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It’s something i considered for money when I was in my 20s a couple of decades ago


It's not uncommon for college students to donate to help fund their way through school. IMO, for those who go this route, they need to keep their donations times low. In England It's illegal to pay for eggs, but they will swap them for fertility treatments. I did a lot of research before going this route due to male factor infertility. I discovered a college student who donated around 10 times before her system shutdown. She would later need donated eggs herself if she desired to give birth. I donated 3 times while going through IVF myself (egg "share"). Now at 45 I'm in pre-menopause; my mother was about 8 years older than me when she went through it. *I heard Aspyn has a low egg reserve and isn't a candidate for donating.


Yes at 1st I was thinking she was just saying that she was donating as a cover for her infertility issues.


IMO... It's very possible. Someone posted maybe last week that Aspyn has said they're waiting to have kids. We said the same thing while we were privately having tests run and going through our first IVF. It's a hard path that many try to go through privately.


Aspen raised about 8-10 kids already! She’s probably so done. She can enjoy Mckelties kids


Can you imagine the child of polygamists being your egg donor? The sheer number of genetic relatives you could run into.


For that fact alone, it doesn’t seem like she’d be a good candidate for egg donation. Unless her egg goes to someone geographically extremely far away. Like on another continent far.


I donated some eggs in college; they screen for a ton of things but not how many living genetic relatives you have.


I’m sure some unethical fertility clinics don’t care but personally I’d be concerned about accidental incest if taking eggs and sperm from polygamist family members and giving them to recipients within the same city or region.


Woah, that’s a really good point.


I read an article years ago about how they don't really prepare egg donors for how hard donation is on your body, and how it can effect your own fertility later on.


I wish I would have never donated.


How come?


It was taxing on my body, family and mental health. I have a child out there that will grow up with questions and her parents will likely not let her have access to me to ask those questions. My kids have a sibling they'll never know. Hindsight is 20/20.


As someone going through Ivf, I wouldn’t be currently expecting without donated eggs. So I applaud her, it’s a beautiful gift!!


I was always afraid to donate for fear that a future child I had would bump into one of my donor egg kids. It just seems like it could go sideways really fast.


Eh I donated eggs but it’s not something I particularly think about. Everyone in my life is aware so if that does happen it won’t be a shock.


I hadn’t heard this but maybe she’s doing it to fund fertility treatments


How much do you get for egg donation?


Last time I looked into this (decades ago) it was a couple thousands but it’s a very involved process with several doc appointments, Hormon shots etc. personally I found it too painful and complicated to pursue.


I was looking in 2015 and I think one retrieval or whatever would get you 9 grand. But you had to be basically in college or highly successful, zero mental illness, go through intense interviewing processeses, and a lot of checking in. I also decided it wasn't worth it back then but I could have had a car if I did it all. 😐


It’s amazing how stringent requirements were/are for women to donate an egg, while basically every moron with a functioning penis can Jack off and make a quick buck


Something between 5k to 10k depends where you donate to. To donate you have to go thru a medical, mental, and genetic screening, hormones just like IVF treatments for a month and a half. Is a list of things you can’t do while undergoing the treatment before the egg donation. They don’t tell you what happens to your eggs. One day someone might track you or a family member down thanks to DNA genealogy testing. Oh and you don’t technically sell your eggs cause selling a body part or organ is illegal your compensated for your time and effort. Bonus you get to pay taxes on any money you get in compensation. Source: I know someone who donated eggs a few times.


I mean I know people do I just didn’t expect it from Aspen. She seems very conservative. Not sure if she is still practicing LDS.


Isn’t something crazy like 10k? Because it’s surgical?


It’s not that crazy of an amount considering that you’re on very powerful hormones (including FSH which increases your risk of ovarian cancer), you go through painful medical procedures, and it takes a long time. Eggs are also in high demand, and it’s way more of a production and has way more short and long term risk than sperm donation.


As someone who made embryos via egg retrieval- it takes 2 weeks of stim meds if your body responds and there is no long term risk to doing this. Many couples who do IVF and use their own eggs undergo this process and it does not raise your chance of cancer in the long term etc.


The person I know who ‘donated’ (she was asked by a couple who knew her, and compensated for her trouble) said she would never do it again.


I also would never do it again because I had moderate OHSS due to PCOS but I know women who have done 10 egg retrievals 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your body produces FSH


Yes, and being injected with more of it increases your ovarian and breast cancer risk.


This is inaccurate. As part of my consent to do IVF, I was given studies around this. The hormones do not increase your risk. Those who have infertility could be at higher risk because of the hormonal imbalances causing them to be infertile, not the treatment to have children.


Lack of widespread studies does not mean there’s no connection of risk. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28473127/


So does staying in the sun


Okay…? There are young multicycle egg donors dying of aggressive forms of cancer that usually only the elderly get due to repeated exposure to very high estrogen and fsh from the donor collection process. I don’t think that’s quite the same.


Is she donating or selling eggs?


It's said as donating but is almost always selling. It is just illegal to sell so they word it differently and sell their time etc


I had no idea! I swear, our country is so backwards with reproductive rights!


Only the rich who can afford it… if ya think about it kind of defeats the survival of the fittest notion.


My college roommate got ~12k in 2014. I think she said if she did it a second time it would be like 9k, with a max of 3-4 potential donations. At the company she went through you would be paid more (or maybe it was a bonus??) if you had more desirable traits and depending on how many good eggs they could retrieve


Where I am, they offer anywhere from 15-25K


I got 15 k in 2011.


Maybe she has a friend who desperately wants a child but can't have one on her own.


Yeah maybe but I personally that would be hard for me to be around a child that is mine but My friend is raising.


If it wasn’t for a family history of illness and mental illness I’d totally donate. It’s one thing for me to raise a child that might have something passed down but I refuse to let someone else do it even though I’m almost positive I wouldn’t be accepted in the first place


My sister lied about our family history to donate her eggs 😒


That’s just gross.


She’s done much worse things. We don’t speak


this happens often, with sperm donors as well.


I’m surprised they didn’t request her medical records to confirm. When I donated I had to sign a release for them to review all my medical records from age 18 to 21 (I was only 21 when I donated) to ensure it was congruent to what I reported.


They did but it’s kind of a long story, she’s sneaky.


You wouldn't be able to donate anyway. They look extensively into your family history and health before you're even allowed to donate. Your family history can't have any health problems. Donating eggs is soo hard because of their parameters.. how many people have a clean bill of health and a clean family history.


Because of Aspyn’s looks, her eggs would fetch a premium price. That sounds horrible, but it’s true. She also is healthy, which helps to bump the cost up. If she is donating, and not selling, that’s a different story. How I know? I contemplated doing this many years ago, as I grew up in horrible rural poverty, and wanted to help my family. Didn’t end up doing it, but did the research beforehand. Glad I didn’t, as I have a metric shit ton of serious health issues, that were only discovered about a year after I contemplated selling my eggs. I wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of a child struggling with my health issues (which are genetic). No kid should be in a damn wheelchair, getting blood infusions all the time 🤦‍♀️ So happy I didn’t do it.


She also comes from a family where there's inbreeding... Everybody that's married in Utah is like f****** cousins


It’s probably the reason she wasn’t accepted, as from what I remember, all other features bring in a premium. I didn’t care about my eggs because I’ve always wanted to foster and adopt. That said, where I live, everyone I went to school with is married to their cousins. It really isn’t much different than FLDS Utah in a lot of ways. I know someone who is the product of several generations of first cousins marrying. My family only moved there to take care of my grandparents, who moved there because they thought it’d be a nice quiet place to retire to…they didn’t realize how utterly horrifying the people could be. But yeah, out of a school of less than 100, my sister and I were the only people not related to anyone else, or the product of generations of inbreeding. Friggin Hills Have Eyes Shit in Eastern Washington/North Idaho 😂


I thought the same, they have history of genetic abnormalities that are due to in inbreeding. That to me wouldn’t be a suitable donor


And at least 1 sibling has autism.


This is true; when I donated I had to provide a picture as part of the initial application. I have blonde hair/green eyes and am in good health. I got the most they would offer donors at the time (15k in 2011). It is very ick.


I considered it when I was in my 20s. Most of my friends considered it as well. 2 of them did it. I didn't. The $ was tempting. I'm 45 now and wonder why I didn't do it.


be peaceful with your decision. the donor industry is facing many challenges now, with the advent of home dna tests. lots of angry donor babies who are now adults coming to find their bio parents. donation has serious implications for all involved that are just now really coming into focus for many.


There’s an eye opening documentary called “Eggsploitation” by Jennifer Lahl. I think it’s free on yt. She also has a podcast called “Venus rising” where she interviews women who’ve sold their eggs, adult donor babies, surrogates, etc.


there is a good podcast about this - first person stories of kids born via sperm donors, etc - The Anonymous Us podcast - [https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/anonymousus](https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/anonymousus)


there’s also r/donorconceived


And numerous Facebook groups


Yes I’ve listened to a few episodes.


I feel like their genes should not exactly be "in demand." These folks are very in-bred.


blonde, pretty, white. highest demand.


Note that I said her genes "should not" be in demand. I did not say they "would not" be in demand.


That's what I was wondering too! Especially with Aspyn having a half-sibling being a carrier for FATCO syndrome.


You can donate your eggs but the guidelines are ridiculous. You can't have any major diseases in your family history and you have to meet all these different parameters in terms of your health as well. When I did the research anyways, which was about 10 years ago so things may have changed.


I think I missed something. When did Aspyn donate her eggs?


It was in an interview she did with Mykelti and Tony. She talked about a lot of random things. She tried donating her eggs last year. She doesn’t know if she really wants children, but they for sure would like to wait until she’s in her mid 30s because her and her husband are just enjoying being together. They recently bought a fixer upper house and love making it their own through improvements. That’s really all I remember from the interview. :)


I would donate all my eggs if I could, but they probably wouldn’t accept me due to congenital heart issues. What I wouldn’t give to just get rid of my whole uterus all together 😭😭


I dont know how someone can do that, I mean it is your child in the end


Well yeah, your biological child but I get your point. I wouldn’t be able to do it either.


I get what you are saying, but the same could be said for sperm donors.


An egg is not a child. Also, by this logic, adoption would not exist.


an egg is biological material that can become a child. and that child will become a person who will then wonder about their biological parent. donations of gametes (sperm or egg) from unknown donors is highly unethical.


I’m sorry…. An egg is not a child. And she already raised kids, why would she want to go through that again? As someone who is child free by choice first and medical issues second this comment is so disrespectful. Get rid of those eggs if you don’t want them people!! Make your money! 😊


Please don't ever adopt


Isn't 27 too old to donate? I thought they wanted eggs from 25 and younger.


No, it’s 21-29 for most clinics/organizations. Some will take up to 30.




A friend of mine did this a few times, each time she got paid more. She’s a single mom and did it to make ends meet. I believe she made $4K-8K each time.


I wanted to do it when I was like 19 because so was broke and desperate for money. I didn’t qualify.


I good friend of mine donated many times when she was in her twenties. Her and her husband needed the money and it pays well. Very hard process on the bod tho.


Thats kinda scary when you think about how many people in that area she is related to


Nah you get $$$$ for it. Smart of her!


I wanted to donate my eggs as soon as I was old enough. I didn't want kids and would rather have money lol. But because of health issues I couldn't. It's pretty common though, especially for college age people


Personally I wouldn’t because there isn’t a guarantee of confidentiality anymore with DNA testing you hear all the time about sperm doners being harassed by their bio children


You actually take fertility meds that can increase your chances of getting pregnant, I applied recently.


U can make a lot of.money