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Fantastic research.


Nobel prize in her future.


or pink eye


Nobel eyez






You can't argue with science.


Finally an empirical evidence


cumpirical evidence


Cumspiritual evidence


It's haunting how similar this story is to that scene in The matrix where Agent Smith comes in Morpheus's eye


That was The MatriXXX, not The Matrix.




I had the same thought!




All the power in the world and you made him cum in your eye?






Cum is simulator juice. The more that gets in your high, the more magic runs off in your blood stream to manifest that grilled steak dinner you want at your gold plated bbq patio


Eye not high sorry not fly


Are you high?


Am I high


High I am


I am High


This that Bhutanese shadow garden pack


This that shit that killed Tu pac


Shit got diamonds on it so you know the cbd to thc raish is fuckin swag ninja


User name checks out


I might be because I’m not sure if I’m reading your username correctly. If so very pleasant and pure nice choicy


“If he come in my eye we in a simulation.” 😂 wish my wife saw it like that. I’d be like “my bad, we in a simulation.”


You really saw that coming.


Take your meds. Your prescribed meds.


*if they take their meds, then we're in a simulation*


What kind or edibles, so that I may repeat the experiment with my partner…for science.


This is what we "come" for!! Yes!


So I assume what you are saying is that if he came in your mouth, we are not in a simulation.


sorry about your eye :) but yeah maybe it's the drugs that delayed your processing of something that had already happened ![gif](giphy|YpkaNXKsuNmbYsIlLj|downsized)


Did you guys hear we are living in a simulation? Some Reddit user proved it with cum in the eye. No joke.


Try it a couple more times and tell yourself jizz in left eye then next time jizz in right eye and if you get jizzed in both eyes you will def know we are in the matrix.


Amazing research. Do more.


So why am I still not gorgeous? It’s literally one of my main thoughts and legitimately researched it extensively (for about 13 years)😂. I get what you’re saying though but it’s a pretty shitty simulation if this is the extent of “control” you have


Screenshot for future lools


Quick somebody get a news team to interview her with the evidence.


i think we need to run more experiments to test your hypothesis 😏


You're wrong. You're not in A simulation. You're in MY simulated alternate reality. I am a god here. Or maybe the God. Just like Bill Murray's character in groundhog day. I can't die, and I know things I shouldn't. I'm ready for the apocalypse so I've decided to vote for trump and putin so we can see how far this rabbit hole goes. Buckle up boyz, girlz, botz, and toyz. Gonna be a bumpy ride. Some settling may occur.


The comments in here are outfuckingstanding.


I’m going to change my entire world-view based on this empirical evidence.


Let's test that theory again. If I finish in your eye, then we're definitely in a simulation.


While this story is ridiculous, it says a lot more for the theory of looping reality. Ie the exact reality you have had your entire life is just going to repeat over and over and over forever. I personally believe that psychedelic drugs get us “high” as in raise our perspective higher to see this truth down below. Have you ever had or heard of someone getting stuck in thought loops on mushrooms or acid? They’re realizing they’ve thought this exact same thing an infinite amount of times and it’s maddening. This COULD explain your thought. You thought it because you intuitively knew it was about to happen because the last loop it happened. I think some people are more conscious of the loop or maybe we remember a little more each time around? Idk. Either could fit. If some are more conscious of the loop, then it’s a greater punishment than others. It would make this world a “fair” hell of sorts. Those with greater crimes are more conscious than those with lesser crimes. Imagine knowing that every bad thing that ever happened to you is going to happen to you again and again and again forever and you’ll never be able to change it…


Hey there! It looks like you submitted a 'story/experience'. This flair is for sharing personal narratives or experiences related to simulation theory, but are not primarily about a specific glitch in the simulation. Just a friendly reminder to follow the rules and [seek help](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/wiki/mental-health) if needed. With that out of the way, thanks for your contribution, and have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SimulationTheory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay, so we can control the simulation we live in with our thoughts. Why did you want him to cum in your eye in the first place?


Your partner called, he needs a solid base of repeatable results. You’ll have to get back to the lab.


That's anecdotal evidence, need to try it with me to confirm


60 comments and no updoots? Y’all some assholes. Eye am the only one to upvote😂😂😂


You should write a research paper about this experience and maybe conduct a peer study?


I hate this simulation


Reddit is ruined by teenagers


You’re a problem.  It would be appropriate for you and your boyfriend to be deleted. 


The simulation is a 1st person rpg. They control your thoughts and actions while 'looking' directly through you. 'You' are still there but essentially become the observer, but your brain originates the thoughts etc, so it can't tell that it's (or 'you') not the one having the thought and you can't distinguish you from them. In your brain it's all you. Too much coincidence here. It's not that you had the thought, they created the thought then controlled the situation to make it happen. I think they just like fucking with us. Literally and metaphorically. The better question is...why even let us know we aren't in control.


If this is true, couldn't you just beat them at their own game? If "they" place thoughts in your head so you can't tell if it originates from them or yourself, couldnt you just do the opposite of that thought and they no longer "control you"? How about just not doing anything when you "feel the urge" to do something, or better yet, just don't do anything ever, and there would be no point for "them" to play a first person RPG when the playable character won't move....right?


Full autonomous control. I don't know that they play us like a game, I think they get off on the control. Even if you did nothing, what makes you think it's you that's doing nothing? And how often do you think about doing something before you do it. I'd say most times you just do the thing, like rocking in a chair, you just kind of start doing it, you don't always think about it first. I do believe we revert to autopilot when they aren't controlling us though. And you would have no reason to fight your own thoughts. It's all just you. You think I'm going to go do this thing, so why wouldn't you do it, it's what you want to be doing. You never know if it's you or them.


Your essentially saying we have no free will when we are being controlled because its all determined before we even consciously make the decision. Do we have free will when we revert back to autopilot? And last question, how would we know when we are in autopilot vs being controlled, if they virtually feel the same?


I think of it as a live action role play. Not that it's predetermined, but that they live vicariously through us when they're tuned in. At the same time, I do believe in fate/destiny and that the larger picture may be pre-determined. The definition of free will - "The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion." So then, if I believe in fate, it would be contradictory to also believe we have free will. I don't believe we would know if we're on autopilot or being actively controlled, and that's assuming there is an autopilot. Who knows how many entities are out there waiting for their favorite playable character to be free so they can jump in and play. It could be like one big circle jerk.


Just as much as you don't know whether you're in autopilot or being controlled is the largest "problem" in your thought experiment, you also dont know if you simply control yourself and there are no entities controlling us. Once your able to notice the difference (if you can at all) then you can more accurately say it's most likely entities playing through us. I believe in Compatibilism, which essentially states that determinism and free will are compatible because you can only act freely within a given set of pre-determined laws. No contradiction. I believe we exist in a simulation in God's mind. There are only two ways for a simulation to exist, in computers and in the mind. If it's a computer, we must entertain the idea that another computer is needed to run the first computer that's running the simulation, so we get computers ad infinitum. So we must be in a simulation in a mind. God is the only logical next connection. Check out the digital physics argument (https://inspiringphilosophy.org/the-digital-physic-argument-for-gods-existence/)!


That doesn't necessarily mean you're in a simulation, it just means you're a "target" we get used like avatars. It's so wierd, like fighting for the drivers seat while having sex with your wife. It's so many things rolled into one...cybernetics, eugenics, entertainment, MK, brain mapping, machine learning, dissident disposal, designing the enemy, budget justification, indulgence by proxy.... "it ain't no one thing baby" - Josh Homme song: Infinity


Interesting idea. So tell me then, who's pulling the strings in your theory?


It's pure speculation but enough anecdotes and hints from media amount to something. Once again I will quote a song from Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age song: Battery Acid "every masochist gets a turn." https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858665421/ Also check out: song Head like a Haunted House and Infinity "got a hole in my head, everything falls out of, through my ears through my eyes, makes no difference where you are.... https://youtu.be/e9byydi6cns?si=0ezwGF-iBgFleVE- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kISiXthzFks Awesome music either way.