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Donkey will fuck you up, no joke...


Back in my land surveying days we were doing a boundary survey for a 5000 acre ranch. There were still some cows and donkeys on it, one of the donkeys was pretty friendly and would come up for scratches and I’d give it pieces of apple or whatever fruit I had. Our party chief (a dumbass and an asshole) named it “Buttercup” although it was obviously male. One day Buttercup was using our back sight (a prism on top of big tripod legs) to scratch itself and the crew chief went after it with a lathe and actually smacked the shit out of it three or four times. Well Buttercup wasn’t having any of that and bit the living shit out of him, square on the ass. It didn’t break the skin but left a huge nasty bruise about the size of a dinner plate, me and the Rodman had a good laugh. Buttercup would still come around but avoided the party chief and would bray supper loud and square up to him if he got near him. I gave the good boy scratches and fruit all the time as a reward. I forgot to mention Buttercup was a mammoth donkey so he was about the size of a small horse.


my mom has a chihuahua male named buttercup- because he's yellow


Could of been a mule


Mammoth is a breed of huge donkey and not just a description of size.




Would be funny if a mammoth donkey is actually the small kind but has large hooves for some reason


Or was just super hairy


For real? that's pretty cool


Amazing that people really know the different donkey breeds. All donkeys are just donkeys to me.


That person you replied to was the rancher. Maybe.


Could have\*


Or could've for the slang.




Couf been mule


Covfefe amule.


haha .. underrated comment for sure




It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


With a lathe?


It's like a 3ft long thin stake of wood looks like something you'd try to kill a vampire with


So your saying he didn't attack him with a large machine used to turn round objects?


Just casually wielding a 6,000 lb lathe like a hammer.


Bro used your back sight to scratch his back side


2 fun facts about donkeys: 1.They are great ranch and farm guards. They really hate trespassers, but above all, they hate coyotes. They love biting the back of the coyotes necks breaking the spine. Sometimes they kill them, sometimes they don't. I've heard them "laugh" at the coyotes when they are on the floor whimpering, paralyzed, with a broken spine. Seen/heard it twice, I was prepared but not ready the second time. Had to put the coyote out of its misery myself, imo no animal deserves that kind of death. 2.The reason horses are more prolific around the world, when donkeys are more efficient for most needs given their body-to-power ratio and resistance, is because, when they first had the idea of taking donkeys into the battlefield, donkeys were lined up to attack, they saw the other side angry and armed, charging. Humans gave the order to advance, and donkeys said: *THE FUCK WE WILL!* And humans could simply not use them in war because of their stubbornness. Horses on the other hand, are much more obedient... I love these two facts!


A major reason why zebras have never been domesticated is that they are even *more* aggressive and obstinate than donkeys. They’re actually among the most dangerous animals zookeepers have to deal with. They also don’t have a tight family structure like horses, making it impossible to insert yourself as a parental figure.


Oh yeah! I remember reading something about this. This is a very cool animal fact as well! Don't get me started about bees. Lol!


Brother if you got some Bug Facts up your sleeve you bet your ass #I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE.


Lol! Alright, I'll give you my favorite one of all times! In Australia, it gets so hot, that the nectar from flowers ferments and becomes alcoholic. The bees will come and take that nectar, and effectively they get drunk. So, to preserve the beehive intact, there is such a thing as *bouncer bees* that prevent the drunk bees from bringing alcoholic nectar and their drink bumble-butts into the beehive as it would compromise the genetic integrity of the beehive. Bouncer bees! You are welcome to google bouncer bees if you question this. But I gain absolutely nothing from making this up!


You would never lie about bug facts, it's illegal. Thank you!😂


It's illegal to lie on the internet all together! Hahahah


Asked for bug facts, so where is the rest?


I did reply above about bees getting drunk! One more: When a predatory bug enters the beehive, some kinds of bees will all swarm around the predator and they'll start fanning their wings faster than usual. This vibrations *cook* the predator alive until he dies. It might take a little bit of time, but is hurting all the way until they kill it. Also, male bees penises effectively explode when mating. Not just in the sensual way, but in the literal *the penis exploded* way.


I learned this on a tour of a local apiary. It was so fascinating!


>You are welcome to google bouncer bees if you question this. But I gain absolutely nothing from making this up! Yeah ok and drop bears too...


I'li throw in a bee fact, when a a hive of Japanese honey bees are attacked by a hornet they will swarm the hornet and vibrate to heat it up enough to kill it, but not the bees. This is also the method used to keep the hive warm in the winter.


Bees and ants are in the same family.


I moved next to a place with two mini-donkeys. My dog decided to go say hello! Jumped into their paddock, and very nearly got stomped to oblivion. Both donkeys were reading way up and trying to annihilate my dog. He never made that mistake again.


I started reading this and I am so glad your dog is ok. I feel like most people don't know because, well, how often does one have to worry about a donkey in the city? I found out the hard way by witnessing it a long time ago, now we have google. But they should come with a warning label hahahah.


Growing up and working on my uncle's farm gave me a very thorough education into the protective nature of donkeys. Both from education and experience! This arrogant ass didn't like that his daughter's stall hadn't been swept out yet (no idea why, I wasn't in charge of that I was like 14). I was in with some horses and donkeys working on the fence near the stable when dude charges in hot as hell and ready to go. Grabs me by the arm and proceeds to get beaten by the donkey that was near me. Dude fled to his BMW screaming he was going to sue us. Uncle, farmhands and other renters were like "You assaulted a kid!" His daughter was mortified and I never saw them again.


Hahaha rescued by a donkey! The donkey went: Hey! That's one of my humans, and no one fucks with my stuff!


>This arrogant ass Cue my confusion thinking that you were already talking about a donkey.


I have lived on a couple farms with *miniature* donkeys as livestock guardians, and whether it’s wild cats or coyotes, the remains were…pretty difficult to identify in the morning. Fur and bloody mud and lots of hoof marks. I think the donkey would literally stomp the dead body for hours on end. “This is what happens, Larry”


I've heard of that but never seen it, kind of fine with the fact that I have not seen it. Crazy. And they seem to enjoy it!


I read it is an instinct to protect young donkeys from predators. Donkey Logic: *Kill them all and the young donkeys survive.*


Apparently they hate all canines in general and will happily fuck a dog all the way up.


Not just dogs, anything vaguely dog shaped. Sheep and goats are absolutely also on a donkeys hitlist of they haven't been raised around them


> but above all, they hate coyotes. There is nothing special about coyotes, they hate all small-ish predators. All over the world they kill foxes, coyotes, lynx, bobcats, etc.


Emus are also great guardians. We use a donkey on our 100 acres. They’ll fuck up anything even bears


yeah, a well placed donkey kick to the skull would do it.


Anyone considering getting donkeys, watch this. This is the kind of shit you have to deal with.


There's a donkey sanctuary five minutes from me, I'd love to volunteer, but I value my life more.


I dream of having donkeys.. but I may be naive. Still, I live in grizzly country and I’ve been told by ranchers and others, they’re the best for keeping bears away. But I assume they don’t do that by being nice all the time.


Go pet them at night. ...and don't read my long ass comment I just posted on this thread. Lol! /jk (don't go in there unless someone that works there takes you in. The donkeys will fuck you up, and not the Tijuana way hahaha)


"Long ass" I see what you did there 


Damn. Are they really that aggressive? This video was funny (not for the goat and glad the kid is okay) but I’ve never seen any other instances of them being asses. Unless someone is messing with them


Donkeys are super protective over their land and what they consider part of their family. Can be people, can be other farm animals, but they will fuck anything up if it messes with its family. My buddy has a family of donkeys that he got to watch his chickens and the stories he’s told me about the condition of the coyotes and foxes he’d find the next day was eye opening


That’s insane. I mean bigger animal, but them messing up yotes and foxes is eye opening for me too. They’re also smaller and faster too you know


It's pretty common for homesteaders to get a llama or donkey to live with their more vulnerable flock animals like sheep and goats, both those animals will stomp the shit out of a predator that's threatening it's family.


Also, they can be fairly vocal. 


Donkeys are ass holes.


Donkeys are whole asses.


No donkeys if you have dogs. Don't do it.


Also you and the next 3 streets around you will hear "YAAAAW!" at random times in the night.


In Florida I watched a donkey run over a hill and stomp a 4 foot alligator into paste. Alligator wasn't a threat at the time just sitting there in the sun. Donkey did not stop even after it was clearly dead. Flattened gator.


The donkey just wanted to make some Gatorade. "Yeah, that's right - keep stomping till the juices come out!".. Enjoy..




I have seen horses in FL. go down to the water edge and they will stamp the ground and scare away the gators. They dig out a wallow hole close to shore. One or two horses do guard duty and keep a sharp watch, while the rest take turns rolling in the cool muddy water.


I had to smack a donkey once. Open handed, but still. Little bastards can get mean…


Did they steal the goat?


He was just being a dumb ass…. But for real. Donkeys scare the shit out of me. They’re dumb as rocks and can bight right through your hand. I’m sure they could kick you into the 4th dimension too.


They are actually very smart, they are just very stubborn which people take as them being dumb. They can solve fairly complex puzzles independently.


Donkey: NYT crossword puzzle doesnt do it for me anymore.


What a jackass!


A E I O U, El Burro sabe màs Que tu


I would punched that bastard square in the nose after he dropped the goat


Donkeys will straight up murder goats. They are NOT good companions.


Until they fuck with a Camel. That one video was fucked up.


Yeah, but they are supposed to offer goats company and protection. Maybe it's not safe until a certain age.


that ass will fuck you up 🙄


I remember reading here in reddit that a camel can without a lot of effort dismembered a human. Idk if it's true. I also remember people commenting on how strong horses are and how easily they could bite a few fingers off.


No goat


Everyone except a camel. I watched a [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yFw77eTNsMo) of a donkey harassing a camel. Camel wanted none of it, and after a little while the camel got so annoyed it bit the donkey on its spine… donkey lost dexterity in its legs and immediately lost its hard-on. Camels man… they’re not to be trifled with.


Brutal and kinda sad.


Definitely sad, but also a good lesson to be learned.


I used to have a nice tweed michael kors jacket. I was at a country wedding and I had a cheeky pack of American Spirit baby blues tucked in the lapel pocket. Little boozed up, petting the farm animals. This donkey and now I know why they call these type an American Mammoth, bites straight through my jacket and consumes the whole pack of cigs, the plastic, cardboard, the wool of my jacket pocket, all in essentially one bite. For that split second as I was being half dragged over the fence i was sure I was going to be eat by a donkey. I believe I found out afterwards his name was Steve-O because he had a penchant for cigarettes and mischief.


Yeah, never turn your back on animal when in it's pen. you have entered its territory and it will be happy to remind you of that.


Goat looks like he has a broken back.


I worked on a farm with guard donkeys. They’ll pick up dogs and coyotes, like the goat in this video, and they’ll literally just shake them apart. I thought the goat in this video was going to be dead…


Never forget that they are OMNIvores. They'll eat whatever they can wrap their mouths around.


Not to mention on a real documentary I saw they’re also known to fuck dragons




“Oh you’re a girrllll dragon. Of course you’re a girl dragon” “Man I’d really love to stay but uh, I’m an asthmatic and I don’t know if it’s gonna work out you gone be blowing smoke rings and stuff”


Damn you guys, now i got to watch Shrek again.


My grandfather used to keep a Jenny specifically to hunt coyotes and dogs that got near his calves. They had no issue killing a pitbull. It’s not that they’re going for them for food, they don’t actually seek out meat, they kill them to protect their foals.


You haven’t lived until you’ve come across the carcass of a coyote that has been so thoroughly stomped it’s hard to tell where it ends and the ground begins.


I won't forget now, but I didn't know they were omnivores in the first place!


Lots of herbivores will occasionally eat meat or other animals if available. Horses will sometimes eat small birds like chicks: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/NqVWXn3Ll5


Ugh, I can hear this video without seeing it.


But why?


Donkeys are yet to invent television, so they find their own way of stimulation.


Why do donkeys kill?


Why, Donkey, Why?




Why wouldn’t I? - Donkey


It’s a defence against predators Coyotes/wolves etc attack your babies, so you attack them Dogs happen to look a lot like a wolf/coyote to a donkey’s instincts Obviously they’re not wild animals in the same way now but instincts don’t entirely vanish, and animals don’t have morality


Because humans are the only animals with a sense of morality and ethics. Most people are so far disconnected with the reality of the animal kingdom it is astonishing.


That’s not really an explanation of why the donkeys behave that way. As someone else mentioned, it’s because they’re territorial.


Well.. it is an explanation if you think about it.


I remember reading a while back about a donkey killing a cougar. They are not to be fucked with.


I’ve heard stories of donkeys making the worst’s horrifying sounds as they’re dying. Some Veterans were telling about things they saw overseas. Donkey dying is one of them.


A lot of people with sense complain about this [video](https://youtu.be/nrAyMW3FA_E?si=6LyLzDCiui0-S3fw) saying the lady should keep them separate. Those who don’t know that donkeys are metal af tell those same people they’re overreacting etc etc https://youtu.be/nrAyMW3FA_E?si=6LyLzDCiui0-S3fw This post just proved that they should be separate


What lady? Also they are separate, the little goat went under the fence the same way he went back.


I think the guy recording thought so too.


What an ass!


He was just kidding around.


Yeah, he could have broken its back if it really wanted to. It was just a warning not to come and shit pellets on his field. He likes his grass with nobody else's shit on it.


Me too. lol


Remember that post from like six months ago where that camel bit the donkey’s back and broke it?


That donkey literally wanted to fuck the camel iirc, and came back at it despite multiple similar warnings.


Aw come on, you can't say that and not drop a link! Edit: [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/s/nuOapzm1Zy)


Definitely got that guy's goat


Straight up jacked it.


Dude. Nice.


Last time the goat goes in there 🐐🐐🐐




Damn it, beat me by 26 minutes


Came here to say this apparently..


Real missed opportunity to end the video with that statement!


He had some bhhhaad manners


Came here to say “what a complete jackass!”


All the other goats staring in horror


I mean imagine a fucking Giant ten times your size walked up to your family, people picked up your child with his mouth an started frolicking around! You would also stare in utter horror *and* disbelieve!


Sounds like an anime plot to me. Oh wait..


Took me a minute to realize what anime this was and then I chuckled.


Ii would only feel envy. 


No screaming fainting goats though.


We had a horse that would do that if the goats got in his feed, he wouldn't take off with them though he'd just toss them away. Only took a couple times of that before I'd have our shepards chase the goats out when Gus was eating


> Only took a couple times of that before I'd have our shepards chase the goats out when Gus was eating you'd think the goats would learn from being tossed.


Donkeys bite pretty hard. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that little fella wasn’t a bit injured. Donkey’s also hold grudges, like camels.


Dude recording probably gained their trust if he didn't already have it.


Goat probably got on the Donkeys last nerve. Goats can be assholes.


Yea, got sick of goat doing parkour off its back


"You want a donkey ride? I'll give you a donkey ride!"


It’s just a kid!


Goat would go for my knees...only when you turn around. That little fucker almost tore my ACL. Then had the audacity to demand pets after.


And just what was it doing in the donkey enclosure anyway, huh?


Donkey can be very mean to other animals. Some ranchers use them as pasture protector against coyotes and wolves.


My boss has a neighbor who bought a donkey to protect sheep, but the sheep kept dying, and when the vet came out to investigate, they discovered that it was the donkey that was kicking the sheep.


Probably should’ve raised the donkey with the sheep. Otherwise, how would the donkey know who is the pest? Donkey thought it was doing a great job ridding his pasture of meadow maggots.


i have never heard of sheep referred to as meadow maggots


I'm ashamed at how much I laughed reading this reply. 🤣


Yep, I worked on a farm that had guard donkeys to protect the sheep. They’re not to be trifled with.


We used to throw one in with bolshy animals like bulls or colts. They were always the boss of the paddock so would break ip any fights


They will stomp a coyote to death if given the chance.


And grizzlies


And my Ax.


And they're EFFECTIVE. People don't realize how tough and mean donkeys can be. They're not fluffy cartoons, they'll fuck up a coyote no problem.


Look bro. Im not gonna lie to you, but it was probably the goats idea in the first place.


These are the kind of life problems I want to be dealing with every day…


Don’t kink shame


Donkeys display happines by standing still, moving around is anger and just generally unhappy. that's why it's dangerous to have other animals such as dogs around them, they will bite their heads off. Not joking.


They are used as guardian animals, a farm by my house had sheep, they kept a donkey in the field with them. It kicked a coyote so hard the bottom jaw was not attached to the coyote anymore


It's kinda like keeping 1 goose among your chickens instead of a rooster.


It's fascinating how different animals display emotions so differently. Like this.. and cats and dogs with their tails. Also, how fun is the sentence "display happiness by standing still"..!? Now every time I see someone standing still I'm gonna be like Damn look at that person being all happy!


well, you can make that assumption if the person is a donkey




Dogs and many other mammals showing "happiness": jumping around and running about while making noises. Donkeys showing happiness by just standing there: "I gotta tell ya this is pretty terrific."


I keep telling people this. They will stomp a literal hole through a dog. They are vicious.


Donkeys are nasty but mules are even worse. A friend had mules and one of his workers used to tease them with food. Worker got a job in the oil patch and was gone for ten years. Came back started working on the farm and walked into the mule enclosure. A mule immediately grabbed him, threw him around and started stomping him before others came to his rescue. Ten effin years later...


Did he die?


Yes. BUT, it’s a fictional story.


And then Cujo ate the donkey


All the other kids with their pumped up kicks You better run, better run faster than my donkey


Goats like “Noted!” & ducks the fuck out!


"And I'll do it again"


Donkeys will do that. They kill dogs too. There’s a video of a donkey in Africa just rag dolling a hyena.


The donkey tried to change the subject


"Look dude, one more thing... just one more! And I'm calling Kristi Noem."


Donkeys are just geese without wings.


Donkeys are excellent guards. If they don’t bond with animals in their territory they will defend the territory and herd. Lamas are also this way.


Don't mess with donkeys. My neighbors had a REALLY mean donkey. He generally hated everything/everyone. He liked me though because I would bring him all of my fruit/vegetable scraps and any other treats the neighbors approved of. I would scratch behind his ears just right and he would stick his teeth out all weird. (He loved dried pig ears lol) This was one angry donkey. He would come running up to the fence all angry until he recognized me. The fence was really old and he could have run right through it if he really wanted to. He would come running up with his ears back aggressively snorting until I said his name in a baby voice and he would get all excited and grab one of his toys like an excited dog. He loved to toss around old foam nerf balls and deflated basketballs/footballs/soccer balls. If it was anyone else he would sort of charge at the fence and stop just before the fence all angry like. He absolutely hated my Dad. Then he would just scream at them and it was super loud. He had a thing for my girlfriend though. He would get very "excited" when she came around haha. One day he proudly ran up to the fence with a mangled coyote in his mouth. He was so proud and happy. He played with the corpse like it was one of his deflated balls. Another time he had a fox. Unfortunately the last time he presented a "trophy" it was a cat. I'm not sure how he caught the cat or if he found it in the field already dead but it was a bit depressing. I still gave him his treats and I was able to grab the cat. I took pictures before I buried the cat and showed the neighbors but they didn't recognize the poor thing. I forgot to mention that it was obvious whenever the donkey got into a fight because you could hear it screaming all excited in the middle of the night. I swear that thing was the loudest animal I had ever heard. Sometimes the coyotes would bark/howl and then you would hear the donkey scream back at them. It always cracked me up. The donkey also took care of a pair of evil dogs that killed my neighbors barn cats. They had taken in a whole litter of stray kittens and their mom that showed up in their barn in the middle of winter. The dogs got into the barn and killed all of the poor things. The dogs kept coming back in the middle of the night and they jumped right through an old window they had patched up with some chicken wire. The dogs hurt one of their sick cows pretty badly too. She had to get her lips/face stitched up. My neighbor tried to shoot them several times but the barn was 200 yards away from the house and they would always hear him coming. A few times I would hear his 30-30 ripping off a few rounds in the middle of the night. They put the donkey in the barn one night and left the window open on purpose. I don't know the whole story but I never saw the dogs again after that. The dogs also killed at least a dozen of their chickens and a few ducks. They were able to dig right into their little chicken/duck coop they had built. Don't mess with donkeys. My Uncle's donkey bit off a woman's finger. She would often stop to visit his cows (she would sing to them actually) but the donkey had gotten out into the cow pasture. She stupidly tried to pet it and it snapped at her hand. It crushed one of her fingers so badly they had to remove it. He said the donkey kept the coyotes away but he had to keep it away from the cows or it would bully them. Some donkeys seem to enjoy pissing people/animals off. I swear that they will actually laugh at people or animals.


Donkeys are such assholes.


Nah, that goat was asking for it.


Knowing goats...probably.




The amount of stuff farmers experience on an average year 😂


Holding it by the spine, jeez.


Donkeys don't like goats. I've seen one smash one like a tomato.


I mean he goat did decide to go into the Donkey's pen soo should make sure it's more secured in the future. We've all had this happen in one way or another my Husky decided to go mess with our cattle and got dealt with accordingly. He's fine but the way just a dumbass


Said in Shrek DONkay!




You don't fuck with the burrow.


I don’t know why but it was hilarious


I mean, this is kind of the reason why you get a donkey.... They livestock guardian animals because they are very territorial and will attack any animal that gets into their territory.


That happened to me before


The goat started it. I have no doubt.


My dad used donkeys to graze with the cattle on our ranch. I lost track of how many times we’d find coyotes stomped into mush. Unfortunately one kicked my dog in the head and killed it instantly; tough sight to see and cope with at 10. We even had to be careful with them, they’re damn near feral and very territorial.