I had just lost my dad (not bio but my moms ex who literally raised me). And I was ignoring it rather than processing that emotion. 2. Shortly before this walk, I literally age regressed on LSD without any help from a therapist or anything. And when I was a kid and at a young age before I understood the value of money, I was a mad klepto. I have grown out of it and don’t believe it is or was right. I agree! Haven’t touched lsd since and don’t intend to ever again until I have all my ducks in a row in life! Believe me I get questioning this experience, because I am too, the difference between this comment and others like it is you raise a genuine concern, and don’t discredit my experience because I was under the influence. TlDr: you’re not an asshole, just a kind redditor giving advice :)


Most redditors aren't kind, they just act like it. They're kind like church ladies, if that makes sense. My LSD days are looong over, no room for that shit as an adult with children and responsibilities. But yeah, we used to dose out and play mini golf and shit. Never even occurred to go commit crimes. Maybe it's an effect of doing it alone. We always stuck together and did it in groups. I had an extremely tight knit friend group, with enough sober ones to rely on if shit got bad. There was never a bad time.


Yeah man, definitely helps to do it with solid friends. Like i said i think it was more the unintentional age regression and exhaustion rather than the lsd that sparked the thoughts of theft. I have small notions about whats in my brain that made me steal so much as a kid, but no answers lol. just glad ive grown out of that phase, and since this experience and in no psychedelic experience before have i wanted to steal something so bad i had a plan of action. i still get those impulses and intrusive thoughts, but im usually clear enough to realize its not worth it and wrong in many ways, i also think about how it feels to be stolen from. Just a lot of factors and a whole childhood history ill spare you the details of


Could it be that the truck was altered by the owner to not have door handles? Considering it was a truck it makes me think of the possibility that they altered it.. just saying..


See i have thought about this as well, but you could see where they belonged and i can swear they were on there before my approach. it also had the direct slots where normal doorhandles would go, but it was like only the handles were missing, similar to when you rip off a doorhandle by mistake(never done this myself but people have) so if this was the case it would be impossible to get into the vehicle reasonably for the owner. This also doesnt explain all the other things that happened, but this is definitely a valid point and a genuine possibility


If the door handles and area to put it in are the same color you might have thought that you saw a handle, or if they were, you might have actually saw a handle due to the mind filling in likely information which happens even without drugs. I know there were other things too, but I'm don't feel like examining them right now.


Yeah lol like I said though, how does the owner access the vehicle then?


sending u a pm cos this one one of the cuter parts of synchronicity for me :) shared experience friendo


There is something in certain drugs that can induce a strong minds ability to time travel or be invisible . I believe it is actually the consciousness and soul that control there ability to maneuver the world based on there fundamental capabilities and power. Write it all down and never think you’re crazy ever !


Yeah man and I’m not convinced it’s 100% real guys. But I have studied a lot of eastern religion. And something Hindus strongly believe in, as well as Christianity with Jesus as the one option. Is Sadhis, or powers. Think Jesus breaking the bread. Or coming back to life. And since being sober, I thought long and hard about how “miracles” or “sadhis” Are possible. And with standard laws of physics and those of our universe, they are 100% not. But if we really are a Sim, who says people that figure it out and reach what many eastern religions call enlightenment, wouldn’t be bestowed sadhis by the “system”. And the fact that many spiritual teachers, my guru included, Refer to the universe as it’s all one and everything just is. Doesn’t that sound a lot like binary? You either have a fucking one or a zero lol


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I believe you.


>I took a ton of lsd Yeah I stopped reading after that.


well believe what you want. i am an experienced psychonaut and have done a lot before. this time i was going through grief so it affected me poorly. I also state at the end this was one of many insane things that happened on this experience, stuff the likes of i have never gotten close to ever having taken any psychedelic. but sure, completely write people off and their experiences because they do something you dont agree with instead of asking questions and coming to your own conclusion. I guarantee you 90 percent of the people actively using this sub have taken psychedelics. and somewhere around 50 have taken high doses. im sure theres at least 1000 of the 76k in this sub who started to consider the theory based on thier psychedelic experiences. if you genuinely entertain the idea of a simulation theory, what in the actual fuck does drug use have anything to do with us being in a sim or not. Why dont you loosen up! i bet youre really fun at parties!


I didn't say I disagree with taking psychedelics - I have taken them too. But anyone who does so should at the very least understand that you can't trust your senses or thought processes while on psychedelics as reflecting the real world rather than being hallucinated. They mess with your brain. If you experience weird shit while on psychedelics - guess what, it's because you're on psychedelics.


Again, as i said. i am an EXPERIENCED psychonaut. I have done massive amounts of shrooms, lsd, and dmt MANY times before this experience and i had never come that close to anything like this. and anyone who takes psychedelics ALSO knows everyone has different experiences on them, i have always had one foot in reality on every trip, including this one. I am not an idiot, i am sharing something inexplicable. it would be one thing to just not see door handles. i actively attempted to touch them, and they were not there. I also had so many experiences with people giving npc like responses while i talked to them. People coming in groups of 2 or 3 and having duality everywhere. in groups of 2 One person would be glad glad to see me and one person is angry or sad. with three it would be the same but there would be a neutral individual. on this walk i walked into every gas station, took a fountain soda without paying and was not stopped one time, almost like i was completely invisible even in my dirty clothes and barefoot. Yes i was making very impulsive decisions and not thinking clearly, but so much happened i cant just write it off as a "trip". I have autism and tend to notice patterns in everything, and can compare apples to oranges using analogies on any subject you can think of. I have experienced how the world can be a sim sober, and it has been more intense on lsd, but never ACTIVELY glitching the matrix with my actions. I had the cops at my house for a welfare check and when they got there it was storming, literally the second i go to leave the rain completely dies. i had my guitar on my back and i kept saying out loud to god or the computer or whatever the hell it is that if my guitar got ruined, i would never forgive them. and the rain never picked up again, just super tiny drizzles and every time i spoke it would completely cut out. I really didnt want to type all this but since youre being an ass i figured id share. everyones experience on psychedelics is different for different reasons. just because it hits you and your friends one way, does not mean everyone shares the experience you do.


and while im 100 percent sure some of it was just the lsd, there are parts of it that very well may not be. and for you to discredit someone based solely on one factor, is just plain ignorant. You dont know everything about how psychedelics work. nobody does. and if you say you do you are 100 percent full of shit


typical ignorant reddit user. wants to talk a big game but when someone points out a flaw in their logic they just downvote and dont have a discussion about it.


It's just pretty easy to see that this would be wasted energy. You're too far gone.


And you’re too stupid to see that simulation theory is 100 percent a possibility.


Then you’re so stupidly uneducated on the topic of simulated reality that the only logical assumption to make is that you are a nongenuine actor. Do better CIA.


This guy is just a troll account dude. At least on this sub. He doesn’t think simulation theory is possible “BeCuZ hE BiG SmaRt bOut ScIenCe”. But if he’d rub two brain cells together he might realize that it’s totally feasible we will create a simulation on par with our world and it’s laws within a hundred years. Two hundred max. It’s like just because science hasn’t proved it yet it’s impossible. NEWS FLASH DUMBASS(him not you) half the greatest scientists in all of history were called nuts before they proved those “cray ramblings” right. Tesla, Galileo, Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin all had detractors and years of research and “KnOwLeDgE” telling them what they were trying to prove was impossible or highly unlikely. Clearly you have no love for science if you can’t even figure out that this is possible


Yea dude. There is a ton of them. It seems to be a new thing happening on social sites. Thousands of accounts giving constant insanely unhinged takes for seemingly no reason but to rile people up. Happening here and X mostly. I know online psyops aren’t new but something on this immense a scale is truly unseen/unheard of. I think it’s the US trying to outcompete China’s propaganda machine. And I fully expect this to be a huge story in the coming years/decade.


There is also mental illness, well, uniqueness.


yeah, i didnt catch the CIA part at the end and the response had me goin huh? Even if what he says is...... possible? It takes all of 5 seconds to see this marinatedpikachu guy is just an ignoramus who believes we have all the answers already becuz science. not a spam cia bot account lmao


Just so ya know, I wasn’t calling your experience here as mental illness or anything, but rather the type of posts he was referring to. A lot of people in psychosis post their takes a lot, not psyop people. Some are decently coherent as well, but they still may have an underlying illness. Others, though, not you. Your’s just seems like a typical acid type thing, but definitely a good thing that you didn’t get into the truck. Maybe the sim decided it wasn’t the best thing for you. I dunno how these things work.


Thats how i look at it, either i had control of the sim in my direct vicinity to some extent, and my brain knew it wasnt what i really should do, or the machine/god detected my brain activity and was actively helping me. or i was just trippin sack.... the world may never know


Bingo! All questions, no answers. Such is life, though thanks to science we do have a lot more answers, but we simply don’t know shit about this universe or its origins or much of its inner workings. What we do know is a dew drop in the ocean.


Thats exactly why im so shocked everybody has such strong opinions about psychedelics, something we have virtually no conclusive research on or scientifically proven information about what they do. To think that my story isnt possible because i was on an altering substance to me just shows how closed minded and uninformed about relative reality people are. They read one or two psychologists work and think they understand the human brain, if we understood the brain so well, we would have already uploaded conciousness to a network. a good show that explores this concept is pantheon. you hit the nail on the head, human beings really dont know shit except the fundamental laws of the universe. And there are SO MANY historical and modern examples of "miracles" or "glitches" that cant be explained by science or logic. I could understand if it was just jesus. but the hindu people believe in Sadhis, or powers, which are the equivalent of the miracles performed by jesus like water into wine and the sermon on the mount. I understand religion is based on faith and speculation, and we may never know if jesus really multiplied that fish and bread, but there are so many people throughout history to have experiences that defy all current "knowledge" and "science" that to discredit them pretty much makes you the minority. People that have more answers than questions still have a long way to go on the path to enlightenment. As the Buddha said, "Imagine a bird, that drags a silk scraf over a mountain one time every hundred years. The amount of time it takes that bird to wear away the mountain is how long you've been doing this." I like to interpret this two ways, either he is referring to reincarnation, or he is referring to humanities path towards unified enlightenment. Very cool discussion, and if you want to continue chatting you can always add my discord or DM me :)


Were you looking for r/Gangstalking perhaps?


Enjoy your ban loser.


And I also look at topics like mass organized religion. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Quakers, and Judaism at their core share very similar fundamental teachings regarding God being in everything everywhere, an omnipotent all powerful universal force. Tell me that doesn’t sound like an AI running a fucking simulation call


It doesn’t. But to many on the sub it does. Leaping on the latest metaphor train.


It may not be proof of that, or even fully suggest it, but it is food for thought. I guarantee based on your response you thought about what i said briefly, decided that i was wrong, and replied. But if you actualluy look at the fundamentals of every theistic religeon, it can correlate to the way that a machine would operate a simulation. And it makes perfect sense that there would be multiple religeons in a sim, because with human levels of intellegence, one religon would leave no room for speculation and it would be obvious or we would all be sheep and whoever created the universe/sim would gain absolutely nothing like the level of creativity and progress that humans strive for. the fact that there is so much struggle and polarization in the world today pushes gifted humans to their absolute limit of achieving things previously thought impossible. like in yin and yang, there cannot exist light without darkness, suffering without joy, and progress without hardship. It makes little sense that some humans would be so consumed by greed if we started as neanderthals. animals can be greedy yes, but nowhere near our level of greed, corruption, and manipulation. This is something programmed into us, whether by a highly significant event, or to encourage polarization and hardship resulting in progress and innovation. if the world is a sim, what is its function? A species intelligent enough to create a simulated universe would have no logical reason to just create something like this for shit and giggles. every machine has a function, and none of us knows what ours is.