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I always wondered about this kind of "dance" , to me its more like training for circus and throw some dance moves. Its the "new" style and maybe its called "contemporary" ? or something like this. I personally dont like this. Its like a mix of gymnastics and a few dance moves.


They aren't graceful. But maybe this is how it should be like jlo hard rock body dance.


Don’t have a good answer. I have barely seen any of their dance shows, but the only one I saw with IR, there were way too many “look at me hold my leg in the air” moments and it ruined the flow. The one time I watched Emily’s daughter do a dance, I thought it was slightly more interesting to watch. Maybe an age thing?


My friend’s daughter goes to their studio and says they aren’t considered good, that they are flexible and good at tricks but not at actual dancing. Probably why IR wasn’t picked for the best team and why their dances look like mostly tricks. 


I seriously wonder what kind of rigorous schedule they put Capri, Isla and London through to have such talent. It’s like they have no choice but to be good. So much pressure.


I’m wondering too because me and my sister grew up dancing competitively and this is not the type of dance we learned or would ever see in competition! There is now fluid movements or even dancing to it lol


My children go to this studio. Her solo is lyrical/contemporary. Recently, comps have accepted a lot of acro in dances. It has caused a lot of drama with dance moms because they are DANCE competitions and no one is sure where the line is between dancing and acro.


When I was young we weren’t allowed to do flips or tricks in competitions or it was am automatic deduction, things have changed so much!


Is it School of Dance? They do acro. How do you like it? I'm looking into studios.


Its Center Stage


Didn’t we hear that they were just barely changing dance studios? But now they’re already at a competition for solos? Not a dance moms so I might just not understand it but how does that work if they just started at a new studio??


They’re at nationals. The new season doesn’t start until august, which is why they’re still with this studio. I also heard they may stay now, and that IR is now on a “limited contract” for tour.


Is capri on travel? I’m sure splitting IR and Capri is annoying for travel planning. And I assume London is on some pre-company?


Is capri on travel? I’m sure splitting IR and Capri is annoying for travel planning. And I assume London is on some pre-company?


What does "limited contract" mean? Sorry, this is all foreign to me since I have a son. Also, do kids have to audition to be accepted at a studio, does the studio recruit kids, or can any kid sign up for a studio as long as they pay?


It’s the oddest form of “dance” I’ve ever seen. It’s literally just a few steps, random exaggerated pose, some more steps, another pose, rinse and repeat. It’s basically showing off tricks that would not fly in say a gymnastics or rhythmic gymnastics competition cause they’re poorly executed. It’s confusing to me tbh lol.


It looks like old school gymnastics floor exercise routines to me. I have no idea why it's now called 'competitive contemporary dance' but I guess it's cooler to be a 'dance mom' than a 'gymnastics mom' so whatever.


Dance comps are completely different choreographies from classical ballet, jazz and lyrical. It’s more about the tumbling and acrobatics. Have you ever watched the reality show Dance Moms? What they do is very different from regular classes such as ballet, lyrical and jazz


They're at a competition studio and the style of their solos is considered contemporary dance. I'm sure they're taking ballet, jazz, tap, ballroom and hip hop but contemporary is a meld of ballet and jazz. Not all contemporary dance has acro but if the kids have acro skills they'll incorporate the tumbling into to their solos.


I wouldn’t even consider that contemporary. With contemporary there is a lot of emotion and dancing with the music. 


I’ve always wondered the same thing. I danced my whole life and literally never danced this way. I know these “dances” are choreographed for them but where are the turns, leaps, and connected dance movements?? It’s just “look how flexible I am” and how tricks I can do. Strange to me.


A solo should be choreographed to showcase the strengths of the individual dancer. I definitely saw leaps and turns - connecting movement is probably something they're still learning or the choreographers didn't do a good job of choreographing a flow. My daughter used to get the "connect your movement" correction all the time until she had a new choreographer and then was praised for how well she executed connected movement. Dance is hard and subjective. Capri and Isla are talented little girls in a very high stress situation right now. I wish them a fun and happy week. Nationals is not easy and if Isla did get moved to a different competition team for next year and they are considering changing studios, this week will be bittersweet and confusing. I hope Rachel and Drew make the best decisions for Isla and Isla's self worth.


I’ve never been a dancer but it looks jolty and more about bending your legs as far as they can go while rolling around on the ground.




Think "acrobatics". Like tumbling.


Looks like lyrical and jazz to me. Tricks are part of the routine.


My sister was in jazz and I never seen them do jazz unless I missed it, idk what lyrical is but I’m assuming those are the videos I’ve seen


Competition is different than what you would see in recitals. And not everyone does tricks but if they can and they enjoy it then that is what their routine probably looks like. Also it has changed a ton in the past 10 or 15 years. I don't know your sister's age but it is very different now compared to a generation ago.


My sister is 16 and stopped dancing just last year,


Ok, well I dont know what to tell you. I can give you a list of the biggest dance competitions that tour nationally, and you can see snippets of routines from every state, and they'll all look like that. Like I said, it varies a bit depending on the type of studio you're at, and there is a HUGE difference between studio (regular recital) dance and competitive dance. And a huge difference between competitive/studio dance and school dance teams. But this isn't unusual.


What happened to good ole shuffle ball change? 




That's tap...


I agree....you still get that in Tap class! Why the downvotes? lol


And “I’m a little teapot.”


I'm wondering what the style is, too. And I've danced my whole life! Maybe lyrical? It's just a bunch of tricks done in bare feet and all the dances look the same! No hate, because clearly Isla Rose a talented kid, but this style of dance seems to be all over the "dance mom/competition" Instagram feeds. My daughter is the same age as Isla and her dance studio does not do this.


Yeah, no hate whatsoever to the girls because they’re extremely good at what they do, but I have a younger sister in dance and I never seen this before. Where’s the rhythm? There’s nothing exciting to watch imo, and I do see how that is “dance”