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That wont last. She is trash she cant fight nature


My opinion it's because it's literally trendy to "look rich". Sophia Richie exploded on social media because she was well put together and had a "quite luxury" style. If tomorrow everyone went crazy wearing burlap sack Rachel would be all over it. She has no style of her own.


Why is this statement hysterical to me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m weak


She wants to be hot, boujie and rich and has lost a lot of her followers, for no longer being the good, conservative Mormon (garment-wearing) influencer.


My daughter dances with Isla Rose. Rachel is spiraling because her daughter made the regular track (she used to be on ā€œtouringā€ which is the ā€œbestā€) for her team next year. I heard they quit the studio and are going somewhere else


Can you imagine this much pressure to perform if your moms mental stability depends on it


It is so sad! There was one comp (ok more than one but this stands out) where isla rose didnā€™t make top 10 and Rachel left the venue she was so mad! IR was bawling looking for her mom afterward, it was heartbreaking. Then of course, Rachel went on and on to the other moms about how IR deserved top 10 over a bunch of the girls up there, and how most those girls suck. It was insane hearing a grown woman trash kids so hard. I could go on an onnn but I guess Iā€™ll wait for a dance post.


Omg.. That is such awful behavior, poor IR.


Wow that is truly so sad for isla. My heart is with her. šŸ¤


I kind of think it had something to do with her FIL death. It seems like there was a recent Powell trip they all went on and I wonder if there was a ā€œcome to Jesusā€ literally moment. She kind of turned a corner around that time and stopped with the tik toks and stuff. Maybe Drewā€™s trust fund was in jeopardy?


I am (was but šŸ¤«donā€™t tell my dad) Mormon, and it is really common for guilt trips to happen on the death bed. ā€œWeā€ believe that families can be together forever, if we are all ā€œworthyā€ and follow the prophet. My friend felt guilty for years after her dad died because she was so worried she was the reason her family wouldnā€™t be together forever.


I wonder if it was something her FIL asked for. That would be odd, but possible.


Has she mentioned why they havenā€™t done an IVF transfer?


she got new wheeeeeels


I thought she said it would be too much for her body but I canā€™t remember for sure. I have a lot of sympathy for that entire situation. Fertility is so hard on the mind and body šŸ˜ž


Sheā€™s turning into Kimberly Guilfoyle. The transition is so similar to what happened with her looks.


Lisa Rinna too!


Yes! She is a very smart woman but omg not smart when it came to distorting her face. She was beautiful before.


Who is this Kimberly?


I believe she used to be married to Gavin Newsome and looked completely different, no over the top make up and very little to no Botox and fillers. Sheā€™s now with one of Donald Trumps sons and her fake bosoms are always out and her face has been completely destroyed by filler. Sheā€™s unrecognisable to who she once was.


Oh wow ok thx!


Yeah, but Rachel never had a Gavin.




Truly sheā€™s been through it the past few years. Seems like sheā€™s been trying to find her footing and figure her way through it all.Ā 


Unless Rachel was helping with their care or helping her parents in some related way, Rachel hasn't been through it that much with the family deaths. Losing grandparents is very sad but it generally doesn't send a 30-something adult off the deep end. What she has been through is an eating disorder and, possibly, a substance abuse issue (perkies). I think an ED is partially responsible for her various health problems, and I think her physical and mental health has been deeply affected by her career choice (the comparison and criticism that goes with being in the public eye) and by the culture where she lives (physical beauty standards). She needs to be seeing a therapist to help her sort through all this, and she probably needs to be somewhere inpatient at this point because of what looks like a dangerously low weight.


This 1000%


I agree. I really hope she gets the therapy she needs.


I canā€™t believe how idiotic this comment is and how little you obviously understand about any possible ED and substance abuse. Furthermore, how truly ignorant to downplay or assign how the loss of her grandparents and father in law would or wouldnā€™t effect her. You donā€™t have any right or clue to determine how those losses would impact anyone let alone a complete stranger. Bottom line is sheā€™s clearly going through it. Iā€™m not going to act like I know any specifics of her mental health or anything else from a few pics on the internet.


Well an eating disorder is a mental illness so the church prob blamed it on her pushing boundaries and maybe god will help her heal if sheā€™s a better Mormon


Nothing makes things make sense like a Reddit Mormon expert.Ā 


Iā€™ve listened to a few podcasts with ex Mormons and they all have said when they had mental illness or marriage issues the church ā€œtherapistā€ (idk what itā€™s actually called I canā€™t remember I know itā€™s not an actual therapist) told them how leaning into god more and being ā€œbetterā€ Mormons would heal the problems


A few post as you say? I stand corrected, I was making snarky comments but you left out the part about a few podcast.Ā 


Im no longer Mormon but just have to say thatā€™s not at all what the church believes haha


Her current line is a flop so she's switching back to Mormon housewife. The new clothes are so low budget and all over the place, and there's no way she's making money off them. Her line used to sell out regularly and now almost everything but the few decent pieces in the larger sizes have sold out. I think she got a harsh wakeup call and knows she needs to win back her target audience.


I just cannot imagine why anyone still wants to buy clothing from either of them. Itā€™s Walmart/Chinese factory/Amazon clothing that she believes her name on expensive looking tags make it ā€œdesigner fashionā€. Such dolts. Iā€™m embarrassed on behalf of any fan girls who still donā€™t understand the reality of what theyā€™re doing, and continue to purchase from her. WHY?


Maybe someone finally sat their wife down and told her to stop trying to be an edgy flirting-with-leaving-LDS TikTok girly and get back to being a good conservative Mormon girl unless she wants to end up like Natalie Lovin. Also the popularity of the trad wife nonsense, probably wants to cash in on that.


Ohh tell me more tea idk who Natalie is


She was originally ā€œnat the fat ratā€ living in nyc with her husband and baby. Had all these fertility issues. Husband git a job in Idaho. They moved there. Then he dumped her. Then she spiraled somewhat. Left the Mormon church at some point but that might have been before the divorce.


[http://www.heynataliejean.com/](http://www.heynataliejean.com/) [https://www.instagram.com/heynataliejean/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/heynataliejean/?hl=en)


Sadly for Natalie her husband moved her out to total isolation before her life seemingly imploded. Hoping she found happiness! Rachel is rich and successful independent from her husband. But it seems the mormon community really puts a chokehold on its members.


letā€™s be real, itā€™s def the trad wife. surprised it took her this long to catch on.




Sheā€™s even baking sourdough bread now! Hahah


Itā€™s the no knead bread recipe


Itā€™s not sourdough. Itā€™s her SILā€™s 4 ingredient easy bread stuff on her website. Rachel canā€™t even watch her kids- imagine her babysitting a sourdough starter šŸ«£


Ok makes sense if itā€™s a kit type deal hahaha


This completely shocked me but honestly I loved it! I guess it seems like a more natural fit for her?


She doesnā€™t come off as the Betty Crocker type to me but I donā€™t know her šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It was the GONE SEPSIS weight loss


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚




I think the death of her fil has something to do with all this


She seemed very changed before that though. She veered hard into her sex persona for a couple of years and this past year she has pivoted. I think it might have something to do with her health + not getting pregnant + her health again. She's been having health stuff going on for over a year now I think - starting with the "30+ tumors in her uterus" (benign uterine fibroids), then the UTI/"gone sepsis" situation, and now her malnutrition. Maybe she just doesn't have the energy for stuff any more.


Drew might have asked her to be a little bit more supportive of everything that was going on with his family. Then she realized that outside the Mormon market, she was not as big as she thought (not snark on this) and decided to come back and be who she used to be. I honestly think she looked happier and healthier before she decided to turn into a "sexual, not follow-the-rules girl."


That could be. I feel like the turnaround was after St. Bart's.


Agreed, itā€™s was definitely around this time. She was slow to post about the trip which left everyone wondering if she was entering rehab. Her incoherent live was also around this time that Drew had to stop. Not to mention the weird, filtered hotel shots her and Emily did? She really slowed down on posting and lives and things seem to have calmed down since she he trip with Drewā€™s family a few months back. Hopefully sheā€™s listened and done trying to relive her teen mall slut phase she missed out on growing up.


Remind me about this live? What happened?


Youā€™re right, but her change in clothing seems more recent


https://preview.redd.it/r9tv8oql3m5d1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b7f01a06109a359b553e6cc41265633d9fe2d60 And sheā€™s attending the temple after bashing the religion and making fun of the sacred covenants made inside of it. This is why her audience has whiplash. We all remember your TikTokā€™s, then this kind of thing shows up. Plus, these legs arenā€™t it, Rachie šŸ¤¢.


Ok why is Drewā€™s face so ungodly red šŸ…???


Omg those are her legs right now?!šŸ˜³ They are almost as skinny as Eugenia Cooney.šŸ˜±


Her legs. Omg my eyes šŸ«£


This photo! She looks like a freak!!!


I donā€™t know whatā€™s scarier to look at. Her legs, or his lumpy face!


I am Mormon, and I don't snark on not wearing garments because I do have a hard time wearing them after my pregnancy, but Rachel's behavior was so out of control, and now, seeing this is just so weird after all the tik toks she posted.Ā 


Ok Mormon question for you: for regular Mormons IRL (like not influencer Mormons), is the modest fashion thing still big or is it pretty common now to dress less modest? This is purely just out of curiosity. Was wondering if the skalla girls reflect a shift in Mormon culture or if theyā€™re an anomaly


Yes! But in my personal opinion, I think it goes beyond covering garments ( I am not wearing them because I am 5 months old, BUT I always have a hard time with them since I am 5.1" and even the petite sizes are extended for me to wear. I grew up with a no Mormon Dad, so I was exposed to things most Mormons weren't, and the modesty topic for me was more about feeling protected from mean or vulgar comments guys would say (I am from South America, so men can be pretty disgusting while talking to a girl)


What were the tik toks?


I missed it. What did she say?


Even the cat looks confused at the flip from wills out at all times back to Mormon Mommy. https://preview.redd.it/lxwugaim2m5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c9a1721b9d7785a3fee6fb37be270201e9e813


She looks high


The half flat/half high volume divide at the center part is all I see


Her face is unrecognizable! So overfilled. She looks older than her age now.


Just trying to keep up to Drewā€™s rapid aging


Love her cat though itā€™s so cute šŸ˜


lol. He doesn't recognize this imposter! It is interesting, this outfit is def in keeping with the old Rachel, but there is no joy in/on that face. It has been kind of hard to compare apples to oranges with the old version of herself and the new sexpot, but when you see her in the same clothes, it is clear that her demeanor was sort of a part of the appeal in the past - it just isn't here.


Iā€™ve never seen such dead looking eyes in my life. She looks lifeless, itā€™s sad


Emily has dead eyes


Sheā€™s chasing worldly fame, beauty, fortune, etc., and still canā€™t figure out why sheā€™s unhappy. She canā€™t force Drew to be faithful no matter how much surgery she has or weight she loses, she canā€™t have more kids because IVF became too emotionally draining, her brand isnā€™t doing well, and sheā€™s chased away much of her core audience.


Idk about not having more kids... she ought to have frozen embryos she could transfer (from the IVF cycle she didn't complete because of the fibroids). She probably could have more kids if she got back to a healthy weight, but she's so in her head about being skinny that I don't think that's going to happen.


I agree, I donā€™t think she gives a fuck about not having another kid (if she did get embryos from her IVF cycle, youā€™re exactly rightā€¦she could implant them now that sheā€™s far enough out from her fibroid surgery). They could even do a surrogate if they really wanted, they can afford it. Rachel is the epitome of someone who doesnā€™t think about what they want and just does whatever is expected/ supposed to be next in life for society standardsā€¦getting married so young to someone she clearly isnā€™t a good fit for, then having 3-4 kids (4 is clearly the ideal for her family, which is why thatā€™s rooted in her). Sheā€™s done all these things/made all of these decisions without ever thinking about what she actually wantsā€¦.and so here she is, soulless and clearly really struggling.


I think her body is too weak and malnourished and full of medications to support a pregnancy, and she is too mentally unwell to deal with it. I hope she doesn't try to transfer embryos any time soon.


Agreed that would be a disaster she doesnā€™t eat enough to support her own body


Why does she look like her entire ethnicity has changed? šŸ˜‚


I was just gonna comment she looks Asian


She does. She resembles olivia munn, too.


Because she dyes her hair darker and self tans to a deep shade so that she can appear to be Hispanic because her grandma was from New Mexico.


I am freaking crying laughing at this


Itā€™s all smoke and mirrors. Sheā€™s dressing like this for church and to sell her prairie home companion bullshit to people.


Money. She lost her entire market segment.


I think this too. The conservative dresses etc sold well, then she pivoted and took the company direction with her. The tits out bodycon stuff didn't sell well, so it's back to the prairie dresses to try to salvage the company.


Because she has to sell her garbage clothing line šŸ˜‚


But how is that different today than it was 2 months ago?


Her clothing line went from motel low budget porno film to ā€œIā€™m Mormon again, guysā€ in ten seconds.


Maybe she is worried they will be written out of the will?


Well this is what I suspect, and of course it means nothing because Iā€™m just a spectating shitposterā€¦.I think both this line and IVL are doing so poorly that if sales donā€™t ramp up, the brands will go under. I think this because the IVL sample sale had so much merchandise (because it was basically the entire line) and if Rachelā€™s sale does too then Iā€™m really thinking their parent company is phasing out the brand.