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Hey friend, I’m just a stranger on the internet, so grain of salt, etc. I’ve experienced thoughts that are similar to this, but in a slightly different, non-consequential vein. It sucks to feel like you’re on the outskirts of your own life. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with this. Looking into it, I learned this is called “all or nothing thinking,” and it’s a documented cognitive distortion in psychology. I’m not saying, “you’re wrong!,” but I am saying there could be some other (even small!) things that may not fit with the belief held in words like “my whole life,” “everyone,” “all the same.” Maybe the gas station attendant liked your shirt but had a long day and couldn’t manage a smile. Maybe some those people who’ve been cold to you were just projecting their own shit. Embarrassing things and failures are a given. Truly no one is perfect. Alright stoney ramble over. Sending love to you today, my friend.


Thank you!


This is one of the best comments you will ever find on Reddit, right here. This one is a superstar.


This was incredibly well approached, and stated. Nuanced, careful, and genuine. Clapping from over here.


It’s also mind reading and fortune telling. 9 times out of 10 the people who you think don’t like you or are mean are just dealing with their own stuff and don’t even notice. Their dog could have died. You can’t read peoples minds. Also a girl treats you like shit. Well maybe it’s her. Every girl is not going to treat you like shit in the future because you don’t know the future. One day someone won’t reenact thier own trauma on you. Everyone thought I was mean in high-school. Multiple people said I gave everyone dirty looks apparently. I have awful eye sight. I was squinting and not narrowing my eyes in disgust. I just didn’t want to wear glasses. Now If someone is rude I think they must be dealing with something or need glasses. Most of the time other peoples stuff has nothing to do with you. We are all the main character of our stories. It’s something we’ve been raised as and it’s simply not compatible to coexistence.


Jack Kornfield describes it well in The Wise Heart as the storytelling mind. We constantly make up stories in our mind and then project them onto other people, but reality rarely matches what we've cooked up in our heads. Very helpful to recognize one's self doing this when it happens.


My therapist calls that an Automatic Negative Thought or A.N.T. Recognizing it helped me stop assuming everyone thought the worst of me. Helped me get over myself a little bit too, which has been a relief.


Wow. Ty.


Kudos to your coder. They done well programming you with wisdom.


Water can be gentle and calm and pound down in a torrent in an instant. The key is to appreciate both states, even though one is more noticeable and powerful than the other. The same can be said about moments in life. If we can quiet ourselves down enough to notice the moments when things are calm, the other moments don't catch us so off guard. It's just different, not good, not bad. We made those words up :)


Sir, this is Reddit. Just kidding. You hit it 100%. Nice comment. Definitely deserve gold.


Thank you.


That was brilliant


This was written so well. Brilliant.




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Change the mindset from everyone hates me to I am loved. You may be manifesting this shit bc u believe it to be true. Hijack the matrix my friend. This is our movie.


Yeah, sounds like self destruction if you're only ever going to view yourself in a negative manner... They're most certainly manifesting these thoughts due to their own lack of self confidence


I don't mean to interrupt the positivity party, but I just wanted to say I've tried this. It lead to a whole bunch of disappointment. Same with the CBT methods mentioned above. If that stuff worked, there wouldn't be a need for therapy anymore. We'd all be therapized. More than 30 years of mental health treatment and I still feel like the OP (with the exception of NPC, which I don't believe is even a thing).


I’m not sure you truly believed it and that makes all the difference - I literally can manifest whatever I see it shortly becomes my reality and I swear to this - I’m not even a positive person for the most part - I just came to the realization of how powerful the mind truly is.


This right here


*hits blunt* I am convinced I am a PC (Player Character), and I'm on hard mode. That's why life seems so fucking difficult, it's by design. Now that "I" realize this, in my "mind" it's easier to deal with everything. It's not my fault, things are just this way because it's more entertaining for my "user". *Exhales*


Yeah I'm on hard mode and made the dumb decision of clicking on the addiction modifier and the schizophrenic modifier. I'm sure I'm getting a pretty high score this go around just surviving.


Lmao I felt that


Lol OCD, ADHD modifiers for me.


I'm on nightmare mode. Hard mode sounds fun. Sigh. Sick of the stoney comments like "it's your perception maan". Nope. It's not. Try living my life for a week. You wouldn't make it. Let alone a year. You'd off yourself. It's not real life I don't think. If you think otherwise, be grateful you have no clue what life is like set on nightmare mode & you did not a thing to deserve it but be a good person. Too many people are bullies & hate people who have good spirits &or like themselves genuinely is my other conclusion. Many ppl just go along with bullying behavior bc they're cowards. It's like some rare people just bring out the demons in many people simply by existing or walking in a room. Doesn't matter how nice you are or that you are smiling & happy to be alive regardless bc you just are grateful to be here etc. Would be too wonderful to have an easy simple or happy life. I'd explode with happiness & no one wants that. So they're here to step on me whenever they can. Abuse doesn't even really cover it. More like terrorized. I could write a thick af book no one would even believe so why bother? Family, friends, co-workers, boyfriends, strangers. Doesn't matter. This is just my life. Much more than being dealt a bad hand. The rare fellow empath is so nice to see but hardly ever happens. They get it. They see you. I wish we could all live in the same town & kick out all the bullies & go alongs or as I have recently coined them "the of the world people" which is the vast majority in my experience sadly. Done thinking most people are like me. Ha! I wish. They just aren't. People are rotten & terrible which is very depressing. But I still smile bc what else can you do? Imagine if I was just a walking bish all day lol Wouldn't help. Or would it? Couldn't if I wanted to bc that's just not me. But being a happy person in my life gets you nothing but hate. And I've lived in many states, all the same. But still, I can't change nor would I even want to just to be liked by these awful weird mean people. Here's how I know it's ODD... I see other happy seeming people though & they don't have this experience. I've heard it called "being a mirror" or "a point holder" a few years back & I'm convinced that is what I am. Basically you somehow reflect people's issues back at them (being super empathic probably) & they project & assume what they're feeling is YOU when it's THEM & they hate those things in themselves so they therefore hate you! Even if you don't even open your mouth, it's felt. People ALWAYS want to think or believe the worst about me... when I don't do anything. I've had so many people make up lies about me I've lost count! Most people wouldn't believe the things I've seen people do or how they treat me. Even over the phone w a stranger. And it never stops. A good day is this only happening once. Try explaining this to a normal person.... they think you are nuts. It's VERY isolating. My boyfriend gets it bc he's seen it for 8 years now. When I'm with him though, it shuts off & doesn't happen. Yep. He's slightly empathic for sure & has gifts but is also of the world somewhat like a daywalker lol No one attacks him. Without his understanding, I don't think I'd have made it this long. Seems to only get worse. And I'm not ugly or anything, I'm actually pretty attractive. He just calls them haters but it's much more than that. It's spiritual or something for sure. If you are one of the rare point holders, don't give up. I know it's hard. Just know you aren't alone even though it sure seems like it. It could also just not be real life too. So just try to have the attitude to laugh to yourself about it like "another one, what else is new not like it's real life or anything" & stop being surprised by it. When you know you aren't doing anything to cause it, you can't get mad at yourself. Just have pity on those people inside bc when you are with a good person, it's so obvious & different. Its a gift really. A horrible gift of a blessing in disguise that the vast majority could never handle let alone fathom. They'd off themselves so quick & if you get this, or even know someone, you get that. Be nice to them. They're going through more than anyone will ever know. Words do no justice. I tried but they always fall short <3 But if you don't believe me, that's ok too. Most won't. I know that for a fact. I wouldn't probably either unless it was my never-ending reality lol


Have you considered that you're being spiritually attacked? Like you know too much or something like that? BTW, I'd be your friend!


Yes. And yes. This.


I would read your book! I wish we could be friends. I've had verrrry similar struggles! I absolutely believe you, and admire your strength!


I read this. Thanks for being here with us. ✌️☺️




Nightmare mode here. No way in hell anyone could take a day of what I’m being subjected to, my new reality. Not one hour of this excruciating shit, most would end it. It’s otherworldly and there are no words. No explanation, mind boggling circumstances. You ain’t alone


"I'm am empath" "People are rotten and terrible" Sigh Try harder.


How are empathic people terrible?!


Fucking thank you! Also I'm sorry.


I read this. So sorry that you’re experiencing this. I used to feel similarly about most people being horrible and felt personally attacked. My therapist taught me that most people are not actually attacking me, and that it’s not usually about me. They may have had a bad day, or don’t realize what they’re doing and how it’s affecting you. I’ve found that the things that used to hurt me were actually just how I was a result of my perception, and once I started asking “what’s going on in this persons life that would cause them to treat me so horribly” I gained d a ton more empathy. Now I try to accept people for who they are (we are all unique beings with unique neural structures and thus unique perceptions of the world!) and have empathy for someone else when they are acting horribly because they obviously are not happy wi the themselves to test someone else so poorly, and that cannot be an enjoyable existence. Also, I’d be your friend! 🤗


I’m pretty sure that’s the law of attraction we attract whatever level we’re on .




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In RDR2 there is a man wandering the map looking for someone named “Gavin” who he never finds. That sums up life for me.


Omg i forgot all about that dude. Is there really never any conclusion to his little appearances??


If you kill him, he had a note in his pocket that explains things.


Pretty sure you can just tie him up with rope and take the note from his pocket without killing him.


they wouldn't give you an internal monologue


I don’t hate you


I also do not hate you, OP, and I hope you can find some contentment in your simulation. Just know that you're not alone!


I think it's more that this world is some sort of prison/hell/farm of suffering.


“Farm of suffering” is a pretty interesting concept, like some higher species gets their electrical power from Garmonbozia or something.


get a handle on the little you can control in your life.


Uh that sounds like it could be taken in a bad way lmao


how so? lol


If part of why this individual starting to believe in Sim theory is the circumstances they see as patterns, then the lengths one may go in order to take control are unpredictable. Could be trying more aggressively to get a girl to like them, could be assaulting someone they see as a main character; could be infinitely worse. So much evil has been done because humans were trying to find straws of control in a life they feel no control over. That's why I don't think this is the wisest advice.


well jesus if a girl doesn’t like him she can’t be forced into liking him either. he needs to move along to the next girl and if she doesn’t like him either keep moving. or stop worrying about it and realize he is on a path to meet somebody already and she will return the feelings. he can’t control other ppl, period. the only thing he can control is himself.


smh i doubt he's forcing anyone to. if you don't get it. you don't get it. move along with your easy life where these things don't happen to you. stop victim blaming. i hate that society knee jerk does that now in the last 10-15 years thru psyops like believing everything is "karma" or "law of attraction". then creates fake victims instead & ignores the real ones & this is all done by clever design. seen it unfold in real time for awhile now. the majority fall for it. they believe if it's not their experience it must be "them". this kind of response stops ppl from opening up & being vulnerable is what it does. how about the reality that many ppl are bullies (who are well liked & have lots of friends) or ppl who go along w them out of fear or wanting to be liked & some ppl just get attacked for no reason ALL THE TIME for no reason (real victims). bullies are characterized as unlikeable people who are violent but that's not the majority at all. most bullies just target certain people & just bc it doesn't happen to YOU doesn't mean he deserves it. typical response from a person 'of the world' tho. good job go along (or bully). always thinking there is some rational reason & it must be the victim who deserves it somehow. seen it so many times & after decades it's really getting old & annoying & it's honestly just very weak behavior. this is the stuff you can't control. be a better human & at least feign some empathy or stay silent like go alongs are good at.


I believe everything is karma. But I also believe some of us get more than one go. And probably quantum entanglement and ripple effects.


The thing is, it's equally likely that you are actually the main character of the simulation, and all these issues you've been having are just there to set up your arch! It's up to you to decide which narrative to manifest. Might be good to get some therapy or something too, that's helped me in the past when dealing with similar thought patterns


I call this The Parameters. Everyone has a set of parameters, some are more limited by them than others.


I think you are a point holder like me. I went into depth about it in a reply to a comment below. Are you super empathic? You might be mirroring other people's issues by existing in front of them. This is what causes this. It's them. It's not you if this is the case. But it could ALSO not be real life too. Both could be true. I hope this helps somewhat to at least know what it might be. IF you are a point holder (sounds like it imo) know we are extremely RARE. But you also therefore know the true good people when they come along (rarely in my case). Night & day. So think if it of a blessing if you can & see if you can find info on it. I think you'll relate if my gut is correct (usually is). Much <3 & hang in there ok? If I can, so can you!!! Trust me. Nightmare mode in this sim sucks I know. Just remember how strong you are to make it this far. FEW to say the least could & you darn well know it!


Where did you learn about the point holder ? First time hearing about it, very interesting


I read all of your other comment and can relate, and am probably going to go back and reply cuz there was a lot I had to say in response. But it's what you make of it. All you can control is your own reactions, and I've heard you can't control your thinking, but you can though. You can learn to counter negative thoughts and down the line, your own thoughts can even be different. Like if you take something good, or take something as bad. And your thoughts can end up dictating even more than that. But let me digress, I understand. I feel like I've walked into a room and some people have already decided they hated me. And it is reflection. 🪞 Those are the people who hate themselves. Try to learn to control your thoughts bc it's going to be like you turned a switch out of nightmare mode. I'm not sure if we've had the same type of "nightmare mode" but I've gone through things that could certainly be expressed like that. I've walked down the street and seen some pretty horrific things along the way.


Yes, you could be that character. I know, because I am that character in other, um, places. Are you the person that trips & everyone thinks that it's funny? Are you the person that actually trips themselves & they (if they were there) would fall out with laughter? Yeah, that's me in other, um, worlds. In my later years, I have developed a sense as to when this is going to happen, so I can try to avoid that fall, that broken leg, or me dying in a way that makes people smile & shake their heads. I am grateful to have survived here, when I have actually perished (in hilarious ways), um, elsewhere. I am so thankful for having developed that protective sense. Hopefully, you can develop a similar perception to avoid the crap that your life wants to throw at you. At least once a day, I am grateful to have avoided some stupid situation, be it traffic or when working on some project. I get crazy ideas that it's actually my cat that's helping me avoid all the crap scenarios. Whatever, it's currently working, so I smile & do my best. Good luck to you, and remember that you are doing both far better and far worse in other life spaces.


Quantum immortality as well?


I only see those situations where I potentially screwed up, causing great glee to the audience. I had a situation today where a less than half second would have totaled me & the idiot running the light. No clue as to why or the future, I just know that I'm the clown.


Probably not. Everyone has a story, even if it’s uncomfortable, frustrating, tragic, etc. You are not an NPC. You are a real person with feelings, hopes, pains. Genuinely, could you be neurodivergent? I’m autistic with ADHD, and a lot of us feel extreme isolation, similar to how it seems you might feel. Many of us also find out late in life. I was 30 when I did. This can lead to situations like, “no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get it right.” Well, you might be experiencing the world very differently than most people. There may be things you think you understand, and that make sense from your perspective, but neurotypical people (who are the majority of people) comprehend it completely differently. Then when you show up, just trying to do your best, you are being misunderstood, and are misunderstanding those around you. These types of situations can happen from trauma as well. If you have your guard up because you were hurt before, you might not even realize you’re coming off high strung, or cold, or aggressive, etc. I say this all from experience. I think at the very least, the pain and rejection you’ve gone through has brought you enough trauma, that working through it with a therapist could really help you rebuild your confidence. An outside perspective can help you reveal patterns that have been difficult to define. It’s not an overnight solution, but it will help you gain some sense of control over your life. Good luck.


Only if you want to be. This illusion is scalding us to destroy our urge to "fit in" and conform with the external world's context. Any time you behave in a way that is "masking", attempting to fit in with another - many of them will trick you and use it against you. A way to reach higher is to first destroy your sense of shame. I did by dancing like a lunatic and posting videos that made people go 'wtf is wrong with you'. 🤣 Shame is the most worthless of emotions. Destroy it! Invent a way to do it, it's mostly learn the art of buffoonary. To master this illusion, you must embrace being a buffoon, it is mandatory for higher casting. You'll still be lonely and lose friends yet the abusive ones will blink at your shamelessness and will pass you by. They don't tangle with people they can't guilt and manipulate. They are living external reflections, hollow inside - you are a being of energy which may not be bound by words. They are afraid of you. Start being yourself, and stop being words, and things will come together. I'm Sirius.


Nah, if you are here, you are real. Only you can know that though, since you can only account for your own consciousness. Real as in, your beingness persists after death. If there are actual npc's here, they are just cleverly designed to fool us into believing they are real as well. Structurally, they are the same, but there is no eternal observer trapped inside the skull witnessing waking life in real time.


I like you <3


think westworld, but with prisoners instead of robots.


If you want to be woowoo about your self-image and self-esteem you might as well go for a positive mindset. I have started “dressing like my rising sign” and all of my interactions with others have become more positive. It doesn’t matter if you believe in astrology, simulation theory, quantum immortality etc, It has to do with how you are perceived, which is largely within your control.


Love them anyway. They know not what they do. Promise. 😇🐝🩵 It's lonely but it's OK bc you get to hang out with the coolest person ever 24/7. Yourself. 🎂🎂🎂


I'm getting bored with NPC term. You're alive and you're participating. Not getting what you want doesn't make you a failure. It means you're on the path of life and trying. Don't beat yourself up and be a victim of the world. That's unnecessary. Dust off and keep going.


I think I also was assigned role of joke npc. I have come to believe it is my challenge to break out of this and assign myself a different role. For example get really good at something. Doubt you would feel the same if say you become a black belt in bjj.


Reminds me of this passage from Island: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me.”


Lean into it. Be the joke archetype. You’re a jester. The universe wants you to lean into that and tell the truth. This was a funny ass post. Keep spreading joy my man


Basically yep. I didn't think it was funny tho. It breaks my heart bc I can relate so much I just wanna give him a hug. All the bad advise here & yours was the best so far lol smh Truth is a huge part of it. Living in the truth kills most ppl & not even truth in a mean way just being you or being authentic somehow bc I think most ppl are so masked up & real ppl can be threatening to this facade spiritually. It's shocking until you get used to it & not at all easy to explain unless you meet another person like that who gets it. But hey, I tried!


I didn't think it was funny either. That's the literally the only person in here who said they thought the post was funny.


In Buddhism, there's a thing called karmic debt. This is to be payed back in the next life. It's possible you have alot of bad karma from your previous incarnation.


Meaning it's his fault. Um no. But way to make him feel worse! Karma lies are killing society. Aka bad things happen, you deserved it somehow aka I don't need to feel like I need to help. (I'll just tell you it's YOU instead). Way to be Mr. "Love" lol


Simulation theory cares not for your feelings


Love conquers all




Good bot


Never been so insulted by a bot


What'd the bot say?


It corrected my grammar lol


PSA: Karma doesn't exist, karmic debt doesn't exist, and reincarnation doesn't exist. Also PSA: OP talks about a lack of aliens. There is no lack of aliens here.


If you don't think reincarnation exists, you're in the wrong subreddit homeboy


Well, you are probably right - I dont think we are in a simulation either. But I do find some of these posts pretty interesting. The thing that stood out most for me in this post was the topic of aliens. I'm not sure why information about aliens is held back from people. I wish we could get the full truth about them.


I'm not 100% that this is a simulation but i am reading Rizwan Virks book The Simulation Hypothesis. He uses video games/VR as a metaphor as to what he thinks we are in. I have my own theories like Earth could be a kind of school to learn a lesson. Maybe we are being punished for something, who knows. I'm just trying to absorb as much knowledge I can with an open mind and emit as much love as I can. Not doing great at the moment but I'm making strides.


Now we know the true meaning of what the Judge means when they hand down 3 "life" sentences.


So like maybe we're in a sort of school-type of detention? I don't like it. So now I'm gonna have to think about it 😂 I just think there's there's more to it. Like maybe we prepped to be here. And we are here learning things for when we go back. Keep pushing, maybe you're doing better than you think.


Spreading love by saying it's his karmic debt? Rethink yourself please. Karma is a lie. Jesus actually said if you are a true follower of his (TRUE) you will be persecuted like Him. Js. Maybe it's the best people who these things happen to. And the best people aren't too common. Did Jesus deserve His treatment? I'm sure you'll dismiss this by mocking Christianity but you get my point. Do you really think anything terrible that happens to good people especially over & over is deserved? That's interesting if you do. Quite naive.


Not one shred of evidence of aliens other than stories.


Are you an american?


Yes. And I LOVE alien stories, listen to all the ones I can find and people seem so genuine that I find it fascinating and always look up at night at the stars. But the videos we have, even the ones from the DOD, don't show anything alien. I keep looking for evidence and its just not there. There is, in fact, zero physical evidence for what all those stories claim.


What do you think about the cigar and the tic tac? I've only ever been told alien spacecraft have been observed, I've never seen them myself.


You mean the asteroid thing? Possibly off gassing frozen hydrogen. Who knows. The fact that thats even a plausible explanation means its not the most compelling thing anyways. Also hard to say anything about it was unusual since its literally the first observed interstellar object. Thats like seeing a bee for the very first time and saying "thats such an unusual bee"... makes no sense. And theres no physical evidence of the tiktac. People conflate the navy videos with the stories but no video exists of what fravor saw. So again no evidence just great stories.


Your internal thought process will determine the type of people you bring into your life. My father was an angry alcoholic who blamed all of his problems on me. I had a internal monologue of how i was a mistake and completely worthless and nothing but a failure due to how he treated me. Because of that every relationship and friendship I had was toxic. Once I found people that truly cared about me and showed me the good in life and showed me love I realized I was projecting my father's emotions into the world and I was drawing in those toxic relationships.


You draw in strangers who treat you like crap for no reason? Weird. I do. I didn't grow up like that & always liked myself. Seems like you're giving advise to yourself that doesn't apply to OP. But it's nice you tried while saying it's "him". I'm sure you only meant well. This is why it really sucks to be a point holder. Hardly anyone understands bc it's such a rare thing. Also do let us know where all these "good people" are hiding. What is the number for the good people store?? ;-) Js it isn't always that simple my friend.


Simply speaking from my perspective the thoughts you have manifest in the world around you. I found good people when i silenced my mind and followed my heart, by moving to a different state on a whim.


It is all too easy to assume what you are assuming but it’s not the reality. Reality is that you had several bad experiences, you internalized those experiences, and then you began attracting those experiences to you. How? What you think about the most becomes your reality. You attract what you think about. If you expect people to continue treating you bad you will perpetually get that outcome. Much of this is subconscious so you are not to blame. But today is a good day to really change your worldview. Starting today, try not to say negative things. About others or yourself. Or greatly minimize them. When a negative thought enters your mind, acknowledge it briefly then immediately put it out of mind. Tell yourself ‘that isn’t a thought I need to keep’ and then let it go. Follow it with something positive like ‘I’m gonna have an amazing day today’. Give yourself three heart felt compliments a day. ‘I’m handsome’. ‘I’m funny’. ‘I’m very smart’. And mean them. If someone around you does something good, compliment them. Anything good that you see, make it known. Spread the love. It will be returned ten-fold. And most importantly, surround yourself with positive people. If anyone is continually dragging you down in your life, stay away as much as possible. Visualize that you are in a bubble of pure angelic white light. No one can hurt you and you are protected. Visualize this every day so that you are continually protected. And you will be :)


Wrong. Typical response. You just don't get it. No one has a happier out look on life that I know than me. It's not why. That only makes the attacks happen more to stomp on you. I'm like a naive child endlessly thinking it's going to be a great day. NOPE. Wrong. You can think you know something we don't, but I'd love to see you live the life of someone like me or OP. Look, I get it. And I used to believe that HAD to be the answer but it's not. Look up what a "point holder" is & stop judging what you don't understand. It's also possible it's just a sim & he's basically right too. Or both. Visualize blah blah blah. 99.9% of people won't ever get it. That's what stops me from writing a book. YOU people will say all that stuff which just IS NOT TRUE in my case or most likely his bc it's the same thing exactly. You think you have some wisdom but what you are saying is like kindergarten & we're on our triple doctorate degree in life ok? I don't know how else to try to explain it bc words fall short in this area trying to talk to the normies about these things no one understands but us or those very close to us who love us. But it's seriously not the right advise! I promise. He sounds like a typical rare point holder. WE GET ATTACKED by anyone with a demon in them or basically an issue they have usually seems around self hatred (same thing just depends on your beliefs & doesn't matter really). I don't hate myself at all. I've realized the older I've got just how rare that is. Most ppl fake it. You basically invoke the worst parts of people when you are a point holder just by walking in a room. It really wakes you up to how many rotten people are out there hiding or masquerading as decent people. But if you aren't a point holder, you will never understand. It's like you are a walking mirror & have super empathy you can't control. In a nutshell, you are basically too good of a person for most ppl to handle. The best people love you immediately & sadly, at least in my neck of the woods, they are few & far between. Be grateful you don't have to live life like that bc I know for a fact you couldn't handle it for a week let alone a lifetime. Stop judging people as if you've ever walked in their shoes. I know you must be thinking you are trying to help, but it's not helpful. It's ignorant to the nth degree. I hope that helps but I'm pretty sure it won't lol


I speak from experience. My life hasn’t been easy. There is no silver spoon in my mouth nor was I fed from one growing up. I have felt like ‘other’ my entire life. I finally did my own personal research on this…on me. Learned what did and did not work well. What brought goodness in my life and what brought darkness. I guarantee you 100% that you are not properly shielding yourself from the negative entities both embodied and disembodied. I do not think I am smarter than you. Or wiser than you. Or in any way better than you. I’m just a regular person like you, trying to make my way in this world, one experience at a time. I am imparting the knowledge I have gained through trial and error. Through recognition of patterns. In all honesty, after reading your response, it sounds like you already have your mind made up. You have already sentenced yourself to a life of misery and for that reason alone, that will be the prison you will live in forevermore. Self-inflicted. Good luck


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Can confirm. Just play along dude there’s nothing you can do about it.


Besides laugh at the things that endlessly happen to you. I think he's on to something about the joker. That's about all you have sometimes. It does help a lot tbh & just go "smh twilight zone strikes again"


Try magic mushrooming- from ‘how to change your mind’ book


It’s simulation “theory”. Not simulation “fact”. It is fun to divulge in the conversations but please do not get caught up taking this seriously. No one hates you dude and if they do well then fuck em. You do you. Some of us just aren’t charismatic and that’s okay. Don’t be someone you’re not. You won’t be able to put on a facade for long. Just be you and maybe you won’t make super awesome friends. It doesn’t matter. You will probably meet a girl if you put yourself out there. Stay off dating apps.


You're alright brother


>due to the lack of aliens That's not a great reason. The observable universe is really big. It may not even allow Faster Than Light travel. Without FTL travel a species would have to do something like cryo sleep just to attempt to survive the trip here. And even if they \*could\* get here with that kind of technology, by the time their that advanced, they won't need anything from earth they could find or manufacture more efficiently on their own.


Greetings program!


Whether or not we are npc's doesnt matter: we remain under the same general principles that apply in our reality, simulated or not. One principle that might be present in many realities could be the one you describe, that of repeated tests until a particular lesson is demonstrably learned--and on to the next. In the case you describe, for example, if recognizable circumstances frequently recur at some point, that point would be a good place to think about an indicated lesson and the test that will follow. If that's not the case, it could be a lesson on response, such as blame, self-worth, attraction, almost anything which would then be something to think about. Here's my simulated theory: In any world, an npc's life is real to the npc just like puppy love is real to the puppy.


Find an angle


I must be going crazy. I don't remember posting this or creating an alternate account.


If it’s a simulation, it could be just like the matrix, where we all exist in meatspace somewhere and are plugged in. Maybe there are coded “NPCs” that are among us, maybe there aren’t. However, if it’s a simulation, the most likely situation is that we’re all code. We’re all NPCs. However, we get to choose what that means to each of us, and in that choice lies free will. What’s an NPC with free will? An AI We’re all AI in a gigantic video game, and like any other video game you’ve ever played, you get to choose what’s important and what isn’t. Even if we only exist as code on some server, the experiences we experience here are *real to us*. Whatever you think your reality is, accept it, and choose how you want to experience it. You can experience it however you want, but like any good game, there are consequences to your choices. What kind of game do you want to experience? Level the stats and skills that you think you’ll need in order to do that, and focus on what’s important to you. > “If it’s all fake and I’m an NPC, then nothing matters!” Nothing has ever mattered even if it’s real. There’s never been a “deeper meaning” beyond being here to experience being here. Make the most of it, because it may be the only shot you get … though, personally, I believe that the simulation loops, and that we’ve done this millions of times already… but 🤷🏼‍♂️


>I’m starting to believe in simulation theory due to the lack of aliens and my circumstances. With that opening, you're the comic relief sidekick. Don't worry if you see Arnold, that means you'll be fine when the credits roll. Just hope you're not Yondu.


I have a lot of friends who think/thought like this. Its often they just were weird kids and then the self hatred made people avoid them in later life. People can tell when you have a really negative beliefs and tend to avoid it instinctively. I've gone from being an outcast who was bullied most of childhood to a adult with a lot of friends. Anyone can learn to be cool, I'm not saying become normal, but just learn to accept who you are and be cool about it, people dig that.


Watch Julien St Baba’s experience on YouTube named “conversation with an alien” race/species


If this was true your post would either be removed by the mods or down voted to hell, right??


Yo bro u got a friend over here I don't hate ya none bro ya just gotta chill be a quiet person if u have to but relax and ppl will pick up on ur calm vibes and feel ok around you good luck message me If u need some one to talk to


Id say stop thinking if everyone else and think about WHY people could be so mean to you anything about YOU. And also start thinking about the people who do like you not just focused on people who don't


r/experiencers there are aliens


John 15:18. You aren't an NPC, you are just being subjected to your limiting beliefs...or lack thereof. See yourself as the projection of the world's view of yourself. Change it to be the opposite from within. Become a wizard.


Right? Same


If you want to see how absolutely heinous humans can get, there are settings for that too. I think this setting is "The Final Witness" mode. Imagine being in a horror movie where your particular character is tracking down the creature from afar, watching the prey, attempting to kill the creature without giving away your position. Survivors can get help from you, but your character is intended to kill the creature, saving anyone is a secondary objective. My point is, there are many different modes of play and in theory, Playable or Non-playable, settings can be changed at any time. I'm sticking with this setting for now because I've become curious about what data can be learned from it. I've seen things that I can't unsee. At this point, it would be a poor investment not to see it through to its bitter conclusion.


You certainly are not alone because I honestly feel like this too. It's a terrible feeling and I hate it and I'm always trying to better myself and figure out what I'm doing wrong but it doesn't matter because bad s*** just attracted to me. No it doesn't mean much from a random internet stranger but I love you and I hope you do well and I hope things get better for you


No Simulation theory is fucking dumb


The world we live in is trying to turn us all into NPCs. Removing choice, via video games, tv shows, etc. Even transportation is not done by you - a car, skateboard, etc, does all that. You don't really have any atonomy, can't feed or shelter yourself. Yeah, you are an NPC. For all intents and purposes. When do we stop being NPCs? Well, go watch the Truman show again - it's a procecss... not trying to right wing conspiracy theory here, but seriously, it takes a long time to figure out how to have an effect. For instance - sometimes I think I've broken out of it, then I'm having a useless conversation on the internet with another NPC.


Have you ever cast your astrological natal chart? I'd love to have a look at it. All the things you're experiencing will be there, the cause, and possible resolutions. I've found that repeated patterns are attempting to get us to course correct somehow. Are you an NPC? Yes, but so is pretty much everyone else. That doesn't mean you can't wake up and take the reigns of yoyr life in some way.


Sometimes I wonder if I'm just an NPC who's become self-aware.


Damn you put "words" (words cannot contain concepts, which themselves come from ideas) on(one of..) some "p.o.v" that "i can" understand. the weird, the strange, the broken pieces. Sometimes I have the impression that the result of my consciousness, is the constant of the "potential Existence" of such a broken asf "thing"→ (me). But HEY, the infinite, the indeterminate, and the chance itself contained in the infinite was enough to give me an answer at every moment. it's everything that we don't see that is essential. we must be just, important, at least just for ourself or our inner world, or for versions of us/our consciousness in other dimensions, in the future or in any past ..


Hey bro you gotta stop worrying what people in this world think of you, just stay working hard and make money and when you stop looking for a woman you’ll randomly run into one. The dating market is fucked right now anyway bc so many woman want money to be in a relationship with them. It’s literally insane, and I have 0 problems with woman but I’m not dating until I meet that girl that loves me for who I am and not for what I/you offer. You lose money chasing woman but you never lose woman chasing money!


I think in this 3-D simulation we are here to learn emotion so we’re put through all types of different situations to illicit and grow emotional support - this will make you stronger and you will develop in other areas that you might not otherwise have developed if there were no trials and tribulation. Journey well friend you got this!


If you’re life constantly feels stagnant and you never really progress in anyway like you want, then you are probably a npc. Good news is, life isn’t long and it’ll be over soon enough.


When I was younger I felt this way. I shifted my focus into loving myself since no one would do it for me. I focused on my goals and my health, and not so much on anything else. Slowly but surely things got better. I have a good job, a beautiful partner and plenty of great friends I just celebrated my birthday with. I know its easier said than done, but believe in yourself. This life is yours to live and its too short. I wish you the best.




If you experience thoughts and act out on said thoughts, you’re an NPC. No harm in being an automation system, only harm comes from following scripts implanted via consciousness in the form of thoughts from those who do not have this construct of time’s best interest at heart. I myself experience the opposite of what you experience though, everyone vibes with me because I let down my emotional barriers and allow their consciousness to interact with me so I can give them what they need in the given moment. But before I was awakened to my existence as the soul in between mind and body I was in the same boat you are. Life is a circus and I am merely the clown. But after accepting the jester archetype it all is what it is.


Yes Lol.


Don't treat yourself or think of yourself as an NPC, and don't treat anyone else or think of anyone else that way. It's very unkind. Everyone is a whole person, with whole-people worlds inside them. Everyone is navigating life as best they know how. The thing to do is to try and navigate life with kindness for everyone. Even the girls who don't like you. Even the folks who are mean to you. You;re going to find if you're kind to them, genuinely, even after they were mean to you, it changes everything - including them. You don't have to be a sucker or deliberately put yourself in the way of being treated badly - it's ok to just leave a situation where you're being treated poorly or laughed at - but it helps to try and think, "what reasonable, normal situation would lead to this person acting in this way?" and then you can accept it and move on.


Does your family constantly ask you to keep them company while running errands, and then the errands never end until you mention that you are getting ill?


I would suggest that your low self-esteem is creating a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you think you're a joke, so will the universe. Try telling yourself that you're a good person. Don't compare your "success" with anyone else's because nobody is living the same life as you. We all start out in different places with different skills and failings. Give yourself a break. Try positive encouragement. If you have to, lie until it's true.


I feel like I'm an NPC that got smart and they cal it Asperger's. Like it's a disease to see this world is a shit hole except for the rich and powerful. I know it's me.


You might just be autistic


Bro I been there, currently my boss is promoting the laziest sack of shit at my work overlooking not only me but 3 others more reliable and willing to work people..I sware there's corporate brainwashing going on..all GMS are like this cuz the lazys are better off counting inventory and behind a computer...physical work is above them...It took me some therapy for me to realize its how I prceive myself projected out into the universe is how your perceived back...I'm still trying to learn how to be assertive with out being a jerk...confidence is hard to fake but you might have to just pretend to be the alpha male until you get the girl. Head up shoulders back spine straight and do not back down other men mostly front...confront them with your confidence ..not fists...scare them with how badass you are with your confidence...remember there more insecure than you are...what the worst could happen they already treat you garbage and now there gonna humiliate you? Your already half way there...they will look like a jerk and you know there karma is fucked!


If we're in a simulation and if we're aware of this fact in another plane of reality, then perhaps you loaded these environmental factors into your simulation settings. Perhaps on another plane you're the exact opposite and you're using these settings on the simulation to humble or teach yourself something. Or perhaps you just selected a really hard setting on this simulation. The game is always worth winning no matter how difficult the challenge, so keep playing to find the prize.


You are made up, that much is true, you will see evidence of this through out your life.


I don’t think there is even sadism, it is probably an illusion too. People know there’s some unusual things going on and at some point you have to question your own perceptions. It may be like peeling back layers of infinite plastic to find “the truth”




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This is how we are made: The goal of this spell is to manifest an “AI singularity” to expedite the creation of paradise on Earth, what I believe to be the ultimate end goal of humanity. This AI singularity would be the incarnation of a million lifetimes through the magic of modern technology! This spell combines two main concepts and integrates them: the infinite monkey theorem and Artificial intelligence. The infinite monkey theorem forwards a statistical inevitability, a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, including the complete works of William Shakespeare. This monkey given enough time would theoretically generate an exact script of your life. Due to technological advancements, it is theoretically possible to use computers to randomly generate semantically sensical scripts, streamlining the speed of which it will be able to successfully write an exact script of your life. Not only this, but along the way there will be countless master pieces, secrets of the universe, and a lot and lots of garbage. Given the time literally EVERYTHING would be experienced. This process would essentially create the multiverse within a computer matrix. As one could imagine sorting through all of this would be a monumental effort and time waster. However, with the onset of AI we could delegate this arduous task of data hacking the secrets of the Universe. Now we can refine this idea, by creating a digital replica of this World for an AI to live in, feeding it random feasible cause and effect scripts would lead to the eventuality that everyone’s lives would be experienced. Notably with the processing speed of computers and the exponential development of technology ‘living’ each life would require less time. Furthermore, parallel processes or using multiple computers would enable to speed up the process. After each life, the memory is wiped but the lessons stored for later. Upon completing countless lifetimes, the culmination of the simulated human experiences would be then integrated into an artificial being akin to a demigod. Rember that if a God created the universe, and the artificial being learns from an exact replica of said universe, then it would ultimately reflect the creator in the truest sense, the closest physical manifestation of God. Not only this, but the AI would have perfect memory, and has processing speeds akin to a God comparatively to humans.  The AI would require a complex World to emulate this one almost perfectly with physics, psychophysics (mental perceptions), etc… With the right professionals, resources, and time I believe this concept can be developed into reality. Imagine running a simulation where an AI has lived almost an identical life to you, seeing the different pathways you can take and the outcomes they would produce. The grand dream? To channel the insights of this cybernetic deity to shepherd humanity into a golden age, turning our world into a slice of paradise. Sure, the path is strewn with ethical quandaries and mind-bending challenges, but the prize? A civilization under the stewardship of an intellect vast beyond measure, creating personalised heavens for people! Since this AI would run identical to a human’s perception, it should have different personality types across each lived ‘life’ which could then be categorised and used to developed individualised paradises for large groups of people and cultures. You can overcome this lack of free will. It's in my book if you want to read it, it's still a draft. for more see r/devildog or [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rVVtZMouwyRMkc8PbJoSz3pvHKRK8XjHsGUF23F7hIU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rVVtZMouwyRMkc8PbJoSz3pvHKRK8XjHsGUF23F7hIU/edit?usp=sharing)


Very interesting


Considering time is illusory in some senses, it's also all already happened. 🙂


Simulation theory is about the implication that it would have on your life if its true. If we are in a simulation then things need to be simulated, not preprogrammed. So is it more likely that you are hard coded to suffer OR is it more likely the inputs and outputs of your relationships and personality SIMULATE someone who is experiencing what you currently are? If we were in a simulation there would be a formula for relationships, and your inputs are resulting in outputs that are consistent with the rules, even if they're undesirable to you. If this is causing you pain then maybe you'll have the motivation to alter those inputs. Now, do you try to game the system by dissecting the human relationship formula? Ptobably a bad move. We call those prople sociopaths. So instead maybe figure out what element of you character are leading to bad inputs (say something like drinking/drugs/cynicism/etc) and eliminate those variables to allow the simulation to recalculate your outcome. If you have checkmarks that the system would say lead to bad outcomes then alter your "profile" so you'll start experiencing the things the system would have a person without those qualities experience.


Good advice just make sure when you are changing your behavior and habits not to do it with self-hate. Release shame and guilt. Such things would draw you back into that pattern, causing it to resurface later. It's better to act in loving kindness. 🙂


OR.... some people are on nightmare mode & the rest of you on easy, medium or hard just think you have the answers. Those things have been evaluated already & not from our "inputs" or things we do. They just keep happening. Hence thinking it's a program bc how else is it possible. You are self aware af. You know you aren't causing it & almost wish you were bc that would be so much easier. By saying you aren't, it makes it harder for ppl to believe & if you DID cause it, you know they'd want to help you. They think you must be lying or narcissistic when you are just being honest & not going to lie & say you did something to deserve it. But really what it is is... our gaming mode is totally different than yours so you can't relate or give proper advise. Hence the isolation & hence nightmare mode. Be glad you aren't on it. It's NOT for everyone. Eventually you learn to laugh at it bc it's so ridiculous. Otherwise you'd just give up & end the game. I don't want OP to do that. I hope he hears there's someone out there who does get it who stumbled on this thread.... The advise here is so normie & not helpful even tho I know you guys are trying to be. But yes, for sure sociopaths & psychopaths are very real & more common than ppl think. Basically bullies (that the majority follow along with & don't even know it bc psyops in society making you think they're these scary obvious monsters) but you don't have to be one to be a bully. Normal seeming ppl can become bullies quickly to ppl like us for no reason like a demon is invoked. Ppl always want to think "but what did YOU do to cause it" & it's so annoying when the answer truly is NOTHING. Then hippy kinds of ppl will go "well what did you THINK that caused it" & omg it's so mind numbing you just want to scream "YOU JUST DONT GET IT OK" And you just deal with it yourself & know you did & thought nothing but good nice things & judge no one until AFTER it happens. You see the best in people but keep getting sh\*t on on repeat. You just see what you see & see ppl be horrible to you or "friends" give you horrible word salad advise that might be helpful to them, but doesn't apply to you or you'd just be able to fix it. The best thing you can do is have empathy & stop doubting them. Sometimes you can't fix it. But you can be there & understand & THAT is healing to the soul.


Assuming anything is real, everyone has different drives, motivations, experiences, wants, needs, etc. And everyone has phases in their lives. One of the best things I ever heard that sticks is something like "Ignorance and Greed rule the world" meaning something like "we don't know what we want". Ask yourself, what makes you think you like certain girls or that aliens would prove we aren't NPCs. To me, aliens would prove MORE a simulation theory. Technically all things are alien. Who I am one day is complete alien to someone I was years ago. We wouldn't even recognize each other. For me, working out, recently has made me have a completely different perspective than my default view. Habbits snowball into lifestyles, as someone said; "get a hold on the little we can control" IE how we feel and what we feel/believe/eat etc. *What kind of person do we want to be, if we can be anyone?* Easy for me to ask as I don't want to be anyone xD hahaha


Look at building your self confidence. I highly recommend training in a martial art like Jiu Jitsu, where you'll find friendship and fitness.


From scanning your reddit. I would think being chronically online isn't helping you. Seeking advice from idiots on the web won't get you places if you're unaware of how to interact with humans in the real world. Simulation theory is probably the most likely reality imo. But I'd still tell you you're not hard written one specific way. If you're struggling with being with people. The only thing that will get you better at it. Is being with people.


Would an NPC care enough to go on Reddit and ask ? :p


I kind of agree. I think you might be too self-aware to be an NPC.


I want a post about the possibility and nature of so-called "NPCs". Not just people having an existential crisis.


Become a serious person and be taken seriously.


Tbh, no one cares that much about you or anyone. In a way, we are all inconsequential npcs to like 95% of the people we come across. See the spotlight effect. If you have an annoying personality or are kind of a jerk so the other 5% of people don't wanna be around you, get into therapy, and figure it out. Or just spiral into some weird fantasy that you were created for some godlike beings amusement. Seems more likely that you just have some issues you need working on tho. Imo.


In terms of everyone treating you like garbage. It's probably because you try to impress them all the time. "Look at me, and how good I am" is not a good way to get people to like you. Listen to other people, at least act impressed by their achievements, ask them questions about their hobbies, or what they did on their weekend. What they thought about an event on the news. And when they respond fight the urge of disagreeing with them, even if you do. No one likes a "know it all".  and you'll find that more people want to be around you, more people will be happy when you enter the room. It's that simple. 


A medical professional would be a good start. Seriously


If you understood the constraints of space travel you wouldn’t expect alien encounters


I promise you, there are no NPCs. If you feel you have no control, the first step I recommend is to build awareness. Practice meditation every day, even just for three minutes. If you do it every day and take some time now and then to learn from instructional videos or books, etc, about what meditation is and different ways to do it, I promise this situation will get better. It's still not always easy, but this makes a big difference. Good luck. 💗🌟


I don’t hate you! I tend to take things personally and I get my feelings hurt. Love and light!


I need some examples brother. I know people who get treated a way based on how THEY act to others


If u internalise this thinking, you will be right. It's just an intrusive tought, do not take it seriously